Sheep in the Big City (TV Series 2000–2023) Poster


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This comedy could have benefited from more, well... comedy.
arc_a200719 March 2009
Sheep in the Big City is a strange show. I remember loving it when I was younger and only a handful of episodes were shown on constant repeat, but now that I look at it as a whole, I can easily see its flaws. I can easily see why it was canceled. For those of you who don't know, Sheep in the Big City was a contestant in a contest Cartoon Network held a few years ago. Different animation studios would send in short episodes of their proposed show and users would vote to decide which one would be made into a series. And it's as if the creators of Sheep never intended to win. When the series begins, things quickly become formulaic.

In every episode, General Specific tries to capture Sheep for his sheep-powered ray-gun. (What does he need a ray-gun for anyway? The show never explains.) Anyway, interspersed between every three-part capture sheep plot are "commercials" that poke fun at pop culture. These actually are funny, for the most part. But the show's main sense of humor comes from taking figures-of-speech, sayings, etc. literally. These are pretty juvenile at best, when they're not being glaringly obvious (One example is a man saying "I'm not a doctor but I play one on the TV", followed by him jumping around on a TV set, shouting "I'm a doctor! I'm playing on the TV!"). And would you believe the most hilarious moment of this series comes in the pilot episode? The characters are going about their business when a cute and saccharine little girl asks them to help find her sheep. One of the characters then proceeds to grab her by the head and nonchalantly fling her over their shoulder. If this kind of outrageous, unexpected humor had been used more often, who knows how it could have improved the show.

But as it is, Sheep in the Big City has too few moments of good humor and falls prey to its own plot. It probably sounds like I hate this show, but I don't. As I mentioned earlier, I loved this when I was younger, but now that I've watched the entire series through twice, its flaws are all too obvious.
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This Show Rocks!
AllenTehAwesome8 August 2008
All the literal, dry humor, the breaking of the fourth wall, the random bits thrown in for no reason. There is nothing unlikable about this show. If you dislike this show, you probably hate all happiness and just wish the whole world would be as miserable as you.

But I say No Thank You, Sir. I live in a world of joy and happiness, and that is why I love this show.

This show was the best thing to ever happen to Cartoon Network. It was the last truly funny Cartoon Cartoon developed, and it can be summarized in one word: Awesome. But there is a requirement for lines of text in a review, so I will use a few other words: Joyous, Delightful, A Godsend, Beautiful, Wonderful, and was all around the light of my life from ages 10-12, before it was coldly taken from me with little to no chance of a DVD release.
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One of the best cartoons ever.
shobhnaguerin23 June 2006
This is definitely the best cartoon series that I have ever seen. Side-splitting till the end credits, it shocks and amazes with its simplicity yet its satiric wit. Every character is hilarious and lovable, but I have to say that my favorite character is definitely the Angry Scientist, with his broken English and hunched shoulders and over-the-top devices to help General Specific catch Sheep.

Lovely lovely show. I wish Cartoon Network brought it back. Or at least put it on DVD. I would be the first one to buy it, no matter what the price.

Mo Willems, if by some blind luck you're reading this, please consider selling the episodes of the show on DVD, even if it's only through your website. I love this show so much and would give an arm and a leg to have the episodes.
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Great show!
tailspower530 September 2001
As described above, Sheep In The Big City is a great show. It really brings back the humor that's been missing SO long in cartoons nowadays...that of the silly, not-making-sense kind, not of the stereotyped juvenile kind like Nick dishes out on their network. It brings back great memories of Rocky and Bullwinkle...add to that a great cast of characters, interesting storylines, a cute sheep as the hero of the show, and humorous "commercials" in-between the show's chapters akin to Ren & Stimpy, and you got yourself one of the best cartoons on Cartoon Network. It's a shame they only play it once a week...
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Smart bombs were Dating then they got engaged :D
rock_rishab5 June 2009
Its something of nothing.... but its something....

the show is based on moronic, literals and crazy elements that make it all the better, it is not for people who are looking for purpose, it is pure and mindless fun. But its not all mindless at all times, it is quite witty and humorous. This show is not for little kids as it has a lot of elements in them which they may not be able to grasp. But for an adult who is a little off and had a bad day or just wants to get away, then this is an answer. Just sit back and relax and enjoy the nothingness from jokes like naming people "Private Public" to "Major Hazard" which is literally their job also. To having dumb Sultans who let even dumber guards to play catch with his most precious diamond :D even the commercials were a riot.... Oxymoron:- Bowling with the power of an OX {baaaaaa, ting ti ting ting } And his name was Ang-ree Scientist, Agn-ree not MAD .... lolz
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Hardly sheep out of water
TheLittleSongbird29 September 2017
Enjoyed 'Sheep in the Big City' as a kid, it was very funny, silly and charming with a lead character that endeared and amused, even if the animation was not quite to my taste and occasionally the humour went over my head. Seeing it as an adult, not only does 'Sheep in the Big City' fare even better but it was a show where the humour and concept were easier to understand.

'Sheep in the Big City' is sadly very much underrated now, especially when at the same there were longer-lasting and more popular shows airing more regularly. It may not be for everyone's taste, particularly if one likes more variety to their plots and beautiful animation, but it did deserve to last much longer than it did and deserves to be better known other than another relatively obscure (thank goodness for good old Youtube) show. Although not a Cartoon Network show strictly speaking, 'Angela Anaconda' lasted longer and had higher ratings when it aired on Cartoon Network in the UK in 2000 when 'Sheep in the Big City' first aired, plus aired at more accessible times, which is sad because 'Sheep in the Big City' was the significantly better show (actually being good).

The way 'Sheep in the Big City' was treated by Cartoon Network may have played a large part in the show not as successful as it deserved, with its troubled cancellation and revival history (it even almost didn't get a second season!). Although the pilot was well viewed, actually the highest rated premiere of any Cartoon Network original show at the time, ratings dwindled from my understanding. Which would have been partly because there was stiff competition of shows also airing, back when 'Dexter's Laboratory', 'Courage the Cowardly Dog', 'Cow and Chicken', 'Ed, Edd and Eddy' and 'The Powerpuff Girls' were airing on a regular basis and when the network was not just good but actually watchable (now it has the odd gem but has declined severely with a lot of the frequently aired shows being dross). And also the show's erratic scheduling which practically buried it amidst everything else airing, being aired (when first appearing in the summer vacation of 2000) either when families wouldn't be stuck indoors or around the children's bedtime period. It deserved much better treatment than that.

By all means, 'Sheep in the Big City' wasn't the perfect show. While it is colourful and more detailed, some of the pointy visuals are still not quite to my taste. There are times too where the show is a little formulaic and could have done with more variety and a few of the stories went a little overboard on the strangeness.

However, these are the only criticisms and they are not big ones. The stories a vast majority of the time are really entertaining with a clever satiric edge and an imaginative structure that was unlike any other Cartoon Network show airing at the time. Things that are deliberately unrelated could have been completely irrelevant but are used and written so cleverly and so seamlessly put together it adds to the fun and is what makes the show as unique as it is. Pacing is always lively.

Really like the characters. My childhood memories of Sheep being an endearing and funny protagonist still stand as a young adult. He is very cute but has a personality that makes him so much more than that, 'Sheep in the Big City' does a great job with making him an intelligent but flawed character and with the "sheep out of water" aspect. General Specific is one of those humorous, dim-witted bumbling villains that actually is entertaining, yet he does have a little menace in his treatment of his subordinates. His losses and outcomes of his scheming are predictable but you have to admire the guy's refusal to be discouraged.

Private Public is a perfect much smarter contrast. Farmer John has similar motives to Specific but is less overt and far more mild-mannered, while deliberately monotonous (part of the character) his pseudo-psychological talk is entertaining. Ben Plotz is one of the best use of narrators seen and heard in a cartoon in recent memory, his presence actually serving a lot to the show's humour and never becomes over-explanatory. There are other characters, with clever apt names (i.e. The Plot Device) that are also very interesting and fun.

It is the humour that makes 'Sheep in the Big City' a winner. Humour-wise, it is unusual but also quite unique, it is this uniqueness that makes the show a joy. It's extremely clever and hilarious, and done in a sharp, knowing, zany and satirical way. The apt oxymoronic character names, the constant breaking of the fourth wall, the unrelated sketches and shorts, sheep puns, use of literal humour, the narrator being treated as a character himself with frequent interaction, multiple rhetoric and comic references to film and broadcasting, this is humour unlike that of most other shows and it is done so well if more understandable to adults than children. The theme song is catchy and the voice acting fitting.

Overall, a great under-appreciated show. 9/10 Bethany Cox
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Dolly lasted longer than this drivel
Silas_Tomaeus5 November 2004
With a humor that would appeal to an exclusive, small audience, the average viewer will find it pointless and monotonous. When Cartoon Network advertised this show, it was made to look as if it was a major drama or event, complete with a real rain scene and government officials trying to catch the Sheep.

When it came out on the air, I was disappointed at how all the characters were so one-dimensional and a totally bland animation. The only thing that put it to anything close to humor were the names of the characters like "Private Public" and "General Specific", a few vague references to cultural aspects, and how Lady Richington pummeled Sheep with her steel wig.

Slightly off topic, but I don't see why would Sheep fall in love with that ball of dirty cotton balls called "Swanky." It was hideous!
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Wonderful show!!!
dootuss5 October 2002
Cartoon Network has truly been blessed with this cartoon. "Sheep and the Big City" is a wonderful, and cute show. It's funny, and I love how it plays homage to "Rocky and Bullwinkle" (which is one of my favorite shows) since our main character Sheep (Which is your Rocky and Bullwinkle), is on the run by General Specific, and Private Public (which are you Boris, and Natasha). The Narrator's pretty funny as well. I love this show. Truly one of the Underated "Cartoon Cartoons".

This gets a 10/10.
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So awesome and hilarious
arielsiere21 June 2022
One of the best shows from Cartoon Network since 2000-2002, this show reminds me of Shaun The Sheep even though Sheep In The Big City came first, this show is cool, excellent, incredible and nice.
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Sheep is BIG
dbarz17 April 2015
Sheep in the Big City is a show you would most likely love or hate. I don't think it caters for the masses but it directed at a small audience. For some it would seem stupid but for those who can really appreciate its particular type of humor the brilliance in the show would be overwhelming. The attention to detail and the countless small funny things going on in the background is enough to give this show its worth. The writers definitely had fun with this series. My advice to you is to watch the first episode, if its not your cup of tea, so be it but for some it would start you on an amazing journey with very unique humor. Enjoy!!!
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A cartoon show for adults and children
corner-222 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Truly good cartoons appeal to people of all ages, and "Sheep in the Big City" certainly falls in that category. There is enough basically zany humor to appeal to children, but when the show makes references which go far beyond the world of Saturday morning animation, it is the adults who can enjoy the humor.

In one episode, the narrator explains that the whole cast is down with the flu, but fortunately, they've found an old film of Sheep's grandfather to show instead. It turns out to be a brilliantly funny black and white, silent takeoff of Chaplin's masterpiece "City Lights", with Sheep in the Chaplin role. In another episode, the narrator declares that this show is uniquely different from other cartoons in its style and urban setting - just as Sheep is escaping from the city and starts running through a "Roadrunner" style desert.

Great entertainment grabs your attention and holds it every moment. In this show, everything from the hilarious narration to the fake commercials to the bizarre Swedish segment at the end is worth paying attention to.

In the early 60's, Rocky and Bullwinkle offered this kind of entertainment. Now we have "Sheep", thank goodness.
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i love this show
sjoakley8 May 2006
this show was of the most clever pre- adult swim shows ever produced by cartoon network. with such clever segments as "touched by a ninja" and "the ranting swede", how could this show not be genius? the show was sadly short lived, as many of the satires and may not have been geared towards the younger audiences of cartoon network. the brand of offbeat humor might not have appealed to the younger crowd as much either, but i know my friends and i loved the show. if you're a big fan of silly satire, the type of offbeat humor provided by such shows as the kids in the hall, you're definitely a Sheep fan. WHY Isn't THERE A DVD I CAN BUY???
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Witty and Charmingly silly!
aimeed8727 March 2001
I thought this show looked cute when I saw the trailer and it is....very! They are constantly making fun of the military, infomercials and other commercials, plenty o' puns too! If you like Johnny Bravo, Dexters Laboratory and The powerpuff girls you gotta see this!
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The sheer randomness is beyond entertaining!
Animany9410 March 2018
I vaguely remembered watching this as a child and never have I felt so happy to re-watch a TV-series. Back then the humour mostly went over my head, but today it had me laughing hard!

This show is beyond hillarious with tons of fourth wall breaks, literal humour and puns mixing up with the oddest premise and characters ever seen.

It is hard to describe it with all its gold. You are guaranteed entertainment if you do not mind the randomness of its nature. It contains a couple of running gags which are repeated in every episode and can get a little tiring at times, but mostly they find a new way to keep it funny.

Comedic timing is everything in these kinds of TV-shows and what "Sheep in the Big City lacks in timing it makes up for in how self-aware it is of its ridiculous nature. A comedic gem with plenty to laugh at.
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Cute, that describes it so well
plok25316 July 2001
I wasn't too sure what to expect when I heard Sheep in the Big City received it's own series. All in all, I'd have to say it's very funny, and has a lot of charm. Sheep is constantly being chased down by the military, as they need a sheep for their new ray gun. Of course, Sheep will make sure they never take him alive! One must wonder, however, why don't General Specific and Private Public go after a different sheep instead? I'd also like to know how exactly a sheep is an exponent in a ray gun. However, that's the kind of humor to expect from this show. It does get a little repetitive unfortunately, as General Specific never actually catches Sheep (or even come close to doing so) in any of the episodes. However, Sheep always gets into trouble unintentionally while trying to hide. What really makes the show so hysterical, however, is the incredibly sarcastic narrator Ben Plotz. He's always commenting throughout the show on whether or not he thinks General Specific's plan will work, and whenever Sheep is feeling blue, you can be sure he'll say something like "Awwwwww, poor Sheep." Overall I'd give this show an 8/10. It's actually quite similar to Ed Edd n Eddy, as both shows have so many different events going on at the same time it can be difficult to follow (which is more of a good thing.) However, the environment is a lot different, and offers a lot more variety. Even so, I'd say I prefer Ed Edd n Eddy because of the fantastic character development. That's not to say the characters in Sheep in the Big City are flat, as everyone's full of personality. However, the characters are much more open with each other on Ed Edd n Eddy than Sheep, which knocks it down a little. But even so, this show is a worth watching. And hey, how many cartoons end with a Ranting Swede?
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Not Baaaaaaad
Komplex Intelligence25 January 2001
I have seen Cartoon Networks "Sheep in the Big City" and it's actually very funny. It seems to take from Rocky and Bullwinkle's style if you really observe it.(then again it's idiotic to observe a cartoon cartoon). And it also takes from Ren and Stimpy's style of making fun of certain stupid commercials. General Specific and Private Public remind me of Boris and Natasha while their fearless leader is an "Angry Scientist". When I first heard of this show, I thought it was dumb and pointless but I was proved wrong. Overall this show is so corny thats what made it funny so I give it a 3 in a half stars.
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One god awful show
ededdneddy12 July 2002
Whoever created this has serious issues. Nobody thinks that a guy screaming at the top of his lungs about the most moronic thing in the world funny. They find it very irritating. I only know one person who likes this poor excuse for anything. I don't understand how any of you like this.
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I actually like this show a lot more now than I did as a kid.
terencechikwavira16 August 2023
The show is excellent at being random, light hearted and stacked with dry humor. Puns, references only an adult would catch and a lot of wacky ideas to put sheep and the other main characters were thrown in the mix.

There's a lot of 4th wall breaking and general care free attitude in the spirit of how each episode develops. You literally follow sheep and the main recurring characters on wacky adventures based on the same premise almost everytime and I actually liked the formula. A lot, and I mean a lot of puns are thrown in and the character designs are reminiscence to a 90s cartoon with elements of Picasso art.. So even for it's time of release the show wasn't breaking any visual boundaries and was just about suitable to portray the cartoon.

The show either involves the secret military organization, or involves his love life and activities in the city. Cheeky romance and side skits help as additional filler in each episode making each episode directionless , or at least mimicking it because nothing in this show is really to be taken seriously and that is the make or break factor. You either love , hate it or don't rate it at all from the 1st episode, and I loved it, after finally understanding a lot of jokes that flew over my head.

Sheep is likeable and interesting, because virtually anything can happen to him, while he has the intelligence and the luck to get out of his predicaments in an interesting way. The formula never changes, it's just silly, meta, "wtf is going on" comedy and I loved almost every episode. Glad it got a second season but didn't overstay to a third.
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