Wimbledon (2004) Poster


Paul Bettany: Peter Colt



  • Lizzie Bradbury : [Peter has just snuck into Lizzie's bedroom]  Good thing you didn't get the wrong window.

    Peter Colt : I did, but your dad's a very quick shag.

  • Peter Colt : [Overviewing London with Lizzie]  One day, none of this will be ours.

    [they both laugh] 

  • Lizzie Bradbury : I can't imagine ever wanting to get married.

    Peter Colt : No. No. I mean that's why we love the tour, isn't it? There's always another country, another airport...

    Lizzie Bradbury : Another girl.

    Peter Colt : That's right, Lesley.

    [Lizzie grabs his fingers and bends them back] 

    Peter Colt : Lizzie! I meant Lizzie.

  • member tennis club : Oh look, there's Peter Colt, the new pro. Once ranked 17 in the world

    Peter Colt : ELEVENTH!

    [speaks to self] 

    Peter Colt : Once ranked eleventh in the world

  • Peter Colt : My parents are still together, which proves that love isn't just blind, it's bloody stupid.

  • Mary Carillo : What do you attribute this remarkable run to?

    Peter Colt : Well, I had a bit of luck against Tom Cavendish in the quarters, and I played a more focused game, passionate game... But I suppose the real answer to your question... is... well, love. Really.

    Mary Carillo : Love of the game?

    Peter Colt : Yeah, love of the game... But listen, you may have read about Lizzie Bradbury and myself being... involved, so to speak... but I'd like to take this opportunity to set the record straight. I read the papers this morning, and they seemed to imply that Lizzie had let me down in some way. That's just not the case. The truth is I let her down. I let her down, and for that, I will always be truly sorry. Listen, I'm not in the habit of pouring my heart out on television. Or pouring my heart out at all... forgive me. Lizzie Bradbury... Lizzie is the reason that I'm here today. That's all I really came here to say, so thank you.

    Mary Carillo : Thank you, Peter.

  • Peter Colt : [after seeing Lizzie in shower]  Yes, goodbye, and may I say good body? Luck! Oh, shit! I meant... shit!

    [goes towards a door and opens it] 

    Peter Colt : Ah, lovely kitchen.

    [Lizzie points to other door] 

    Lizzie Bradbury : That way.

  • Peter Colt : Presently ranked 119th in the world. Sport is cruel. Now I know it doesn't sound too bad. Four million tennis players in the world, and I'm 119th. But what that really means is this - 118 guys out there are faster, stronger, better and younger. And it gets you thinking.

  • [last lines] 

    Peter Colt : [voiceover]  Nothing could possibly match that moment. It's everything you wait a lifetime for. That dream finally come true. What else could ever come close? Except this, maybe.

    [Seeing his child playing tennis with Lizzie] 

    Peter Colt : I did take a job at a club, but teaching young kids like my own, not old ladies. And I love it.

    Lizzie Bradbury : I beat you!

    Peter Colt : Rubbish, the ball was in, it was... Ow!

    [His child hits him with a raquet] 

    Peter Colt : [voiceover]  Well most of the time. A part of me was afraid my life would be over if I wasn't playing tennis. The truth is, it was really just beginning. Oh, and by the way, Lizzie did win the US Open. And Wimbledon. Twice.

  • Peter Colt : You really are a wanker!

    Carl Colt : Harsh... but fair.

  • Peter Colt : [he is climbing a wall to get in to Lizzie's room and a dog is barking at him]  I'll jump! Do you want to have that on your conscience?

    [dog quietens] 

    Peter Colt : Thank you.

  • [first lines] 

    Peter Colt : [voiceover]  We all start off in life with a dream, don't we? For a tennis player, it's being in the final of a Grand Slam, Centre Court, a high lob... a smash. Game, set and match. You're a champion. You're number one. But for most tennis players, that's all it ever is: a dream. The reality is another story. My story. Now, you see that good-looking fella? No, no that kid in white, the other tired good-looking fella. Yeah, him. Well, that's me. British Davis Cup, long time ago. Two singles titles, even longer ago. Presently ranked 119th in the world. Sport is cruel. I know it doesn't sound too bad: four million tennis players in the world and I'm the 119th, but what that really means is this: 118 guys out there are faster, stronger, better and younger... and it gets you thinking. These young guys: where do they get the energy, the focus? No fear. The one thing you can't have is fear, and for the first time in my life, I'm afraid. Not of losing. I'm not even afraid of the kid. I'm afraid of what happens if that ball keeps going by me. What happens than?

  • Lizzie Bradbury : I said I love you.

    Peter Colt : See, that's very good news. I thought I was alone in the love department.

    Lizzie Bradbury : Well, turns out you've got company.

  • Dennis Bradbury : Look, Peter, I got nothing against ya personally, you seem like a nice guy and ah...

    Peter Colt : Oh, good.

    Dennis Bradbury : I'm not an idiot, I know Lizzie likes to have her fun, keeps her relaxed, if you were just another easy... Y'know, well that would be one thing but you're not, are you?

    Peter Colt : [hesitates]  As matter of fact, I was incredibly easy.

  • Dieter Prohl : I suppose, in a few thousand years, the English will evolve webbed feet.

    Peter Colt : Yes, just about the same time the first German evolves a sense of humor.

    Dieter Prohl : No, no, no. That's unfair. Many times I make you laugh.

    Peter Colt : No, I'm laughing at you, not with you.

    Dieter Prohl : Ha, ha.

  • Peter Colt : [on the phone]  Lizzy, listen, dont say a word, I was thinking a repeat of the other night; like fish and chips, early to bed... *gasps* Mr Bradbury! Hello... Mr Bradbury?... damn...

  • [Hammond's ball hits the ball boy after an ace] 

    Peter Colt : [thinking]  Oh, you bastard. It's one thing to humiliate me, but you didn't have to mess with the boy. Now, you're going down, you bastard.

    [Hammond serves a few aces] 

    Peter Colt : Or maybe not.

    Chair Umpire : Colt to serve.

  • Peter Colt : Ajay Bhatt, ever heard of him?

    Dieter Prohl : Yeah, yeah, yeah - sitting over here.


    Peter Colt : Oh, my God! Shouldn't he be off discovering masturbation somewhere?

  • Peter Colt : Aren't we gonna have a workout?

    Lizzie Bradbury : I thought we just had one.

    [they've just had sex] 

    Peter Colt : [as they go for a jog]  Now, are you sure about this? I usually do 10 miles.

    Lizzie Bradbury : Why are you running behind me?

    Peter Colt : I'm just enjoying the view.

  • Jake Hammond : I tried to warn you about her. By the way, how's the weak back?

    Peter Colt : It's fine. Thanks. How's the weak mind?

    Danny Oldham : Gentlemen.

    [they walk to the court] 

  • Lizzie Bradbury : Go out there and decide who you are.

    Peter Colt : Who might that be?

    Lizzie Bradbury : It might be a winner.

  • Lizzie Bradbury : My parents got divorced when I was 13. My mom was always on the road trying to become a singer.

    Peter Colt : What went wrong?

    Lizzie Bradbury : She couldn't sing.


  • Peter Colt : [talking about his parents]  It's sad. Everything they used to love in each other now seems to drive them crazy.

  • [Watching TV and Lizzy and Peter See Lizzy's father on Screen] 

    Peter Colt : It's surprising how much that actor looks like your father...

    [realizing it is] 

    Peter Colt : Oh, shit.

    [the camera pans on to the fron of a building] 

    Peter Colt : and how much that building looks like...

    Peter Colt , Lizzie Bradbury : [Realizing]  SHIT!

  • Lizzie Bradbury : Where do you come down on the whole "fooling around before a match" issue?

    Peter Colt : Well, that's a very intriguing question

    Lizzie Bradbury : 'Cause I think a little fooling around can be really good for your game. You know, help you relax.

    Peter Colt : Um, I'm not sure I've done enough reasearch to have a definitive opinion.

    Lizzie Bradbury : That's very sad.

    Peter Colt : Yes, it is, isn't it. It is - very sad. Don't get me wrong: I'm

    [deep breath] 

    Peter Colt : very interested in doing the necessary research. Are you?

    Lizzie Bradbury : I'm interested.

    [walks away] 

    Lizzie Bradbury : Peter?

    Peter Colt : Excellent. We'll research.

    [follows Lizzie] 

  • Dieter Prohl : I... have a new theory of our life of tennis.

    Peter Colt : Tell me.

    Dieter Prohl : Well, it's simple, really. You... hit the ball back over the net, as hard, and as deep... and as often as possible.

    Danny Oldham : Sorry to disturb you, Peter. The Members have invite you to use the number one dressing room.

    Peter Colt : Oh, no, thank you, Danny. I think I'd rather stay here.

    Danny Oldham : Right. That's what I told 'em you'd say.

    Dieter Prohl : Good luck, my friend.

  • Peter Colt : I'm not afraid, I'm old!

  • Lizzie Bradbury : Having a tough day?

    Peter Colt : Well, you know, disastrous.

  • Peter Colt : [Lizzie's father is watching a replay of her losing match to find the fault in her game]  She's dropping her arm too soon after the toss.

  • Peter Colt : I thought you'd gone.

    Lizzie Bradbury : Me too. Having a tough day?

    Peter Colt : Oh you know, disastrous.

    Lizzie Bradbury : Except for the fact you didn't go gooey when the ballboy got hit.

    Peter Colt : Yeah. Sorry.

    Lizzie Bradbury : Why are you British apologizing all the time? Don't apologize to me, I love you. Apologize to all the fans out there who are rooting for you.

    Peter Colt : What did you say?

    Lizzie Bradbury : I said all those people...

    Peter Colt : No, before that.

    Lizzie Bradbury : I said I love you.

    Peter Colt : Well that's very good news. I thought I was all alone in the love department.

    Lizzie Bradbury : It turns out you've got company.

  • Peter Colt : What do you think makes her so extraordinary?

    Ron Roth : No embarrassment, no fear. She makes a decision, she goes for it. All pistons firing. It's a turn-on for the rest of us, cause, most of the time, let's face it, we're all scared shitless.

  • Peter Colt : Fuck a duck.

  • Peter Colt : [voice over]  So, this is it. This is the end. This is what it looks like. 1,000 balls a day, 300 days a year, for 25 years. Six million balls! And it all ends here. At two in the afternoon on Court 17, while they're over on centre court screaming for the latest Russian teenage beauty.

  • Peter Colt : [the ballboy gives Peter his racquet]  Thanks. I'll be needing that.

  • Peter Colt : [voiceover]  Nothing could possibly match that moment. It's everything you wait in a lifetime for. That dream finally came true. What else could ever come close?

  • Betting Shop Girl : Can I take your picture?

    Peter Colt : No, you bloody can't!

    Betting Shop Girl : Digital!

  • Lizzie Bradbury : You're doing so great, you just have to...

    Peter Colt : ...Keep winning.

    Lizzie Bradbury : So keep winning!

  • Peter Colt : [Rising from his chair to play a match that Peter is almost sure he will lose]  Right then.

  • Lizzie Bradbury : But I need you to go...

    Peter Colt : No you need me to stay.

  • Edward Colt : Remember I always told you that tennis was a gentleman's game?

    Peter Colt : Yeah.

    Edward Colt : Total bollocks. Everything I ever told you. Total bollocks.

  • Ian Frazier : Peter's got himself a wild card at Wimbledon. We're hoping he'll hang his racket here at the club.

    Peter Colt : Well, we'll see.

    Sylvia Littlejohn : We shall look forward to giving you a peek at our ground strokes. Won't we ladies?

  • Peter Colt : Please don't go.

    Lizzie Bradbury : [grabs a banana]  Why? Because you need to screw me before the finals?

    Peter Colt : Is that what you think? That's why you think I'm here?

    Lizzie Bradbury : It's not? Really, Peter? Not even just a little bit?

  • Ron Roth : I would kill for another dozen of those - what do you call the - those little - cucumber sandwiches?

    Peter Colt : Cucumber sandwiches.

    Ron Roth : You Brits got a name for everything.

  • Peter Colt : I hear that this is your first Wimbledon and you're going to go all the way.

    Lizzie Bradbury : Every chance I get.

  • Lizzie Bradbury : [Peter crawling into Lizzie's bed]  I've missed you, Peter Peter Colt.

    Peter Colt : You have?

    Lizzie Bradbury : But I need you to go.

    Peter Colt : No, you need me to stay.

    Lizzie Bradbury : Peter.

    Peter Colt : Lizzie, people have fallen in love before, you know.

    Lizzie Bradbury : Oh, is that what we're doing here?


  • Peter Colt : So, these are the wild streets of my youth: the drugs, the sex, the milkshakes.

  • Lizzie Bradbury : Ronnie!

    Ron Roth : There she is.

    Lizzie Bradbury : How're they hanging?

    Ron Roth : Fine. And yours?

    Lizzie Bradbury : Fine. Who's your new friend?

    Ron Roth : You haven't met?

    Lizzie Bradbury : Hi, I'm Lizzie.

    Peter Colt : Peter. Peter Colt.

    Lizzie Bradbury : The Peter Peter Colt?

  • Dieter Prohl : Congratulations, my friend.

    Peter Colt : Thank you, but I think my countrymen hate me.

    Dieter Prohl : WHAT?

    Peter Colt : I just destroyed their best hopes of winning a championship.

    Dieter Prohl : Ah ridiculous, everyone loves a winner.

    Peter Colt : Everybody but the Brits!

  • Dorchester Doorman : An Englishman in the final, fantastic. If you could win that cup, sir, we'd all be so proud.

    Peter Colt : I'll do my best.

    Dorchester Doorman : And I don't even like tennis.

See also

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