This Movie Is So Real For A lot Of Women Just Like Me
2 January 2006
When I first saw this movie I couldn't believe what I was seeing.It was like watching someone else live my life. Fortunately I was able to get out before it got as bad. My husband and I lived together for seven years and over that period the beatings had became pretty bad and toward the end it was evident that if we didn't get away from one another one of us was going to die. Either he was going to kill me or I would kill him fighting back in self defense. This movie is so true. The police where I lived acted like I was bothering them when I tried to have him arrested and only once in the seven years of marriage did he actually go to jail. They refused to allow me to press charges. They said I was over reacting to a marital disagreement. Someone has to do something to help battered women. It's time someone took a stand.
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