A Cry for Help: The Tracey Thurman Story (TV Movie 1989) Poster

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response on the comment A Cry for stupidity: the Tracey dumb-ass story"
turbotype430 April 2005
I would like to comment on the person who wrote that. I don't think you watched the movie at all. Because if you did, you would have realized that she did try to get away from the man and get help but the police wouldn't help her. Thats what the whole movie is about. Also, if you have not been in that kind of situation, you need to shut your mouth, because believe it or not, it is harder to get away from someone like that than you think. I, personally have not been in that situation but my mother has so i have lived it. If you really love someone, its easy to believe they will change. you say, but how can you love someone like that. well, they don't start beating you right off hand, they wait till they know they've got you then start. thank you for your time
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True story.
SilentWarrior13 January 1999
This is a drama about Tracey Thurman (Mckeon), who is abused by her estranged husband. This takes place prior to domestic violence laws. This was actually a landmark case towards the enactment of domestic violence laws across the U.S. Ms. Mckeon does an outstanding job in portraying this woman who continually attempts to seek help from local law enforcement to protect her from her husband.
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A Call for Viewers
Hecate-33 June 2000
This is a surprisingly good film that deserves a larger audience than it will probably get. The realism in the script may be due in great part to the film being based on a true story, but considering how many Hollywood films based on true stories lack that element of realism, the screenwriter deserves considerable praise. The film is well-paced with just enough detail to convey the essence of Tracey's experience. The entire cast delivers an excellent performance.

There is some violence in this film. Most of the violence is not shown directly, but despite that, the violence is more disturbing than a typical splatter flick, partly because of the realism and partly because the victims earn more sympathy than the typical victims of splatter flicks. It should be okay for most people, but this is not a film for young children.

This film had a similar feel to Baby Snatcher, another Nancy McKeon TV film based on a true story. If you liked one, you will probably like the other.
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This Movie Is So Real For A lot Of Women Just Like Me
fosters81742 January 2006
When I first saw this movie I couldn't believe what I was seeing.It was like watching someone else live my life. Fortunately I was able to get out before it got as bad. My husband and I lived together for seven years and over that period the beatings had became pretty bad and toward the end it was evident that if we didn't get away from one another one of us was going to die. Either he was going to kill me or I would kill him fighting back in self defense. This movie is so true. The police where I lived acted like I was bothering them when I tried to have him arrested and only once in the seven years of marriage did he actually go to jail. They refused to allow me to press charges. They said I was over reacting to a marital disagreement. Someone has to do something to help battered women. It's time someone took a stand.
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alliesmom971 January 2004
Warning: Spoilers
This is without a doubt the most horrifying story of domestic abuse I have ever seen. As another reviewer commented, this is definitely not a movie for the fainthearted, but it was very well acted and the story was very moving and disturbing.

It is a true story. Tracey Thurman is an abused wife and the police are less than enthusiatic about protecting her from her husband. Unlike some abused women she finally does leave and get a restraining order against him. This leads to the violent confrontation that is a main theme of the movie.

POSSIBLE SPOILERS AHEAD--depends on what you know about the case!

The scene of Buck's final, near fatal attack on Tracey is extremely violent and a almost TOO long. Buck Thurman chases Tracy down, throws her to the ground and stabs her repeatedly. As she lays helpless on the ground, he kicks her, jumps on her head and screams at her that she MADE him do all this, its all her fault (isn't that what the abuse always says)--stopping a couple of times and wandering a few feet away only to return and continue his attack. During this time, a police officer stands there, and as he says later "I continued to observe the situation". The only action he takes during the attack is to try and restrain the boyfriend (maybe husband?) of Tracey's friend when he attempts to aid her and picking up Buck's dropped knife and locking it in the trunk of his car. The only reaction we see from him is when Buck attempts to grab his son--then the officer rouses himself a bit.

It is this handling of the attack that leads Tracey to sue the police department on the grounds that they failed to offer her equal protection under the law.

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The present day relevance of Tracy Thurman's Story
Tupaelan3 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, my 8 out of 10 does not take into account that this was a made-for-TV movie. It should have been a feature and more people should have seen it. It's a cautionary tale for all women, regardless of race, education, or socioeconomic status. Nancy McKeon is unforgettable as the young woman drawn in by a charismatic but ultimately viciously abusive man intent on owning every facet of her life. It would be a mistake to dismiss this movie as a throw-away, Lifetime stereotype. The weaving of the story, which is to say the unraveling of Thurman's world, is excellent and without obvious sentiment. The truth of this case as a representation of the systematic control by an abuser is without question. However, the real story behind it is the response of the law enforcement community to Thurman's case. Thankfully, in the last 20 years since this movie was made, law enforcement agencies have updated their procedures and strategies in direct response to cases like Tracy Thurman's. But there is more to be done and this movie is still relevant. The pattern of the abuser's manipulation has not changed. Young women can learn a great deal from learning about this case. Finally, this movie has made a permanent impression on me. So much so, in fact, that I am in the process of studying to be a forensic nurse - someone trained to treat medically, and collect evidence from, domestic abuse victims, child abuse victims, and victims of sexual assault. The forensic nurse also represents their evidentiary findings in court. I'm doing this for future women who need help. Because Tracy Thurman sure could have used someone on her side.
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Nancy McKeon (Far from the Facts of Life)
mahnngs57829 August 2007
I remember watching this movie for the first time, just by "accident", while channel surfing and landing on Lifetime cable station. I've always liked Lifetimes' movies.(I think I was maybe 15? or younger) I've always been a fan of Ms McKeon, ever since I watched her first appearance as "Jo" on the Facts of Life. (Be it that all I have to go on was the syndication--thank you to Nickelodeon/TV Land, TNT, USA, and TBS... and cable!-- because when the Facts of Life actually started I was barely an embryo.) I admit I was obsessed with "Jo" and "Jo" was the cool one whom I wished were my friend-- (and "Tootie was the perky-child, "Blair" was the snobbish-high-class-big-sister, "Natalie" was,well, me.) Ms McKeon's role and portrayal of Tracy Thurman lingers in my mind. and if is it ever available on VHS (I'm old-school, I know) or DVD, I would surely pick it up. (and if there is anyone out there, who knows if it is available, and how to get it, I would be more than happy for the info.) Every woman, young and old, ought to watch this movie. It shows how strong a woman can be in the worst of events. When all the world seems to be against you.. if you are strong, you will conquer your enemies and prevail!
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Best, most memorable Lifetime movie EVER
I am a HUGE Lifetime movie buff and have been since I was a little girl. I am also a big fan of Nancy McKeon, and no one could have pulled this role off as good as her. Of all of the million lifetime movies I have seen, A cry for help: (TTTS), is the one that stands out. You really feel for Tracey Thurman in this movie. I've never disliked any character as much as I did her husband in this movie. It is almost unbearable to watch. This film helped change the way abused men and women are handled by the police. This is by far the best lifetime movie I've ever watched, IMO.
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My thoughts on the Tracey Thurman story
dazed9123 February 2006
I thought the actors in that movie did an excellent job of portraying the true story.Tracey Thurman did everything she could although she should have left the guy the very first time he hit her.I also think maybe things would have turned out a little different if she would have just stayed inside that fateful day instead of going outside to Bucks calls.That bastard Buck should have received life in prison at the least.That mans a nut who does not deserve to see the light of day after what he did to Tracey.Obviously it was a man who let him out.Every time Tracey looks in the mirror,or even attempts to move,she is reminded of what that ass-hole did to her.She can only thank GOD that she is at least alive and can have somewhat of a normal life.Iam glad she got the money she did,she at least deserved that much from the P.D. run by morons.I hope they learned a valuable lesson.I'm glad Tracey sued their asses.Good for her.I hope she was also smart enough to set that money up to where it will last her all of her life so finances wont be a problem for her at least.And any woman who wants relations with Buck knowing what he did to Tracey needs professional help herself!I hope Buck is seething with jealousy that Tracey is alive and thanks to him in a way,wealthy.I hope he is rotting somewhere barely making ends meet!The best part is Buck will never find Tracey ever again and I think thats great!
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Perhaps The Best TV Movie I've Ever Seen. It Should Be Watched.
Movie-ManDan13 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I am not all for made-for-TV movies. More recent TV movies like Sharknado are awful. But there was a time when they were actually great. So great that they should have Academy Award wins. This 1989 TV movie is one of those that should be treated like a blockbuster. It is up to par with Raging Bull, Sophie's Choice, and others.

I discover this movie while watching E! True Hollywood Story's episode about The Facts of Life show. The Facts of Life is one of my favourite shows and Nancy McKeon's character of Jo is one of my favourite TV characters in general. When they moved to McKeon's post-Facts life, they talked and showed footage from this movie. It caught my attention and I really wanted to see it. Jo was a serious character in the Fact of Life and there was lots of seriousness in the show, but it was a family sitcom that was mostly funny. A Cry For Help would be McKeon's departure from family-friendly stuff and into more serious and darker things. Sadly, she did not transition well into the big screen.

A Cry For Help is the true story of domestic abuse and failure of police help in Connecticut in 1983. What happened is now a law known as the Thurman law for any marital abuse. I wish it was federal. McKeon plays young Tracey who worked as a motel maid in Florida. She dropped out of high school to support her dying mother. There is a scene that shows before her mother died that is sad enough. She tells Tracey that she will find happiness and marry a wonderful person that will take care of her and live a perfect life. She meets a rugged construction worker named Charles "Buck" Thurman (Dale Midkiff) and they hit it off. He has a gambling problem which she does not like, but feels she should give him a chance. She gets to see his temper, but it is nothing much. He explains that he was heavily abused by his mother growing up, which explains a lot. She gets pregnant and the abuse begins. He feels terrible about hitting her and promises to change, and he explains that his immediate thought was that the baby was not his. She reluctantly accepts his hand in matrimony. His gambling problem gets worse and the abuse grows. It is a little bit hard to watch for some. She leaves him for good, taking their son and stays with her friends in Connecticut. He follows her and moves there himself getting a job as a dishwasher where constantly stalks her. She calls the police numerous times and they don't take her seriously since she's still legally married. I read that she called the police 19 times, give or take. Buck says "If we can't raise our son together, nobody will," as well as uttering threats of killing her. Up until this point, the movie is more of a horror/thriller in my book. Buck is a scary nutcase on the loose. The day he says the quote above is when tragedy ensues: he jumps Tracey and stabs her 13 times in the neck, face, back and chest then gives a booted kick and stomp to her head. The cop that showed up was really overwhelmed and unprepared. It totally pisses me off to see how dumb he was. Hellen Keller at age 6 could have done a better job. He pretty much allowed Buck to continue harming Tracey. He retired soon after, and I read that fellow cops were saying he was grieving with extreme guilt until that day he died. GOOD!! That scene is one of the most heartbreaking and saddest scenes ever filmed. They show it all. Midkiff plays Buck as such an insane character that needs many tranquilizer guns in him. It takes about 5 cops to arrest him. I'm pretty sure that Buck really was like that. When I recommend people seeing this, I should also caution you by telling you to fast forward the entire stabbing scene. It is that intense. After the attack is when it becomes a straight-up drama/courtroom drama. The attack caused Tracey to be a technical quadriplegic: she can move one side of her, but can't feel it and feel one side, but can't movie it. She successfully sues the state for $2 million, and Buck gets a 20 year maximum sentence and vows to finish the job.

It is somewhat rare for a movie to be phenomenal with just acting being the biggest thing. This is one of those. Nancy McKeon, Dale Midkiff and Tracey's lawyer deserved Emmy and Golden Globe wins, but none were even nominated. It wasn't a shock that the characters could play serious roles, I knew they could watching E!. Nancy McKeon's portrayal of Tracey after the attack is phenomenal as a quadriplegic. She was the best one and had the biggest robbery.

Aside from this having great acting, it is very informative and educational. it gives great insight on marital abuse, restraining orders and police protection. Anybody in law enforcement should see this as it is very informative on a potential case they could be assigned to.

A Cry For Help is just about 100% accurate. Tracey stills lives in Torrington remarried and still fears Buck's return. He is not allowed in the city. A full interview about Tracey's present and the case can be found here:


A recent report on Buck can be seen here:

http://www.rep-am.com/articles /2008/07/07/ news/doc484b306d21de9364166174.txt?p=5

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Abuse is insidious. Victims are not at fault.
zany_beat21 December 2004
I also have been a wife of an abusive husband, even if in my situation the attacks were psychological, not physical. He presented a very respectable, responsible and generous personality to anyone who saw us together, which, in contrast to myself, resulted in having others treat me as dull and unstable. Initially, I was so incredibly flattered that anybody like Gus (who worked in a bank and was handsomely confident) would even give me the time of day, and I fell completely head-over-heels for the IDEA of him, rather than the person he was. If I'd had my head on straight, and gotten to know him much better first, there's no way I'd have married him. However, that's my mistake. It wasn't my mistake to be abused. I didn't deserve that, nor did I see it coming until I was embroiled in the mind games, criticism and isolation. He acted like I had no business holding an opinion that differed from his own - actually he went further. If I didn't agree, he assumed I misunderstood, and increasingly simplified his wording ... by the time I finally lost my self-respect, I was incapable of recognizing the predicament I was in, and I had to be jolted to reality by outside influence. My dad said Gus called me a bitch. Well ... it was still a half-year before the rage that began at that moment finally exploded and I packed some stuff while he was at work, and I left. .. and it was still another several months before I could grasp the fact that I had been abused, and that it wasn't my fault he was doing the things he did. ..... so please, anyone who assumes it's the fault of the victim, THINK!!! If a puppy is kicked by a cruel owner when, in an anxious situation it has an accident on the rug, do you blame the puppy? by the time the abuse in a relationship reaches an obvious violent level, the target of abuse has been so wounded and depersonalized (much like in Nazi concentration camps) that it's nearly impossible to judge the circumstance accurately, because by then, the victim believes all the horrible things spewed by the abuser. Have a heart, people. Labelling abuse victims as stupid morons is like kicking someone who's already terribly beaten. -------> and this helps how???
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Incredible Story,Courageous Woman!
caromi17 February 2002
Tracy Thurman was truly a pioneer in the fight for women's rights and protection, this is a horrifying landmark case before the anti-stalking laws that we have today were put into effect. Tracy's courageous fight for help with Buck is a testament to her strength and willpower and the lack of police help that she experienced is shameful. Had I been on the jury, I would have awarded her 20 Million from the county,police,state and anywhere else I could, she would own the town if I'd been a deciding factor. The police force is a complete disgrace and those officers, especially the one who stopped to pee before going to her "aid", should be in jail along with Buck Thurman. Forever. The death penalty is entirely justified in a case like this because someone like Buck will only repeat his offenses when he's released.

I would love to know where Tracy is today, not physically located but how her life is going and how she's recovered. I've included her in my prayers many,many times.

Someone below commented that she was weak. I've never been a victim of domestic abuse but can see how easily someone could get sucked into the pattern of abuse by a manipulative spouse. Buck was evil, a stalker, an abuser and he was ALLOWED to repeatedly attack Tracy, a young mother with 2 children. Her survival and her insistance on fighting Buck,the town and the police force in a court of law shows tremendous courage, not weakness. I would think that someone seeing her abuse as weakness might be someone who doesn't have much life experience to draw on.

I pray that she gets only good things from her life in the future, she is a role model for other women in similar circumstances.
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Another horrific story of domestic violence with the added horrifying accomplices, the local police
kateann102726 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
A true story of horrific domestic violence by an ex-husband, even with a restraining order, that also ended up in a lawsuit against the city for ignoring numerous police reports of violence. The domestic abuse law was the result, and the only positive outcome of this horrific tragedy perpetrated by the "boys" network of local police who liked and knew the ex-husband.
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The Tracy Thurman Story is the true sad story for so many of us.
pennyklyber1315 November 2006
Those that have never been in an abusive relationship truly have no idea why the women, or men, don't just leave. Over a period of time, the abuser teaches you that you are worth nothing. It is a slow, well thought out process. You aren't even aware that it is happening to you until you have - learned - the consequences of his anger. The anger usually doesn't have anything to do with you, so there is nothing logical about the lesson. You have no way of knowing what has happened to him during the day, and never will. All you know is that whatever it was, must somehow be your fault. You are taught that the world is a terrible place and that there is no way you can survive without him. Then he tells you that if you are brave enough to leave him, he'll kill you. Those who stay in the relationship do not realize that he will probably kill you either way. This movie is the first and only movie that I have ever seen that truly tries to explain these issues. I am truly sorry that the law has not realized that this true story goes on in every state, in every economic class, on every day of way too many lives.
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Wonderful, yet heartwrenching.
vnino-9466622 March 2019
This movie is by far one of the best movies I have ever watched. Growing up lifetime movies were always my favorites. I remember seeing this movie when I was about 7, once it got too physical my mother turned it off. It wasn't until I was my current age 19 and a college student that I actually sat down and watched this movie. I give this movie a 10/10. This movie focuses on an abusive marriage which is very common these days. I recommend this movie for everyone. However, do not show to children under 15. As informative and important this movie is, it has very graphic scenes.
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A disturbingly powerful tv movie and brillant told.
afijamesy2k13 November 2022
Nancy Mckeon has grown up from her days as jo from the facts of life to deliver a great performance as tracy thurman a woman who was abuse by husband and almost killed and she sues the police department and other cast members are wonderful as well, this is no doubt the most powerful and a disturbing tv movie and one of the great ones, truly powerful.

I remember this one and it's still as horrifying brillant as it comes, i wish tv movies and others were more like this, domestic violence is no joke. Believe me after this one, never abuse your wife period and believe me and never will, just sad.
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I love this movie
freeyourself-1620811 February 2021
I love this movie because it help change the system when it comes to abuse.
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Watch this !! Eye opener for some of y'all
ortiz04807 October 2021
One of best true stories ! I love Nancy Mckeon , she is a great actress , they should of have her an Emmy...
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rcole-1207223 March 2023
Trying to watch this on my iPhone and can't get it to play. What in the heck am I doing wrong for this to not work can anyone please help me out or tell me where else I can watch this at and I can not make this 600 words I love movies like this and just want to watch some please anyone can you help me. Dealing with cancer all I do is stay and bed and watch tv and I have watch all shows like law and order criminal minds and now I want to watch true story movies and I can seem to do that now. I have to make 105 more words to post this for help so please I am begging anyone who can help or tell me where I can find this movie to watch.
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A great movie, and great Cast
angelbear1727 July 2002
Nancy, did a great job on this film, I love all her films, I really wish people like the one above that said her character was brainless, I don't think so, I was never abused, but I have been sucked into a relationship with someone not being honest, it's easy to fall into their guilt trips.
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Outstanding performances!
katiemadonna-19 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I have never seen such an riveting showing of domestic violence shown on screen. Dale Midkiff's performance deserving of an Emmy award, and I am stunned none of these actors weren't nomiated. This is indie film grit, this is a high quality film. I did not move once during the attack scene. I still am shaking. I can't believe the police allowed this to happen to Tracey.

Even more, that Buck was only charged with assault? He literally said "I killed her" and attempted to block the ambulance from taking her away. I wish police took all women seriously.

It is heartbreaking that her son, CJ would go on to be arrested for domestic violence years as well. Buck really deserved a long sentence.
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Great Movie BUT....
daisy_rock1 November 2023
This was an excellent movie and depicted so well BUT also it was absolutely terrible how law enforcement treated the situation which ended tragically. I'll stop here This movie is one of many from the 90's that seem to have infringement rights which prevent it from showing on networks/ devices! Really! What's the problem? Why are they holding on to movies that aired 30 years ago! Especially when this specific movie was shown on TV over and over again! And, when I found it on YouTube whomever owned the rights pulled the video had it banned! Will someone who has the knowledge, please explain why this happens? THANK YOU!

This was an excellent movie and depicted so well BUT also it was absolutely terrible how law enforcement treated the situation which ended tragically. I'll stop here.
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jckarla-3099015 March 2023
As a victim of domestic abuse, it doesn't have to come this far. There are subtle ways that we also considered abuse: screaming, cursing, belittling, pushing. This movie is a must see for all young women before they even begin dating. A must see for all victims who are trapped in bad marriages. However, at the first physical strike, you MUST GET OUT IMMEDIATELY AND IGNORE ALL "I'm sorry babe" statements that mean absolutely nothing. Nancy McKeon is amazing in this movie from beginning to end. And to the real victim, thank you for speaking out and sharing your story. You are helping many women.
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Totally Unfair To This Poor Woman With Agony
Pianoman360016 August 2022
Totally Unfair To This Poor Woman having to go through with this agony from Her horrible husband. While This poor woman having to take the abuse, harassment, murder threats, then she was hospitalized for eight months from the terrible beating, kicking, and stabbings nearly killing her, then having to suffer the terrible memories of this evil man and what he did to her. The Torrington Police Department practically have done nothing for this poor woman who was crying for help constantly and she became partially paralyzed for the rest of her life as a result from the police remaining apathetic towards Tracey allowing Buck to continuously harassing and endangering this poor woman.

All These Charges (should have been charged with all these counts) 1. Constant Harassment and Threats.

2. Physical Assaults. (Before June 10, 1983) 3. Violating The Restraining Order that was held against him.

4. Carrying a concealed knife/weapon to use for attempting murder.

5. Attempting First Degree Murder.

6. Severe assault resulting near fatal trauma injuries and partial paralysis. (June 10, 1983).

For This Poor Woman having to go through this terrible agony from Buck which she would then have to carry this for the rest of her life while Buck only had to serve 7 or 8 years with parole which does not make this poor woman absolutely well again once this dangerous man was released from prison. The kind of animal he was and the things he did to poor Tracey, he really should have been locked up for at least 50 or 70 years, no parole. Each of these charges are pretty serious. Something is wrong with that picture. Not fair that she had to give up quite a bit for this loser and he only had to serve 7 years instead what he really should have is around 70 years.

This is so disgusting and appalling. That fkn snake!!!!!!
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jenniferann-3085529 May 2022
I started this in hopes of actually getting to watch the full movie on here, guess that's not going to happen. Does anyone know where I can actually watch the full movie online??
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