Ator, the Fighting Eagle (1982) Poster

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Cheesy Fun
masteralkin27 May 2005
Lots of people would call "Ator" a bad movie. I, personally, would call it delightfully cheesy, like an unintentional spoof on itself. The random use of pyrotechnics at the end, the extremely low quality acting, the plot line that was, at the same time, both stupidly simple AND made no sense, and an arch-villain that wouldn't scare a baby unless it was hit by lightning. Don't see this movie for technical genius, see it for laughs. But, make sure not to become to overcritical of the movie. It may be an extremely bad movie, but I think you will find it hard to enjoy if you are looking for problems. Just sit back, and let the cheesiness do it's work.
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Craptastic, but in a good way!
grefly737 December 2001
If you are looking for a sage tale, full of mystic fantasy that takes you off to into uncharted territories, please, do not watch. If you like really hokey barbarian movies, this is perhaps one of the best.

This is not a good movie. However, that should not discourage you. If you can accept it's badness, you will enjoy it. It is so terrible that you can sit back and laugh. The furry boots, the chest armor that looks like a large dinner plate, the fact that he wants to marry his sister... Miles O'Keeffe kinda looks like an out of work porn star.

If you enjoy really bad movies, this is a must see; one of those few gems that is a funny-but-not-supposed-to-be-funny movie.
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Stiff and ridiculous Conan rip.
lost-in-limbo6 March 2014
Conan the Barbarian you could say was at the top of the pile of these derivative sword and sorcery enterprises that were being churned out in the early 80s and the main influencer for these films. "Ator" was at the very bottom of the pile and was a quick cash-in on the former by notorious director Joe D'Amato. It's quite bad. More so in a banal and simple-minded way, this is unforgivable. What happens is second-rate and hasty in its execution and with little fun attached to it. A bemused Miles O'keeffe plays the title character and goes about things in a rather laborious manner (uneventful journey with plenty of strutting and flat sword choreography)… although there are some amusingly terrible dialogue exchanges (the heart to heart talk about love with romantic interludes), a lousy twist… and a battle scene with a slow moving gigantic spider… but other than that not much to recommend. It's just risible more so than thrilling. Oh I did forget something… the bear cub. I don't know what it had to do with anything, but its presence was a welcome inclusion.
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Never have i seen such a bad film.
DuFlop22 February 2002
This film is absolutely brilliant. I was flicking through the sky channels today and noticed "Ator: Flight of the Eagle", and after seeing one of the first battle scenes i was hooked. Anyone who gave this film less than 8 out of 10 obviously missed the great comments like "but father, why cant i marry my sister" and Keog's the baby bears attempt to save Ator from the evil ladies by making love to the nearest tree.

Now I admit this is a bad film, but thats why its so good. Never have i seen such a bad film.

This is a must see. I give it 9/10.
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The most famous of Italian sword and sorcery
Hellraiser-113 December 2001
This movie was a somehow successful rip-off of "Conan, the barbarian"because it was released a very short time after but it has nothing of the value of the film starred by Schwarzenneger. It is cheesy, non-spectacular, special effects are not good and the acting is horrid, although the blonde actress Sabrina Siani is really nice to look (She was seen in other turkeys such as "2020: The rangers of Texas" and I don´t know what happened to her later but in any case, she is the best of this movie which resembles a revision of those antique Italian peplums about Hercules, Ursus or Maciste. It´s equally bad. From director Joe D'amato I prefer his film "Absurd" which was at least gory and much funnier than this.
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gridoon4 September 2002
The fearless warrior Ator and his brave female companion, the Amazon Roon, travel through miles of primitive villages, forests, caves and castles to destroy the "kingdom of the spider" (or something) and kill its evil ruler. It's a dull and clunky journey. My advice is: watch the sequel ("The Blade Master") instead. Not only is it slightly more watchable than this film, but it also includes a brief "recap" of it, which enables you to see every single scene of the original that's worth seeing (so to speak) in a matter of a few minutes. (*1/2)
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Ator da bore
InzyWimzy27 October 2004
Ouch! The might menace known as Miles O Keefe in his first (unfortunately not last) appearance as the thick skulled Ator. He mostly stares stoically with his gold dyed hair and emotes very little. Imagine going to your kitchen counter and staring at the dishes drying. You have captured the essence of this movie.

There's an amusing wedding of brother and sister, this guy Greba who mainly scowls and moves back and forth from scene to scene. I mean, c'mon, when he goes to get the baby, it's the theatre of the mute! There is no crying, pleading, rage; more kind of like 'So long and thanks for the kid!' Who can imagine that village raid attack can be so boring? This is plentiful in this adventure. On the bright side, there's warrior women, good eye candy, and proof that shooting in forests and mountain areas is great because it doesn't COST anything!! Who are you going to pay, Mr. Squirrel? Now, he should've been in this movie!

All in all, Miles O Keefe has been quoted as being good humored; he supposedly even liked the MSTing of Cave Dwellers. Also, the movie is done very seriously which makes it even more kampy fun. Watch it for laughs or for the effect of coma inducing meds.
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"Ator, The Running Eagle" would be a more appropriate title
warsystem0413 August 2015
"Ator, The Fighting Eagle" is an early Conan ripoff from the prolific and usually enjoyable Italian schlock director Joe D'Amato. While the basics are in place here (swords, sorcery, and that's about it), the execution entirely misses the mark. It's hard to describe what exactly it is that is so off-putting about this film, probably because there is not a whole lot going on IN the film. The titular character is portrayed as weak, and not in the sense that it is part of his personality or backstory. He avoids most combat by simply running away, which is absurd (no D'Amato pun intended) considering what makes these types of flicks so enjoyable are the battles. The villain is about as threatening as the stupid skunk-striped bear cub that runs and grunts it's way through the movie by Ator's side, dying almost immediately upon being confronted and showing almost none of the tyrannical traits his cult is supposed to exhibit.

Sabrina Siani is hot as Roon, if that's any consolation, but it only brings me to my next point: This film is basically FAMILY FRIENDLY. There is no gore, no nudity, and basically nothing else that makes films of this caliber a treat. The dialog, weapons, scenery and characters are cookie cutter and mostly formulaic, which is the biggest shame. Even the giant spider is a disappointment and is disposed of with little effort in one of the only actual battles of the whole movie. There is no tension, no dramatic build toward the climax and no real reason to care about any of the characters. Foremost, don't even get me started on the awkward and blatant incest sub-plot.

I want to like this movie. I really do. But, unfortunately, I just don't.
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How can the sequel be any worse?!
planktonrules20 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I accidentally saw this film. I thought it was the same Ator movie that was currently ranked #40 on IMDb's Bottom 100 list--only to discover that was ATOR 2, not this first film. You see, I've got a crazy quest to try to see as many of IMDb's Bottom 100 as possible! However, after seeing ATOR I wonder how the sequel can possibly be any worse?! However, while ATOR has overall score of 2.3 (which is terrible), ATOR 2 is significantly lower at 1.8!!! Yikes...that's bad. But how is this possible as ATOR was 100% craptastic?!

The 1980s were an odd time and I remember lots of enjoyable but silly films of the day, such as BEASTMASTER, the Conan films and KRULL. However, there really isn't much about ATOR that is enjoyable.

The film begins with a prologue read by someone with a deadly serious voice. In fact, the incredibly serious nature of this film was one of the worst things about it--it was so oppressively somber and there wasn't a second of mirth or fun about it. According to the narrator, the land has long been ruled and oppressed by the Spider King--for 1000 years to be exact. But, now there is a child who will one day destroy the Spider King and his minions. Oddly, however, you never see more than about 20 men working for this king and controlling this vast kingdom! It's obvious the film had a minuscule budget, as there are only a few baddies and Ator and his army to battle the king consist of him and a woman....oh, and a baby bear. Talk about lame!

The star of the film, Miles O'Keefe is an odd sort of hero. Compared to the man other mythical heroes of the 1980s (and there were many), he looked awfully pretty--with Farrah-like hair and a rather effeminate outfit. Personality-wise, he's also a pretty dull guy. Perhaps this is because the crew and many of the actors were speaking Italian (much of the film is dubbed) or maybe he's just got the charisma of balsa wood....I'm not sure which.

I'd talk more about the plot and the many adventures, but they were all so forgettable. The only really memorable thing was the finale. First, killing the Spider King and his pals turned out to be incredibly easy--so easy, I had to laugh. But the biggest laugh came when I saw the giant spider that was apparently the arachnid behind the throne. It was hilarious to see--with the most obvious wired making it's legs dart up and down--making the spider DUMBER than the octopus in BRIDE OF THE MONSTER (an Ed Wood crap-fest).

Overall, you have a very dull story, a dull leading man, a very dull villain, little adventure and a giant spider on wires. So how, then, can the next film be any worse?! And, if it is, how is it legal to show this to anyone in any country?! I thought they had laws to prevent this sort of travesty.
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And now for something completely different....
CelluloidRehab23 October 2004
Ator!!! NO !! NO !! NO !! .. .not Miles O'Keefe. Unfortunately yes. This seems to be an Italian rip off of Conan (which is funny cause an Italian produced that movie - and was filmed in nearby Spain).

This is the origin of Ator (which sounds funny since this is technically the first movie, however, most of us know Miles O'Keefe from the Mystery Science 3000 episode of Cave Dwellers, a.k.a Ator 2). Most of us will remember this movie from the various flashbacks in Ator 2, a.k.a Cave Dwellers.

In the first five minutes of the movie we are assaulted with a long, boring narrative that doesn't make a heap of sense. This is followed up by dialog like :

(Minion) Lord, the sign is in the sky.

(Dakkar) What are you saying foooooollll ??

(Minion) The animals cry out and the wind, the trees, the mountain. The earth trembles like a virgin being drawn to the nuptial bed, and the sky is the color of flame, my Lord.

(Dakkar) hmmmmmmmm....

(Dakkar) ..... .... (LINE !!!!)

This is followed up by some more pointless plot points, dialog and fights scenes that look like the Bionic Man was choreographing. One of my favorite scenes is invention of ballet during the wedding scene. It was a modern dance interpretation gone completely wrong. The other scene is a look at our hero, who is a peeping tom pervert.

This is definitely for fans of Deathstalker, Red Sonya and the Barbarian Brothers. If you like your sword and sorcery lite, crunchy with a side of Jack Daniels, then this is the movie for you.

And what was up with that bear ? It was in more scenes than Miles O'Keefe. I guess they were trying to rip off of the Beastmaster as well.

-Celluloid Rehab
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Totally dreadful
mazda323724 May 2006
I have just watched this film and it is appalling. I am a fan of the science/fantasy genre and have seen some great some average and some very bad films of this type, but Ator has no redeeming qualities at all.Well OK Sabrina Siani and Ritza Brown are pleasant to look at ( especially ms Browns smile, but the plot, the acting, the direction are all dismal. Don't waste money getting this one! Alright I suppose the scenery is quite pretty, but the 'special (sic) effects are childish, the characters are wooden, the dialogue is banal, the gory bits are tame, there isn't even any sex/nudity to cause a diversion from the storyline.The tarantula is probably the best actor in the whole movie.Pass the remote!
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The CONAN'S best Italian sequel
IsmaRubio23 June 2002
Surely this movie is the CONAN'S best Italian sequel, or cinema of SWORD and FANTASY. his director D'AMATO, specialist in by-products series z, the majority erotic or of terror (gore), as BLACK EMANUELLE or GOMIA, realizes here CONAN.'S spectacular Italian exploitation in spite of being a movie of low budget, the success that it took as many European countries made him direct immediately a sequel, ATOR 2 (and years later, already in the decadence of the Italian cinema of exploitation IRON WARRIOR). The history of the movie is slightly interesting, though some kind of aventuresco possesses a spirit. The sets and wardrobes not estan badly. He lacks some kind of mas of violence, and bleed, that is to say that is something infantile. It has scenes antologicas as that of the zombies or that of the combat to ATOR's sword against a shade. Both Thousands O'keefee and SABRINA SIANI (specialist already in this type of genre) actuan yours role to the perfection. The villain of shift, DAKAR also this one in his sauce (always sera remembered by your interpretation in ZOMBI HOLOCAUST). The final scene, where ATOR fights against the giant spider is in the times of now, cheap mas and miser. In spite of everything, it is not so bad as podria to have been. For collectors of the kind(genre) SWORD and FANTASY. 3/5
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They don't make em like this anymore
it_lives24 March 2006
I have fond memories of 'Ator the fighting eagle' from the VHS version i saw as a teen in the eighties. Whatever happened to the great tradition of low budget barbarian films? Today you see try hard films with reasonable cgi effects but shockingly bad performances, and scripts that are usually anachronistic and too self aware (blame TV's Hercules and Xena for this?). The problem I think is the filmmakers of today take themselves too seriously. Make a low budget film and be proud of it, 'Ator' is not impressive on any technical front but it is sure as hell entertaining. This film isn't trying to be 'Conan' any more than a daytime TV soap is trying to be serious drama. it is what it is, if you can't deal with that then don't watch coz you just won't get it. If you can then you'll have a fun hour and a half.
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Not too bad for what it is
Leofwine_draca6 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
ATOR, THE FIGHTING EAGLE is a film easy to dismiss in a modern mindset, but it's not too bad for what it is: a cheesy, lighthearted sword-and-sorcery romp from Italy and an open copy of the formula that made CONAN THE BARBARIAN such a hit. It's directed by Joe D'Amato at his most family-friendly and accessible, closely following the CONAN formula in its tale of an evil overlord and the man destined to oppose him. Sure, the performances are wooden but the film has a fun visual look and plenty of action, as well as one of the cutest animals I've seen in a movie - a black bear cub who tags along for the ride. Three sequels followed.
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Bad But Campy and Entertaining
Michael_Elliott7 March 2017
Ator, the Fighting Eagle (1982)

* 1/2 (out of 4)

After his village members are slaughtered and his love kidnapped, Ator (Miles O'Keeffe) must travel far to battle the High Priest of the Spider (Dakar).

When people ask me why I enjoy watching bad movies, this bit of dialogue from this film comes as a perfect example:

Ator: I love you.

Sunya: And I love you.

Ator: Why can't we marry?

Sunya: Ator, we are brother and sister.

Ator: I'll talk with our father.

You know, it's really hard to judge a film like this. I mean, it is a very bad movie full of awful acting, silly special effects, lousy direction and it rarely even looks like a "real" movie. Yet, at the same time, the film is so campy and silly at times that it's hard to hate the picture too much. Not only is it hard to hate the picture but it's also so campy that you might find yourself enjoying it somewhat.

With that said, there's no question that there are all sorts of problems with this film and heck, you could argue that there are countless problems with the entire sub-genre. There are many laughable moments throughout the film including that dialogue I highlighted but O'Keeffe was obviously hired for his looks here as his acting isn't all that memorable. Ritza Brown is at least good eye-candy and Dakar is over-the-top enough to where you can laugh and enjoy the performance. Laura Gemser appears briefly as a sex object.

Director Joe D'Amato was obviously working on a small budget and it shows throughout the picture but I will say that the final ten- minutes are actually entertaining and good. Well, as least they are until we get to the stock footage and the awful closing song. ATOR, THE FIGHTING EAGLE isn't a masterpiece, a good film or even a fair film. It's a bad movie but it's campy enough to where you can get some laughs from it.
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Goofy and low-budget sword and witchery stuff with a lot of sword-play
ma-cortes24 September 2022
Sword and Witchery Italian production photographed/ directed by prolific director Joe D'Amato or Aristide Massaccessi . Concerning a warrior to fulfill the prophecy he must face the ultimate challenge ,fighting against an evil sorcerer who seeks dominion. As Ator , son of Thorn must put an end to the tragic Dynasty of the Spiders , thereby fulfilling the legend of his family at the expense of the viewer . Ator being helped by Roon: Sabrina Siani and both of whom join forces to battle horrible creatures , giant spiders , swordsmen cloaked in shadow, re-animated dead warriors, blind contenders, horribly hideous sorceresses and anything else. A magical power was destined to fight at his side ! .In a place beyond time, comes a terrifying challenge beyond imagination ! . He is the only hope for a dying race , he is the beginning which will destroy all but the boldest warrior !.

Sword and sorcery tale of a powerful warrior , Miles O'Keeffe , from prehistoric times confronting nasty enemies , while Sabrina Siani bent on taking the fantastic sword against the evil , both of them join to rescue his sister from the evil Dakkar and his spider cult . Styled after Conan The Barbarian , this mythical action fantasy stars the wooden actor Miles O'Keeffe as the brave Ator . A below-average sword and sorcery tale about a terrifying odyssey into the unreal , featuring brutality , strange production design , ethereal ambience by means of a foggy photography and evocative musical score. A camp fun with fights , violent confrontation , blood and gore , and somewhat silly finale . Being an Italy production , here appears ordinary Italian actors from the 70s and 80s that played the ordinary genres , Spaghetti Western , Sword and sandals , Giallo , Softcore , such as : Sabrina Siani , Ritza Brown , Dakkar , Laura Gemser , Nello Pazzafini and the American Edmund Purdom . Special mention for the dark but colorful and foggy cinematography by director/cameraman Joe D'Amato who used peculiar filters , soft focus as well as a fog machine . Being shot on location in Gelato falls and Lazio , Rome , Italy . As well as a rare but very atmospheric musical score composed by Carlo Maria Cordio . Followed by Ator the Invincible (1982) with Miles O'Keeffe, Lisa Foster , David Brandon and Ator the Iron Warrior (1987) by Alfonso Brescia with Miles O'Keeffe , Savina Gersak, Elisabeth Kaza, Iris Peynado

The motion picture was uneven and lousily directed by Joe D'Amato in his usual style , he often used the pseudonym David Hills . Massaccesi was reluctant to use his real name early in his directing career, since he was still known mainly as a director of photography and didn't want his directing jobs to jeopardize his cinematography career. He used his real name for screenplay and cinematography roles, but worked under many aliases .This artisan was a prolific cameraman/writer/producer/director who made all kinds of genres . His first directing work was in 1972's low-budget Scansati... a Trinità arriva Eldorado (1972), co-directed by Diego Spataro, under the pseudonym Dick Spitfire, but it was a commercial failure. As he directed hardcore , soft-core, erotic films starring Laura Gemser, such as Emmanuel and francois (1975), Emanuelle and the Last Cannibals (1977), Emanuelle in América (1977), Emanuelle and the White Slave Trade (1978), Erotic Nights of the Living dead , L'alcova (1985) . Gialli and Terror movies : Gomia , Hitcher in the dark , Death Smiles on a Murderer , Buio Omega. Spaghetti Western : Scansati... a Trinità arriva Eldorado, Giubbe rosse . Scifi and Sword-witchery : Ator , Ator l'invincibile, Ator 3 , 2020 Texas Rangers , Bronx Endgame, and many others . Rating 4/10 .
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Unintentional Comedic
Breumaster29 May 2020
There are many movies about sword and sorcery. But rarely there are movies like this one, which are Completely silly, pointless, bad designed, unlogically and on the other hand sympathic and charming as well. They are documents in film history. The political correctness changed well, when I look at this movie. Some statements of it brought me to suddenly laugh instantly. I saw such naiv scenes last in the mid 80s.

Two hearts beat in my breast. The one which says: Give it a 6/10 for the fun, but on the other hand - lousy acting, timewise like in a soft porn. A silly production design and a story that doesn't really matter. A gave it a solid 4/10 weighting between fun and disaster. I would recommend this movie for teenies of the 80s, which want to remember that times. It's a typical time document. I consider buying it, even though I gave it only a 4/10.
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Ator The Prequel
sslaymaker12 November 2020
Rifftrax makes this watchable! Also helps if you enjoyed the Mystery Science Theater 3000 version of Cave Dwellers. Miles O'Keefe, lots of spiders, a bear and Dakar, playing a character called, well, Dakar.
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Simply hideous, simply hilarious
wperkins7 January 2000
I too saw this when it first came out at the theatre. Ten minutes into the film, a Friday night packed house was beginning its exodus towards the door. Those of us that stayed did so for the same reasons people stare at car wrecks. What I found surprising is that however little you think you know about filmmaking, watching something this bad reveals reminds you what you do know. The effects were non-existent (how many times can you slash and gash as someone with a sword without any blood being spilt?), the acting was embarassing (particulary the love interest), and the finale was the most anti-climactic conflict I've ever seen (Trust me: the first time you see this, you will be hysterical with laughter). I'm curious: does anyone know if this was ever "reviewed" by the MST3K regulars?
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Conan's Italian prehistoric cousin
BandSAboutMovies19 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Let's list the reasons why this movie made it into my DVD player:

Joe D'Amoto directed it. Where do we even start with his filmography? Emanuelle and the Last Cannibals? Antropophagus? Endgame?

It's an Italian ripoff of Conan the Barbarian, which means it's going to be at the same time better, worse and more inventive than the movie that inspired it.

It's written by Michele Soavi (Stagefright, The Church, The Sect, Cemetery Man)!

Once, Ator was just a baby, born with the birthmark that prophesied that he'd grow up to destroy the Spider Cult, whose leader Dakar (a pro wrestler who appeared in Titanes en el Ring against Martín Karadagian) tries to kill before he even gets out of his chainmail diapers.

Luckily, Ator is saved and grows up big, strong and weirdly in love with his sister, Sunya. It turns out that luckily, he's adopted, so this is only morally and not biologically upsetting. His father allows them to be married, but the Spider Cult attacks the village and takes her, along with several other women.

Ator trains with Griba, the warrior who saved him as a child (he's played by Edmund Purdom, the dean from Pieces!). What follows are pure shenanigans - Ator is kidnapped by Amazons, almost sleeps with a witch, undertakes a quest to find a shield and meets up with Roon (Sabrina Siani, Ocron from Fulci's barbarian opus Conquest), a sexy blonde thief who is in love with him.

Oh yeah! Laura Gemser, Black Emanuelle herself, shows up here too.

Ator succeeds in defeating Dakkar, only to learn that the only reason that Griba mentored him was to use him to destroy his enemy. That said, Ator defeats him too, leaving him to be eaten by the Lovecraftian-named Ancient One, a monstrous spider. But hey, Ator isn't done yet. He kills that beast too!

Finally, learning that Roon has died, Ator and Sunya go back to their village, ready to make their incestual union a reality. Or maybe not, as she doesn't show up in the three sequels, The Blade Master, Iron Warrior and Quest for the Magic Sword.

Ator is played by Miles O'Keefe, who started his Hollywood career in the Bo Derek vehicle Tarzan the Ape Man, a movie that Richard Harris would nearly fist fight people over if they dared to bring it up. He's in all but the last of these films and while D'Amoto praised his physique and attitude, he felt that his fighting and acting skills left something to be desired.

Ator the Fighting Eagle pretty much flies by. It does what it's supposed to do - present magic, boobs, sorcery and swordfights - albeit in a PG-rated film. It's anything except boring.
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Ator, the fighting failure
lordzedd-310 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
God, it's irony that Miles O'Keefe's mother sued because all the nudity in Tarzan, the ape man when she should have sued for all the crap in this movie. The dubbing was God awful, the plot was confusing and that is putting it mildly. There was some nudity in it, but what was the point, the camera was so far away you couldn't see anything. It was like the movie makers was peeping on the actress instead of a scene in the movie and couldn't afford a telescopic lens. There were so many subplots hidden within the main plot that you barely could see the main plot. Plus, the amazing vanishing birthmark, the birth marked reappeared when the guy removed but it vanished again almost instantly. God what a load of Itallian cheese and normally I like Itallian cheese, but this is totally rotten crap that should be avoided. THE RASBERRY.
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Crappy, cheaply made, Conan knock-off/cash-in, nothing more. Next.
Idiot-Deluxe14 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Ator: The Fighting Eagle is nothing more than a laughably lame, second-rate, knock-off of Conan the Barbarian, one of several from that era and somehow this accidental comedy of a movie would spawn at least two sequels.

The film stars Miles O'Keefe in the title-role of Ator (i.e. discount Conan), who is marked from birth with a sign, which falls in line with the movies illogical and nonsensical story-line, which entails him (once he's grown into manhood) as it is predestined, to become the conqueror of "the ancient one" and as prophesied if Ator were to slay this ancient dude and end his 1,000 year reign, a new era of peace and happiness would befall the realm. Described that way the movies plot sounds fairly straight forward, however if you try to follow this movies plot, which I would not recommend doing, as it just seems to lessen the fun of this schlocky-ham-handed-B-rate-barbarian-spectacle. In other words when watching this mindless tromp through ancient times, just sit back and turn off your brain and enjoy the ridiculousness of it all. Because as you'll no doubt see Ator: The Fighting Eagle (even it's title doesn't even seem to correlate to anything relevant to it's plot) is a movie that's rife with plot-holes and loaded with illogical situations, not to mention the movies corny special effects and numerous, tepidly-staged, action sequences.

Let me briefly go into description of Ator - our mighty hero in the movie. Miles O'Keefe is a guy who evidently had some bodybuilding in his background and thus has a ripped, though not heavily muscled physique (he's no Arnold) and looks to be well over six-feet tall. So far he sounds like he fits the role, but then there's the fact that he's more of a metro-sexual, sissy-pants, than a believable screen hero. Then we have his costume (the wardrobe department has to take some of the blame for this one), when Ator makes his first appearance he's wearing this ridiculous looking, fur-lined, get-up that also has lots of frilly fringe. Cringe. He also has white flowers weaved through his hair, which throughout the movie qualifies as an anachronism, our hero's hair; because where in a medieval world did Ator get his Aqua Net.

The villains of this schlocky mess of a movie are just as lame as the hero, especially the bald black guy whose decked out in studded, black leather armor (standard issue among medieval villains), who has an infatuation with Tarantula's and who is also in the habit of wearing heavy amounts of golden eye-shadow....... sound cringe-worthy? You'd be right. Then there's yet another villain, whose grand plan further undermines the movies already flawed logic and cliché-ridden plot, but seeing as how Ator is a poorly made fantasy film / barbarian-adventure-romp it doesn't really seem to matter whether it's story makes sense or not. It's my suggestion that you suspend any inkling of disbelief (which you'll undoubtedly have) and simply relish all the unintentional humor Ator brings to your screen. Because, Yes, this movie is a bad as looks.

Which brings me to another point that doesn't bode well for Lord Ator, which is the fact that the image quality of this movie (or lack of it), no matter what copy you're watching, always looks flat-out terrible. It's image is beset with several significant problems, which range from it's faded, washed-out, color, to it's weak contrast levels; which looks especially bad whenever there's a scene involving a low-light setting and seeing as how nearly half the movie takes place inside a series of caves, you can expect to see lots of washed-out blacks and an overall heavily marred and hazy image quality - which proves to be so bad in certain places that it's to the point of distraction. Though I doubt it, Ator: The Fighting Eagle looks as if it were a movie that was shot directly to VHS tape - because that's just how bad it looks.

The films production values are another mark against it, what a joke, with it's lame small-scale sets, goofy-looking costumes, deplorable FX, etc and when you add everything up it all makes for a very cheap and amateurish looking movie. But if there's one category where Ator doesn't come up on the short-side of, it's tail; for Ator's a real cocksman in this movie, starting with a young women who he thinks is his sister and yet wants to marry her anyway (so pitch in a hint of incest). Then there's a blonde-headed amazon on horseback not far in, which eventually leads to a whole tribe of amazonian warriors (they fight over him in order to earn the privilege of mating with him), then further on there's a wizardly seductress whose aching for some action with Ator.... and well I've lost count, but I think there's one more romantic interlude near the end.

If there's one scene that's a stand out, not because it's actually good, but because it's a showcase of terrible FX. Near the end through the black magic of "the ancient one" there's shape-shifting in the air, so beware! What you can expect to see is a big phony-looking spider, but in reality it's just a badly made puppet, that looks about as realistic as drugstore-brand Halloween decor (or maybe some crap bought at Spencer Gifts after the holidays when their trying to off-load their seasonal merchandise at a discount). Which is no surprise really, because "big scary spiders" always look phony in old movies, always.

So in the end, if you want to see a pathetic Conan The Barbarian rip-off settle down and put on Ator: The Fighting Eagle and afterwards if you still somehow find yourself craving for more Ator movies, Miles O'Keefe starred in at least two sequels - and in one those movies Ator, our dear, sword-swinging, barbarian friend goes hand-gliding!
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As always, Miles does a great job!
Gremloid22 May 1999
Miles O'keeffe as Ator, Joe D'amato behind the wheel...what can go wrong? Great sets, great fights, great story and epic as hell.
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Take heed, for Ator is utter drivel (and therefore a lot of fun!).
BA_Harrison4 March 2010
And lo, trash director Joe D'amato did witness the success of mighty warrior Schwarzeneggar as Conan and did cash in on the great Austrian's success, fashioning a film in its image. And that film was called Ator, and it's star went by the name of Miles O'Keeffe.

It was written that O'Keeffe, as Ator, would defeat the evil Spider King and his ten loyal henchmen whilst on a quest to save the woman of his dreams—his sister! Travelling through lawless, cursed lands, accompanied by a blonde tribeswoman and a fearless bear cub, Ator doth battle with slow zombies and blind warriors, explore the Volcano of Shadows to find the Shield of Mordor, and finally defy the wrath of Dakkar, defeat his evil minions, and battle a giant, ancient arachnid.

A predictably dumb barbarian flick from Italian trash director D'amato, Ator, The Fighting Eagle is complete cobblers from start to finish, but oh so entertaining: a welcome appearance from sleaze goddess Laura Gemser, some unbelievably funny fight scenes, and plenty of crappy dialogue make this cheapo fantasy crap difficult to dislike.

I've not seen the MST3K version of this film, but it's hard to believe that anything could be much funnier than Ator, The Fighting Eagle in its original incarnation.
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Ator The Fighting Eagle (Joe D'Amato, 1982) *1/2
Bunuel197623 February 2008
I'm not sure whether I caught both adventures of Ator back in the day (this was followed by THE BLADE MASTER [1984]): however, I assume that I didn't check out the sequel prior to the original, so I must have watched this one for sure. That said, there's nothing remotely memorable about this title – little wonder, then, that I couldn't recall much of anything from it after some 25 years; truth be told, I have a hard time recalling its action highlights even a mere couple of days since getting re-acquainted with the film!

Anyway, ATOR THE FIGHTING EAGLE was evidently rushed into production to cash-in on the success of CONAN THE BARBARIAN (1982); versatile (if not exactly talented) and multi-purpose "Euro-Cult" figure D'Amato shrewdly (but, perhaps, unwisely since the result is just as dire) acquired the services of the actor who had just incarnated another highly popular pulp character – namely Miles O'Keefe from TARZAN THE APE MAN (1981). By the way, Laura Gemser – star of several EMANUELLE films by D'Amato (and others) – appears here as a witch who seduces (and perishes at the hands of) Ator. While the script (by the director himself, with the reported assistance of Michele Soavi) managed to come up with a reasonable mythic background for the storyline (complete with portentous narration) – this and the presence of an amiable bear cub for Ator's inseparable companion are the only things that spare the film the dreaded BOMB rating – it all goes for naught in the face of exceedingly dull treatment and lifeless performances!

As was the case with the John Milius/Arnold Schwarzenegger semi-classic, the hero has to defeat a bloodthirsty ruler (the Snake Cult in CONAN being replaced by one worshipping spiders with, again, a massive specimen to which sacrifices are often made), rescue a virginal damsel (whom he loves even while believing she's his sister – though, of course, she isn't really), and is himself aided in his exploits by a brawny female (who has feelings for him but eventually expires to ease the path to his true love). Besides, the man who saved his own life as a child, then, played by Edmund Purdom (a Hollywood star who got stuck all-too-soon in lowbrow "Euro-Cult" fare such as this) turns out to harbor designs of his own on the kingdom!

Like I said, the film ends up being nothing more than a time-waster – and, actually, far closer in spirit to the two contemporaneous Luigi Cozzi/Lou Ferrigno HERCULES adventures (both of which I also caught as a child and got to watch again recently) than CONAN itself
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