The Mating Habits of the Earthbound Human (1999) Poster

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haha - so funny!!
Mickey Knox5 April 2001
This is a really funny movie and i'm sorry it didn't have the promoting campaign that other worse comedies have. I have seen it on HBO and liked it. Yes, it is stupid; yes, it is full of cliches; yes, it is predictable... but none of these things managed to erase the great fun in this film. A guy and a girl are observed by an alien scientist. All the stages of a relationship, from the meeting point until the first baby is conceived, through the eyes and with the comments of an extraterestrial. As if they were the humans and they were making a documentary for Discovery Channels, and we are just an inferior species.

Fun is released from every line of the voice over. You will laugh a lot, and after all that's all that matters.

Vote: 7 out of 10.
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funny and worth renting
jungfrau_augen28 November 2005
In general this movie is just "ok" but there are a few absolutely hysterical moments. My favorite are the representations of how different contraceptives work that are done by men on a track dressed as sperm. The spermicide and pill are two funny ones in particular. Towards the end of the movie, the Male drives past them as they film and wonders what is going on. While it is just one moment, it made the whole movie worth while. Carmen Electra doesn't hurt either. I would like to state my opinion on this "minimum of ten lines of text to post a comment" policy. It is silly. I feel that my comment may be useful to someone. Why do I have to be long winded about it? It leads to filler like this, which helps no one. I certainly don't think my comment is any less valid simply because I can't write a paragraph on "The Mating Habits of the Earthbound Human." It's a good movie, but not ten lines good.
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A good B Movie
spinin4 January 2000
Hey, this ain't crap. This is a surprisingly decent movie. Basically, the life and relationship of a couple is monitored by aliens. The film is a documentary of human mating habits as seen through extraterrestrial eyes. "The Mating Habits of the Earthbound Human" is a comedy that works on several levels.

The narration by David Hyde Pierce is odd and funny. There is a lot of strange dialogue and clever comments that I do not see in mainstream comedies. It sometimes works well to actually make all humans look stupid. The witty narration does wear out after a while since it relies on one basic principle: The alien narrator misunderstands common everyday behaviors in the humans and instead makes up his own weird theories on what they are doing. So we will see a shot of someone doing something ordinary, but the narration will blow it out of proportion. The couple is relatively interesting and goes through some interesting phases in their relationship. The film often goes into detail as it touches on a number of situations. The acting is decent enough especially from Carmen Electra who shows that there's more to her than just looks. That babe is hot and here she makes herself look real cute. The funniest and most original moments occur when a group of men dressed in white, representing human sperm, race against each other, finishing in a different way each time, depending on the situation. This was footage filmed by the aliens in order to explain sex better. Even this gets a little tedious though.

"The Mating Habits of the Earthbound Human" is not a bad movie considering the low budget and other constraints. The idea is original, bizarre, and often funny. I don't think I mentioned yet that Carmen Electra is hot. If you are going to see a corny B movie, this is not a bad idea. I was going to give it a 6 out of 10, but I think I'll give it an extra point for effort and potential. Overall, a 7 out of 10.
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surprisingly fun
shoelace1 February 2001
I caught this movie on cable one night after flipping through the channels. I caught the sight of a beautiful women.I did not even know it was Carmen Elecktra in the picture but she looked good. I then notice that David Hyde Pierce was narrating what was trying to be a national geographic special on human mating, from the perspective of outer space aliens.This clever premise plus Miss Elecktra's obvious attributes hooked me for the movie. This was not an especially good movie but it had some charm and the actors played their parts well. This was a pleasant surprise that if you see it on cable it can be diverting. Sure it was predictable and at times cliché ridden; even annoying but I watched it to the end and enjoyed most of it. I especially liked the sperms on the track, the spermicide guy and the conception scene. Even though the movie made an attempt to make relationships seem complicated (which they are), the movie was not. Still worth a look, but don't inconvenience yourself.
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It's sex, Jim, but not as we know it!
Beerdrinking Dog3 July 2000
Briljant concept, done good, but not great. Really funny at some times ("It's SPERMINATOR, the protector of the womb!!!"), a bit boring at others. Right on the spot most of the time tough. Now turn off your universal translator and start mating!

7 outta 10
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Some good laughs
amykatpat23 March 2000
This movie isn't the greatest I've ever seen. The plot is predictable and the acting is lukewarm, but the narration of David Hyde Pierce and the scenes featuring the sperm-runners were hilarious. I still laugh every time the picture of the runners gets into my mind.
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A weird look at the human relationship Warning: Spoilers
This spoof documentary explores the process of beginning a relationship between Jenny and Billy. But it uses really descriptive words for instance instead of "paper", they use "piece of parchment" and instead of "meat" the narrator says "the flesh of dead carcasses" or something like that. The narrator does a very good job. I really liked the film and thought it was so funny. There were so many laugh out loud bits for instance the bit with the superman and when Billy was ringing loads of Jenny's to find her. I was so glad that she didn't have the abortion. I was also happy that he was finally able to tell her he loved her. I saw the film last summer when I was away and we thought we'd watch it Co it looked so interesting and I'm glad I did. I watched it last night again. I was so tired but glad I stayed up to watch it. Its definitely not the best film I've seen but it still is very good.
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Has its moments, but not many...
buddhachrist200019 May 2004
Take one part nature documentary, two parts romantic comedy, and a dash of bad acting and you have yourself "The Mating Habits of the Earthbound Human." The narration is actually quite clever, though repetitive at times. There are also of plenty interesting interludes which are good for a laugh or two. But the bulk of this movie is a straightforward boy-meets-girl story that we've seen too many times, unique only in how _BAD_ the acting is. Without the narration, I'd have microwaved the DVD to prevent future generations from being scarred by this film - the witty commentary is literally the only redeeming value.

So, although this film has some good lines, it should in no way be confused with a good movie. It's barely even worth watching as a "bad movie," simply because the romantic comedy aspect is so cliche, completely predictable, and though there's one little plot twist, it only serves to reinforce how _bad_ of a movie this actually is.
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Risque ...... but bloody funny!
csaw5912 July 2001
Bored, nothing to do, love a laugh, well this could be the perfect gap filler. Mating Habits of the Earthbound Human (MHOTEH) could have quickly degenerated into the usual 'tit flick', but thanks to some very clever writing & the superb narration of David Hyde-Pierce this movie is lifted above others of its genre. I won't spoil MHOTEH by commenting on various scenes, however, the birth scene is not to be missed. Reality TV, who needs it!. A word of warning though, there is some very strong language & some very visual sex scenes, so discretion is required for younger viewers.
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Better than Average Movie
rprather29 June 2005
This was an original movie with good acting. There were some humorous scenes as well as some sexy scenes. For as many times as they were getting it on, it would have been nice to see a little more skin from the lovely Carmen Electra. Some parts of the movie including the ending were a little predictable, and some of the predicaments the male gets into were a little too convenient or seemed to be the stereotypical behavior of males in general rather than what you would expect from this specific character from what he had already shown up to those points. The "Sperm Guys" were hilarious and ingenious to add. Overall, this movie was good for a few laughs, some brief nudity, an original concept, and watching a relationship go full circle from meeting all the way to marriage and children.
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It just isn't funny.
garysjwa16 September 2004
Comedy films fail in many ways. Sometimes the humor is too predictable. Sometimes it's too crude. Sometimes it's too subtle.

But the humor in MHOTEH has a unique problem: it's too non-existent.

The narrator matter-of-factly describes each step of the human mating process, and the actors play out the scene. And that's it. The outsider commentary on the courtship process isn't witty or insightful. The alien misunderstandings are pedantic. The characters are uninteresting, and the plot rarely puts them into any situation that might liven things up a bit. The two or three times it tries to, it fails.

This movie does have a few good moments. But for the most part, you find yourself wishing it would just end, wondering how such a raunchy concept can result in such a dull movie.
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A very funny, witty, and remarkably accurate film.
hickmangc30 January 2001
What an original concept! I am not aware of any other film in this style and if there were they would have to be something special.

This film is positively brilliant. The basic concept of an alien perspective on human mating habits as being some primitive tribal act is ingenius - because it's true. Remove the elements of modern custom and an act which hasn't changed in over 50,000 years (I'm guessing this number) is all that remains. Simple.

The true charm of this film is in the way the (alien) narrator interprets each phase of the mating ritual. The leads where interesting(rather impressed with Carmen for two reasons - the one just mentioned and the other, well, that's rather obvious) and the other supporting cast were right on the money.

The only part of the film I couldn't determine relevance was the male lead driving past the running track and seeing the 'sperm men'. I have a few ideas on this one but none that really make much sense.

Who cares. A top film nonetheless.
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Worth a watch
oscarpaz-459213 May 2024
Compared to the crap out there today I might even score it higher. It has it's moments, part Rom-Com part " documentary ", this mockumentantary kept me entertained for 90 minutes. Sure there's some bad acting, some humor lands flat, and some of the writing could have been better, however, if I'd paid to rent or go see this movie, I would have been satisfied and not felt ripped off as it happens nowadays 90% of the time. Carmen Electra is a goddess with amazing comedic timing, Lucy Liu's acting was still a work in progress back then so I won't be too harsh and rate it as adequate, but she's come a long way. Just grab some popcorn and enjoy the most brilliant part of the film : The narration by David Hyde-Pierce. Just plain genius. He makes the movie worth it.
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Mostly a waste of time
Bumhoolery10 April 2001
All right, it's pretty obvious from just the cast and the premise that this isn't a great movie. However, there are a lot of schlock movies that are still hilarious and clever...not so for this film. I won't waste much time dwelling on the thin, predictable script or Carmen Electra's lousy acting. The script is basic juvenile (but not in the funny way) fare, nothing new or interesting, and the film only gives a few genuine laughs. Carmen Electra sucks at acting, and she's obviously only in this film because of her cleavage. The whole voice-over commentary thing, probably intended to be the movie's saving grace, really irritated fact, I thought it detracted from the movie simply for the fact that the writing seemed so blatantly desperate to generate a few cheap laughs by dwelling on the same old relationship B.S. we've seen parodied in a thousand other movies. However, a few parts of this film were really hilarious. The whole sperm thing (you'd have to see it to understand) was great. It's sad to see a funny idea like "the Sperminator" wasted on such a lousy movie. Safe to say, if you're not extremely easily amused, skip this garbage. Go rent Chasing Amy or High Fidelity.
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A funny, entertaining satire of the old nature shows.
billyatcamp11 July 2004
I recently watched this film during the wee hours in the morning off TV and found it an excellent excuse not to go to bed. The film used the format of a '50s nature show to spoof the modern day relationship. It is not the most sophisticated film ever, but I think it makes its point. David Hyde Pierce is quite effective as the alien narrator, using his frank, matter-of-fact tone that is similar to that of his character on Frasier. The basic and almost elemental terms/phrases he uses to describe everyday items makes me think not only about what we, as humans, get wrong when we observe other animals, but also about the truly absurd things we do/own. It is true that the acting of those on-screen is not up to "awards" standards, Mackenzie Astin and Carmen Electra fill their stereotypical roles well. Don't go into watch this movie expecting everything, because you won't get it. But if you're looking for a little bit of fun to waste some time, give it a try. I give this film a rating of 3/5.
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unforgettable gags and some good writing carry the day
tjulian23 February 2001
Beyond the truly unforgettable Sperm Runners (three days later, still laughing :-), there is some great writing in this script which rings true to real-life experience and makes the characters appealing while giving them depth. For me, these moments more than compromised for an admittedly paper-thin plot -- I got pulled into rooting for this couple even though the outcome was a virtual certainty. After all, doesn't everyone relate to the scene of them making stupid faces and laughing while in the sack? Add in pleasing performances by two leads I've never seen before and I think you've got a solid B movie. I suspect we'll see more of Mr. Abugov.
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A funny way to make a documentary
Yonhap S18 April 2000
After watching The Blair Witch Project, I thought this one would at least be some blast. The movie is generally funny and the setup at the beginning was good. However, as we near the ending, the plot degenerates. I thought it would be better if Jenny got pregnant only after the wedding.

Overall, it was okay. Nothing to get excited too much, not a disappointment either.

The verdict: 3 of 5 stars.
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a real hoot! many laugh=out=loud scenes
moggy-428 January 2001
Other viewers have given the plot details of this mock documentary better than I could. Just want to add that the film is truly hilarious- even to a middle-aged viewer who never heard of Carmen Electra! I still laugh each time I remember lines like(describing films) " The human female prefers stories about one person dying slowly. The human male prefers stories about many people dying quickly." Cheers to this highly original, very funny film!
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Surprisingly funny. This is a perfect party movie to rent with some friends.
alexz-411 February 2000
Some terrifically oddball comments from David Hyde Pierce as an alien commenting on the human mating ritual. Though the story is really follows all of the stereotypes about how people meet (and mate.) There's plenty of great humor, and a few really great laughs. And Carmen Electra... On top of being spectacularly beautiful, she's a decent actress. She first surprised me on the TV show "Just Shoot Me" with her great sense of timing and delivery. I'd love to see more of her in funny roles.

This is a perfect party movie.
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Funny and Cute!
Ashlee-35 July 2001
I caught this movie late one night on cable and am so glad I did. It take an outside look on human relationships to show us just how odd we really are. I recommend this for anyone looking for an incredibly cute comedy. This film left me smiling.
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Surprisingly Good
JulietV26 October 2000
This came on HBO and I'll admit I spent the next five minutes looking for the remote control. (Yeah, that lazy.) But once I got into it, it was actually a really good movie! Apart from some scenes that made it look like a bad Woody Allen picture (okay, I find all of his films bad,) it was really funny. Carmen Electra surprised me -- she's a pretty good actress in this movie.
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Pretty likeable late night, HBO-type fare.
bobm6413 November 2000
I watched this at about 1:00 AM one morning. My channel surfing was naturally halted by Carmen dancing at a Disco. The surprising and amusing voice-over of many time Emmy winner, David Hyde Pierce, was also quite an attention getter. What followed was a pretty likeable, playful, and occasionally laugh out loud (sperm runners) spoof of the American dating moors. The male lead nicely portrayed an "average guy" in over his head with the stunning Carmen Electra. Her performance here was so easy and unforced, than, along with a couple of late night talk show appearance I've seen recently (namely Craig Kilborn), have really made me a big fan. Don't get the Dennis Rodman thing, but.....? The sex scenes, though tame, had a nice playful spirit, and except for a totally out of character, unnecessary tirade during the childbirth sequence, the movie could have been suitable, and probably appreciated, by a younger audience. Considering what must have been a fairly low-budget, a nice debut by the director. Give it a watch!!
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One of the most underrated films I've seen in years
ElKabong-330 May 2004
This is a whimsical look at the human race through the eyes of an alien studying human beings and their mating rituals, much as a scientist might study the same behavior in chimps or zebras. The film is especially enjoyable if you're an aficionado of those nature pieces on the Discovery channel. The observer focuses on a young couple from their meeting at a bar, through their dating and sexual experimentation, to their marrying and having a child together. Carmen Electra looks stunning as the female of the pair, the male is played by some nameless swinging dick I don't remember. there is not any explicit sex or even nudity in the film, surprising after some of the comments I've read, but you can see far more skin AND sex on an episode of NYPD Blue. I'm no expert, but I really liked this film and so did my wife, a most unusual occurrence. I recommend it to anyone with a rather dry sense of humor and a taste for the subtle. (You won't see anybody smashed in the face with a pie) If I had to refer people to one underrated film of the last 20 or so years, this would be it. Take a chance and see it if you have a high I.Q. and are weary of car crashes and every film consisting of African- American actors calling each other the "N" word. Not mentioning any names here.
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Only David Attenborough could have made this comedy better.
deloudelouvain1 March 2020
First of all let me confess I was pretty stoned whilst watching The Mating Habits Of The Earthbound Human. That made this movie even funnier. I had a lot of laughs and had that constant stoner grin on my face for the entire movie. The narrating voice from "the alien" is what makes this comedy stand out from the rest. David Hyde Pierce (that we mostly know as Niles in 'Frasier') did a good job as the narrator. The only way you could have made this movie even better was if you had David Attenborough as the narrator, that would have been the absolute top, but David Hyde Pierce was certainly good enough to do that job, I just couldn't help imagining Attenborough narrating this movie (probably because I watched almost all of his documentaries). As for the story it's pretty basic but it works. The acting of the beautiful Carmen Electra was better than I expected. She takes the role of "the female" and Mackenzie Astin of "the male". The chemistry between the two, the clumsiness and akwardness, it all contributes to make this comedy funnier than you would expect. Great job from writer/director Jeff Abugov, definitely a comedy that I will watch again.
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Great accident
climbingtuba222 February 2002
I stumbled across this film last night by accident on TV. I was a little sceptical at first, but I have to admit this is one very funny film.

It's a great plot idea, with some clever takes on humans and well worth spending a couple of hours watching. There are no subtle twists, which is just as well, because I was laughing to much to follow them anyway. You will recognize just about every type of person within the characters of the film, and will cringe when you recognize yourself, I did.

If you liked American Pie or Road Trip, this film will certainly appeal.
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