Killjoy 2: Deliverance from Evil (Video 2002) Poster

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Hell For My Eyes and Mind: Part 2
TravisBalboa16 September 2003
Warning: Spoilers
One day I thought to myself....what is the worst possible thing that could happen today? I answered my self with a simple," Oh, it already happened. I rented Killjoy/Killjoy 2" on DVD. Well, what is there to say? The budget was not large enough to rent a police uniform, the movie cuts out sex scenes and death scenes. There is one funny line that I can remember, and the acting is far worse than the first one. There seems to be no lighting on the "set" (the woods somewhere) and the killer clown known as Killjoy (who makes Leprechaun look like The Exorcist)is less than spectacular. This time, he is not portrayed by Angel Vargas and is completely changed as a character from a crazy irritating clown to a different kind of crazy irritating clown that says "CHILD" a lot. Somewhere between Freddy Krueger and a blade of grass... lies this version of Killjoy. Somewhere between a pile of dirt and a pile of s---t lies Killjoy 2. It's badness is underrated. This movie does not have any redeeming qualities, except the song at the very end over the credits... which at leas provides some enjoyment. Killjoy 2 is not even really a movie, so much as an exercise in tension. Killjoy 1 is at least good enough to be considered as the worst movie I have ever seen. MINOR SPOILER######### Let me describe one of the supernatural kill scenes. A girl is locked in a wood shed of some sort (maybe an outhouse?) when Killjoy peers in through a hole. He has some small chattering teeth (like the ones you can buy at Spencer's Gifts) and he does something with them (maybe winds them up?!). Then he holds them in his hands and says a terrible line (which can't be written on IMDB). From what I gather of this scene (not from what is shown by the movie) the teeth went into the outhouse and killed the girl in some interesting, but unshown way, and then came back to Killjoy. If I were those teeth I would have run. Run far from Killjoy so he could never ever get his hands on me again. Killjoy 2 is hopefully the last Killjoy we will have to endure. Even as a fan of movies others would say are very bad, I think that this "film" could unify the human race and create world peace if it were promised that this film and anything reminding us of it would be destroyed. I give it 2/10 - simply because the creators succeeded at making the pictures move.
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Killed all my joy
jewbo2314 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I have never seen the first Killjoy film, and I have also never heard a good thing said about it. So I see Killjoy 2 in the local Blockbusters and pick it up and look at the back. Starring Trent Haaga and Debbie Rochon it boasts. Now being the massive Troma fan that I am there is no way I'm not going to rent this film out, how can it possibly be bad with these two in it? Oh how wrong I was. Even Trent and Debbie cant save this excuse of a film from being as bad as it truly is. Trent quite frankly stinks as Killjoy although this probably is more the fault of the writers giving him some of the worst one-liners in the history of film. Debbie does put a solid performance in but it isn't enough. The kills are terrible as are the gore effects. For example check out when the guy is supposedly impaled on something or other. And just to top it all off the ending is just amongst the worst I have ever seen in movie history. The film doesn't even work on a so bad it's good level. Avoid like the clap.

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Bed, Bath, and Beyond the grave
nogodnomasters5 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The main characters are introduced by reading their rap sheet. A group of youthful offenders are being transported in a van to a work site 200 miles away. They start out in the morning and by night fall they still haven't arrived. The van breaks down and they go for help.

After a mishap, they come across a house of a woman versed in the black arts. One of the offenders tells us the story of Killjoy, then he somehow arrives at the scene.

The characters in this film are stiff. Killjoy is overly animated with cliche "Freddy" style lines. His humor is the sole attraction of the film, which makes it slightly better than the first feature, but not as good as the third one.

Parental Guide: F-bombs, no sex, no nudity.
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Hang that clown high
srobi28024 April 2006
Killjoy 2 is the same as killjoy 1. Bad acting, bad characters, annoying clown, bad lines, you name it. Honestly, I'm not all that surprised that more people haven't seen this movie. The only reason I watched Killjoy 2 is because I wanted to think that the filmmakers learned from their mistakes. They didn't. This movie is just as bad, if not worse, than the first one. That clown.... that goddamn clown.... I hate him! I hate him so much! And I don't hate him because he is a good villain... I hate him because he is annoying beyond belief! I hope that the filmmakers realized after trying and failing again that this movie is unrepairable. The last thing we need is a Killjoy 3.
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this movie really is a Killjoy..
James_Storm3418 January 2005
I really don't know why I agreed to watch this movie, but like a complete fool I did and for that I deserve to be shot! I had seen the original Killjoy, well I say I have seen it.... I started watching it but found it that bad that I ended up watching it in 4x speed to get it over with and get rid of the annoying dialogue, but I said I would watch it and I did even if it was in 4x speed.

To cut a long story short Killjoy 2 kicks off where Killjoy left off. By this i don't mean the plot, I mean the complete and total bag of dirt known as acting and cheapness. I have nothing against low budget movies, in fact I kinda enjoy them, they are something different from Mega budget blockbusters, but this film is just terrible! The acting is diabolical and the script... well i think you could of given Stevie Wonder a pen and paper, and he would of produced something much better! This movie is just annoying, not to mention the annoying laugh the clown has which is so obviously dubbed! I didn't make it through this movie anyway, about three quarters of the way through it was time to turn it off and throw it through the window. It may of been a rip off to buy as a DVD but as a frisbee it was a mega bargain!

Please for the love of mankind itself DO NOT watch this muck, it is possibly the worst thing I have ever seen and considering some of the muck I've seen thats saying a lot!

My rating on this movie would be.... Nailgun to the head/10
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Almost as bad as the first one
TheLittleSongbird1 June 2012
Just for the record, I hated the first Killjoy. It was lame, cheesy, cheaply made, unscary, annoying and very unoriginal(anybody else get reminded of Stephen King's It?). This sequel is just as bad, but apart from some sequences that has cinematography that even a faulty mobile phone could've done better, it is not as cheap to look at. But it has everything I hate still about the first Killjoy. Killjoy himself is incredibly annoying rather than creepy, complete with cheesy lines(I hate sloppy seconds? *groan*) and lame killings, plus you can tell often that the film did not know what to do with him. The rest of the acting is next to non-existent, and they are not helped by clichéd characters, mind-numbingly embarrassing dialogue and a limply paced and unsurprising story that relies on cheap, predictable scares and no thrills. So all in all, a sequel that manages to be just as bad as its predecessor. 1/10 Bethany Cox
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Tears of a clown
Dr. Gore18 May 2003
Warning: Spoilers

This one was odd because I was actually interested in the movie up until the moment Killjoy showed up. Once the demonic clown was in the picture, the movie didn't know what to do with him and limped along until the end. Wayward teens head to the woods and get stranded. Through a series of events, Killjoy is summoned and proceeds to do a lot of goofy, uninteresting things.

The main problem with this movie, and the whole series, is that Killjoy is not funny. He is annoying and his kills are lame. I never could figure out exactly what his powers are. He seems to be able to do just about anything. He is the master of all matter.

So he shows up, does his stuff and then they don't know how to get rid of him. The ending is ultra weak and the movie comes to a screeching halt. The clown made me cry.
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Killjoy, yeah, Killjoy 2
barnthebarn8 March 2009
There is a fantastic song in Killjoy 2 that goes on about how clowns are usually really nice and fun but Killjoy is a killer. I don't recall the song in the first movie but when singer Olimpia Fernandez sings 'Killjoy, yeah Killjoy 2' is sounds like the 2 may have been added in for this dire sequel. The film is much worse than the first movie and that was really bad. This time the cast, including the usually excellent Debbie Rochon have given up trying and director Tammi Sutton creates no tension and presents merely a dull and steady film. Full Moon pictures produced this during their 'Urban' phase, none of which was very good but none so bad as here.
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Worst than the first
shaqkobelakers8719 January 2002
Both Killjoy 1 and Killjoy 2 stunk, but the first was better. The special effects in this movie were not special at all. Even though the killings were better in this installment, they were not anything to brag about. One thing that was worse in part 2 were the characters. They changed emotions suddenly, and some of their lines were just dumb. For instance one character quoted, " You better have some R.E.S.P.E.C.T. or you'll find out what is means to me." Once I heard that line I figured it was of the worst I've ever heard. Another thing that I hated about this movie was the fact it was too short. A successful movie has to go more than one hour and twenty minutes, like Killjoy 2. If Full Moon makes part 3 of Killjoy, that would be stooping to the lowest level they can possibly go. Overall, 1 of 10.
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The worst film I have ever seen
elvisp2729 April 2002
I am sorry but this is the worst film I have ever seen in my life. I cannot believe that after making the first one in the series they were able to get a budget to make another. Not that the budget could have been much - this is the least scary film I have ever watched and laughed all the way through to the end (actually I can't believe we watched it to the end) but I think it is because we couldn't quite believe it.
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Killjoy 2: Deliverance From Suckville
kaliluva49513 April 2002
This movie sucked! The first one was way better. No one from the first has returned in this dumb sequel and in some way that is a good thing because of the bad acting but the characters in this film are not even better. Killjoy in the woods? Come on! Give me a break! I'm suprised killjoy's friend the Blair Witch didn't show up to make a cameo. Bad acting, bad story and just plain out silly and boring. DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME!
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breathlesschester19 May 2004
My friends and I truly enjoyed this one!! Killjoy has been much improved!! Trent Haaga pops up in the strangest and most unlikely movies sometimes. For the genre and budget this was a darn fine flick. Kudos to the kiddies who made it and their effort. Genre inside genre fun. Much better than the first film. A good example of what can be done with seemingly no money and probably little time and resources. This is a great film for pizza and smokin' out with friends on a lazy or crazy Friday night. There should be more urban horror films made and out there for our guilty pleasures. We also suggest "The Horrible Dr. Bones,""Cryptz," and "The Vault."

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When Did A Clown Killing People Become So Un-fun?
EdYerkeRobins19 January 2002
With the release of "Killjoy 2: Deliverance From Evil", Big City Pictures has taken another major step as a film company, and released its first sequel (and, at the same time, experienced its first "sophomore slump"). Unfortunately, the film has lost what made the first one so entertaining with uneven pacing and the loss of Angel Vargas as Killjoy.

"Killjoy 2" begins, in a pretty typical film fashion, with introduction of the characters and setup of the situation. Unfortunately, this drags greatly, making the first 40 minutes of the film seem like useless filler, particularly since only one of these specific details has any relevance to the later plot (and even this is just a one-time dialogue reference). Once Killjoy makes his appearance at around the 35-40 minute mark (of a 72 minute film?!), the film quickly becomes a mad-dash to kill off all the characters, which, in total contrast to the unnecessarily drawn-out first half, is rushed and oversimplified. Sadly, the film never catches up to its own speed, and ends rather abruptly, and the final battle with Killjoy was VERY unsatisfying since it was just as rushed as the rest of the second half and looked barely thought out (it just screams anti-climactic!). I was surprised to learn that the original "Killjoy" was also only 72 minutes long, because, unlike this one, it didn't seem that short, and I wasn't thinking "That's IT?!" when the credits hit. There wasn't even a sequel tease!

I loved Killjoy's character in the first film, but it wasn't until I saw the sequel that I truly appreciated why. Angel Vargas really gave Killjoy a character in the first film. This Killjoy is given none of the funny ghetto-slang one-liners that Vargas was able to deliver so well (sure, the lines were cliche, but he had the whiny, clown-type voice to make them work!), and, although this Killjoy has learned some new "tricks" in his kills, he doesn't look like he has as much fun with them as Vargas' Killjoy did. Not to mention that Vargas is also built like a clown, and in appearance was strongly reminiscent of Batman's famous arch-nemesis The Joker, whereas the new Killjoy looks and sounds like an everyday thug that just happens to be dressed like a clown.

I didn't enjoy "Killjoy 2" as much as I did the original, however I could see that it has improved in some areas (although those changes don't make up for the changes for the worse that I have written about, nor are they enough to make it "worthwhile" to mainstream fans of "real films"). I would recommend it as a rental to fans of the original, but would humbly suggest that if there is another sequel, that Vargas be brought back as Killjoy so that the film becomes fun again.
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Little better than the first one (little spoilers)
geoffrey30015 April 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Suburban kids meet the forest. Killjoy is better in this part. He is more wicked and stronger as well. Nevertheless, most part of the acting is bad as well, like in the first one. Sometimes the characters say things to each other that do not make sense and are not convincing. I made an error to watch this one sober. You'll probably enjoy it more if you are not ;-). If you did not already stop loving clowns after the first movie, you definitely will after the second.....;-)

Problem kids and their watchers are on their way to a camp in the forest. And what a coincidence, their car broke right in the middle of a forest night? That's just their luck. They find a house and one got shot, one of the watchers stays behind (why I do not know) and the rest eventually finds another house. In that house a voodoo priestess lives.....but she is not responsible for the resurrection of Killjoy. Who is it then? Well, you better watch the movie and find out for yourselves....
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typical sequel
musiclover111116 July 2010
Typical in that its worse than the original, I mean they didn't even bother to get killjoy to look the same. Somehow the acting was worse. The casting people must have been hard up for actors cause they casted a guy who is clearly a flamboyant homosexual to play a straight guy who asks one of the cops about her panties, or maybe he just wanted to wear them, I don't know, it was just a horrible line and acting job to go with the rest of the movie. There's more I could say, but it would be a waste to type, but if you have a little over an hour to kill one day, just remember this title and pick something else. Maybe Part 3 will be better, but probably not, or it could be like Nightmare on elm street, 2 didn't have to be made and 3 is probably the best one...Heres hoping.
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Second worst movie ever!
3-D22 August 2002
...the first? Killjoy 1. But here's the review of Killjoy 2:

(contains spoilers, so beware readers)

Oh my. Oh, my, my, my. I'll start off with telling you that I had no hopes in the least bit that this movie would be good. Considering that Killjoy (the first movie) is without a doubt the worst movie ever made, the sequel didn't have much promise.

As expected, it didn't deliver.

The deaths were even lamer than in the first movie. There was absolutely no eye candy whatsoever, and every single prop looked so fake that I wouldn't be surprised if they had a kindergarten class make them.

Look, I don't even know where to begin. Hm, for starters, the movie wasn't even feature length. It was only an hour and eight minutes long (68 min.), but then again, ending it early was actually a reprieve. In fact, that's the only reason that this movie wasn't as bad as the first, because the first was longer.

Usually, I don't give spoilers in reviews, but since I don't want any of you to go through the torture of watching this waste of film, I'm going to spoil away. Not that there's much to spoil.

Let's start with the ending. KILLJOY IS THE PUSSIEST KILLER EVER. It takes explosions, firebombs, guns, etc. to kill all of the normal serial killers in horror movies. Guess what it took to kill Killjoy? A F***ING GLASS OF WATER. No lie. In the end, a girl picked up a cup of water and threw the water on Killjoy's face. Then Killjoy started screaming, and they tried to make it look like his face was melting by putting dried rubber cement on his forehead. Then he laid there, and the people went to sleep.

Now let's hit the acting. VERY TERRIBLE. Not even one person was believable in the least bit. I don't even know what to say, other than it looks like they just hired a few hobos living on the streets to act in this film.

Seriously, I honestly doubt that they spent any more than 100 dollars total to make this movie. They had nothing. Most of it took place in the woods, which wouldn't have cost them anything to film on. The actors weren't giving in any effort whatsoever, so it's blatant that they were probably "working" for free. They didn't have any kind of special effects or nice props, and they probably used ketchup for the blood. Hell, who am I kidding? They probably didn't even spend 100 dollars. They probably spent $3.29 on a bottle of ketchup and that was it. A f**kin' movie made with a budget of $3.29.

For Bob's sake, they couldn't even afford to rent a cop uniform. In the end, after Killjoy dies, the girl wakes up and says "Where is he?" and the main woman replies, "He's gone." Then, suddenly, some fat goofy guy with scars on his face pops out of nowhere with a cell phone saying "You have a phone call." The girl answers and says "Oh, hi mom!" and smiles. Then the fat goofy guy walks along to reveal that it's a police officer. However, he's wearing khaki pants, and a regular button up green shirt, with a lame badge on the front pocket. Hell, it was probably the badge that the director got when he was in safety patrol in 3rd grade. Then they all got into a tan blazer and drove off as the credits rolled. They couldn't even get a police cruiser so they just got a tan blazer. F**kin' lame. Killjoy didn't even have the ice cream van that he had in the first movie.

Killjoy is without a doubt the most flamboyantly gay slasher EVER. If there was a slasher that wore hot pink spandex and carried a rainbow flag, he STILL would not be as gay as Killjoy. Killjoy isn't funny either (and believe me, he DID try to be).

The only good thing about this movie is an extremely lame threat given by one of the delinquents. Somebody makes a comment to some boy about not passing third grade, to which the boy responds, "I'll show you third grade!" in a threatening manner. That has to be the absolute worst threat that I've ever heard. "I'll show you third grade!"

This movie doesn't even work on a "so bad, it's good" level. It's filth. Unless you did something bad, and you are feeling so guilty about it that you want to punish yourself severely, DON'T watch this movie.

Just remember; if a flaming homosexual clown with a huge black afro tries to bore you to death with gay jokes (and attempt to kill you at the same time), just throw some water at him. Case closed.

FINAL RATING: .1 out of 10
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More trash to add to the list.
Chainsaw Slasher2 July 2002
I really hope the makers of these "movies" read these reviews so that they know that people just dont want their movies. They are just trash and an embarrassment to the killer clown genre of horror. whether or not this was better than the first doesn't matter cause theyre both just plain terrible. I'm surprised they didn't learn their lesson from the first movie. Stop Now!! Warning to horror movie watchers, DONT WATCH, RENT OR LOOK AT THE BOXES OF "URBAN" HORROR FILMS, AND ABOVE ALL, DON'T BUY THEM!!!!
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If you're looking for a low budget bad clown horror movie to kill time, these are for you.
kevin_robbins19 May 2021
I caught Killjoy 2 on Tubi yesterday as part of their free movies. This movie delivers Killjoy catching a group of juveniles as they are being transported across the country when their carrier van breaks down. The Killjoy series relies on Killjoy's antics and one liners and him killing a bunch of mediocre to bad actors. The script is always dreadful but the movies are fun for those who like bad movies, with an emphasis on bad. These movies remind me of a poor man's leprechaun. Overall this is a 3/10 and about as good as the first movie; however, this series is good enough for me to keep watching them. This isn't a movie or series I'd recommend, per se, even for diehard fans of horror. But if you're looking for a low budget bad clown horror movie to kill time, these are for you.
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Alot better than the first!!
Lando_Hass17 June 2002
Killjoy 2 surpasses the first movie by just a little bit.The stuff that improved in here was the acting,the Killjoy make-up,and story.This one is more of a gore fest,it doesnt have the supernatural elements like the first one did.In this installment,Killjoy kills his victims in more normal ways,he doest set them on fire,and he doesnt shoot them with bullets that were in his mouth.The only thing I didnt like about this movie,was that the ending was a little half assed,in fact it was half assed,they killed Killjoy in a very cheap way.I would strongly recommend this to anyone who like horror movies.Seriously,the first movie was good,but the second is better.9 out of 10.
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Who says sequels can't be better than the original?
kosmasp30 August 2018
To be fair, I don't think there is many who'd take the Original over this, not because this is a great sequel, but just because the first Killjoy was kinda bad. This takes it up a notch and it achieves more than its predecessor. There are some nice effects (the first one had some poor mans techniques in it) and it is quite gory. It loses the nudity on the other hand (not that that should really play a role in your enjoyment of this movie).

The Killjoy character is kinda nice, but this time around you might even like the people he is "hunting". Let's say there is more soul ere (ripe for taking) and not just number wise, but also quality wise.
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Actually better than the first one
labng9 December 2020
I'm a devoted horror freak. I like to be able to store my movies on a shelf instead of in a cloud and I still like real libraries, too. So I saw a very cheap Killjoy I, II, III dvd. Since I hadn't seen any of them. I felt it would be dishonorable to the genre if I skipped it. Probably only other horror goobers need bother. I'll let you know about III when I do.
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Not Scary, but Very Entertaining!
The Creeper15 January 2002
Full Moon Pictures Delivers another Pure Pleasure with a Sequel to a Very Excellent Original. It's not Really meant to be a Scary Film. It is just Supposed to be Funny (Look at The Cover) and Entertaining. And it Completely does these Things. Also, Very good Acting and Script make the Film that much more Better to see. I Would Recommend this Movie to Anyone over the Age of 18. It can Satisfy Horror and Comedy Fans. I give this Masterpiece Sequel a 9 out of 10. Fans of this Should Enjoy Movies from the "Puppet Master" Series, which is Done by Full Moon Pictures as well.
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A step up from part 1
BHorrorWriter16 January 2002
If you were to read my review of Killjoy, you would see that I clearly loathed that film.

I heard the sequel was in production, and was extremely leery. Charles Band has made probably some of the worst movies over the last 6 years, since Full Moon separation from Paramount, Killjoy was one of them. So, Killjoy 2 goes into production...Okay, I'm a sucker for sequels...I'll check it out!

Well, then I heard that one of my new favorite actresses, Debbie Rochon, would be staring, and after her superb role in Witchouse 3...I was willing to give it a try. I mean, J.R. Bookwalter executive producing, Tempe Entertainment had a hand in the production, first time director, Tammi Sutton, who has done many things or Full Moon and Tempe. Douglas Snauffer, writer of Witchouse 2 was writing this one...I was much more comfortable going into this sequel.

Okay, the opening scene...I have a feeling it was intentional that it played like a really bad episode of Cops...I can see that being dreamed up by J.R. Bookwalter...That seems to be his sense of humor (which love him or hate him for it...He is a genius Gurellia film maker).

So then we go into the "Wild Bunch" role call scene...We learn who all our characters are, and why they are being punished, and sent to this camp to restore a juvenile home. The lovely Debbie Rochon...I just had to stick that in there...The lovely Debbie Rochon. I hated the outfit she had to wear in this film--that hat! Eck! I under stand that was her character, though.

The unusal horror movie cliches commence: Bad Ass black guys swear and make sexual jokes--all too often, The van breaks down, the cell phone doesn't work, we end up at a redneck womans home (Tammi Sutton), We have a conflict with the redneck woman...I mean the cast is all black except Lilly the redneck, Debbie Rochon, and Trent Haaga, the guy in the Killjoy costume. Soooo, we have a shot out, we stumble onto a Voodoo womans home (sporting, what looks like the same dress worn in Witchouse 2 and 3), and then Killjoy comes, killing happen, and then we have a happy ending...

Regardless of all the cliches, corny and unbelieveable dialog, and silly predictable characters, The movie is much better than the first!

I really did not like the score...The music was not on key with the action, and seemed to change the mood of the film. Trent Haaga was a much better Killjoy than Angel Vargas in the first. However, I don't feel he was able to explore the character too much.

I loved the fact this movie was filmed mostly outdoors...there was alot of action, not the typical " 6 kids trapped in a castle, or haunted house" scenario that Full Moon has been good for lately. Since Tempe has been helping produce for Full Moon, the films have been a little better! I am hoping since Danny Draven and Darkwave films has taken over production, they will be the same...He has a good eye for directing and producing.

Anyway, Killjoy 2 was far better than the first, but still not strong enough to be all that fantastic of a film. It has strong elements, and much more going on than the first film, but it just wasn't tight enough to make it better than say, Witchouse 3 or Witchouse 2 for that matter!

6.5 out of 10
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lukem-5276020 March 2019
I know these are horrendous low budget straight to video/dvd trash but at least the first Killjoy film was fun with a better Clown & a cool urban setting but this sequel had a terrible clown in a different but worse costume & the worst acting I've ever seen & I've seen alot of low budget B-movies lol The whole cool idea was that killjoy was an urban supernatural killer clown killing in the hood so pointlessly they put him in the woods for this terrible sequel so that urban aspect is also lost & that was the whole reason people liked the first film including myself!!! Really terrible pointless sequel. Stick to the fun first film
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