Mach 2 (2000) Poster


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havoc-2719 July 2007
This was one of the worst movies I have ever seen.The acting,the effects,the plot basically all of the movie was horrible.The F-14 who can't take down a simple Concorde,the stupid lines,the fact that fuel is leaking from the end of the plain where the baggage compartment is and so on,an so on.There was the sexy role of Shannon Whirry which brightens up the movie a little bid.There is also Brian Bosworth who is playing a Michael Dudikoff type of hero who is going to save everybody and he sucked as the hole movie if you ask me.But hey if there are movies like that young actors can find work.And it was a super commercial for the Concorde too.
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Did I watch this one before ?
snyder-423 June 2000
After watching this movie last night on tv. I asked myself if I haven't seen Mach 2 before. The fact is it was on the tv for the first time.If you are one action movie fan like me you have seen tons of stories like this. Neve Campbell look-a-like female is exciting but that's about it.
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ok movie, with ok acting, and ok action, and ok story...
dwpollar5 April 2001
1st watched 4/4/2001 - 4 out of 10(Dir-Fred Olen Ray): ok movie, with ok acting, and ok action, and ok story. This type of movie has been done before with much more intensity with some of the same things done that are supposed to bring up the tension(Aka. Person flying the plane at the climatic end of movie has never flown before), corrupt politicians at the top (Aka. President Cliff Richardson) with gung-ho save-all action hero(Aka. Brian Bosworth), and weak love interest(Aka. Sharron Whirry). Lame attempt to recycle.
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Something to avoid
mgoldstein19 May 2003
Very brief summary of what I thought about the movie: weak acting, very overused storyline full of things that make little sense, no research at all about airplanes and military procedures. If you have the guts to watch the movie, pay attention in some things like: there are no weapons in the F14s! Where do they get these missiles from? Why do the missiles explode in mid-air without hitting anything? How does the guy explode the car that was following him? How come the American fighters enter French airspace and the only people that see that were the people in the air control? France doesn't have any military force?
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Hilarious as most TV productions
coosy30 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Where am I supposed to start with this movie? I seriously have no idea. Okay, so it's a typical US-made TV production and as it appears, all TV directors have made an agreement to produce such nonsense. Actors with average performance are put into what is supposed to be a Concorde supersonic aircraft and are taken hostage by Secret Service agents on behalf of a president and vice president who is supporting the war in the Balcan to have his economy prosper. Well, let's have a look at the aircraft. Okay, it's been a while that I have seen the insides of a Concorde, but what they are showing here has no resemblance whatsoever with the aircraft. Some scenes with F-14 Tomcats are taken from "Top Gun" and all in all, you can see that the budget ended before they could actually do some action scenes. Produced in 2001, this movie contains mainly very old scenes in the outdoor shots, so that they also were able to use car chases and a car crash from an old European spy movie. That one gave me a really good laugh. Before indulging too much into all the details here, let me just say that I was really surprised to find that at the Paris Airport they were using US-made ambulances. While that actually is possible, I was even more surprised to find that they also had US number plates on them.

Forgive me for being a bit sarcastic, but such movies really spoil the joy of watching TV. It's not necessarily in the plot or the actors, but it's the details.

The plot behind "Mach 2" in principle is good and the different threads could make for three different movies. A aircraft hijack, a presidential intrigue and an international spy connection. However, they gallantly left out anything that would have made this movie "intellectually challenging".
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why did i rent it!!!!
omeryusaf18 May 2001
I still am mad at myself as to why did i chose to rent this movie in the first place. Pathetic is written all over the movie and i still failed to see it......hope time will heal my wounds! If you are planning to watch this one i would suggest there are other better movies out there.
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sexy,dumb,sad,and stupid.
ulisez03-110 April 2004
i bought this movie thinking that the movie was going to be better than great but i was proven really wrong! first this movies is fake above all secondly it copies Airport 79, the Concorde far much better this piece of crap, and even actually it takes scenes from airport 79 and put it into the movie this people are so cheapo that they can't afford a piece of set for a day! worst movie ever! plus supposibly they took off from washington dc and it showed palm trees! well they filmed it in pacoima or burbank or something and they had porn star as the air traffic controller that i know because of the funny film commentary the only good thing about this movie. so please don't watch i only watch this movie with the movie commentary.
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clmrshll-203-3700353 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed watching this film as it gave me great pleasure in righteously ripping it to shreds with my fellow viewers. This movie doesn't need a spoiler alert as it is already spoiled.

The plot is simplistic in that a US senator travels to Balkans on a Concorde aeroplane and he possesses a computer disk implicating the vice-president in a plot to expand the war the senator is trying to mediate in so that that the US can sell arms to both side and thus keep the USA economy going. The bad ole secret service hijack the plane under the pretence of being a Balkan splinter group, steal the disks, kill the crew and radio the authorities it has a nuclear bomb on board then shoot the radio so that when they parachute to safety (But are then suddenly chased and killed by unknown attackers)the US navy without even asking the French send up fighters to try shoot it down over the French Alps.

Enter the hero who's name I cannot be bothered to recall. He and his pretty companions go about trying to get the plane back down, and one pretty thing having been given a radio kit as a present when a teenager promptly repairs the complex communication system on the Concorde with a Swiss army knife. Then the US navy F-14s take off with empty missile racks, but damage with missiles the Concorde fuel tanks located in its extreme tail. At this point communications are restored and the F-14 pilot who probably had never even seen a concord cockpit gives the hero a switch by switch briefing on how to control remaining fuel and engines. All this time the Concorde has been visible on the radar at both Dulles and Le Bourget simultaneously whilst it was mid Atlantic. The French and American Air Traffic can both seem to talk to the aircraft at the same time.

Enter the stereotype French disheveled Gaulloies smoking ex navy pilot controller who then talks the hero to land, lever by lever, even telling how much flap to lower which is strange as Concorde doesn't use flaps, but the hero manages to lower the wheels and the droop nose unaided on finals but mysteriously raises it before ploughing into the crash barrier. US registered ambulance then take away the injured whilst several US registered light aircraft sit on the apron, the backdrop view enhanced by the famous snow capped mountains that surround Paris. There is more.............Watch for WowII!
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So bad it is almost brilliant? No. Just bad.
ClearThinker7 September 2011
With a stream of famous names and faces one would think that this would be a great film. Having watched this garbage I have come to the conclusion that none of the actors actually read the script before shooting began. Cliché after cliché after cliché. This produces wooden performances from some names that should know better.

I am sure their accountants were happy when they paid their cheques into the bank, but anyone who bought/rented this on DVD will feel that their money could have been better spent on a tin of paint. They could have occupied themselves watching the paint dry and would have felt more fulfilled.

DVD and obscure cable/satellite channels will use this trash to fill out their schedules.

My advice ... buy the paint. At least you get a choice of colour.
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decent acting is all that carried this movie
sslealos17 April 2007
The acting by Brian Bosworth, Shannon Whirry, Ciff Robertson and Michael Dorn was pretty solid despite the script they had to work with.

Steve Latshaw wrote a very pedestrian script filled with weak clichés and one liners. The dialogue is only part of what brought this film down.

The direction was horrid. Fred Olen Ray, who had directed such classics as Vampire Vixens from Venus and Bikini Drive In, does a horrid job directing this movie. The cuts, the angles, the closeups - everything he did was pedestrian. The music, the sound editing, everything was bad.

If it wasn't for some solid acting from a few select cast members this wouldn't be worth the time. As is, it is a fair little action flick. Just don't expect much. At all ...
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Is it a Comedy?
jayemmstar25 February 2022
Possibly the worst plot, staging, acting and directing in the history of film.

The Concorde mock cockpit, seating layout designed by someone who's never seen the aircraft. Etc, etc etc. Looks like a beaten up 727!
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Rent It!
Flamio17 September 2001
Well, I watched this film hoping for some great Boz action, but only a little showed up. But, with Boz, Shannon, and Worf in it who could lose! I'll give it an 8/10 on those three alone! Boz does a fine job for what he's given and looks more comfortable acting, Shannon melts your bones just looking at her, and Worf (Dorn)is one big dude. Problem with this flick is the music score and the general flow of the picture. But being a Boz fan, it's worth seeing. Some good flight scenes.

Boy, Boz's scar sure looked like Stone Cold's didn't it?? Flamio
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Great aviation hijacking copy cat air force one style film
wedfan-528032 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I watched Mach 2 film on my sky q today and the film had very cheap special effects and I liked Micheal dorns character called Barry rogers who try's to scare the usa senator and other passengers with a nuclear weapon but the scene were Barry drops out of the concord plane with parachute and saying I have got good news there is no nuke on the plane that was greatly choreographed by Micheal dorn from that scene and I liked the scene were jack and Shannon took over the aircraft try to contact Paris air traffic control that scene had cheap visual effects and I liked we're landing net saves plane.
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Worse film ever
andrew-8058 February 2022
No need for a spoiler - it all sucks - I have been on Concorde and it's tiny and nothing like this Obv they had Concorde footage but no access The acting is as fake as a high school production with a dire screenplay.

Every piece or event is incorrect or impossible

One line is 'welcome to amateur hour'. A great summary of an atrocious movie.

So bad and obvious it's amazing those in it didn't burst out laughing all the time.

Poor Michael Dorn - Worf in Star Trek.
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Shockingly Bad
sdfoster-1676327 February 2022
I have to say I seen some bad movies but this movie is probably THE worst by miles. It's actually funny how bad it is, I didn't know it was possible to make such bad bad films. I've seen kids nativity plays which are much much better!!!!

I would say don't bother watching this, but because it's that awful I think I would promote this movie so people can see how rubbish it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've been.
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Worst film ever made?
rmcgrathuk26 July 2016
Just awful, awful, awful. Quite frankly the worst film I've ever seen and I don't even want to waste my time on explaining why. It's almost worth watching just to allow yourself to vent some anger as you shout at the screen at how pathetic and unbelievable this film is.

If you are foolish enough to watch then prepare to spend a lot of time sighing and cringing. There is artistic licence and then there is just plain stupid and unbelievable. The amount of artistic licence is quite frankly insulting to the viewer.

Then I suppose I should come on to the acting. Well again, to call it acting is an insult to the professionals out there.
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Worth Watching
Garridon7 April 2001
An unexpectedly good movie that could have benefited a lot from a larger budget. Miniatures are used in the shots of the Concorde, and it shows. It was rated R for violence, though it had less violence than most TV shows. Profanity throughout was unnecessary and could have been edited out. Brian Bosworth does an adequate job as the Air Force officer who gets called on when anything goes wrong. Michael Dorn shines in a non-Worf role that shows he can play someone else other than a Trek character. David Hedison is great as the U.S. Senator and is the only actor to look like he was actually walking on a a real plane. Shannon Whirry, who plays his political assistant, shows that she can handle an action role. Best of all are the scenes with the NSA agents.
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what's bb's jersey #
fujisonen823 August 2019
At 9:37 in as mr Bosworth breaks into the cage holding the ticking bomb. As he rotates the device the count down shows his Jersey # 55. great timing huh!! Now that's all 4 now. watchin the rest
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Give it a miss
robertasmith21 July 2022
It is always disappointing when good actors have a rubbish script and are surrounded by z list actors and a poor director. The storyline, at the time, was quite fresh but the screenplay was badly written and in places, farcical. Not much more to say other than the wooden tops brought more emotion to a story than some of the actors. The female leads appear to have been casted for looks rather than ability as is one of the male leads. I just wasn't convinced by their performances. Perhaps they will blame the script and the director but, if so, they should be honest with themselves.
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What A Mega-evil Plot !
adabsiz3 January 2024
I never realised that Concorde was sold to anyone except British Airways and Air France .. and yet here we are in an all-American "executive - equipped" model with a strange emblem on the tail very similar to the old speed bird of BOAC !

Concorde was never allowed to fly supersonic except over oceans , and yet here it is flying over Europe with a nuclear bomb on board , plus director , cameras , mikes , make-up lady , lighting & sound people etc ! The interior looks very similar to that of a B737 , but who cares ? The external scenes were of course edited from publicity material from Airbus ...

The flight scenes are a mish-mash of shakey frames , passengers throwing themselves left and right and flashing lights ! Remarkably , everyone survived an open door in mid-flight , and a floppy disk was somehow important !

In case anyone is interested , the writer of this masterpiece also wrote " Return of the Killer Shrews " and " Megaconda " (honest !) , but these were not filmed in Santa Clarita ...

I have a new idea for a film entitled "Evil Megaconcorde" , where the plane turns into a predator unleashing mega rays at Santa Clarita ! Well , sort of an idea ...

Please avoid at all costs , and ask for a refund !
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Glad I watched it
amadeuseisenberg16 August 2022
A likeable little thriller that didn't disappoint. I found it to be surprisingly gripping and enjoyable. It's absolutely worth a watch if you're looking for an entertaining flick that does bring the thrills. The plot also shows how corrupt and messed up the US government is and I honestly haven't seen a flick so accurate about the US government in a long time. People here seem to have a rather bizarre anger towards this movie. I've seen other movies comparable to this one and the opinions on those are always more varied and fair. I'm glad I stopped taking IMDb reviews seriously a long time ago. Hell, there are movies here with IMDb ratings that literally double Mach 2's current 3.3/10 that worse than this movie.
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A fair film!
Movie Nuttball19 August 2005
Mach 2 is a good film that has a good cast which includes Brian Bosworth, Shannon Whirry, Bruce Weitz, Cliff Robertson, Michael Dorn, Lance Guest, David Hedison, Andrew Stevens, Robert Pine, Ai Wan, Clark Reiner, Jennifer Hammon, Amir Aboulela, Ron Chaney, Grant Cramer, Sondra Currie, Ron Chaney, Grant Cramer, Sondra Currie, Charles Cyphers, and Nikki Fritz. The acting by all of these actors is very good. Bosworth and Robertson are really excellent in this film. I thought that they performed good. The thrills is really good and some of it is surprising. The movie is filmed very good. The music is good. The film is quite interesting and the movie really keeps you going until the end. This is a very good and thrilling film. If you like Brian Bosworth, Shannon Whirry, Bruce Weitz, Cliff Robertson, Michael Dorn, Lance Guest, David Hedison, Andrew Stevens, the rest of the cast in the film, Action, Adventure, Thrillers, Dramas, and interesting films then I strongly recommend you to see this film today!
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The Boz is back once again and better than ever!
bhturnow13 March 2001
Overall a pretty good movie with surprisingly a lot of stars. The Boz gives a pretty good performance in this action movie. Some corny lines here and there, but written pretty well. There were even scenes taken from Concorde 77, the one with George Kennedy! I am not kidding! There are some great fight scenes and The Boz kicks some butt. If you are a Boz fan or action movie fan, you should like it. No Oscars are going to be won here, but the Boz lives on!
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