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Low-budget....and it shows
guyfromjerzee17 July 2007
Think of an extremely low-rent version of "Heathers," and you've got "Pep Squad." That sums up the flick in a nutshell. I must give credit where credit's due, though. The film has a nice visual appeal to it. I liked the cinematography, I liked the wild color schemes, I liked the costume designs. But without good acting, a film has no redeeming value. I'd rather watch a film with little visual appeal, with good actors and sharp dialogue (i.e.: "The Brothers McMullen" or any Edward Burns film). The actors either recite their dialogue in monotones or scream it out like they're in a bad soap opera. This is why I don't badmouth most mainstream actors. Let's face it, most actors who are mainstream are mainstream for a reason. If they're not "great" actors, they're at least competent. People badmouth Leo DiCaprio, but when was the last time you saw a movie where he recites the dialogue as if he's reading it off the page? It's a shame, because the director seems like he knows his stuff when it comes to mis en scene (sp). At the same time I can't totally praise Steve Balderson (the director). He did write the screenplay, which contains some horrible dialogue. He might be slightly racist too, since there's a black principal in the movie, who inhabits a culmination of African-American stereotypes.
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I should probably say that it was good....
lisak9021018 July 2006
...but I would be lying. A relative was a crew member, and we got to go watch the production of this movie for a couple of days (and I was an extra). I get to die and have a second of screen time, not that I plan on moving to Hollywood anytime soon. I just thought it was awesome to see how movies are made and be a part of it. Plus, I got a copy of the movie once it was finally released. They didn't have a studio backing when making this film so it truly was independent. Why the writing and acting is so awful is beyond me, but the main character "Cherry" is the director's sister so that could be part of it. But the cinematography was good. :)
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This movie is garbage... :)
littledarlingg9 January 2001

It's not absolutely terrible. It's just, well a feeble attempt at humor, art, and drama. The performances suck generally. It looks as if there was no director on board. There are some original ideas, but their execution was guided by an apparent pre-schooler. It looks kind of like an experiment. The cinematography is excellent though. See this movie if you want to feel better about the movies you've made or if you like really bad B-movies with a mediocre plot and stupid story.
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So bad it's good? Almost...
atmosksly10 April 2005
With Pep Squad receiving an average of 4.7 on, no wonder Steve Balderson slanders this website so. But the fact is that Pep Squad is a poorly crafted "black" "comedy" (both words in quotation marks for a reason). It's a movie full of over-acting (Cherry, Beth's Mother), coupled with a couple of lethargic performances (Beth and Julie's boyfriend). A movie where you can follow cars from twenty feet away in a gaudy red Jeep and never be noticed. A movie chock full of not-so-appetizing cleavage and nudity shots that make you wonder, "Does the director think this is funny? Or clever?" Most of all, the characters are so paper-thin and poorly developed that the film becomes quite unpredictable, but probably not on purpose. Pep Squad can't decide whether to be a comedy, or a drama, or a satire (patriotic music, I get it...). The movie fails at being serious, because the idea of killing for any school position (this being Prom Queen) crosses the line into insanity (not to mention shots of flag burning and drive-by shootings, a poor attempt at being controversial and edgy), and fails at being a comedy, for all the forced and awkwardly placed jokes (big butt mama, "funky" black principal, and excessive cussing delivered poorly by the principal cast). Watching the documentary "Wamego: Making Movies Anywhere" only made this film more cringe-worthy, with praise lauded towards it by... the director and the director's father... hmmmmmm. Not a black comedy, or anything for that matter. I guess Kansas will have to wait.
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There never actually was a pep squad
jor111 November 2000
This is a really really bad movie. That may seem like an oversimplification. A fickle, childish retort comparable to a petty unsubstantiated insult. The truth is, there is not enough I can say about the confusing senseless plot, the really atrocious acting (I'm talking nasty here folks), or the random images of violence toward women that make up the chaotic pastiche of radically horrendous film-making mistakes that propel this affront to all that is good and decent in the world of cinema, nay, human culture. Please, take my word for it, don't watch it... ever. I'm serious. Stop. You'll thank me for it later.
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Had money - had little talent.
Ebonsun21 March 1999
Saw the film at it's Lawrence, Kansas premiere. This wavering story about a group of disgruntled highschoolers killing off the competition for prom queen was just awful. It fails for many reasons - bad acting, bad script, no clear point. But mainly it just felt like the filmmakers said to themselves - "Hey I have some money, so let's make a movie!" - without really thinking it out. Sorrowfully most indie films that don't make it suffer from just that mentality. They just don't seem to realize that it takes more than money to make a good movie... or in this case, even a watchable one. With this film I do not feel ashamed to say, that if I didn't know some of the crew, I would have walked out. Simple as that.
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I can say, WITHOUT HYPERBOLE, this is the worst film I've EVER seen.
Hartley18 December 1998
I don't mean to sound pretentious here, but to call this the next cult classic is yet another example of the lowering standards filmmakers have for themselves. This movie is an offense to everything we hold sacred, and not in the good "artsy " way of offending. This film becomes the archetype for PAINFUL dialogue, delivered by even more pathetic actors.
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Not a poor man's "Heathers" ..... it is just poor ..................
merklekranz14 November 2010
Disillusioned student stereotypes take matters into their own hands, kidnapping and killing follow. The question has to be, who would care about such weak characters, where one is just as unlikable as the other? Add to this apathy, annoying hand held cameras, a soundtrack that sounds no better than a child's tom tom, and a script that appears to have been made up as it went along. The acting by all concerned, could not even be described as amateurish, but simply bad. All violence occurs off screen, only adding to the ineptitude on display. "Pep Squad" should not be considered in the same sentence with a great black comedy like "Heathers". This is not a poor man's "Heathers" ,it is just poor. - MERK
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Really funny
PsychoKlown28 July 2005
I have given this movie 7/10 purely for the character Cherry. She is a complete psycho who beats down everyone she meets and that's BEFORE she doesn't make the nominations for prom queen! At that moment all hell breaks loose and she throws an innocent guy across the gymnasium then proceeds to kick the headmaster in the face (which i couldn't stop laughing at!) She then decides that if she can't be prom queen no-one can so she starts killing them off. There are others characters but when Cherry isn't on screen you find yourself missing her and unable to care about that part of the film. Watch this for Cherry and you WILL enjoy it!
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This is the kind of movie that makes you ask, "I wonder what all that money could have been used for instead?"
sixthirty24 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
PEP SQUAD is at a very low point with its confusing plot line and horrible acting.

First, let's tackle the characters. Cherry (Brooke Balderson) continues to hold an outrageous, boiling anger throughout the entire film, which is due to her overwhelming passion to become prom queen. However, it becomes completely unknown to the audience why Cherry wants to become prom queen in the first place. Before the nominations are even read off, she storms around the school with a constant disinterest upon being there, and shows no interest in the place or its students to begin with. Why does she care so much to be their prom queen? Brooke Balderson apparently presents an "acclaimed" performance but in reality just spends the entire time with an angry face, stomping around, killing people. Maybe it's just me, but I think if you handed any young actor/actress a script that only requires him/her to act insanely angry, you're not asking for much. You're also not allowing the character to develop very well.

Beth's character, played by Jennifer Dreiling, is even worse. Dreiling shows absolutely no emotion and no connection to her character whatsoever. When being harassed by her principal, she knocks him down (after several seconds) with no feelings of disgust or shock or anything equally traumatizing. Her lines are read like she is reading trivia off the back of a cereal box.

Throughout the rest of the film, the students in charge of his kidnapping sound more like they are planning a barbecue than deciding what they will do with their principal, sitting tied up in their basement.

Meanwhile, Cherry is off killing several female prom queen candidates, and no one even notices or cares. (Yeah, I get it, I get it, the whole town is worried about prom. Very realistic. At least you could throw in some funny scenes with the cops, but that might be asking too much.) For example, right after Cherry drives by the school and shoots down a handful of students, Beth is found being interviewed by the local media. The reporter mentions "the shooter" in a way that makes it seem like no one knows who killed these innocent students, but then one second later asks, "What do you think about guns in the hands of minors?" or something to that effect. Where did the reporter jump to such conclusions?

At the end of the movie, after Cherry kills the winning prom queen and prom is deemed over, with the media showing up again, Beth simply adds that "she understands (Cherry's) need to be heard" and walks away with her friends, smoking cigarettes in a calm, unaltered mood. No one is even strayed by the fact that they just witnessed a murder.

Not to mention the students constantly parking in a yellow zone, and no one seeming to care that there is a sudden rise in violence in the town, Julie living in a large house with no parents present, and the bizarre party at her house (Maybe I'm a little left out of the scene, but last time I knew, high school parties did not involve naked women artistically dancing in a pool of water while men bob for marshmallows and everyone basks in their "I'm so indie and mod" attitudes), Beth's parent's horrible acting with her mother acting over-the-top and her father simply nodding at everything the mother has to say (and not in an entertaining way either), along with stupid scenes such as the new black principal running after Cherry as she tries to shoot her with a gun. Yes. Very realistic.

The only compliment I can give this movie is that the photography is wonderful. The angles are flattering and the screen is very clear and crisp with each shot.

Too bad the acting and script aren't.
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A true black comedy.
duckbutter11 July 2000
This film is trash at it's best. The film maker gives the audience a wink and a nod as he takes us into the seedy underside of one wacked high school. Guns a blazing and fists a flying, this film is remaniscent of Ken Russell with a pinch of John Waters thrown in for bad taste. Check it out and get ready to laugh.
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A dark comedy that made me laugh repeatedly
KCExec3 November 1998
Just saw Pep Squad at the Raindance Film Festival in London in October and the audience loved it, as did I. Reminded me of all the fellow students and teachers I would have loved to have gotten even with when I was in school!
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nicely done.
jbarker7121 November 2004
Chanced across this indie gem and it was pretty good. The 'thing' i liked the most was the cinematography and the style of the action. There's definitely a vision here. And a lot was done with the found locations and the normal locations used for good effect (the laundromat). The acting was somewhat stilted in places, but I liked that people looked like real people. I had rented 'mean girls' at the same time, and i have to say i liked this one better. Darker and with more bite. And the 'pool' performance art scene- priceless!

The characters were waayyy to over the top and melodramatic in places. But they had their own styles, and was really nicely done. Scriptwise this was good in parts, but the broader themes of having something to say, and trying to be heard and understood by adults in high school- and the title of prom queen being really hotly contested? This was more effective than a parody. I really like 'Jawbreaker', but this was considerably better.

Great use of Kansas locations- where the people correctly say 'Pop', not 'Soda'.

This film wasn't perfect, but the vision behind, the direction, and the shooting style raises it above normal.
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Decent B-movie
A.P.30 September 2005
Many people on this board forget to realize that this is a B-movie. The plot is supposed to be insane and it certainly delivers on its mission of weirdness. Yes, the performance of the lead female is a bit stale, although it's possible she was meant to be that way, given the apathy of her character. If not, then she is the only real drawback to the film. The rest of the cast are decent enough for newcomers and the cinematography is gripping. Kansas never looked so good. The movie has an early John Waters feel to it with a twist of David Lynch. While not very gory or as disturbed, fans of the first Evil Dead or Troma films would still enjoy this movie. The character of Cherry alone is worth the price of the rental.
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What a marvelous little film. California has nothing on Kansas!
ACTFilms15 April 1999
I saw this film at the AFM after seeing the trailer -- which by the way was an equally marvelous piece of work. Most everything works in Pep Squad -- music, cinematography, editing, acting, story. Sure, there are some wooden performances. That comes with low budget indie fare. But it never detracts from the overall flow. In fact, when I think back to my viewings of Carnival of Souls (which I think is another Kansas product) and other films considered cultish, Pep Squad holds up very well, indeed.

Special mention needs to be made of three elements. Brooke Balderson as Cherry is amazing. She not only made what could have been a single dimensional comic book character seem real and multi-dimensional, but she even created a wierd form of sympathy for the character. Betty O., playing the part of the principal who replaces Lester the Molester (yes, this is a strange story) adds just the right amount of zest to the overall mix of characters and story. Finally, the score, by Concrete Blonde frontwoman Johnette Napolitano, was perfect. I saw the film in a theater with full stereo sound and the impact of the music with the imagery was fantastic. I imagine that a lesser sound system would certainly detract from the overall experience. (In fact, I recently saw a screener video of the film and, though good, the TV speakers were really inadequate.)

If you're a Concrete Blonde fan, if you're between 16 and 28, if you ever were in high school and felt like killing the principal (figuratively if not literally), if you are/were ever tired of having to mindlessly just accept what those in power impose --- then you'll have much fun with Pep Squad.
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films-129 March 2000
After checking this out and seeing what everybody said about it, I can totally see how Pep Squad was totally ripped off by Jawbreaker, Killing Mrs. Tingle and Drop Dead Gorgeous. It's too bad that they did that. Pep Squad was a lot better.
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Now THIS is a B!
belialprod19 August 2001
If you like B movies, "Pep Squad" is a B Movie in the best sense of the word. Why it went straight to video is beyond me. It's mix of humour and artistry makes it stand out as the "El Mariachi" of teen flicks.

First time director Steve Balderson has fashioned not only an exceedingly witty script (Fave moment in a film full of fave moments: The cheer Cherry pays the cheerleaders to do), but has an eye for what Brian DePalma called "film as a visual medium". Take the costumes, each character given a very specfic look and tone through wardrobe, take the finale- a breathtakingly clever denoument set to a new wave version of the star spangled banner. Balderson also knows what B fans come to see and has seen fit to throw in the occasional bit of shock violence and gratuitous nudity (though even that is shot with a fair degree of look and purpose).

Special mention must be made of the director's sister, Brooke Balderson who, in the time warped town the film takes place in, is the most warped of all- a teenage Cruella DeVille. She's perfect- snarly, mean and way over the top. Then there's Jane Wiedlin look alike Summer Makovkin...well let's just say she's appealing on a purely personal level.

"Pep Squad" is what would happen if David Lynch, in full "Twin Peaks" mode, decided to make a John Hughes film. I can say nothing more than run out and rent it and let's get this film the cult following it so richly deserves.
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This movie rocked my LIFE!
Dikenga9 March 2000
Telling the story about school violence was done well, I expected it to be a bit like all the others. It sympathized with the killers, for the right reasons, and it was crafted great. It's about time somebody paid attention to whats really going on in our country. Hats off to Steve Balderson for having the guts to confront it.
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Enjoy this as a co-feature w/early John Waters
Fungus of Terror26 March 2002
Slick production values and insanely great performances from Brooke Balderson and Amy Kelly elevate this film far above 'b-grade;' but the director also manages to maintain a camp sensibility throughout that's tantalizingly reminiscent of John Waters at his best. This would make an outstanding double-feature with "Female Trouble"!
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Enjoyed film; a good time was had by all; bright spots in the acting
Blade-5415 April 1999
I managed to fit a screening of Pep Squad in at the recent AFM in Santa Monica. For a market screening the auditorium was quite full. AFM officials in attendance said it was one of the best attended of all the screenings.

The audience liked the film, and so did I. Sure, it's a low budget, independent with no-name actors. But it was a major improvement on "Jawbreaker" with Rose McGowan doing a poor job of trying to be Cherry. Columbia Tri-Star would have been ahead if they'd have just sent "Pep Squad" around the country for a few weeks.

The tongue-in-cheek humor was fun and, at the same time, the not-so-subtle political statements were made with gusto.

I noticed where the film had already played Raindance and Stockholm last year and was in the Fantasporto Festival as AFM was going on. Heard this morning that it had been selected for Seattle, as well as San Sebastian next fall. Pretty good for a first time work from a very young director. I'll be keeping my eyes open for his next project.
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Genius! David Lynch meets Sixteen Candles
andihenrock26 February 2004
This totally made me think of all those great 80s movies - only, with David Lynch or some sicko remaking them with some guns and lots of bad language. I think the F word was the only one in the script. Except for the genius DIE TERRA DIE part... And the GYNOCOLOGIST remarks.

This is up there is my TOP 10 fave movies of all time. And the music is awesome.

Brooke Balderson and Amy Kelly have more energy than any other actress in their age group. Seriously, it comes bursting through the screen. I haven't ever experienced viciousness like that. In any movie. EVER. This is one piece of work!
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Hilarious! Real funny!
Burt MacDowell9 March 2000
When I left the screening my side hurt from laughing so hard I nearly lost it. This was one of the funniest movies I've ever seen. That girl with the boobs - Terra - was pure comic genius!! And the rest of the movies not bad either.
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Maybe next time
cruelmo13 December 2002
Balderson's first effort was obviously a first effort. I must admit that I think the version of this film I saw was a pre-release, being that I saw it sometime in '97 or perhaps earlier. The acting in this film was inconsistent, some scenes being quite believable and others not even close. This is understandable given that this film was most of the cast's first. The plot in this film is not even close to realistic. Again, understandable for the same reasons. When I met Steve and some of the other members of the cast and crew during filming (I used to live in Manhattan, KS, near where it was filmed), they were all genuinely excited about the project, but it was obvious they were not seasoned actors and crew members. I didn't like this film, but must concede that it was a valiant first effort. I look forward to Balderson's next film with Dennis Hopper!
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Shoot to KILL!
Katie-819 March 2000
The best film I have seen in a long time. The best part of it for me was Cherry - I want to be her! Blood-red lipstick, Versace haute couture and a complete automatic rifle! What more does a girl need!!!! Amazing performance, images, music. Bon!
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Gavaldon28 April 1999
As a qualified and respected entertainment industry figure, I have recently been allowed to view a screener of PEP SQUAD. Next month the film will have a Premiere at the Seattle International Film festival and I look forward to seeing it again. The film's brilliance is solidified by its participation in the festival. Past premieres have included TO DIE FOR, TRAINSPOTTING and KISS OF THE SPIDER WOMAN! I have studied film my entire life, and can attest, with absolute sincerity, that this film is one to study. It is obvious that the scene analysis, camera movement and even the artistic design of the film were endlessly and strategically planned. With an amazingly acute vision, the director has given us a journey of cinematic wonder rarely seen in American Cinema. The colours, costumes, photography, choreography, perfectly and deliberately placed. This amount of attention has given my full attention to a motion picture worthy of the word: genius. I have recommended to all of my peers that one should pay close attention to the name BALDERSON, undoubtably an addition to this group: HITCHCOCK, FELLINI, TRUFFAUT and KUBRICK. Thank you for giving our dreams the very thing they're made of! Thank you for the inspiration ...
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