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Incredible, inedible, Rambo rip-off cheese fest
Leofwine_draca1 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Bruno Mattei's most entertaining movie is a laughably bad Vietnam effort (read RAMBO: FIRST BLOOD PART II clone), financed in Italy but shot in the Philippines, where film stock is cheap. The film is a so-bad-it's-good classic, which starts off pretty seriously before degenerating into chaos about halfway through. It's an under-directed, over-acted bad film masterpiece without an ounce of common sense in its head, and this is why I love it so very much. Every plot incident is directly stolen from the Stallone flick; as you watch it you'll be wondering why the heck they didn't sue. The setting is the effectively steamy jungle, the only other locations a crummy building at the end of the film. Helicopter shots are grainy stock footage, then there's a hilarious interlude with a ship which explodes (an obvious miniature).

Taking the lead is wooden beefcake Reb Brown who overacts for all his worth. Brown is appalling, yet his attempts at acting give the film some of its most hilarious moments, like when he goes berserk firing his gun, shouting "ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!". The dubbed dialogue is also particularly funny in this film, whether it be Brown running in the jungle shouting "JAKOOOOOOOODA!" or the cheesy Russian bad guys ("I'm going to kill you, Amerikana!").

As the 'plot' plays out, Brown finds himself tortured on an electric fence (just like Stallone) before escaping and shooting hundreds of inept Vietcong. The bad guys in this flick are numerous but probably the same five actors used over and over again. Cheap huts explode, thousands of rounds are shot through the trees, and Ransom's trick seems to be throwing knives in the chests of his enemies – again, just like Stallone. In the plot 'twist', it turns out his superior, Christopher Connelly is corrupt, so at the end he goes in and explodes a small dummy supposed to represent Connelly! Absolutely hilarious entertainment. Other cast members include Alex Vitale as the exceedingly funny and non-threatening 'muscleman' villain (who gets a grenade shoved in his gob!), old-timer Luciano Pigozzi as a French priest (he gets bumped off after about five minutes screen time) and Filipino film regulars Jim Gaines and Mike Monty (the latter in the Richard Crenna role). For fans of pure schlocky cheesy entertainment, this awful Mattei flick takes some beating!
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In Disneyland, popcorn grows on trees!
Coventry4 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Bruno Mattei, may he rest in peace, undoubtedly was the uncrowned king of Italian exploitation cinema. Especially during the 1980's, he and his loyal buddy Claudio Fragasso fabricated nearly two dozen of hilariously incompetent, cheesy and most of all blatant imitations of famous Hollywood action/Sci-Fi blockbusters. "Predator" received a makeover called "Robowar", "Aliens" became "Shocking Dark" and this misunderstood masterpiece of cinema is a shamelessly flagrant "Rambo" knock-off. But still, even though the idea of a "Rambo" clone sounds totally uninteresting, you should definitely check out "Strike Commando" because this literally is a non-stop feast of dumb plotting, atrocious acting performances, grotesquely absurd action sequences and hilariously fake sentimentality.

Reb Brown – according to the VHS cover the newest world star – plays the deadly one man Vietnam commando squad Michael Ransom. He lost the rest of his elite buddies when the cowardly Colonel Radek aborted a mission too soon and obviously he wants retaliation. He ends up among Vietnamese villagers and learns that the biggest enemies in the area are actually Russian KGB troopers led by the sadist Jakoda. Russians! Russians in the Vietnam jungle! What are the odds? And apparently they really do address to Americans by yelling "Amerikanskiiiii"! This is obviously just a description of the plot in a nutshell. There's a lot more going on, one sub plot more ludicrous than the other, but the best bits of entertainment are to be found in the details. Our hero's wide variety of outrageous battle cries, for example, like when the Vietnamese boy he befriended dies in his arms or when he jumps off an exploding boat right after he executed the entire crew. Another massive highlight – one that nearly brought my mate and I close to crying with laughter – is the bare knuckle fighting showdown between our hero and the beefcake Russian, which includes quotes like "I'll break your back, Americanski" and ends with a dive from a cliff even though there wasn't a cliff in sight at the beginning of the fight. Ultimately priceless is the "friendship" that Michael Ransom develops with a Vietnamese boy. When asked about life in America, Ransom tells the kid that in Disneyland popcorn grows on trees and he will take him there one day. Obviously the kid's mom is mad at him. She probably doesn't like popcorn. Apart from all the unintentionally laughable moments, "Strike Commando" is actually a very violent film, with countless explosions and people dying from machine gun artillery and/or knives randomly flying around. The bloodshed and cruelty is never too shocking, however, not even during the infamous torture sequence compilation, and you'll be too busy laughing anyway.

Okay, once more and all together: Jaaaaaaaaakoooooooooooooodaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!
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Terrible - and Terribly Entertaining Vietnam Action Flick
SgtSlaughter28 June 2003
Reb Brown stars in an incredibly bad, yet still very entertaining popcorn action flick set in the jungles of Vietnam.

Brown plays Michael Ransom, a Green Beret sent on a risky mission which goes awry. He manages to get back to his own lines, only to wind up on another botched mission. While interred in an enemy POW camp, he discovers that his CO is actually working for the KGB, and escapes to seek revenge.

While the plot is rather contrived, the movie manages to deliver loads of cheesy entertainment - much more than you'll get from WHERE EAGLES DARE or any Hollywood action movie. The combat scenes basically consist of Brown firing his M-16, AK-47 or some other high-powered weapon in the general direction of the enemy, who all fall down. The VC are completely inept; none of them seem to know how to aim or fire a weapon or even turn around when fired upon. Brown manages to get away with just about anything - including sending radio messages to his own troops - while the VC just watch and appear helpless.

The acting is just as bad, especially from Brown. He manages to look strong and fearless, even after being beaten, burned and electrocuted by the enemy. He goes through every one of his scenes shouting at the top of his lungs - no matter what the scenario. Every time he fires a weapon he hollers "Whuaa" at the top of his lungs till your TV speakers will explode. In support, Alex Vitale is a scary-looking but never really frightening Russian bad guy, who's storming around the jungle helping the VC try to kick American butt. Luciano Pigozzi (TIGER JOE) is on hand in the first act as a witty French peasant. The supporting cast is pretty lame; one Vietnamese villager comes up to Ransom and says in fear: "We're, like, sitting ducks". Hmm, sounds a little on the side of American slang, doesn't it?

Add to the list of goof-ups and stupid stuff… one long, pointless scene involving Vitale and a snake; a real actor replaced in mid-scene with a child-sized dummy in a different position; some really bad-looking explosions; a man obviously clad in asbestos cloth as he's "burned" by a flamethrower; really, really badly edited Vietnam-era stock shots of helicopters flying around Vietnam … the list goes on and on.

On the plus side, the Luigi Ceccarelli score is crummy synthesizer material, but is pretty catchy and fast-moving. The jungle appears steamy and looks pretty lush and is very convincing (yet, none of the actors seem to be affected by the heat, bugs and such?). Mike Monty does a nice, appreciated turn as Ransom's commanding officer.

I saw STRIKE COMMANDO on a Brazilian videotape. The image was a little over-tinted, grainy and had occasional damage. The stock footage looks really worn out, too. The explosions are really, really bright - too bright - but this could be a fault of the film crew, not the video distributor. The cassette has slightly distracting Portuguese subtitles.

What the heck. It's a really bad movie - technically bad, badly written and badly acted - but it's an entertaining 2 hour trip into the world where the good guys always win despite insurmountable odds.

RATING: 5/10
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Rambo Meets A Viral Infection
Platypus-84 March 2002
Yes, the movie is bad. Tragically so. But I can't deny that I am overcome by a natural charm that movies this bad exude. Imagine a movie that cheerfully includes the hackneyed scene where the hero looks over the carnage wreaked by the bad guy and dramatically shouts his name out really long.

Special note should be made of our lead man's character-building scene where he tearfully brags about the food and candy at Disneyland to a dying Vietnamese boy. Simply priceless. For this kind of badness there should be a medal. If you see it, go ahead and try it for a lot more laughs than you'd get from a genuinely good comedy. Look for Reb Brown's "performance".
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this film insults the country of our fathers
williamsd-39 January 2006
To think that a entire army failed and one geeky man could destroy my home country seems insulting to hear and impossible. After all who is this Reb Brown guy and i am sure that Amercanski is not really Russian for American added to that some of the most awkward one liners in the history of world cinema. The boy is also a stereotypical Vietnamese peasant. I would like to see more Vietamese cinema like (literal translation) Du Xing's lama. The only people who would enjoy this insulting mess is patriotic American idiot who believe America won in the Vietnamese war (i myself am Vietnamese and didn't support the war)

Watch out for the paddy field scene, my dad was one of the extras.
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You could do worse.
gridoon2 July 2002
When you rent a cheap Italian action movie from the mid-eighties, you more or less (should) know what to expect. So, aside from the cut-rate cinematography, it's hard to complain about anything else in "Strike Commando", because it delivers what it promises: non-stop action and mayhem, and a high body count. If you're in the mood for mindless commando-type violence, this movie is better than many similar American flicks. (**)
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Wow! So incompetent it's funny!
Kazoo-210 June 2001
Shameless, yes, but STRIKE COMMANDO works as a beyond-insipid "unstoppable warrior with a vendetta" vehicle for the incomparably bad Reb Brown. Brown is so bad as "Michael Ransom" that he actually makes the movie more enjoyable; factor in Bruno Mattei's typically doltish direction, and you've got a movie that may make your brain stem separate from your skull. Thing is, you might enjoy it! I found myself laughing through most of it; perhaps it's best enjoyed at that level, or ignored altogether. Give Mattei credit, though--he had the cajones to make a sequel, as well. That's some cheek!
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Classy lunatic action trash from the great Bruno Mattei
Bloodwank27 February 2012
Strike Commando was it seems one of Bruno Mattei's most successful films of the 80's, bringing in enough cash for an further assortment of action trash in the latter half of that decade, including a sequel. 'Tis easy to see why it was such a success, being swift paced, simple minded and action packed. Also the main characters name is Mike Ransom, which makes it immediately a more awesome film than any which doesn't have a main character called Mike Ransom. The plot has Ransom and his men taking down a Vietcong munitions store, only to run across an imperilled village which Ransom vows to return and liberate. He does return but rather fails on the liberation front, as villains have offed the lot. And so like any red blooded soldier would do in the face of atrocity and impossible odds, Ransom sets off for some vengeance time... Apparently Strike Commando is in large part a rip off of Rambo 2. This wouldn't surprise me in the least as a good half or more of Mattei's filmography consists of ripping of other peoples work, but I can't say for certain as I've never seen Rambo 2. Frankly after Strike Commando I have little intention of even bothering, as rather than a lightweight like Stallone Strike Commando has Reb Brown, a man so irrefutably badass that he makes Stallone look like your elderly maiden aunt who has a steel pin in her hip from the time she fell over while gardening. Not only that but he brings a tragic grace to emotional scenes worthy of a five tissue weepie, especially when telling a dying child about Disneyland (where apparently popcorn grows on trees). Yep, he's an all round hero, crack shot, knife flinging maestro, dead on with a crossbow and handy with fists and feet, all this and still man enough to show his emotions. Well matched is the main villain of the piece, Jakoda (or Jaaakodaaah!!!!), played by Alex Vitale, a big brawny slimeball played by Alex Vitale who enjoys killing and torture but even worse makes fun of the hero by calling him Americanski (a sure sign of utter villainy is someone who makes light of God's one nation!). And the various other baddies are fun too, including a turn from trash frequent flier Jim Gaines. Altogether Strike Commando is the epitome of a pig headed good time. Things get blown up, countless goons are shot or knifed and downtime is minimal. The action is even reasonably well staged, at least as good as any mid tier American action trash from the same era. I wouldn't in the world recommend this to anyone who looks to cinema for insight and the higher qualities of man and art, but trash hounds will almost certainly get their kicks. 7/10.
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A silly and noisy Vietnam movie set in Philippines with Reb Brown as one army man.
ma-cortes30 April 2021
This is an exploitative rip-off of the big budgeted and succesful mega-action thriller Rambo . Here Reb Brown stars as Michael Ransom a hunk soldier who takes on enemies to rescue prisoners or other trapped platoons . At a risked mission he meets a besieged group of local natives led by a French : Allan Collins . When things go wrong , Ransom seeks vengeance against a nasty Russian officer : Alex Vitale who is supporting the Nam guerrilla .

Cheap and exploitative movie taking parts here and there of classics as the expensive "Rambo" by George Pan Cosmatos with Sylvester Stallone and "Missing in action" by Joseph Zito with Chuck Norris . This Strike Commando 1986 packs thrills , chills , grisly tortures , shootouts , jungle outdoors filmed in Philippines Islands , lots of explosion and catching musical score composed by means of synthesizer by Luigi Ceccarelli . In the movie shows up some secondaries, ordinary in B-Italian fims , and most of them playing in Bruno Mattei films, such as : the prolific Luciano Pigozzi or Allan Collins nicknamed the Italian Peter Lorre , Christopher Connelli , Mike Monty , Massimo Vanni , uncredited William Berger , and Clyde Anderson or Claudio Fragasso himself who often appeared as cameos and brief interventions. Special mention for the extremely baddie Russian played by Alex Vitale giving a very sadistic acting following the wake of oriental villain hoodlums as Harold Sakata of Goldfinger and Professor Tanaka of Missing in Action. Followed by a sequel in similar style titled "Trappola Diabolica or Strike Commando II" 1988 with Brent Huff as Michael Ransom , Mary Stavin and a miscast Richard Harris himself .

The motion picture in medium budget was regular but professionally directed by Bruno Mattei , assisted by his usual collaborator Claudio Fragasso who also wrote the script along with his wife Rossella Drudi . Deceased Bruno Mattei often used Vincent Dawn pseudonym , he made a large number of films in all kinds of genres as Vietnam wartime, terror , erotic , nunexploitation , Sword and Sandals , Spaghetti Western, Documentary , Mondo Cinema, Women in Prison or WIP , and some of them shot in Philippines as "Robowar" , "Strike Commando I" , "Strike Commando II" , "Double Target" and "Born to Fight" . Rating : 5/10, passable and acceptable , though very cheesy . The film will appeal to Italian Vietnam sub-genre aficionados.
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great explosions and good action are under cut by increasingly silly plot gyrations including some very silly torture sequences
dbborroughs17 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
American commandos in Viet Nam raid an enemy depot. During the operation they are discovered and the general in charge sets off the explosives before his men get clear. All but one are killed. The survivor makes it to a small village where he's hailed as a savior. He briefly helps the people before being rescued. He is sent back to the village to help organize resistance but arrives to find everyone dead. He is captured and tortured by Soviet and Vietnamese bad guys.

Testosterone pumped action film gets sillier and sillier as it goes on, with torture sequences that will have you on the floor laughing. You will not believe that anyone could have been even remotely serious in this out there exploitation film that is nominally a rip off of the Rambo movies. Give the producers credit for keeping things moving and action packed but where you watched the film at the start because it was interesting action drama by the end you're watching because the film has become so over the top and silly that you want to see where its going to go. Granted its clear towards the end that the film is being slightly tongue in cheek, but at the same time its maybe a little too much.

I liked the film bit at the same time I wish it had maintained one tone through out the whole thing. Its worth a look preferably with a bucket of popcorn, a soda and some people to laugh with.
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hospitaller8 December 2003
Utter tripe, but worth viewing for:

1) The fight scene between the Russian officer and Strike Commando near the end - particularly the head clash after running at each other head on from 20 ft.

2) The Russian officer managing to utter his final word: "Amerikanskiiiii!!!" despite having already have had his head blown off by a grenade rammed in his mouth!

See it!
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explosions, dives, jumps, screams, one man revenge war machine fun
RebBrown22 March 1999
YES!!!!! THE ultimate Commando film!!!! Forget Stallone and Arnie, Reb Brown is the King, "there's no one who can touch him, not in your whole damn army!" This has all the necessary ingredients for a top notch piece of one man and a lot of weapons against an entire country of soldiers and mercenaries action!! Betrayed and left for dead by his superiors, our Reb sets out to escape from the POW camp and is taken in by some friendly locals who proceed to be brutally murdered by Russian monster Chacuuda!! After and excellent finding the bodies of massacred friends and screaming NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO to the sky scene, our hero sets off on the trail of Chacuuda and manages to kill an entire army before defeating the evil villain in hand to hand combat! This rules!!!! Watch it!!!
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Not bad, but stolen...
xnicofingerx25 September 2023
As a big Kampfgigant / Double Target fan, I wanted to finally sift through Mattei's similarly themed predecessor. And being in a similar context in all respects, I can only compare the two. Reb Brown is very likeable and fits as a Rambo knock-off, in terms of believability he even gets his voice in the German dubbing. Speaking of which, the film steals incredibly brazenly from Rambo 2, several times recreating scenes 1:1, which makes the sequel film more independent. Anyway, Reb, I prefer Miles O Keefe, a glorious, super-cool villain. The budget should be the same, but there are more explosions and shootouts here, but the crucial thing is that the battle giant has more charm, more memorable scenes and a better score. In addition, Strike Commando has one of the most ridiculous duels ever, Ransome against the Russian, the scene in the jungle. By the way, the annoying boy from Double Target is also there, as well as Luciano Pugozzi and Mike Monty in their permanent roles.
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Kind of dull for what it wants to be
CDiablo24 February 2023
A soldier(last name Ransom) that is part of an elite squad gets screwed over by a commanding officer, mid mission, resulting in him being left for dead. Saved by a local village we find they are dealing with Russian(the ultimate enemy) backed Vietkong. Ransom then tries to save the village with the help of the military, who at the command of the captain continue to screw over Ransom and the villagers. Ransom ultimately settles for just going after the Russians on his own. Then the movie ends after what feels like the director forgetting to tie up loose ends.

There really isn't much to this movie. Paper thin plot. Action scenes involve Ransom standing in the open firing away while Vietkong jump and twist to show that they got shot(this movie could not afford any blood squigs.) There is some decent explosions and occasional good stunt work. Ransom constantly yelling things over and over(JAKOTA!!!!!!) will probably get a laugh out of most. There are also a few awesome deaths with fun practical effects but they are few and far between.

In the end it's a mostly boring action movie where half of it is shot of Ransom shooting followed by random Vietkong pretending to be shot. Makes for fine background noise but not much more.
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After a bad first half...
Wizard-819 June 2003
While boasting production values somewhat higher than usual for Italian war movies shot in the Philippines (the modelwork is kept to a minimum, and there are plenty of big explosions), and there are plenty of genre it takes somewhat of an effort to get through the first half. It's slow, dumb, and pretty devoid of action for the most part.

However, things do brighten in the second half of the movie... though probably not in the way the filmmakers intended. Starting at the halfway mark, the movie suddenly starts being funny - *unintentionally* funny! Whether is incredibly inept enemy soldiers being easily gunned down... the hero's screaming and flapping his gun around... or how the movie incredibly and blatantly rips off scene after scene of "Rambo: First Blood Part 2", the movie keeps finding ways to make us laugh. It seems the filmmakers did realize how utterly stupid the movie was becoming, since the last few minutes are made to be *intentionally* funny.

Had the first half of the movie been as funny as the second, I would have recommended "Strike Commando" without hesitation. As it is now, it's up to you if you are willing to bear with that first half.
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Ice Cream from the Trees, yo
Machiavelli8412 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Reb Brown (of "Uncommon Valor" fame and "Space Mutiny" infamy) stars as Sgt. Mike Ransom, a member of a commando unit which is betrayed by their superiors while on a mission during the Vietnam War. Ransom is the sole survivor, linking up with a group of Vietnamese refugees and attempts to link up with his superiors, in order to get back home.

At this point, the story starts to get a tad bit he's betrayed by his rescuers, is captured by the Russians, is tortured, is told to speak into a microphone and doesn't say what he wants his captors to say, escapes, takes down the enemy one by one, has a female acquaintance who gets blown away, and runs around screaming while stuff blows where have we heard this before? Oh yeah! Rambo II! Yes, this movie pretty much becomes a Rambo II ripoff after the end of the first act. The only thing it was missing was a showdown with a Russian helicopter at the end (I doubt they could afford it with the budget).

As one might expect with a low budget rip off of Rambo II, the acting is poor, the action scenes your usual staple of a guy waving a gun around while baddies flail their arms and fall down, etc. Most notable is the scene where Ransom holds a dying Vietnamese child and tells him about Disney World, and all the while Reb Brown is trying to feign sadness. Also, remember how Reb Brown ran around screaming a lot in Space Mutiny? Yeah, he pretty much does that here. I think half his lines are "YARR!!" Is the film enjoyable? Sure. It's not great, but if you want a cheesy 80's action flick, this might suit you. It's not overly entertaining, but it's good background noise or source for mindless violence.
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Truely, a really bad movie
chrislawuk21 July 2021
Its just terrible, there is very little else to say. They describe it as an action/ war movie, but its as much a comedy as anything. I am fairly sure this is intentional. This was its saving grace, and the fact it was fast paced and action packed. Its not without its entertaining moments..
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kirbylee70-599-5261799 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
With the rise in action films to accommodate that video market numerous low budget companies began churning out merchandise for the marketplace. As Chuck Norris began heating up the big screen with films like MISSING IN ACTION and Stallone took us back to Vietnam as well with FIRST BLOOD, those companies decided that making films in the Philippines could save them money and present the perfect location.

Italian director Bruno Mattei, who seemingly could handle any type of film, was brought in to direct STRIKE COMMANDO. The movie made enough to warrant a sequel and make decent return on investment but in the US had a token theatrical release before being sent straight to video.

And elite team of commandos known as Strike Commandos led by Sgt. Michael Ransom (Reb Brown) is sent in on a special mission. Their latest mission is to blow up a Vietnamese encampment. While setting the explosives in place one of his men is wounded and the alarm is triggered in the camp. As Ransom and his men attempt an escape, Colonel Radek (Christopher Connelly) triggers the explosives early to insure the mission is accomplished, killing the Strike Commandos in the process.

Unknown to Radek is that Ransom survived the explosion, blown into the water of a nearby river and pulled downstream. When he wakes he is met by a young boy who nurses him back to health in his village. Living there is a retired French soldier named Le Due (Luciano Pigozzi) who gives him some background on the village they are in as well as letting him know there are Russians helping the Viet Cong.

In return for their help Ransom tells the villagers that he will help them escape from the village. Trekking through the jungle they come across the decomposing body of a solider carrying a radio. Ransom reports back to his command and they set up a helicopter extraction for him the next day at a particular site. Along their way Ransom and the villagers are attacked by the Viet Cong. As the helicopter lands they only take Ransom and the villagers scamper back into the jungle.

Once returned Ransom tells Radek that he's going back to save the villagers and get evidence of the Russian involvement. When he returns what he finds sets him on a path of revenges, not only for the villagers but for the Strike Commando team as well. Double crosses and betrayals set the stage and now it's not just a war for country but a new war for Ransom as well.

The basic story here isn't all that bad and Mattei always had a great eye for action. The problem here is the problem is they attempt to flush out the story into a far too complicated one. In addition to that Reb Brown has never been an actor that one should put in a lead role. He's a great supporting actor but any film that has had him in the lead has always been way down on the list of good movies. I have no doubt that he's a nice guy from all I've seen and read but here, he feels completely out of place. It's as if they looked at him and decided he had a physique close enough to Stallone and they could afford him. Acting ability didn't matter.

While not the worst movie ever made I found it difficult to get through all of this and yet I did. I know there is a fan base out there for the film and it's developed a cult following over time. Those fans will be ecstatic to find that Severin has brought the film out in the cleanest version ever seen mastered in 2k from the original film negative for the first time. In addition to that the extras include both the theatrical and extended cuts of the film, "War Machine" an interview with co-director Claudio Fragasso, "All Quiet on the Philippine Front" an interview with screenwriter Rossella Drudi, a STRIKE COMMANDO in-production promo and the trailer for the film.
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"He's A War Machine on the Warpath!"
tarbosh2200027 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Sgt. Michael Ransom (Brown) is THE BEST. He's the finest example of an American soldier...maybe ever. He goes behind enemy lines to rescue some Vietnamese civilians, and even becomes friends with a young boy, Lao (Edison Navarro). His guide in this rough terrain is Frenchman Le Due (Pigozzi) - but maniacally evil Russian Jakoda (Vitale) will stop at nothing until he tortures and kills his nemesis, the "Americanski". And even though Col. Radek (Connelly) may have suspicious motives, nothing, and we mean NOTHING - will stop this true American hero from getting revenge on the baddies. One way or another, you WILL pay Ransom.

Now THIS is what Comeuppance Reviews, as a website and as an overall entity in the universe, is all about. Ignore anything negative you may have read about this great movie. For pure, uncut, unadulterated entertainment, this level of awesomeness is possibly only rivaled by Deadly Prey (1987). This movie gives jungle action movies a GOOD name. It has countless, high-quality explosions, guard tower blow-ups/falls, non-stop action, stunts, and shooting, waterfalls, and of course the prerequisite torture scene. But it has a ton of weird/funny/off-kilter moments that truly make it rise above the pack. We won't spoil them for you here, but trust us, you will love this movie and you have to find it if you don't already own it.

While we also strongly support the later collaboration between the great Reb Brown and director Bruno Mattei, Robowar (1989), we believe this is the superior team-up of the two men. If you can't get enough of that trademark Reb scream, you won't be disappointed, as he really yells it up here. That includes a specific line reading of his enemy's name, "Jakoda", that you won't soon forget. Probably because your ears will be ringing for days afterwards. But yet, Reb displays his sensitive side here too. For all his ultra-macho shirtless carnage, his relationship with Lao is tender and even tear-jerking. Lao wants to go to Disneyland where the popcorn grows on trees. For some reason, this really appeals to him. But, you see, Ransom is not an inhuman monster like Jakoda. He may have killed a few thousand people, but he's a real human being who you grow to love. You definitely want Ransom on your side. God help you if you get on his bad side.

Like Jungle Assault (1989), the soundtrack is inappropriately 80's (it being the Vietnam war and all) - but here the music cues are just so great it doesn't even matter. The soundtrack by Lou Ceccarelli is pure genius. It features a killer opening song and it doesn't stop there. Nintendo was huge at the time, and the music plus the action is almost like a live-action Contra movie. It truly is violent 80's heaven that you can really sink your teeth into. Is there a CD of this? The worst thing you could say about this masterpiece is that the editing can be a bit choppy at times, but even that adds to the overall charm. Strike Commando delivers the goods in spades. Rock on!

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"It's just me and you now pussycat"
Bezenby4 January 2012
This is one of the most entertaining Italian films I've ever sat down to watch. And I really mean that. By the time Reb Brown and Jakoda were squaring up for the most half-arsed punch up ever committed to film, I was dragging my wife away from feeding our kids to see the randomly appearing waterfall, poking her in the shoulder with my finger, crying 'listen to Reb Brown's weird voice'.

Oh, to have been there in 1986 or 1987 when someone probably sneaked a bag of weed onto the set of Strike Commando, causing Bruno Mattei, Claudio Fragasso, and Reb Brown to say 'Ah, we're too stoned to carry this one out, let's just botch it!' turning Strike Commando into what started out as a First Blood 2 clone into something much more profound, and we the audience get to see the actors and staff involved struggle to deliver a coherent film as Brown continually gurns for the camera. No one involved in this film cared about the end product, and what we have is truly one of the funniest films I've ever seen.

Speeches about popcorn growing on trees in Disneyland. The aforementioned punch up which has zero continuity. The second punch up with the same guy which ends so stupidly I couldn't even spoil it here. Brown's err 'disclaimer' at the end of the film. The last half of the movie being totally insane. Brown shrieking 'Our father who art in heaven' in a weird 'hair-metal' voice.

Honestly, Bruno Mattei is just beyond crazy. He seems to tackle his films in the most lazy way, just hoping he gets to the end somehow and submits a film that lasts 90 minutes. For some reason, when he does that, we end up with greatness. I hail Bruno Mattei for Strike Commando, truly one of the greatest product to emerge from Italy.
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Kinda Rambo in the Philippines
BandSAboutMovies16 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Sgt. Michael Ransom (Reb Brown, who was both Yor Hunter from the Future and Captain America) and his team of Strike Commandos are decimating a Vietnamese base, ready to blow it up real good. But one of the team is killed and alarms go off, scuttling the mission. Instead of allowing the team to come back and fight another day, the mission's commander Colonel Radek (Christopher Connelly) orders that the explosives be set off while the Strike Commandos are on the retreat. One of Ransom's men is killed and he's knocked into a river.

So begins Strike Commando, a post-Rambo: First Blood Part II film directed by Bruno Mattei and written by Claudio Fragasso that lives up to everything I dreamed that it could be.

Ransom is rescued by a young boy named Lap and brought to a village to recover. There, he makes friends with a retired soldier named Le Due (Luciano Pigozzi, making this an unoffical Pag and Yor reunion!) and tells the children of the village just how amazing America - mostly Disneyland - can be.

Of course, everyone in that village is soon killed by Russians, so our hero goes back to Vietnam again, this time motivated by the need for horrible revenge. He sees his little Vietnamese friend Lao one more time, talking him into the next life with more stories of Disneyland before unleashing absolute hell on the Russians until they threaten to kill civilians unless he surrenders.

Let me just share this dialogue with you, as Lao dies...

Lao: American... tell me... tell me about Disneyland.

Ransom: (choking back tears of rage) They got tons of popcorn there. All you gotta do is go climb a tree to go eat it. And there's cotton candy. Mountains of it. And chocolate milk, and malts. And there's a genie. A magic genie. And he can't wait to grant your wishes.

Much like all post-John Rambo military films, that means it's time to torture our hero, which includes making him stay inside a cell for months with a rotting corpse and forcing him to record a message renouncing America. Of course, it's just words, not deeds, because in seconds Ransom is killing Russkies all over again before getting is revenge on Radek, which involves a gigantic machine gun and a grenade, all before a final battle with his nemesis Jakoda. They've already battled on a waterfall, Holmes and Moriarty be damned, but this time, the big bad and brutal bolshevik has metal teeth after losing all of his molars in their last battle.

This is the very same Jakoda who made sure to tell our hero, "Hey, hero. Remember that Vietnamese village? With that boy called Lao? Nice boy, wasn't he. That's why I decided to save him for last. He had such fragile bones."

Oh Vincent Dawn and Clyde Anderson! Oh Bruno and Claudio! You never cease to thrill me with the madness that you throw at the screen, filling this movie with explosions, machine gun fire and Reb Brown screaming every single line of dialogue with the blazing intensity of a thousand Republican wet dreams.

If you're wondering, "Did Bruno steal any footage to make this?" the answer is, "This is a Bruno Mattei movie." Look for the helicopter scenes from The Last Hunter. Why pay for something when someone else has already shot it? Bruno would pay himself back by reusing footage of this movie in Cop Game.

My greatest dream is that someday, somewhere, somehow, Strike Commando and Thunder form an Italian exploitation version of The Expendables with Jake "Tiger" Sharp from Blastfighter, Paco Quernak from Hands of Steel and Nadir from Warriors of the Wasteland.
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Atrocious Rambo II rip-off from the inept Bruno Mattei
thecaptain_uk23 March 1999
Directed by Vincent Dawn (ie Bruno Mattei) this is quite the shoddiest and worst acted war film in living memory. The plot "Ha!" is a direct steal from Rambo First Blood Part II with loser actor Reb Brown as a poor man's Stallone seeking revenge on a Colonel who deserted him and his buddies in Vietnam.

Brown continually shouts "Rah!" and "Die!" about a million times and good job too as when he is required to act, his lines are delivered in an atrociously wooden manner. I do feel (and hope) that director Vincent Dawn (Zombie Creeping Flesh) was taking the pi** slightly - if not then he is surely the worst film-maker in the entire world.

There are many hilarious moments such as when Brown awakes from a nightmare screaming and for no reason everybody else in the room stars screaming - including a small monkey. He then stumbles and falls backwards out of a raised hut!

I reckon this movie could have been made by a twelve year old. How on earth do such useless directors as Dawn get producers to waste their money on this crap? Can you imagine the premiere of this movie (well there probably wasn't one!) and to see the looks on the investors faces when they were shown what their money had been spent on.

No wonder Bruno Mattei has all these pseudonyms; Vincent Dawn, Norman Dawn(II), Bob Hunter(IV) etc - it's so he can pretend that he didn't actually make this hopeless mess of a movie. I also can't believe Dawn made a sequel to this - jesus, has the man no shame?
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Ultimate commando masterpiece of all times!
trashonline23 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Bruno Mattei directs the ultimate commando masterpiece of all times! Reb Brown plays Michael Ransom, a Green Beret sent on a risky mission which goes wrong. He manages to get back to his own lines, only to wind up on another botched mission. While interred in an enemy POW camp, he discovers that his CO is actually working for the KGB, and escapes to seek revenge. See a man yelling after his body has been blown to bits by a grenade and much more in this highly entertaining RAMBO: FIRST BLOOD PART II rip-off! Outrageous violence and huge explosions! Do not miss STRIKE COMMANDO! PS: a message to the Vietnamese guy who commented earlier: Your dad should be proud for being an extra in this masterpiece. I would be feeling superior if I were him. He worked for Bruno Mattei.
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One of the most hilarious films ever made!
HaemovoreRex11 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Italian director Bruno Mattei is often accused of being one of the most inept directors working in the film industry today. However, having watched many of his films I am left convinced that the sly old fox must be actually in on the joke.

Take for instance the film in question.....I simply refuse to accept that any movie that showcases such a lofty combination of hilariously bad acting, side splittingly awful dialogue, woefully inappropriate incidental music and a plethora of jaw-droppingly silly scenes can have ever been intended to have been taken at all seriously in the first place. The second half of this movie especially seems to play like an all out comedy, further proof surely that Mattei was parodying the film that this was copied - er- I mean modelled upon (Rambo: First Blood Part 2)

Either way, intentional or not, the end result is the same; this movie is utterly hilarious!

B-movie god Reb Brown, star of many a cinematic craptacular, appears here as Michael Ransom, a super tough commando who has a predilection for yelling at the top of his lungs whenever he fires off an automatic weapon (which as it happens turns out to be a frequent occurrence) In fact if one were to base a drinking game of one shot for every time our Reb starts screaming, then you can fully expect to be in a coma by the end of the movie!

Actually there's a bit more to the plot than the above, not much mind you, but I'll reveal it anyway.... At the start of the movie our hero and his buddies are shown infiltrating a compound deep behind enemy lines in Vietnam. However, back in the relative safety of the jungle nearby, a slimy general pulls rank and orders the charges that our boys are laying to be detonated early. Say bye, bye to our heroes, all except our main man of course, who manages to narrowly escape. He is eventually discovered floating downstream by a group of friendly fighters.

In gratitude, our hero vows to lead them to safety. However, things don't go according to plan and they find themselves attacked by hostile forces led by a sadistic Russian officer.

In amongst such brutal scenes of carnage and destruction it must be sure hard to retain one's humanity, but our hero also has a tender heart it seems as evidenced in a number of touching scenes between himself and a young boy who wishes to escape the turmoil of the war around him. Inevitably, (but not unpredictably) the poor little lad gets killed later on in the film by the aforementioned Russian miscreant thus eliciting what surely must rank as one of the most painful scenes of bad acting I have ever had the joy to behold from our Reb as he tearfully cradles the dying child in his arms and relates to him the joys of Disneyland (!!!)

Promptly after the ill fated youngster expires (whilst dreaming of Mickey Mouse and co) our Reb goes mental with his M-60 whilst repeatedly yelling the name of the murderer of his little buddy. ....Infact he goes on and on hollering the villains name and wasting bullets until he is finally captured!

Various arduous torture scenes ensue (including electrocution, a blow torch to the back, and leaving Reb in a cell with a decomposing body!) as Reb's captors attempt to break his will.

But our man, being the tough commando sort that he is just won't crack and eventually breaks free to wreck yet more havoc (whilst yelling loudly yet again!)

Finally our man must face his Russian nemesis in hand to hand combat (having by now laid waste to pretty much every one else in the cast!) And what a fight!!!!! Truly some of the worst (and most amusing) choreography I have ever witnessed! At one point both combatants run straight at each other from about 20 feet apart only to collide in a mutual head butt!!!!!

Eventually our hero manages to knock his enemy over a cliff after which he lets off the mightiest victory cry yet!

However, there are one or two loose ends remaining.....

The General at the start who ordered the explosives to be prematurely detonated is revealed to be in cahoots with the Russians! Understandably mightily peeved by this traitorous act our man resolves to track him down......with his beloved M-60!!! After blowing the living excrement out of everyone guarding the general, Reb finally blows the cowardly scum up with a grenade launcher! WOAH!

But there's one last surprise in store! - As he is leaving the compound, our man is attacked by the big Russian who it seems did not perish in the fall off the cliff after all and in addition, is now sporting some steel dentures which he is determined to sink into our mans throat!!!!

Fear not, Reb simply shoves a grenade into his eager chops and blows him sky high (and manages to fire off a great quip after the aforementioned modified dentures fly into his hands!)

WOW! Now this is what I call a movie! I really can't understand many of the derisory reviews I've read about it for whether the director intended it or not, this film is without doubt one of the most hilarious movies I have ever had the pleasure to sit through.

Funniest scene? Well there's so many to chose from but for me it's a bizarre bit where a Vietnamese soldier jumps out on our hero to kill him prompting our man Reb to utter the woefully misplaced line, 'Dammit, you scared the sh*t of of me!' before effortlessly knocking him out with a rifle butt!!!

Forget the humourless, sickeningly and blindly patriotic Rambo, simply put, one can not say to have lived until one has experienced the wondrous spectacle that is Strike Commando!
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A Vietnam-War film that doesn't take itself to serious.
oro-229 September 1999
This film has about all of what one would expect from a film about "a lone hero in the Vietnam-War", but where many of the other films in this genre is so damned serious, this film is somewhat refreshing by being a little less serious in its approach, without falling for the temptation of being a complete parody or even a comedy.

As one could expect there are a lot of shootings and explosions, stabbings, (no throat-cuttings), classic ambush-scenes borrowed from other films, Russian villains (of both sexes), a treacherous American Officer - courageous villagers, cute children and a Frenchman (that later on are brutally massacred by the Vietcon's) - torture of American POW's and the hero escaping from a Vietnamese POW-camp. And as it is said at the end of the film:

"Any similarity between persons living and dead .... especialy dead .... is purely accidental .... yeah, very accidental, like one in a million - maybe".

Perhaps this film isn't remarkable in an artistic sense, but personally, I would rather see this film 4 times, than I would see "Rambo" twice.
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