Future Zone (1990) Poster


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Even less like the future than the previous film!
Aaron13752 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of those films that is a sequel, but then it is not a sequel. Basically, think Ghost Rider. The second one has Nicolos Cage and acts like a sequel, but then the story does not really reference the first film at all and goes into an entirely different direction. Well, this film is more of a sequel than that film was, but not by much as John Tucker is back and played by David Carradine and he once again is part of the redneck cop brigade, but nothing that happened in that film seems to have any bearing on this film at all. In face, other than the super powerful glove, there is absolutely nothing futuristic about this film as it may take place in Mobile Alabama, so even the cops looking as they do is pretty much par for the course...

The story, John Tucker is back and arresting people while a mysterious person who appears amid glowing light and is definitely not John Tucker's son appears! Okay, it is his son, but good old John takes nearly the entire movie to figure this out. Well, for some reason these idiots dealing in coke want to take John out even though he is not really all that close to solving it and set him up numerous times and lots of shooting as his son helps. Also, the big time dealer in this one can get a girl to massage him while she is topless, but cannot afford a new roof over his modest home with hideous decor...

David Carradine is back in this one and he actually seems to be in better shape for this one than he did the previous film. Good idea putting him in a more formal police uniform with sleeves. He looks less white trash this time. I thought this film was watchable and a bit more enjoyable than the first film, but still not great. You do not need to see the first film to watch this one as it just does not seem like it is set in the same universe at all. Just has John Tucker back and his glove.

So, not a bad horrific film that makes you wish you were having a root canal done, but rather a cheesy bad film that was fun to watch and laugh at all the stupid things going on. I have certainly seen David in worse films that is for sure! A lot of things differ from the first film as I think this one takes place in a whole different part of the world and now Tucker has either a girlfriend or wife who is a bit more suitable for him than the total babe he one over from the first film. This one has leopard panties, I definitely see a woman with leopard panties dating Tucker, it would be a prerequisite.
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All he needs is the glove...
Polaris_DiB10 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
David Carradine stars as John Tucker, bounty hunter for the C.O.P.S. program of... the future? Something like that. Here's the deal, or the (il)logic, if need be: people in bad late-80s costumes run around blowing things up. That's fine. They also depend on John Tucker to save the day. Great! They all have regular modern-day weaponry. I can handle that... Except John Tucker.

John Tucker has two secret weapons. He has a glove that can shoot laser beams and fly by remote control. He has a son who has traveled back from the future to aid in his quest to ... do something, as the whole plot, whys and wherefores, was kind of lost to me behind all the ugly hair-does and Carradine's bloating body. I don't know how the future has the capability of creating great technologies like video-calling and mega-awesome glove weaponry, and yet the enemies still have to piddle around with their old-school semi-automatics. I also don't quite know why Tucker just doesn't use his glove ALL THE TIME. And I really couldn't tell you if the movie in question ever explains how it comes to be that his son is able to travel through time.

So don't worry about it. Just watch, uh, bad explosions and Carradine try to keep a straight face as he pronounces his love to one of the most hideously ugly women ever to have a prominent supporting role. Oh, and Tucker's son is also played by the director. Who wrote the script and produced it. MMmyeah.

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B for bad
kaefab4 January 2021
Not sure where they got those actors but that movie was really bad, was that acting or line reading....

The only passable thing in the movie where the FX the rest was just plain torture.
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"You Have Committed A Crime, And Been Found Guilty! You Have The Right To Die!"...
azathothpwiggins21 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
FUTURE ZONE is the long-awaited, lauded sequel to FUTURE FORCE!

Criminals are up to no good once more, and only John Tucker (David Carradine) can take them on. Within seconds, a ship -an obviously ancient, rusted wreck- explodes, and gunfire erupts like Fourth of July fireworks! Tucker utilizes his robo-arm in typical fashion.

Suddenly, a beam of blue light shoots down from heaven! Lilting, churchy music plays! A man emerges from the light! Jesus? Moses? Timothy Leary? No, it's Bill (Ted Prior), a visitor from the future! We know he's from the future because he wears a see-through shirt with glitter on it! Bill has come to assist Tucker in his war against the eeevil drug lords.

And the angels did sing!

This movie is every bit as gut-busting as its predecessor! Mr. Carradine is masterful at this sort of stuff.

MOST MEMORABLE SCENES: #1- Tucker and Bill being shot at by ten men with automatic weapons, at close range, and sustaining no injuries! All ten assailants are killed! By revolvers! #2- Tucker's wife, Marion (now played by Gail Jensen) is abducted by the drug kingpin and his goons, leading to the final showdown, featuring several more automatic rifles vs. Three handguns! Guess who wins!

A boffo follow-up to the original wonderwork...
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You Have The Right To DIE
DavyDissonance21 November 2017
Some idiot returns from the future to do... something I guess. I don't know. Future Zone is the quote unquote "sequel" to Future Force. In terms of action and pacing, Zone is better. The story, however,is abysmally retarded. Force was at least more coherent although that is not saying much. So I will say Zone is slightly better than its predecessor but only by millimeters.
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Even worse
BandSAboutMovies13 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I hoped against hope that David Carradine wouldn't have to be in another David Prior movie, but you know how it goes. You have to do the movies that are paying for you. Actually, I don't know. No one is asking me to be in horrible movies all that often.

Remember John Tucker? Yeah, that guy Carradine played in Future Zone. Well, he's back. And this time, his son Billy has traveled through time to help him. Billy's played by David Prior's brother Ted, so there's that. He's named for the wheelchair-bound friend of John from the first movie, in case you remember that movie. I hope you don't.

I guess I should try and say something nice. Well, Charles Napier and Jackson Bostwick, the original Captain Marvel on the Shazam! TV series, show up.

Just like the first movie in the series, you're gonna need all manner of aid to get through this. Trust me, more help than you'll find at the liquor store.
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This is not David Prior at his best and he should have stopped after the first "Future" movie!
tarbosh220004 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
John Tucker (Carradine) is back in this sequel to Future Force (1989). This time around, Tucker is having some marital problems with wife Marion (real-life wife at this time Gail Jensen). Also he's fighting gangsters and corruption - and what does Mickland (Napier) have to do with all this? While Tucker is busy being an old west-style gunslinger in a world gone mad, a mysterious stranger seemingly appears out of nowhere to come back him up. But this "stranger" is none other than Billy Tucker (Prior), John's son who travels back in time to help his dad. Naturally, they don't get along at first...well, you know the drill by this point. Will the father and son Tucker team prove that family wins out in the end? Another question you could ask is, "WHY is there another Tucker?" This movie is really pushing its luck. By that we mean, there was no reason whatsoever for a sequel to Future Zone. If David Prior wanted to put Carradine, Napier and Ted in a movie, fine, so much the better, but it really did not need to be another John Tucker vehicle. I doubt fans were clamoring for that. It's almost wasteful, it could have been a whole new idea. So as it stands, Future Zone is very, very dumb, and with an odd, seemingly too-slow pace to boot. On the bright side, Tucker's proto-Power Glove is back in force, shooting blue lasers and blowing up helicopters, and there are plenty of blow-ups, but the pace, overall stupidity and one other negative aspect sink the movie...

That being the horrendous score by John Morgan and William Stromberg. It's old-fashioned, inappropriate, and has loud flutes and oboes blasting in your ears. It sounds like it should be in a Disney or Looney Tunes cartoon. It actually enhances the silliness and flaws in the movie. It's incredibly grating, so much so, it basically ruins the experience. Plus it's obvious that Carradine DOES NOT CARE. Maybe he's acting and that's just John Tucker's character, but wow, he really has a lot of contempt for the very fact that he's even there. It's just very low energy. By comparison, when Michael Madsen doesn't care (which is pretty much all the time from what we've seen), it's somehow charming. And when Burt Reynolds doesn't care (which is pretty much all the time from what we've seen), it's at least funny. But Carradine's lack of interest just saps energy from the whole project. And it's already on life support as it is. Ted Prior and Charles Napier do their best to revive the proceedings, but it's not enough: you check out and boredom ensues - even at an 80 minute running time.

While Ted Prior's shirt is surely a sight to behold, as is Carradine's jacket with the hand emblazoned on the back, and Carradine gets a great entrance, it's, sadly, not enough. This is not David Prior at his best and he should have stopped after the first "Future" movie and made a new project here. Future Zone is a disappointment.

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"For 15% I can find out anything"
hwg1957-102-26570424 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A sequel to 1989's 'Future Force' a cop in the near future called Tucker is assisted in tracking down some malevolent drug smugglers by his own son from the further future. The film does have a credited writer (the director no less) but it seems to have been written by a twelve year old. The clichés abound and there isn't an original moment in it. There are some pretty explosions that are the most exciting things in this dull film. The enforced buddy-buddy cop trope is particularly tedious. As Tucker the usually watchable David Carradine galumphs about as if bored. Ted Prior, not known for his thespian greatness, is actually the best person in the cast, being charming and likeable, apart that is Renée Cline as the sparky Cindi who adds much needed spirit. Mainly a movie to send one to sleep.
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No reason to exist
Leofwine_draca30 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
FUTURE ZONE is another example of the kind of should-be-non-existent trash action movies that David Carradine was making throughout his career. It's a sequel to FUTURE FORCE and features our hero travelling from the future to the prsent, where he teams up with his own son to battle the usual nefarious criminal gang. Cheap and cheesy and made without merit, this is one for bad film lovers alone, but there's nothing bad enough to make it remotely entertaining. David A. Prior directs and Ted Prior, the star of the notorious DEADLY PREY, co-stars.
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A big improvement over the cruddy original
Woodyanders23 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
A rare example of a sequel that's better than the original. David Carradine returns as rough'n'tumble bounty hunter John Turner, who this time locks horns with ruthless drug dealing crime boss Hoffman (an effectively sleazy portrayal by Patrick Culliton). Turner is assisted by brash young hotshot Billy (a likable Ted Prior), who ultimately turns out to be Turner's own son from the future who's traveled back to the present to spend some quality time with his father. Writer/director David A. Prior shows a greater degree of flair and competence than in the previous picture; he relates the story at a steady pace and stages the stirring action scenes with a reasonable amount of brio. Moreover, Carradive delivers a much more lively and committed performance as the hard-nosed Turner. The solid acting from a good cast rates as another substantial plus: Gail Jensen as Turner's fed-up shrewish wife Marion, Ron Taft as Hoffman's vicious flunky Dugan, Charles Napier as huffy corrupt police chief Mickland, Renee Cline as sarcastic informant Cindi, and Dave Scott as sniveling toady Monroe. The breezy and engaging chemistry between Prior and Carradine really keeps the movie humming throughout. Voya Mikulic's slick cinematography, the tight 79 minute running time, William T. Stremberg's spirited cornball score, and a decent dab of gratuitous female nudity are all on the money as well. A perfectly enjoyable little low-budget B-action flick.
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Better Than It's Predecessor
Zantara Xenophobe10 November 2003
`Future Zone' is the sequel to `Future Force,' which was a good idea gone totally bad. David A. Prior took a lot of good elements and wasted them in that movie. He had a big name star in David Carradine, and he either didn't utilize this star power or didn't direct the star right, as Carradine just didn't seem to have the heart to be in the movie, looking completely bored. Prior took good music from Steve McClintock and Tim James and put it in all the wrong places and at the wrong decibels. He took good villains (William Zipp and Robert Tessier) and a good plot and squandered them with stilted dialogue and bad pacing. But with this sequel, you wouldn't have known this was the same director. Prior does everything that he did wrong with `Future Force' and corrects it.

Here it seems like the events of the first movie have been forgotten except that Carradine is still a hard-nosed bounty hunter, but now he has a wife he neglects, and it isn't the same character he walks off with in the first film. One day, his life is saved by a young hotshot whose shooting skills rival that of Carradine himself, and this youngster (Ted Prior, of all people, doing some of the best acting in his career) beings to hang around with loner Carradine. We know when we first see this character that he is really from the future, and I for one as able to put the pieces together about who he really was before it was revealed, but it was still neat. David Prior's writing was so much better that the ease at which I was predicting events didn't matter because I was enjoying it all so much. The music, though not by the same good musicians as before, was better placed, and the dialogue much better. Best of all was that Carradine did a three-sixty, getting into his part and having fun doing it. While the movie still had some flaws, it was good enough for me, and way better than its predecessor. Zantara's score: 6 out of 10.
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Revenge of the glove!!!
HaemovoreRex1 February 2009
David Carradine reprises his role as John Tucker, the monosyllabic, robotic glove wearing tough nut (no really!) in this somewhat superior sequel to the previous years Future Force. This time around our hero is joined by his son, played in typical hip form by director David A Prior's brother, and regular headliner, Ted. Oh, did I happen to mention that his son has come back from the future? Um.....anyway, to cut the story short, our father and son team must now take on a drug dealing no-gooder and his legions of lackeys. Yep, this inevitably spells out as lots of shootouts, a fair amount of fisticuffs and a few explosions thrown in for good measure. Best of all though is the glove! Yes, our remote controlled, laser firing little friend is back and as energetic as ever!

.......Now where can I get me one of those wonderful things?!
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Cheesy enough for a good ride.
fabianotto27 August 2021
Much better than the first one and actually quite funny if you're into quotable one-liners. Kicking back for a beer or two and watching VHS tape quality on bluray after work? Jap, worked for me! Cheers!
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