Hard Rock Zombies (1984) Poster

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Hard Rock Zombies Rock...Right Off The Screen In Shame.
P3n-E-W1s33 November 2022
Greetings And Salutations, and welcome to my review of Hard Rock Zombies; here's the breakdown of my ratings:

Story: 0.75 Direction: 0.75 Pace: 0.50 Acting: 1.00 Enjoyment: 1.00

TOTAL: 4.00 out of 10.00.

I really wanted to like Hard Rock Zombies. I mean, zombies, rock music, neo-nazis, cannibal mutant dwarfs, a town that's anti-Rock'n'Roll, and Adolf Hitler, what more could a music-orientated comedy horror require? Well, for a start, a good story, gut-busting comedy, perfectly timed direction, head-banging tunes, and decent acting. Sadly, the audience receives very little in the way of these.

Krishna Shah, who also directed, and David Allan Ball, tells us the story of an up-and-coming rock band. The Hard Rock Zombies are trying to hit the big time and are playing small towns throughout America. Unfortunately for them, their next stop hates rock and roll. The council and townsfolk do everything to prevent the show from going on, even arresting the Zombies. Luckily, they get bailed by a well-to-do family in the area. But something isn't quite right about them. And when the band gives them a free thankyou performance, they're electrocuted. Is the house's electrical system old and dangerous, or are there other powers at play? There's one thing though: The old mansion contains an undeniable power. As the group's leader riffs off a new track, he realises the tune can resurrect the dead - real-life Hard Rock Zombies. Wow, the story's packed with everything but the kitchen sink, and the possibilities the plotlines provide are endless. So why doesn't it work? The simple answer is lack of skill. The story needed better structuring to ease its jaggedness and enliven the dullness. There's a fair amount of good in the script. Sadly, neither Shah nor Ball makes the most of it. The worst parts are the comedic elements. From their many attempts to make you chortle, only one scene works, and even that is an only juster. It's the skit where the council vote to ban Rock'N'Roll from their town. And though it's humourous, it's when the last resident steps up to the podium to make their statement that I began to titter. Luanne. "Rock n' roll music causes... Sex! Adolescent sex! Premarital sex! And, worst of all... Physical Sex!" And the way the actress delivers her argument is the icing on the cake. She's all excited smiles and subdued, sultry sexiness. This segment works because of the actor's and actresses' performances. What the narrative required were better structuring and better character development. Apart from the odd scene, most characters are dull as dish-water.

One element that could've lifted the sluggishness was the direction. Sad to say, Shah's directional skills are as exciting as his writing. You have an actual band, and though the guys aren't outstanding actors, they're not terrible musicians - though the songs leave a lot to be desired. If he'd filmed these guys correctly, he could've forgotten about the other stuff a little. But he doesn't, and there's nothing better than the concert segments to display Shah's failing. He loves his pick-a-spot, set up the camera, point, shoot, and record style. This form could've worked had the band been more dynamic on stage. Sadly, they're of the stand-by-your-microphones brigade. But it's not all bad because Shah incorporates a few varied camera angles. Though they're interesting, he holds the shot too long, adding to the picture's sluggish feel. And don't get me started on the Hard Rock Zombie's Zombie Stroll. Shah attempts to make this parade stylish and engaging for the viewer. However, it comes across as poor as a third-rate rock video. Had they employed a top-notch rock video director, the movie may have reached the heady heights of hard rock heaven. Or, at the very least, been a contender in the cult movie charts.

I always find it tough to drop the blame for an awful movie in the lap of the actors and actresses. The performers can only work with the story and characters they're given and can merely deliver the scenes in the way the director directs. On the whole, everybody gives a decent performance, except for the band members. I found these guys to be too subdued, over-eager, as hammy as a pig on a butcher's slab, or as wooden as a pirate's peg leg. And they get worse when you take the lines away from them. When they go quiet and zombified, it's horrific and not horrifying or amusing as it should be.

All in all, Hard Rock Zombies is not the movie it could've been, and because of that sad fact, I can't recommend it to anyone. There are many better horror comedies to enjoy. I suggest you find one; you could try looking in my Absolute Horror or Just For Laughs lists.

Okay, while I slip the latest rock LP onto the turntable so we can get physical with our freaky selves, you can take a look at my IMDb lists - Absolute Horror and Just For Laughs to see where I ranked Hard Rock Zombies - or to find something more entertaining for your visual joy.

Take Care & Stay Well.
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The 80s sure was a strange decade.
BA_Harrison7 May 2009
Travelling to the redneck town of Grand Guignol, where they hope to impress a music mogul with their next show, a heavy rock band pick up a beautiful hitch-hiker who invites them to stay at her home, which she shares with her bizarre family. Once in town, the band runs into trouble with the authorities, and lead singer Jessie falls in love with local girl Cassie, but the band's outrageous rock 'n' roll antics and Jessie's blossoming romance are short lived: the musicians are murdered one-by-one by their strange hosts, who turn out to be a bunch of bloodthirsty ghouls led by none other than Adolf Hitler!

Following the band's funeral, a distraught Cassie plays Jessie's last recording—music inspired by an ancient magical book that has the power to raise the dead—which results in the pasty faced foursome clawing their way from their graves to seek revenge, and to play one last gig.

When I first saw Hard Rock Zombies, on its original video release over 20 years ago, I thought it was absolutely awful; these days, I find the film slightly more bearable thanks to its nostalgia factor (gotta love all that big hair rock!) and my unhealthy love of cheesy 80s crap. However, I still struggle to understand what the hell its makers were thinking of: were they intentionally aiming for cult status with this insane mix of rock and horror, or is the film a genuinely inept, asinine piece of trash made by a bunch of totally talentless fools? The jury is still out on that one...

The film starts off promisingly, quickly scoring points for gratuitous use of both nudity and dwarfs, but rapidly becomes a jaw-droppingly bad mish-mash of musical interludes and inept gore (courtesy of FX man John Carl Buechler), interspersed with moments of complete inanity: the dwarfs watch on as an old man (later to be revealed as Hitler) shtups his wife; the old lady turns into a werewolf; the hitch-hiker dances to herself for no reason in the desert; one dwarf eats himself; the band survive an electrocution while practising; and one guy momentarily avoids being eaten by pretending to be a zombie (beating Shaun Of The Dead to the joke by a couple of decades).

It's all utter garbage, of course, but somehow strangely compelling.
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Predictable let-down
silversprdave28 April 2002
Its hard to believe that anyone could actually like this nonsense movie. The music is just run-of-the-mill rock, the acting is bad, the humor is mostly lame. About the only good things that I can say for this production are that the pace is reasonable, and there is enough gore to keep a splatter movie fan happy. That's about it. I rated it a "3 of 10".
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Every bit as lousy as you'd expect...
paul_haakonsen22 March 2022
Now, of course not everything with zombies in it is a sure-win guaranteed entertaining movie. And as I had the opportunity in 2022 to sit down and watch the 1985 horror comedy "Hard Rock Zombies" for the first time, I must admit that I wasn't really harboring much of any hopes or expectations. I hadn't heard anything about the movie prior to watching, well aside from being familiar with the movie by its title alone.

So writers Krishna Shah and David Allen Ball had every opportunity to surprise and entertain me with this 1985 movie. But I must admit that "Hard Rock Zombies" fell very short of being a movie that had much of any appeal with me, and thus I didn't find much of any enjoyment in it, nor any particular entertainment.

The storyline was pretty far out there, to the point where it was just downright goofy and cringeworthy to witness. And the ludicrous characters and their dialogue just didn't really work for me. I am sure that it was fitting for the mood of the movie, but I just didn't enjoy it.

I was only familiar with Phil Fondacaro on the cast list, and he wasn't even among the lead performers. Normally I do enjoy watching new and unfamiliar faces and talents on the screen when I watch a movie, but it didn't really apply to "Hard Rock Zombies" for some reason.

For a horror comedy then "Hard Rock Zombies" was a swing and a miss. There are far better horror comedies from the mid-1980s with much more entertainment value than this movie from director Krishna Shah. The comedy in the movie fell entirely short of finding a home with me, and as for the horror aspects of "Hard Rock Zombies", well, don't get your hopes up.

My rating of "Hard Rock Zombies" lands on a two out of ten stars.
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So bad it's good
soccerbabe5851 June 2003
This movie is AWFUL, don't believe otherwise! The acting is absolutely terrible, the plot is nonexsistent, and even the makeup is cheap. Yet all of this adds up to a hilariously bad zombie movie! The humor itself isn't funny at all, yet it's amusing because you're laughing AT it, not with it. I really enjoyed it, although it had no redeeming qualities at all! Basically it is one of the worst movies ever made, and for that reason it's pretty funny.
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This Movie's A Stinker!
Joe 2517 September 2000
Warning: Spoilers
(Contains super minor spoilers, but this movie stinks anyway)

Anyhow, the cover art looks good on the video box, but a warning bell should've gone off inside my head telling me to stay away, but oh well. I sat down to watch this movie with some popcorn and soda. When the lead singer opened his mouth and started singing, I spit out the popcorn and soda in my mouth then choked on what was left. The acting is horribly atrocious, the plot is goofy, and lots of things make no sense. Walking hands, Hitler, and other assorted weird things all add up to one miserable film experience. This film must have led to the downfall of Cannon Pictures for sure. This movie can make a bad night even worse and isn't even fit for animals. My advice: Stay as far away from this movie as possible!
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Very Strange...
tvgm30005 May 2002
It's a normal b-movie with sad rockers "rocking" until Hitler comes into the movie. Then it just gets screwy. This is type of movie that makes the Trancers movies and Surf Nazis Must Die look good. Yet, it's still better than Godzilla 2000 and "Manos" The Hands of Fate.
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Horrifically terrible
fiona davidson3 October 2004
Anyone going into this movie looking for a blood curdling shocker is barking up the wrong tree here. The title of the movie should tell you that. On the other hand, if you want to feel the tears run down your cheeks from incredulous laughter and your throat get sore with the groaning at the awful sight that's facing you, then maybe you will be able to suffer it.

Rock star wannabes who maybe should have found out what music is first, a dwarf Nazi zombie, a re-incarnated Adolf Hitler, a few dim bimbos, terrible audio and visual and you have everything you could possibly want!

Great lines, including a girl picking up her boyfriend's head and asking if he's OK are priceless. I take my hat off to the scriptwriter for having the front to write this stuff down.

Anyway people, it's one you have to take as you find and enjoy for the rubbish that it is. It is bad horror at it's finest.
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Unendurable, even when drunk ...
Coventry8 March 2010
Ten years ago, I would have instantly and blindly considered this to be a great film purely based on the title and awesome DVD-cover. In the meanwhile, however, I struggled myself through enough bad movies to know what a film like "Hard Rock Zombies" really stand for: multiple overlong interludes in which horrible songs are played from start to finish, a non-existent storyline build around an untalented band and of course a complete absence of atmosphere, tension or black comedy. The horrible rock band (that is so not HARD-rock they're playing) of which I can't even remember the name arrives in a little town that disapproves of music. Yes, this is somewhat of a horror parody on "Footloose" only not that funny or memorable. Instead of a puritan reverend, the band members in this town are up against demented characters like a werewolf grandmother in a wheelchair, evil midgets and the reincarnation of Adolf Hitler himself. The band losers get killed but return from the death even stupider looking than before and take their revenge. Even if you can get past the shameless Nazi propaganda footage and the totally random "Psycho" imitations, "Hard Rock Zombies" is still a dreadfully dumb and boring movie! There's an endless amount of padding, not only through lame music but also through dialog sequences that are purposelessly stretched. There's a gore, but of the lamest kind and the jokes aren't even funny when you're drunk or stoned. There's a scene, for example, in which one brainiac states: "Ghouls don't like head, so they'll let us escape". What? Next thing you see is literally people walking past the ghouls whilst holding pictures of giant heads. There's no way I can be intoxicated enough for humor like this. I do reward this retarded film with one whole point extra for the self-devouring midget. That was quite cool.
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Entertaining Low Budget MTV Type of Thing
DevilPaul11 October 2006
I had the pleasure of viewing yet another odd addition to the zombie horror genre: Hard Rock Zombies. Our movie starts out with some blond chick hitch-hiking on the highway who then gets picked up by 2 guys in a sports car, goes skinny dipping with them, and then kills them both while a man accompanied by 2 weird midgets (one of which is deformed) photographs the entire event. Then we are introduced to the main characters of our flick, a rock band, led by Jessie who is the bass player and lead singer. They're jamming at a gig and then head into a back room after the show to have some fun with the groupies. While in the back room, a strange girl named Cassie warns Jessie not to play their next gig in this town called Grand Guignol. When he asks for an explanation she doesn't give him one and leaves Jessie hanging. Problem is, they can't skip the next town because a big shot talent scout is going to be there to watch the show.

So they go to Grand Guignol anyways even though they've been warned. On the way, Jessie is fumbling around with an ancient incantation he found while playing it over a rock bass line. They show up in the town, which is composed of stereotypical local yokel folks, and dance around. Yes, that's right - dance around. See, Hard Rock Zombies is also a musical and whenever the movie takes you into a musical number it's shot like a music video. This is pretty hilarious since the music is standard cheese ball 80's stuff and the antics in the video are lame at best. Still, I'm laughing.

Well, wouldn't you know, the same blond chick from the opening scene lives there and offers to put the band up in her mansion vice the local hotel. They accept since every one of the members wants to nail her except for Jessie who is falling for the odd Cassie girl. Unbeknownest to our heroes, Adolph Hitler, Eva Braun (who is also a werewolf), and the photographer with his 2 weird midgets also live in the mansion. The town is also not happy that they've arrived and quickly pass a measure to ban all rock and roll music at a town meeting. Jessie finds out that his incantation is effective for bringing the dead back to life after fooling around with it in his room. He then records it with his bass line and tells Cassie to play the tape at their graves should something tragic happen to him and the band.

Sure enough, Adolph and his buddies kill the entire band in various ways including one scene that's an obvious tribute to Hitchcock's "Psycho". The heart broken Cassie laments at Jessie's grave and then plays the tape. Voila! Our heroes emerge from the grave, looking paler, and proceed to walk and dance around the town like robots. Yes, that's right, LIKE ROBOTS. The standard groaning, lumbering slowly, and arms straight out zombie gait does not apply here. Oh yeah, and this is set to another cool song with the accompanying music video. Groovy!

Our heroes take revenge on their antagonizers and then play their gig to an audience of one: the talent scout. Another music video accompanies this bit and it's a sentimental ballad dedicated to Cassie. Things get crazier from there. More people come back from the dead and the deformed midget sits at the dinner table and decides to eat HIMSELF. The town residents go into a panic and devise humorous ways to defeat the zombies. Finally one person convinces the rest that they need a virgin to be ravished by the zombies at midnight on a full moon so that the zombies will slumber for 100 years. Guess who the virgin is?

I won't give away the ending but the deformed midget does succeed in eating himself and Hitler's gas chamber makes an appearance. Hard Rock Zombies has gotten crap reviews on almost every site that I looked at. Well, I think that what these people were missing was that Hard Rock Zombies is not a movie to be taken seriously. This is strictly campy fun and I got quite a few laughs from it. Hard Rock Zombies succeeds as a horror based comedy, not by design, but only by serendipity.
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I suppose it's the music that really sinks the film. It's really terrible!
Ziggy544621 July 2007
Ah, eighties music. When it was good, it was good; and when it was forgettable, it lives on only in artifacts such as this movie. Rock and roll zombies, midget Nazi rednecks, a grandma who turns into a werewolf, a nearly mute young girl with Groucho Marx's eyebrows, and Adolph Hitler himself—how can you go wrong with a lineup like that? Very easily! All in all, a bland movie. You can obviously see how the filmmakers were trying to keep themselves interested, with limited results: The Hitler scene (I honestly thought the movie would get better after that); Hitchhiker Girl's repeated interpretive dance sequences; even the deformed dwarf slowly eating his entire body (in the last scene, he's nothing but a head -- and then he sucks his face into his mouth and chews, leaving only a skull). Despite all that, you could almost hear the director yawning. Or maybe that was me.
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The Greatest Hard Rock Zombies/Hitler MOvie of All Time
vaultonburg6 October 2009
If Orson Welles only had the talent he would have made Hard Rock Zombies, but he didn't. So these guys did. "Ghouls hate heads..." The plot of this movie is incomprehensible. The execution of the script is amateurish. It's quite possibly the stupidest movie of all time. And if you haven't seen it you're not alive. Get yourself some Milk Duds, some Schlitz, and HRZ, Troll 2, The Pit and have a grooviest bad movies of all time-athon. Umm, the music sounds OK, too, when you're really drunk. It's really kind of hard to say ten lines about Hard Rock Zombies. I just wanted to say it rocked I didn't want to be here all night trying to think of things to say about it.
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Thank, fans!!
wallygr30 December 2008
Hey, even though I'm only a supporting player in this debacle, (I played the intellectual) I am utterly flattered by all the positive comments. You get it. Maybe I can go to horror film conventions and have a crappy table in the corner somewhere signing autographs for $5 when I'm in my seventies... For the rest of you: I hope you find some joy in your lives-SOMEWHERE!! We were out to have fun and we did. BTW-I watched close-up and first hand much of the second unit photography and the effects were AWESOME!! John Carl Buechler was the guy doing all that stuff and he was also the second unit director and steadicam operator. If you don't believe he was up to the task of making the effects better than they are in this film, check out his credits on IMDb. While I was on set, news arrived that the film lab had accidentally destroyed most of the second unit's film. Bittersweet-lost forever to the dozens who would witness the film, insurance payoff meant that the film had already turned a profit...
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A low budget trash masterpiece
ManBehindTheMask637 February 2011
This film has it all! A pedophile romance, a switchblade wielding werewolf granny in a wheelchair, Hitler, zombie midgets, awesomely cheesy 80's tunes, nudity, and some of the worst acting and editing i've ever seen. This is one of those rare movies that's so bad it's good. It's offensive, bizarre, and just flat out hilarious (unintentionally, of course). If any of the aforementioned story elements intrigue you or if you're just into really low-budget 80's horror movies...then this might be worth checking out. Would make an awesome double feature with "rock and roll nightmare". The love ballad "Cassie" should be the theme song for all pedophiles.
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This movie is a travesty to both 80's hard rock and zombie movies.
nshaw4 January 2006
I was given this film on DVD as a present by a friend. Giving this movie a 1 on a scale of 1 to 10 is not fair. Negative numbers should be possible.

Granted, its so terrible that its slightly funny (like when and old woman turns out to be Hitler in disguise), for the most part this movie was simply terrible.

You have to suffer through an entire sequence of these Bon Jovi looking idiots dancing around to music that is more like really bad disco/elevator music. I like 80's cheese metal. There was none in this movie.

It is the single least convincing zombie movie ever made. The production values and special effects of this movie amounted to effects that you can make yourself (even if you are mentally retarded and can only use your feet). The zombies simply look like people with flour dashed on them and lots of mascara.

Most real bad movies at least have something that passes for a plot. Not this one. It was just several scenes put together with more "zombies" (people with flour sprinkled on them) at the end than that at the beginning.

I dunno. Maybe I should have been high when I watched this. I just felt like an hour of my life was wasted on something that was so terrible you could not even laugh at it. It was like watching a car accident, but a car accident at least has really good special effects.

The CIA ought to use this movie to interrogate terrorists.
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So far out there, it's in another galaxy!
udar5524 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The band Holy Moses (!) heads to the town of Grand Guignol, California to perform some shows where a big Hollywood agent will be. Along the way they pick up a hot hitchhiker and she lets them stay at a big mansion that houses her oddball family led by an old German patriarch. The townies don't take kindly to that goddamn rock 'n roll and soon outlaw the playing of any such music. That is the least of Holy Moses problems though because soon all the members are dead at the hands of the deranged family. No worries though as lead singer Jesse had previously written a song that just happens to bring the dead back to life (and give them KISS-style make up after returning from the dead). Soon the band is back to rocking and getting their revenge. The problem? The people they kill come back from the dead too.

I continue to rock until I drop with the heavy metal horror sub-genre. It is certainly full of oddities but this might be the oddest of them all (which says a lot). The IMDb says this film was originally supposed to be only 20 minutes long and appear on screen in director Krishna Shah's other film American DRIVE-IN. Then they expanded it. That makes sense and explains the sharp turn from semi-serious to comedy halfway through the film. This has one of the biggest WTF? Moments I've seen lately drop about 40 minutes in. After all of the band is killed (before they become the title characters), the old German man hosts their manager to a dinner. Midway through the meal, a buzzer goes off and he says, "Ach, it hazzz been forty years." He stands up and rips off his face and he is Adolf Hitler. Then he proceeds to get on TV and declare the Fourth Reich is coming. I'm like, "WHAT?" The movie then becomes a comedy. And what is funnier than Hitler and Nazis? Seriously, it is one of those moments where you describe it to someone and they say, "You're making that up."
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Of Monsters and Muppets
schultzalan-16 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Back in the 80's, when heavy metal music was king, movies containing ready-made music videos were a-dime-a-dozen. MTV was cool beyond all reason. And every exploitation film wanted to play to its base. Thus, the heavy metal horror film was born.

In fact, it was( and still is) a whole sub-genre of horror films. The concept is simple. Combine the storyline of a horror film and a music video, making the group or the rock star himself, the heroes. Cast actual musicians( such as Alice Cooper, Ozzy Osbourne, Gene Simmons, or the low budget version, Jon-Mikel Thor) or hire actors with some musical talent( ala The Monkees) to play the leads and you have the makings of a version of this type of film. In fact movies from "Night Train to Terror" to "Blood Dolls" fall into this category. Which brings us to this film.

"Hard Rock Zombies" is a true incarnation of the eighties. From the "KISS"-like hard rock band( they even wear their style of makeup when they turn into zombies) to the teased hair to the muppet character, this has all the earmarks of an independent 80's film shot directly for video. The fake gore, the gratuitous nudity, the inept acting, you get it all in here. The plot, such as it is, is about a heavy metal band who agree to do a regional concert in the hopes of landing a major record deal. On the way there, they pick up a beautiful hitch-hiker, who convinces them to stay at her family's mansion while preparing for the concert. Needless to say, the family is a group of oddballs whose actions eventually lead us to the title in question.

There are no real surprises in this plot. Nor is the characterization that deep. But , there is a certain amount of imagination at play here. For a movie that looks like it was made for all of $1.35 you get Nazis, she-wolves, muppets( I'm sorry, I love muppets), cannibalism, legendary Hollywood stars, and, of course, Phil Fondacaro, in a very early role. Unfortunately what you also get is lousy music, horrendous acting( with the exception of Mr. Fondacaro who seems to be having a great time) and some very amateurish work from behind the camera.( The technical gaffes are numerous.)

Still the movie has more than a few genuine laughs and the director shows some surprising comic timing. This movie, in fact, has more intentional laughs than some of the comedies I have seen recently.( Note that I said "some".) And for all of the jokes that fail( and some do embarrassingly ), the ones that do work, work very well. The scenes involving the legendary Hollywood performers, in particular, should get a few guffaws from those who look with fondness upon classic movie and music stars, and the culture of the 80's in general. Also, there are some great one-liners interspersed throughout the movie. And the film has fun with it's monsters(even thought the make-up fx are noticeably cheap) and muppets.

So, all in all, this movie isn't too bad. Sure, the acting, music, and make-up fx are lousy. But, the gore fx are better than what you might expect. The film has a fairly good sense of humor. And there is some genuine fun to be had here. Fans of cult cinema, or cinema of the absurd, should enjoy this, to a degree. As for the rest, well, you know what you're getting into. And if you don't like it, speak to the muppet.
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No Hard Rock, No Zombies, No good Movie
Edible Fetus30 August 2002
I have to comment, because this is one is a real waste of time. I collect old horror, and i paid $3 for this gem, that $3 could have went towards a shoe-horn and it would have been better spent. Unfortunately, i really wanted to like this movie, it has a great cover, a great title, and the director has a really cool name. Well, that's the only good praise i can give this one. The movie itself is torture of the worst kind. The "hard rock" is actually just horribly irritating mainstream 80s cheese hair tunes. The zombies are nothing more than the lead characters with white face paint! I mean they could have at least painted their arms and maybe their hands, but no. Also, the "zombies" walk like robots. The plot is basically just a cop-out to sell the love story, which is the lamest love story i have ever had to endure on screen. But i think the highlight, no check that, the "lowlight" of this garbage is that the unintentional humor is forced, and the back of the case boasts that this is an "outlandish thriller that melds the rock beat and stunning visuals of THRILLER with the campy horror/comedy of such cult classics as THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW and BLOODSUCKING FREAKS. When the makers go as far as to advertise the "camp" factor it's usually a good sign to avoid. As for fellow gorehounds, there is nothing to see here, no gore whatsoever, there are killings but they are all off screen. There is blood, but no splatter. There is a midget, i will give you that, but even his cute little soul couldn't help this trash. If you want to see a similar but far superior movie see BLOOD SUCKERS FROM OUTER SPACE. It has far better comedy, much more silly gore, and works with the same budget. 2/10.
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A painfully crummy and unfunny 80's heavy metal horror comedy dud
Woodyanders10 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
A simply hideous and allegedly cutesy'n'campy tongue-in-cheek horror spoof with a numbingly cheesy heavy metal rock music gimmick. A pathetic hair band called Holy Moses agrees to perform a gig in a nowheresville Northern California hamlet. Unbeknownst to the band, there's a strange family of murderous freaks in the immediate area led by a still alive Adolph Hitler (depicted here as a fat, lecherous old goat who makes love to Eva Braun while his deformed dwarf grand children watch). The band gets killed by the freaks, but come back as vengeful zombies. The band proceeds to butcher the family, only to have them return from the dead as zombies as well. The freaky family naturally attack the surrounding uptight square townspeople. Next thing you know zombies are everywhere. They engage in all kinds of broad, ridiculous, groan-inducing stupidity: a midget zombie tries to eat a cow, a little old lady zombie who also transforms into a werewolf (!?) hobbles about in her wheelchair, another midget zombie hitchhikes on the side of the road, the band performs a snazzy goth-rock number for a talent agent, and the jerky townies decide to sacrifice a local virgin to the teeming zombie horde.

Sound good? Well, it sure ain't man. For starters, the tiresomely arch and pseudo-hip comic tone affects a gratingly smug and off-putting forced sense of wannabe funky-cool posturing. The gormless, sophomoric humor resorts to demeaning racial stereotypes and dopey pun-ridden dialogue ("She's a fine mama") in its pitiful attempts at eliciting cheap laughs from the audience. Krishna Shah's limp (mis)direction, working from a terribly asinine script written by Shah and David Ball, fails to inject any wit, style or vigor into the idiotic goings-on. Tom Richmond's flat cinematography falls back on dreadfully dated mid-80's MTV rock video visual clichés: madly darting to and fro pans, tilted camera angles, gauzy backlighting, and the ubiquitous curling swirl of hazy smoke billowing in the background. The hopelessly lame head-bangin' music is sheer torture on the ears. The colorless acting, an excruciatingly lethargic pace, John Carl Buechler's crummy make-up f/x, the mild gore, the uniformly obnoxious and unlikable characters, and a general air of total creative impoverishment further sink this clunker like an 80-pound boulder. The absolute dregs.
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Creative & zany cult horror comedy combined with 80's pop rock music videos
Wuchakk18 September 2022
An up-and-coming rock band in SoCal does some live gigs to impress a record company agent, but is warned by a winsome girl to stay away from her ultra-conservative village, which is the next town on their schedule. Horror ensues. E. J. Curse plays the front man, Jessie.

"Hard Rock Zombies" (1985) is a madcap horror comedy with a lot of early 80's pop rock by Paul Sabu and a kinetic, but slapdash tone akin to music videos of the time period. It's intentionally ridiculous yet the first half is genuinely funny with several laugh-out-loud scenes, not to mention a great twist (I'm talking about something linked to the Nazi element).

The second half isn't as effective, since it only has a few amusing bits, but it features the two best songs on the soundtrack: The heavy & haunting chant-like "Morte Ascendere" and the rockin' "Street Angel." The rest of the songs are too pop-oriented for my tastes, but they're fun and fit the whacky, eccentric air.

Being a zany cult flick with music video editing, don't expect anything like "Trick or Treat" (1986), "Shock 'Em Dead" (1991), "Black Roses" (1988) or "Rocktober Blood" (1984). This is a whole different animal. It throws in everything but the kitchen sink: Rock stars, groupies, crazy editing, lotsa music, the proverbial hot blonde (Lisa Toothman), monstrous midgets, a werewolf grandmother in a wheel chair, redneck yokels and freakin' Nazis.

It's a meshing of "Beyond the Valley of the Dolls" (1970) with campy non-horror and pop rock vids. Some call it "the worst film ever made" or "an Ed Wood movie if he were around in the 80s," but it's too enthusiastic and entertaining to be denounced like this. If you roll with it rather than against it, the flick gives you a good time.

Because of the front man's attraction to Cassie, some critics have accused the film of having "pedophilia overtones," but they evidently don't know what pedophilia means. Pedophilia is sexual interest in children whereas hebephilia is attraction to pubescent youths who are in early adolescence (11-14) and ephebophilia is attraction to teens in later adolescence (15-19). Since Cassie appears to be about 15-16, the front man would be an ephebophile, not a pedophile. In short, the girl's definitely jailbait, but Jessie's interest in her doesn't make him a "pedophile."

The movie runs 1 hour, 37 minutes, and was shot at The Rindge House and other parts of the Los Angeles area.

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mharanas1 June 2006
If you want to see the worst of the worst this is your movie. It contains the most horrific, pathetic, story line of all time. The main plot is basically a so called "rock star" in his late 20's who falls in love with this 13 year old...very weird. The songs are actually kind of fun in the movie. I guess the guy who wrote the music for this movie help the band "Journey" create music. The best part in the movie is when they come to the town and they show that montage of how their making the town exciting. I just wish that I could see some of these actors today. I just would like to go up to one of the main characters and be like, "Hey...so um, how do you feel about your life after you made Hard Rock Zombies?".
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Near perfection
TimCalhoun21 June 2003
This is truly a great movie, if you are a fan such as I. this is one of the horror movies that will disappoint if you are looking to be scared or for a quality film, however, it is perfect if you are looking for a lame-horror comedy. I suggest any fans of such genre pick up this movie and watch it religiously.
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Silly if somewhat engaging heavy metal horror
kannibalcorpsegrinder27 March 2018
Traveling to a remote small-town, an emerging hard rock band scheduled to perform in the area finds the backlash against their music so severe the town eventually kills them, only to soon be resurrected as undead ghouls seeking revenge and turning the rest of the town into zombies as well.

This here wasn't all that bad although it did have a few issues. One of the few bright spots to the film is the absolutely bonkers and bizarre storyline that really doesn't make a whole lot of sense here. The fact that this backwoods town, which includes everything from inbred hicks, sexual deviants, murderous dwarves and deformities as well as being the secret hiding place of Hitler and his mistress, gives this a truly deranged atmosphere that makes for a wholly enjoyable setup. It truly doesn't seem to conform to any singular type of offensive group to be after these sorts of people as it seems to be such a varied mix that none of it makes sense as to how the town functions at all with so many disparate elements of society represented here. That weirdness carries over into the rampage where the deranged bloodlust that sweeps through the town causes a series of enjoyable scenes with them killing off the group. From the surprise ambush in the bathroom while taking a shower with one of them to the chase through the outer parts of the village and into the countryside surrounding everything which is all quite delirious fun and exciting seeing the varying kills being committed in an over-the-top gleeful manner. That their eventual rampage on the citizens of the town responsible leas into the uproarious and silly final half with all manner of fun to be had from the connection between the zombies overrunning the town and the rock bands' performance. Coupled with the fine cheesy nature of the film from the songs and the overall make-up here, these here are enough to hold off its flaws. The films' biggest problem is maintaining any kind of semblance of logic or coherence. The fact that this throws so much goofiness into the story manages to make this one seem like such a bizarre and illogical series of themes throughout here the film can't help but just go into some outre ideas. Nothing really makes sense, from why the band is booked to perform in such a town that prohibits their kind of music to begin with, to why the town reacts to them being there and how they all came together in this location. More problematic is the fact that there's no point in their resurrection which just happens and is cut off by the lone individual who knows before he can finish so that rules out any kind of background information on how the group is turned into zombies or why they only target those that originally wronged them. Why people who never got bitten by the band get turned into murderous zombies either is never brought up and as a whole nothing about the film makes any kind of logical sense. As well, the cheapness might be a major deterrent here from the overall look of the production to the storyline and how the zombies look and act which isn't for everyone, but overall this one is mostly undone but not making any kind of sense.

Rated R: Graphic Violence, Language and Nudity.
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Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear!
fibreoptic3 June 2004
What the heck was this supposed to be? A combination of cheesy 80's glam rock music videos and horror? This movie has bad acting, bad effects and a storyline that isn't very well strung together or explained. I caught this on The Horror Channel the other night and i wish that i hadn't wasted around 90 minutes of my life. Why the f*** does the movie keep flashing back to when they are in the van at the beginning at the most irrelevant times? Adolf Hitler? Please!!! This movie could be pretty good if it had a slightly better budget and was pushed in the right direction i.e. by professionals. Also, zombies don't frickin walk like robots! If you are in aid of a zombie comedy that is properly made then watch The Return Of The Living Dead which was made around the same time as this and actually does it right then once you have got done with that watch the king of zombie spoofs which is The Return Of The Living Dead Part 2. I don't mind stupid films but half of this is a bloody music video that cuts between scenes for far too long. Stay away unless you like Bon Jovi (urghhh), then you will feel right at home. 2/10
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big breasts small plot loud tunes
MartynGryphon23 June 2004
I believe that it was the directors intent to revive the flagging musical genre, and combine it with a cheesy horror plot line. My Brother and I first saw this movie back in the mid 80's , and it was the title that first grabbed my attention as a denim wearing metal head. I watched the movie then and thought it was crap, though the bass line that bought things back to life was brilliant. This movie then fell into obscurity and I have not given it a thought for the near on 20 years since. The other night I saw that Hard Rock Zombies was on the Horror Channel, and the vague memory of a mulleted bass player killing a spider and then bringing it back to life again struck in my mind. I decided to watch it again hoping that the passage of the years would make me understand what was once a nonsensical plot a bit more and hopefully make this painfully bad movie better. So on a nostalgia trip, I decided to record this drivel of a movie, after necking a few cans of strong lager to muster the dutch courage required to face this 80's timewarp, I sat down to watch, and guess what?.......It's still a crap movie, the plot is no easier to understand, the old man that looks like Scottie from Star Trek that half way through turns into Hitler is just absurd, the mulleted bass player looks a little dated now, but that riff is still brilliant. Give this movie a wide arc. If I were to recommend this movie to anyone, deaf and blind people would be at the top of my list as well as people suffering from chronic insomnia. easy contender for the biggest waste of everyone's time and labour EVER. best part(s) the blonde hitchhiker girl in the shower......worth watching for that alone.
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