A Blade in the Dark (1983) Poster

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Probably not as much red sauce as curious Giallo fans will be expecting, but still well worth a look
happyendingrocks3 October 2012
Boasting a steady throttle of well-orchestrated suspense, some solid jump-scares, one whopper of a gore set-piece, and a fantastic musical score, this Lamberto Bava vehicle is an uneven but satisfying offering.

The film is centered around a composer who moves into an opulent villa to record the soundtrack for a horror film. He quickly finds himself living one when a series of strange events plunges him into a macabre mystery centered around the house's previous tenant, Linda. A series of female acquaintances of his predecessor begin showing up to provide him tantalizing clues, but then disappear just as suddenly when they are targeted and slayed by a deranged killer with a fondness for sharp objects. As he delves deeper into the cryptic saga of Linda's "secret," he learns that the movie he's working on may hold the key to discovering the dark, hidden truth.

The classic Giallo whodunnit formula is firmly in place, and Bava wisely provides enough suspects, both male and female, to keep things intriguing. We're left to puzzle over the potentiality of the lurking handyman who decorates his walls with pornographic pictures, the slightly batty film director who we imagine may be crafting her own real-life slasher movie, and the jealous girlfriend who bristles at the idea of other women setting foot anywhere near the house. This guessing game isn't stymied until the climax, when our possibilities start getting offed one by one, so the film maintains its mystique throughout.

The opening scene, in which two young boys dare their friend to descend into a creepy, shadow-strewn cellar and a grisly artifact plunges out of the darkness to announce his fate, gets the film off to a rousing start. From there, Bava sets a leisurely but effective pace, unfurling a piece at a time of the overarching enigma and punctuating each act with displays of the killer's prowess for carnage. Genre aficionados may find themselves disappointed by the meager body count leading into the finale, but the engrossing storyline renders this a minor complaint, and as the final act plays out, Bava makes up for lost time by whittling away his remaining cast in quick fashion.

The most gruesome and memorable scene in the film, a deliriously blood-soaked rendezvous in a bathroom, is constructed with a meticulous Hitchcock-ian flair for tension, and the end result is one of the most harrowing clips in the Giallo canon. Bava never quite reached the Grand Guignol via art-house heights of his brilliant countryman Dario Argento, but as evidenced by this particularly stunning segment of Blade, it wasn't because he didn't try.

Granted, there's plenty of silliness on display here, most of it a result of the dubbed dialogue, which at times clearly demonstrates some glaringly awkward translation ("Is it possible you're such a vacant nerd? Your satisfaction is to sit like a frog in the sun?"). Likewise, the concluding summation of the murderer's motivation is so rushed and dicey that the film ends on a fairly humorous note.

The final twist works well enough, but Bava falters a bit there by trying to keep the audience guessing for too long at a point when the solution to the riddle is plainly obvious. By the time we find out who's been holding the titular Blade, there are are only a couple of characters left, so knowing who the killer ISN'T strips the reveal of its big "a-ha" moment.

However, despite its flaws, A Blade In The Dark is an entertaining and cohesive thriller that delivers everything its premise promises. I'll let horror scholars debate whether this is Bava's best film or not; as for myself, I liked it a hell of a lot, and that's more than good enough for me.
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Solid Sophomore Effort FromLamberto Bava
gavin694212 April 2011
A young musician (Andrea Occhipinti) moves in to a house for the summer, and soon he is surrounded by a series of murders. Evidence trickles in that the killer might be the previous tenant, but nobody knows for sure and some people refuse to talk. And what is in the locked room in the basement?

Lamberto Bava came out of his father's shadow to make "Macabre", one of the finest Italian horror films of its day. Often overlooked, it is slick and original, and well worth seeking out. He followed it up with "A Blade in the Dark", co-written by the legendary writer Dardano Sacchetti, which likely gave the film a boost. It, too, has superior picture and sound, far surpassing Fulci's films of the same era.

Bava protests that the film is "not really a horror film", and some have classified it as a mystery or thriller. This is warranted, but the intense blood, gore and chills make it firmly a horror story in my mind.

Luca Palmerini calls the film "morbid" and "misogynistic" with "claustrophobic overtones". I may agree on the last part, but the misogyny is a stretch. The women here do take a back seat (and the film does start out by calling Giovanni Frezza's character a "female" as an insult) but compared to horror as a whole I think it comes across as normal.

The English dubbing on the Anchor Bay DVD is a bit strange to me, mostly because the characters say "ciao" while otherwise speaking English. Maybe it is just me. But overall, I cannot complain -- a lot of terror comes from a very small blade, and this may be Michele Soavi's best work as an actor. Coupled with a haunting score, the film is gripping, though the music does tend to get a bit overplayed and old, especially after the first kill.

While the film is not as good as "Macabre", it deserves recognition. Bava threw it together rather quickly with a low budget and unknown actors, with minimal equipment (even the set was actually just the producer's house). Adapting it from a television script where the goal was to kill someone every thirty minutes, he did pretty well with it. Clearly, he was successful enough that he was able to keep directing and give us the now-classic "Demons".
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Pretty Good Giallo/Lamberto Bava's 2nd Film
ryan-100755 November 2019
Another Italian giallo film worth seeking out to watch. Here Lamberto Bava directs this mystery/slasher that certainly contains some memorable elements.

Bruno (Andrea Occhipinti) is a composer who has been hired to write the score for the next horror epic. He has rented out a villa from a friend of his Tony Rendina (Michele Soavi) to complete the score for the director of the movie Sandra (Anny Papa). Of course the villa is isolated, dark and scary. I mean come on, its a horror movie. Murders are happening in the villa he is living in and in giallo-fashion must try and solve the crimes.

Works well as a giallo, but not one of the best. If you love giallos, like I do, it is worth looking for to give it a viewing and see what you think.
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Pretty enjoyable Argento pastiche.
Infofreak27 November 2003
Okay, Lamberto Bava isn't anywhere near as talented as his father Mario. Let's just accept that and move on. 'A Blade In The Dark' is a surprisingly entertaining giallo that is equal parts Argento and Hitchcock, though obviously not as accomplished as either at their best. If I specify which Hitchcock it is heavily inspired by it'll give the whole game away, so I won't, but I'm sure most viewers will have guessed the twist long before it is revealed. It doesn't really matter, it won't detract from your enjoyment. Andrea Occhipinti from Fulci's 'The New York Ripper' plays Bruno, a young composer who rents a villa while working on a horror movie score. Pretty soon assorted lovelies start disappearing and he fears the worst. He also begins to think the movie he's working on holds the key to the mysterious events around him. The version I watched of this movie was very badly dubbed but it was still effective and stylishly directed, with some gruesome touches. Occhipinti was more than adequate as a hero, there were plenty of babes, and Eurohorror buffs will get a kick out of seeing the kid from Fulci's 'The House By The Cemetery' in a bit part and Michele Soavi (Argento pal and director of cult favourite 'Dellamorte Dellamore') in a supporting role. While I don't think 'A Blade In The Dark' is quite as good as Bava's first 'Demons' movie I enjoyed it a LOT more than I expected, so if you like Argento and Fulci, check it out.
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Interesting Giallo!
Khwaj25 February 2002
To begin with I was a real sap for liking all that commercial crap that the everyday world is being exposed to watching. That was until "A Blade In The Dark" caught my attention.

This was the first film that marked my entry towards Italian horror and what an entrance it was I might add.

The opening sequence is a real knockout not to mention dead scary (even the mere thought is enough to give me nightmares). The only con was the fact the acting was tad bit weak, but at the same time exceptional.

I won't spoil the ending though, but it could've been a slightly improved with a cat and mouse chase that concludes in a bit of a bloody showdown with hero and killer. The highlight in the film for me though was Lara Nazinsky, who plays Julia (the composer's girlfriend) what a firecracker she is.

Though not many would agree about this film being good, it was interesting to know that it was directed with little budget with many of the actors working for nothing and considering Lamberto Bava's credibility of being son of horror legend Mario Bava.

Worth a look.
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Dumb but occasionally effective giallo (SPOILERS)
gridoon31 August 2002
Warning: Spoilers
The score is creepy, the direction atmospheric and some of the violence (particularly the hand impaling and the strangulation) is brutal and effective. But all those positive qualities almost don't matter - because the script is so dumb, illogical and coincidence-ridden. Seriously, if you found blood stains on the floor, torn pages from a diary and destroyed tapes in a matter of a few minutes, would you really pretend nothing had happened? If you later found even more blood and, on the same spot, marks that match those of the knives in your house, would you still consider the possibility that "maybe it's just my overactive imagination"? Not to mention the corpse that the hero fails to see, although it's right under his nose, or the infamous "It's not a spider, it's a cockroach" scene (it's a spider). The dubbing is atrocious, too, and the final twist seems directly stolen from a well-known De Palma film (you'll know which). And the amusing thing is that, the twist of THAT De Palma film was stolen from an even more famous Hitchcock film....
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Might have worked had it been tightened
Wizard-814 October 2018
The Italians made some great thrillers in the 1970s and 1980s, but occasionally they would stumble badly in their efforts. This includes "A Blade in the Dark", directed by Lamberto Bava. I will admit that it's not a completely bad movie. Despite being made on a low budget, Bava uses the limited locations well so the audience is not bothered by the lack of settings. There are some striking images and occasional eye-catching direction. But all this good stuff doesn't help much against the sad fact that the movie is incredibly slow. It doesn't take long to realize that not much is happening, and the thin story is stretched out from the breaking point. Had the screenplay been more quickly paced and with a lot more happening, we might have had a nifty giallo thriller despite a few additional problems with the movie (like pretty wretched dubbing.) I would only recommend the movie to die hard fans of the Italian giallo genre.
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Mario isn't the only Bava in town.
barrynewblood26 September 2019
Frequently vicious with some excellent set pieces, A Blade in the Dark must be one of the better non-Argento giallos from the 80's. The story follows a young horror film composer who becomes a target for a deranged serial killer who doesn't want this film to come out. This killer also finds time to hack up anyone who comes to the house where the composer is working on the music, so there's plenty of fresh blood to be spilled.

The pace ebbs and flows here and there and it's hard to judge the acting since it's been dubbed into English, but A Blade in the Dark is worth watching for it's insane murder set pieces, including one particularly grisly hairwashing sequence that involves a hand and a very sharp kitchen knife.

A Blade in the Dark exists somewhere between the giallos on the 70's and the slashers of the 80's, but manages to find its sweet spot more often than not. I think Lamberto's father, Mario, would be very proud of his work in this.
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Bava is no Argento, but quite good all the same
ODDBear12 August 2004
A music composer moves into a villa to try to get into the right mood to make a pulsating score to a horror movie. Things get awry when bodies begin piling up around him. Could these events have anything to do with the film the composer is working on?

This is the second feature by director Lamberto Bava and it's not as interesting as his debut Macabre. The film is very slow, it's horribly dubbed, badly acted and has far too many false alarms.

However, the film isn't all bad. It's got very creative and disturbing death scenes and really picks up in the final 15 minutes or so, with some nice touches of humor to go with the gore. Considering the fact that the film was shot in just about 2 weeks and was originally intended as a tv episode, it shows how creative Bava really was, having such a limited time schedule and a relatively low budget.

The mystery of the film (i.e. who's behind the killings) isn't hard to figure out. I would say that 9 out of 10 viewers (those familiar with the giallo genre anyway) would have the killer figured out half way through the film.

In my opinion, Bava is quite interesting a director, but he's no Argento. 5 out 10.
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Pretty mediocre Italian horror.
HumanoidOfFlesh18 February 2004
"A Blade in the Dark" is a mediocre horror film.People comparing it to Argento's classics are completely missing the point.Obviously Lamberto Bava does not have the talent of his brilliant father Mario Bava-"A Blade in the Dark" is nothing in comparison to "Blood and Black Lace","A Bay of Blood" or "The Girl Who Knew Too Much".Still "A Blade in the Dark" is quite enjoyable,if you're a fan of Italian horror.Bruno,a music composer is offered a job by a female director to write the music for her newest horror film.He takes on the job and rents a small villa.As soon as he starts his work a series of brutal murders is set in motion.The film is not as scary as some people claim-in fact it's pretty dull.There are some vicious and really bloody murders,particularly the bathroom killing,but there is not enough gore for my liking.The script is sometimes too idiotic and the dubbing is horrible.So if you have enough time to waste give this one a look-just don't expect a masterpiece.
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Like a knife in the back.
lost-in-limbo19 August 2007
Composer Bruno is hired to complete the music for an up and coming horror film, and to get the job done without much interruption. He decides to rent out a secluded villa, but his work gets sidetrack when he believes that some ravishing young woman who have disappeared have been murdered within the villa. So naturally he looks into it, and finds out there might actually be a connection there with the old tenant of the house and the movie he's composing.

If there was a film I wanted to like, Lamberto Bava's cruel, perverse Giallo piece "A Blade in the Dark" is one. The concept behind the story showed promised, and the build up to the inventive deaths and their eventual outcomes were sadistically effective. It's a maliciously crazy shocker, and it sure does come off excruciatingly bloody. Lamberto execution showed flair, atmosphere and bite with his swaying visuals. However I found the moments in between terribly slack and Elisa Briganti and Dardano Sacchetti's tedious script was just too sloppy and meandering. When the humid material delivers its revelation, we've seen it before to really be surprised and satisfied. Even the performances felt forced, and mainly stuffy. The grating dubbing didn't help one bit. A mundane Andrea Occhipinti never convinced me in the lead and Michele Soavi came off ridiculous. The cast did have some beauties in the shape of Lara Naszinsky (truly gorgeous), Fabiola Toledo (what a stunner) and Valeria Cavalli. Maurizo and Guida De Angelis' forebodingly hypnotic music score was a nice stroke, and there's a creative mixture of bone rattling sound FX. Even the choice of location rubs off nicely with its brooding isolated villa. Gianlorenzo Battaglia's cinematography shows few jolting flourishes, but more often follows the book.

Mediocre, if diverting Giallo that's spoilt in the long run by its unneeded padding and lumbering nature.
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Gritty Giallo
amandagellar-3107714 July 2019
A Blade in the Dark is one of Lamberto Bava's first (and finest) entries into the giallo subgenre sprinkled with some slasher elements.

The English dubbing is awful (which renders the acting un-judgeable) and the story is fairly simple textbook giallo stuff, but Bava gets a chance to showcase his style in several truly thrilling murder set pieces. There's one bit with a hand and a kitchen knife that will make even the hardened gore hounds cringe.

Giallo (and even slasher) fans should love it.
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A Blade in the Dork
zmaturin10 November 2001
Warning: Spoilers
This flick begins with the kid from "Demons 2" daring the kid from "The House By the Cemetery" to go down in a dark basement while chanting "You're a female! You're a female!" Then the story switches to the guy from "New York Ripper" who is a composer working on a new horror movie score, but he keeps getting interrupted by strange women who later disappear. Are they getting killed? Who's the killer? Will he ever finish his score? What's with that creepy groundskeeper guy? Why won't the film-within-a-film's director let anyone see the last reel? And will anyone ever clean that damn smelly pool?

This movie has a nice premise and a few good moments, but overall is disappointing due to the long walking scenes and the lack of any interesting characters or atmosphere. There's not much gore (although the scene in the bathroom is pretty good) and the identity of the killer is pretty obvious- generally when a character is introduced and then says "Well, I'm off on my trip to Kuwait!" I get suspicious, but it is a nice role for Michele Soavi, one of my favorite players in the Italian horror scene.

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Sadistic violence, a compelling score and not much of a plot. Welcome to Bava's textbook Giallo!
Coventry2 August 2004
Lamberto Bava, son of the greatest director of all time – Mario Bava, suffers from an unhealthy obsession to face his audiences with some of the most nauseating and gross images ever. He previously did so in `Demoni', while using a terrific gimmick and appealing black humor. Demoni still ranks as his most famous film. In this `A blade in the Dark', he tries to mix his typically sadistic violence with tension and mystery…but fails shamefully.

The plot and style is textbook Giallo stuff. During the entire film minus the last five minutes, walls of mystery are built up around the killer's identity. The `whodunit' is overstressed and it all results in far-fetched nonsense. In this case: A woman (?) who brutally slaughters young girls inside a luxurious mansion. The new tenant of this mansion is Bruno, a music composer hired to provide a new horror film with a compelling and ominous score. Bruno discovers there are a lot of similarities between the script of this particular film and the real-life murders. Bava enthusiastically focuses on the mystery so much he doesn't realize the climax actually is real dull and déja-vu. Also, the film isn't entirely worth its controversial status. Sure, the murders are disgusting and explicit, but not different or more repulsive than the ones shown in any other Italian Giallo. The most positive aspect about `A blade in the Dark' is the excellent score. The loud music, warning you someone is about to die gruesomely, is far more exiting and `horrific' as the crime itself. Apart from a few top-creepy moments (tennis balls falling from the ceiling), this film isn't highly memorable.

Although not as notorious as `A blade in the Dark', I strongly advise to check out another Bava Giallo. `Foto di Gioia', a.k.a Delirium, which is a lot more imaginative and it doesn't take itself as serious. Not to mention it features Italy's most beautiful woman, Serena Grandi.
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This Giallo film from director Lamberto Bava is first-rate
blownout200213 December 2003
This film is why I worship and adore Italian Giallo films. For one, it has beautiful women in the cast. It is shot with a love for the film art, and is filled with evil and graphic violence that caused it to be censored in many countries. The violence is never ending, with fountains and fountains of the red stuff. The knife attacks are brutal, pull no punches-style of showing the knife entering the flesh. The shock ending will have your blood pumping and adrenaline going. Don't buy the over-hyped commercial garbage out there. Grab the UNCUT Anchor Bay DVD of this awesome display of Italian-made carnage. You will NOT be disappointed!

Rated: 9.5/10 because of the cool plot, the shock ending, and the bloody and graphic murder scenes.
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dung_rat11 February 2002
Warning: Spoilers
(*mild spoilers*)

Son of famous the Italian director, Mario Bava, Lamberto Bava directs his own giallo thriller.

'A Blade in the Dark' is a mildly (the emphasis being on mild) entertaining 'whodunit' thriller. It's by no means on par with some of Dario Argento's work but manages to succeed in its own way. Like most of these thrillers it is ridden with suspense, gore, red-herrings and the inescapable 'whodunit' element. There are some lovely camera-shots here especially during the 'bathroom' murder scene.

The death scenes are (moderately) fulfilling including a fair spill of blood. The ending however just seems weak. It doesn't take that long to piece together who has been committing the murders and the way in which killer dies is a big let-down.

The way in which diegetic sounds merge and fuse with non-diegetic sound is a rather nice inclusion too. The scene where composer 'Bruno' (Andrea Occhipinti) is playing a haunting theme on his piano and then stops only to have the score continue playing as part of the films soundtrack is a nice idea. The weakness is that 'Blade...' just doesn't quite manage to achieve the suspense, horror and atmosphere that is so common in Mario Bava or Dario Argento's work. However, taking 'A Blade in the Dark' as a stand-alone thriller is does work surprisingly well. -'6'-
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Another Bloody Giallo - YAY!
P3n-E-W1s311 August 2019
I do like a good Giallo film and this is one of those.

The writers, Dardano Sacchetti and Elisa Briganti, do a great job of weaving the elements of this story into an interesting and eerie dark thriller. There are a couple of supernatural factors thrown in so it just makes it into the horror genre also.

Though it's Lamberto Bava's direction which steers it in the horror genre route the most. What Bava brings to the table is the atmosphere. He is adept at using everything to build an uneasiness for the viewers. Lighting effects, musical interludes, and camera angles. These are the main ingredients he adds. Shame some of today's directors can't cook up a film so good.

It also helps to have the opening sequence where you should recognise one of the kids in the daring trio. Giovanni Frezza who has appeared in nine films of the genre from 1980 to 85. But you should know him from Lucio Fulci's classic horror, The House By The Cemetery. Though it's a very minor part he still does a good job.

I find with the foreign dubbed films it's difficult to fairly rate the acting ability as you're not hearing their voices. You can only go on what you see and hear. Sight-wise the acting isn't superb but it is above average. Sound-wise the vocals could have been a little better. I do wish that the vocal talent scouts would match the voices and characters better. As always this is where it falls - but only a little. There are a couple of translation mishaps and the voice actors and actresses could have studied the script a bit more, to get the emotional elements correct.

Though, if you're a watcher of dubbed films then you'll take this with a pinch of salt - you'll be used to these little niggles. They don't detract from the enjoyment of the story and film.

The special effects are incredible. The bathroom sequence is horrific and I still cannot figure out how they managed to make it look so realistic. This is one of my favourite effects scenes. I hope other filmmakers take note. If you're doing gruesome effects then wetwork is the only way to go. And remember to keep the atmosphere going.

Not an exact tour-de-force but both the writers and director should be happy to have this one in their portfolio - I would be.

The only thing letting the film down is the ending. It's been done a lot. Even when this came out it had started to become old hat. Since then it's become a staple twist of the genre and greatly overused.

If you like gruesome eerie mysteries, then this film is for you. I would even recommend watching the film if you have a passing interest in the genre or want to try something new. Check out my thriller and horror lists, The Game Is Afoot and Absolute Horror, to see where this film sits in my rankings.
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Insulting that the name Bava is associated with this rubbish
fertilecelluloid20 November 2005
Lamberto Bava, son of the late, mostly great Mario, directed this atrociously inept "shocker" about a composer stalked by a killer. Not only is the script by Elisa Briganti and Dardano Sacchetti a clichéd, illogical mess, Bava's direction (if you can call it that) lacks tension and recycles the most overused cinematic clichés.

The rotten English dubbing does not help things; nor does Gianlorenzo Battaglia's ugly, grainy photography. The acting is wooden, too, and it is particularly galling to see Italy's best living horror director, Michel Soavi, making a fool of himself in one of the film's pivotal roles.

There are a couple of gory murders, the best featuring a hand skewered by a large carving knife. But blood and a sprinkling of guts aside, this is awkward, embarrassingly bad film-making and it's doubly insulting that the name Bava is associated with this stiff rubbish.
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The most giallo giallo
If giallo works for you, this movie is a riot. If not, you may find it somewhat disappointing. But for me, it hit all the right notes.

The writing and acting was absurd, filled to the brim with dialogue that is either some of the most on-the-nose stuff I have ever heard, or complete nonsense. The acting is generally fully over-the-top or simply terribly performed. Either way, it's all wildly amusing. Not all the deaths are up to snuff with the best of giallo, but there are a couple that will leave imprints in your mind, specifically one in a bathroom involving a plastic bag. The women are quite intoxicating, the lead actor quite pretty as well, and it's always fun seeing the legend Michele Soavi in any role. The cinematography is a lot of fun, the pacing and editing is disjointed and awkward as is the case with most giallo, and the story makes very little sense.

All in all, it's a pretty terrible movie, but a wonderful giallo! Lamberto Bava certainly got his game locked in a few years later by the time he made his masterpiece, Demons!
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I wish I could have seen this in Italian with subtitles.
coldwaterpdh18 January 2008
The version of this that I got is HORRIBLY dubbed. It's like they went on an online translator and changed the dialog to English and it's so ridiculous. There are words used that just make no sense and I got the feeling the whole time that it would have made more sense if it had just been subtitled.

"A Blade in the Dark" is probably my least favorite Lamberto Bava film that I've seen so far and I'm surprised because usually I love Sachetti's stuff (City of the Living Dead...) But this film was just full of holes. How big is this villa that the dude is staying in??? How come he's not shocked when there is a woman in his closet??? How come he doesn't contact the police??? Then, when you find out who the killer is, it's just totally implausible.

I've seen it written that this movie was made to be a comedy. I think it takes itself way too seriously. The only thing that redeems it in the end is the gore. There are a few awesome gore scenes. The music is pretty cool too.

5 out of 10, kids.
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Brutal Giallo
markdecarlo-9832117 February 2021
Inspired a little more by the American slashers coming out at the time, A Blade in the Dark is a solid and sometimes intense slash fest about a film composer trapped in an isolated estate where everyone around him is being murdered. The murders themselves are grisly, especially one involving a bathroom, a hand, some shampoo, and a knife. There are a few lags in the pacing here and there, but it all leads to a memorably bizarre finale that makes up for it.
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Stay away
hellholehorror10 November 2018
This is a really bad Italian film that is no better than any other bad Italian horror film. Not scary, bad script and direction and for this movie there was an almost complete lack of violence. Stay away from this horrible tripe.
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Very scary giallo
sethputnam694 April 2004
Okay. A lot of the negative things that people have said about this movie are right on the money. The dubbing is HORRIBLE. To the point of nonsense. The "cockroach" scene is a bit odd. The plot and plot twists are at times predictable and cliche.

Now the good parts about this giallo. Its f****** scary!!! Some of the slow stalk sequences and cat and mouse chases are absolutely nerve shattering. Lamberto Bava layed on the atmosphere double thick here. The violence is terrifying and brutally graphic. The score is without doubt the best I've heard in a giallo. And I've seen the Argento films and many others.

Final analysis: Technically speaking its flawed, very flawed, but as a slasher/giallo/horror movie its atmospheric and scary. And my personaly favorite giallo.

*** (out of ****)
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this "Blade" shines brighter than most...
Jonny_Numb24 April 2005
Produced at the height of his career, "A Blade in the Dark" marks Lamberto Bava's best directorial effort (certainly better than "Demons" and "Devil Fish"), a slick, intriguing, and sometimes shocking giallo. Bruno (Andrea Occhipinti, of "The New York Ripper") rents an isolated villa to work on the soundtrack for a horror film, only to find himself in the middle of a murder mystery, as young girls meet grisly ends at the hands of an unseen killer. While clearly influenced by the works of Dario Argento, Bava opts for a bland, impersonal color palette that intensifies the mood, combined with a script that has fewer contrivances and red herrings than a typical offering from the aforementioned maestro. The result is a satisfying giallo whose only crime is an occasionally sluggish pace (though this is easily forgivable, as the film was originally intended as a multi-episode TV series)...but stick with it, for ghastly surprises are in store for those who wait.
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Gory But Mediocre Giallo-Effort By Lamberto Bava
Director Lamberto Bava is the son of the arguably greatest Horror director who ever lived, the almighty Mario Bava. And while the younger Bava has made some more than decent films himself (such as the hugely entertaining "Dèmoni" of 1985), they do not play in the same category as his father's masterpieces. "La Casa Con La Scala Nel Buio" aka "A Blade in the Dark" of 1983 is Lamberto Bava's contribution to the wonderful Giallo-genre (which was created by his father in the 60s), and while the film is an enjoyable, stylish and supremely gory Giallo, it isn't a very good one. "A Blade in the Dark" begins fantastically with a gruesome scene that turns out to be a sequence of a movie in the movie. Composer Bruno (Andrea Occhiprinti, who also appeared in Fulci's "New York Ripper"), who has moved into an elegant big house in order to work on the score to the film, suddenly finds himself stalked by a psychopathic killer, who is butchering women in the house...

Some people seem to regard this film as a rip-off of Dario Argento's brilliant ultra-brutal 1982 Giallo "Tenebre" (for which Lamberto Bava had served as assistant director), but, personally, I do not see too many parallels, other than the protagonist having a creative job and beautiful women being brutally murdered. The murders are not very numerous for a Giallo, but those that occur are very bloody; one of them is committed with a Stanley knife, another one is one of the most brutal ones ever in a Giallo (and that is quite something regarding the genre's tendency to spectacularly gory killings). The plot has holes, which is not too tragic as such. However, the characters are not properly introduced, nor are they likable, which makes the suspense a lot less intense. In some parts, it is also kinda slow as it includes several unnecessarily uninteresting scenes. The score by the De Angelis brothers is once again great.

Overall, "A Blade in the Dark" is an acceptably stylish and gory Giallo with a somewhat sloppy plot, that may be seen or missed by my fellow Italian Horror fans. It is definitely one of the weaker Gialli out there, but it is still entertaining enough to be worth spending 110 minutes watching it.
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