Malibu High (1979) Poster


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Who Knew Relief Work Could Be so Lucratuve!
BaronBl00d29 December 2008
You don't go into seeing this one with any grandiose notions, and, if you are like me, you should be pleasantly surprised that this is one of those vintage "bad" movies that is just loads of fun to sit through. Kim Bentley loses her boyfriend and so she begins failing her classes, etc... when she decides to become a prostitute and then later an assassin picking up booze, weed, and coke along the way. Jill Lansing appearing in what seems to be her only screen credit gives a credible performance as the "hooker to hit girl" as she frequently disrobes and lets her breasts get lots of air, seduces two of her teachers for grades, and runs a profitable business from the back of her pimp's van. We get lots of stereotypes here and the plot is pretty threadbare when it comes to anything other than giving us lurid and "shocking" behaviours to be witnessed. The rest of the cast is better-than-average for a movie of this ilk, and I laughed out loud several times at the bizarre going ons and what I was suppose(perhaps not) to take seriously. In addition to all this Kim has a few hazy flashbacks about her father hanging himself. Malibu High is sleazy and fun - and entertaining. It has what you would expect in a picture like this but packages it well. As some have noted the soundtrack is weird to say the least as we get an instrumental People's Court theme used in a most inopportune moment and that bizarre SCTV strident tone used when something significant is being conveyed - at least that is what the director is trying to convey.
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excellent grindhouse
trashgang6 June 2011
Jill Lansing, the main lead in this grindhouse gave a excellent performance but sadly it was her only movie she played in. Never heard of seen her again. And let me tell you that this is pure grindhouse. In the first minute Kim (Jill Lansing) wakes up , naked of course and the first thing she does is putting on a fag. Imagine this in today's film standards. The clothes, hair, even the score is so typical for that era, men, do I love those flicks. After Kim is dumped by her boyfriend for a rich girl she's on the loose. School doesn't work and she just don't care. But without any money she decides after a disco night (listen and watch it) to become another woman. One that teachers don't dare to flunk because she's seducing and making love to them. But Kim goes a bit further and goes into the world of hookers. Naturally, things go awry for Kim. You don't watch it for the acting because some are really wooden. The editing, sound and vision was really well for a grindhouse. The so-called erotic scene's are a bit dull, you just see the acting but anyhow you still want to know what is going to happen to Kim. And Kim does gives the breast, sorry, best she can. The ending is a bit weird, you can see it coming but how the cops arrive at the beach is still a bit weird. I mean, no cell phones in those days. I surely recommend it to the grindhouse geeks out there, you won't regret it.
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A anti social lover's dream
videorama-759-85939110 December 2014
Yes, I know the bad rep this movie carries, which if you're an anti-social type, this ones right up your alley. It's one of the stylish qualities in this sex drama pic, that has a lot of fluff, where we are so appreciative to see all of our anti social's goodies. Her grades are plummeting and she's carrying a grudge, regarding her ex. She graduating in prostitution, and getting involved with drugs, as well as bribing teachers, with her body, to boost up those bad grades. Her middle aged pimp, and her sleazy connection dump her, where it's here she snaps, finally graduating in attempted murder. You do feel a smidgen sorry for her. I'll be honest, I liked the film more than I hated it. It does have some nice lengthy sex scenes, and watching our anti social f..k up give her ex's new lover the finger, I must admit I didn't expect it. You be the judge of this one.
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The Best Worst Movie Of All Time
ultrageek-323 August 2003
OK, this is a B movie. Let's just start there and realize that this film is just not a great piece of cinema. Now, knowing that, we can move forward. This is the best film of its type there is. Here's the synopsis. Girl is in high school. Girl's mother suggests that she get a job. Girl becomes prostitute. Girl kills pimp. Girl becomes HitGirl-for-the-Mob. Lots of other subplots to keep you entertained. Probably too many. But the lines in this groaner are worth the price of admission, if you can find it anywhere. "I'm a hooker - not a hitgirl!". Come on! Does it get better than that? MH belongs in the Hall of Fame with Faster Pussycat Kill Kill, They Came From Within and Attack of the Killer Tomatos, and is the best of the bunch. This film is an A+ in the world of the B-.
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The Best Schoolgirl turns Prostitute Turns Hitwoman Movie Ever!
Sro10013 December 2007
It's definitely the best story I've ever seen about a girl who wants better grades and then becomes a prostitute and then becomes an assassin. Part of the excellent "Welcome to the Grindhouse" series complete with trailers for other good trash. This movie also contains the ODDEST music cues ever; one was used on the old SCTV and they also use the song that became "The People's Court" theme. Bad acting, unbelievable plotting make this is a "MUST OWN" for connoisseurs of bad cinema. The DVD is paired with "Trip with the Teacher" another grade Z champion seemingly "inspired" by "Last House on the Left." The entire "Welcome to the Grindhouse" is essential DVD.
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Tarantino Needs to Remake This
oxblood14 February 2011
As a teen, I saw this twice at the same drive-in a month after it was shown the first time. I remember the title was High School Hit Girl. I remember being angry that they scammed us into paying for the same movie twice but since the movie was part of triple features I wasn't that mad, (especially since I was with a girl I was hot for the second time.) Amazingly this movie not only had a plot but it made sense too. For a drive in movie, it wasn't bad.

Kim Bentley (Jill Lansing) is a slacker chick whose apathy for school and ambition has turned everyone against her. Her mother is disappointed in her and her boyfriend has dumped her for another girl. She's just happy ditching school and getting high with her air-headed friend, Lucy. One day, her local drug-pusher, Tony makes her a proposition that will make her more money. She becomes a hooker. She also starts sexually propositioning her male teachers in exchange for high grades. Soon she meets another pimp who steals her away from Tony and allows her to keep more of the money she's making as well as cars fancier than any of her teachers can afford. In exchange, in addition to hooking, she also has to become an assassin. All the while, Kim is still carrying a lot of anger for her ex and his new girlfriend.

Jill Lansing is amazing in this movie. She's not only gorgeous with a hot body. She shows more emotion than most actors in better movies. Lansing emotes, anger, apathy, happiness, jealousy, fear, sarcasm, etc. This is actually an enjoyable B movie that you don't mind watching to the end to see how it concludes. You actually care about the characters in this movie, mainly, Kim. Unfortunately, the ending is a big letdown as it just suddenly runs out of steam but it's still worth a look. Regardless, this actually looks like a movie Quentin Tarantino would have a field day recreating as a part of his grindhouse collection with all the hooker and assassin elements.
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Trashy and fun
bensonmum223 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
She's lost her boyfriend, she's failing her classes at school, and she has no money. What's Kim Bentley to do? The answer is obvious – become a hooker. But sex for money is just the first step for this high school student. In no time at all, she's a contract killer.

Writing about Malibu High is difficult. On the one hand, the movie is incredibly trashy and has no real redeeming characteristics whatsoever. It's all so sleazy. A high school student turned prostitute turned killer – it's almost repulsive. However, on the other hand, Malibu High is a blast. Some of what I found enjoyable may have been unintentional, but the movie is just too much fun. A high school student turned prostitute turned killer – how awesome is that?

Malibu High is low-budget film-making at its best (or worst as the case may be). The production values are bottom of the barrel. Lighting, sound, sets, etc. are laughably bad. Much of the music is so inappropriate that it's often hysterical. My favorite had to be the theme from The People's Court playing during the film's climatic chase scene. The acting . . . what's the point? It's terrible too.

Finally, one thing in Malibu High that cracked me up repeatedly was the reaction that almost every male character had to Kim Bentley. The guys in this movie must not get out much if they consider her a hottie. There's a scene with Kim going into school in all of her slump-shouldered, figure-less glory. The cat calls had me in stitches.
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Extra Nitro Pills Required He see the vagina which causes the angina!
thejcowboy226 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Some of my fondest memories of attending school were in my early years. Especially when I was sent to the principal's office for bad behavior. I remember the first time I was sent. I was in the first grade. It was actually during lunch when in those days, the lunchroom used real silverware before going to plastic utensils decades later. I wanted to show my classmates that I have superhuman strength so I started to bend silverware to show off. In fact, many spoons and forks were rendered useless due to my boneheaded idea. There I was, a scrawny little kid sitting across from the secretary outside the Principal's door anticipating the worst. The principal was ready to discuss my transgressions in the lunchroom as the telephone rang again. I had to wait for my lecture and some kind of proper punishment for a little child who is about to take a bad road in the game of education. Our story centers around a high school, well developed girl named Kim played by Jill Lansing. Recently dumped and vengeful, Kim goes on a rampage with her Schoolteachers as her grades begin to fall. Kim begins to arouse her male teachers by showing off her assets as the grades rise for the wrong reasons. One educator is not fooled. Enter Principal Elmhurst played by John Harmon. Old, crusty, hard of hearing and constantly pounding his chest for more nitroglycerin pills. Mr. Elmhurst always reaches into his coat pocket for his variety sized bottle of the little white beauties whenever his heart is a flutter. Mr. Elmhurst Insisted on meeting with Kim's Mom, but he could never reach her on the phone. (Thank goodness cell phones weren't invented). Kim suggests that Principle Elmhurst should come over to the house tonight to meet with her Mom in person. Of course, when Old Elmhurst arrives, Mother is nowhere to be found. Kim answers the door wearing a bathrobe and a smile. Quick hands are in order as Kim takes the Principle's coat and puts it (minus the pills) on the hanger. Kim has him wait in the other room as she dis-robes and re-enters as a thunderstruck, eye popping educator starts the familiar pounding on his chest and the need to pop a few pills to subside the angina. He runs over to his coat to reach for his bottle, but Kim already took them away as he falls to the floor. This is a spoiler, but worth watching for those who have been wronged by Principals. Other parts of the movies like the final chase scene accompanied by the People's Court theme song make you wonder why this film was ever made. I guess I enjoyed watching authority suffer during these cheesy afternoon flick. As for my sentence proclaimed by my Principal, I had to wipe down all the tables in the lunchroom for 5 days.
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Malibu High
Scarecrow-886 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
An 18 year old with a rotten attitude and bad grades decides to use her body as a means to gain money and graduate from school..soon becoming a prostitute and hitwoman in the process! The shocking subject matter grows from sleazy to violent and the protagonist has a really lousy personality, quite a polarizing character that gets exactly what she deserves. She often makes decisions on a whim, without much thought of future potential consequences. Selfish, always focused on what she desires, not considering those damaged by her actions. The film is far more serious than I thought it'd be, with a rather sordid atmosphere and unpleasant characters.. perfect 70's Drive-in fare certain to appeal to trash lovers everywhere. Lots of rather icky sex sequences where Kim rolls around with hairy old men, such as teachers she wished to score A's from in class( the history and physics teachers)and an unscrupulous mobster who uses her to bump off undesirables that affect those that he has relationships with. Jill Lansing as Kim, the lead character, sinks her fangs into the role..with quite a loud, confrontational voice, holding nothing back, Kim becomes impossible to handle, an independently thinking woman willing to commit unspeakable acts for her lover/employer.

There are priceless(..incredibly tasteless, I could do nothing but stare in awe at the boldness of the filmmakers)scenes in this movie such as Kim's work with various "hard-hat" types for sweaty, greasy pimp Tony(Alex Mann, the kind of sleazeball most teenage girls run away from)in his van(..nothing hardcore, but the idea itself is disturbing)before "graduating" to higher clientèle once she begins prostituting for Lance(Garth Howard). The assassinations themselves left me awestruck.. when you take into effect that she was sitting in a classroom wondering how to survive during her current situation( be honest, a lot of what happens to Kim is of her own doing, even if tragedy struck her earlier in life regarding the suicide of pops and mother's overbearing ways, not to mention the boyfriend left for a rich daddy's girl), and about thirty minutes later she's killing people assigned to her. And, that climax is something to behold, rather grim and depressing if you truly contemplate what brought Kim to this point, with credits rolling unapologetically. The production values and technical proficiency are rather sub-par(..this is a low budget exploitation feature, after all) be honest, when I choose to watch a film like Malibu High I often expect to see "deficiencies" in all areas, because these movies were made(..and acted) primarily by amateurs you never see or hear from again. This film has a malicious tone I wasn't expecting..I wasn't for sure how it would develop but the idea of this girl, buried in a type of an emotional malaise, evolving from a tramp providing sexual favors for teachers to popping bullets into victims certainly surprised me. How malignant Kim becomes is another startling aspect with her going as far as causing her principal to suffer a heart attack by hiding his pills just because he was a threat towards her possible graduation! The dress for these characters should induce chuckles reminding us of the hideous seventies' fashions(..and the discotec scene reminds us of the ghastly music as well). Lansing bares her breasts throughout the movie very seldom hiding them under her shirts. Lansing's not the kind of girl I'd go for(..and as a "goddess of desire" she doesn't quite fit the bill, in my opinion), but it's a spirited, daring performance. Blunt, often foul-mouthed, and unpredictable script.
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Good Girl Gone Bad!
cfc_can27 October 2000
This film is really a surprise and not in a good way. It's about an alienated teenage girl who starts to lose respect for everything when her boyfriend dumps her. Rather than turn to drugs or cults, she turns to murder. It's incredible how quickly the change happens. Sounds like it might be entertaining on a trashy level but's it so amateurishly made, downbeat and cheap looking that it fails to impress. It is however somewhat amusing to watch as the main female character paints herself further and further into a corner and the unhappy men she leaves behind due to her very promiscuous behavior.
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Only At the Drive-in...
dgordon-111 November 2003
It's no wonder that the Drive-ins were drug, booze and party havens in the '70s with this type of fare being shown! Even with all of it's flaws, there is something I really like about this movie. The plot alone was what made me want to watch this hooter flick in the first place. High School flunky, turned Hooker, turned Hitgirl! When Kim gets bad grades, she seduces her Teachers and it escalates from there to becoming a full blown hooker. Not on the street mind you, but in the back of a van! What more of a classic Drive-in masterpiece could this be? The acting is awful and stiff. Speaking of stiff, the sex scenes are almost, if not worse than the acting! The camera work looks more like a home movie than a theatrical presentation. The fashions in this movie look more like mid '70s than 1979 fashion. What really cracks me up is when Kim (Jill Lansing) decides to become a hooker and shows up to school in a halter top and mini skirt! Where did she get that mini skirt from? It looks like it was made of cardboard! Didn't anyone tell Kim that mini skirts were out of fashion by 1974? The other thing that makes me laugh about this movie is the music. It sounds like what you used to hear at the supermarket. That canned piped in music called "Muzak". It's not offensive, it just doesn't really suit the movie. At the same time though, it is what gives this movie it's charm. There are a couple of music selections I had heard before. One was the music that plays after Kim tells her Mom off. This music was used for the station identification on the comedy show SCTV, which ran in the early '80s here in Canada. The next selection was during the chase scene at the end. The music being used is the same music for the syndicated TV show "The People's Court" opening! The one thing that stands out in this movie is the 1971 Mustang convertible. It's the real star of the show! It is nice to see this version of Mustang caught on film forever without rust and holes all over it, which these cars were known for. If you like movies like "The Van", "The Pom Pom Girls", and "H.O.T.S.", you may find this movie disappointing. But if you are like me and can appreciate trash flicks like "The Lonely Lady" and "The Seduction", then you will enjoy this made-for-drive-in classic!
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innocent title,not so innocent teen
johnc214120 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I was always a fan of exploitation cinema,Malibu high is a real bottom of the barrel thriller that has no well known stars but it is a thriller.Jill Lansing plays a high school senior who turns out to be a sociopathic is unsettling at times but it is a pretty good b movie made by crown international,a sort of rival of American international pictures.i actually first seen this on commercial television where it was cut up.the next time i saw it i rented it from the local video rental store.yeah the old VHS.i saw all the parts they had cut out you know the nudity the language some kill scenes.its very dated now since it was made in the 70s,during the disco era.Jill Lansing was fairly attractive,too bad she never made any more movies that i know of,oh there's an abusive pimp who works in a customized van,brothel on wheels.and yes there's disco music,pot smoking and creeps a plenty,i really don't give spoilers,so i don't want to start now but i enjoyed Malibu high,and its sort of sequel the graduates of Malibu high(aka;the young warriors)too bad crown international went under during the late 1980s,they turned out some pretty good b movies,Malibu high gets b plus grades,7 out of 10.
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Bad movie, and not in a good way.
the_number-evil_d3 January 2014
When I watched this movie for the first and only time, I had no idea what I was in for. It was such a pile of crap that I had to write a review.

First of all, the cover completely misleads anyone who sees it into thinking this could be a comedy/feel good movie like Porky's. It's NOT! It's a story of a sad high school girl who turns to slutty ways to keep herself from flunking out, then gets herself a pimp to work for to earn her money to support her drug habits. She switches pimps to upgrade herself and eventually becomes a hit woman.

There is some nudity (not so great because Jill Lansing isn't attractive) and violence (tame by todays standards), no suspense, nobody with acting abilities, LOTS of bad acting, pretty much bad everything. Some of the awfulness is mildly laughable, but most is not. The most entertaining part is the Peoples Court theme song playing during the final chase sequence.

This would make a decent Mystery Science Theater movie and is only watchable if you have some other like minded people watching with you to help heckle.

Typical (bad) bad 70's movie.
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A Gem! An Absolute Winner! One of the Best....
chconnol10 February 2005
Worst Movies of ALL Time! Saw this twice in the early 80's on some dinky, weird station that my local Cablevision company had (channel 10) on LI.

There's just so much about this movie that's atrocious. It's a hoot all the way as the girl goes from HS renegade to killer. The sex scenes are not erotic, the "acting" is riotously bad and the music! No idea who the hell threw this crapola thing together but we should be grateful it's around.

Why more people who like BAD movies don't know about this one is beyond me!
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Part student. Part Hooker. Part Hitwoman. All bad.
Zeegrade26 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Malibu High is the story of struggling student Kim Bentley (Jill Lansing in her one and only screen performance) who will do anything, and I definitely mean anything, in order to graduate. We are introduced to our chain smoking heroine in a not too flattering topless state late for school once again. I am by no means to be considered a prude when it comes to nudity, however Jill Lansing's not so flattering figure is made even worse with a tacky white as snow tan line. This wouldn't be a big deal if it was just one scene. Instead her frequent nudity becomes cringe inducing as the movie drags on. And drags it does.

Since Kim is a nasty individual who berates her divorced mother it's no surprise that she was dumped by her boyfriend Kevin. One of the more humorous things about this movie is the music that follows one of Kim's many ill-tempered quips she chooses to end a scene with. It sounds vaguely similar to losing a character in Donkey Kong. Newly single, Kim decides to prove to Kevin she isn't a loser by not only graduating high school but graduating with straight A's. You might be shocked to learn that instead of actually opening a book and trying to learn something she decides on seducing her mostly male teachers with sex in exchange for better grades. Sort of a quid pro ho. Zing! One point for me! What makes things worse is the fact that some teachers appear to hate her even more after their tryst by the ocean. At least she didn't flunk economics as she decides to earn some money hooking for local drug-dealing thug Tony instead of just putting out in lieu of grades. Kim seems to have found her lot in life as scenes of her entertaining various johns inside Tony's minibus with one particular belly laugh inducing shot of a chain of men waiting outside for their date with this surfer trash succubus.

Success comes easy (no pun intended) for Kim and soon she catches the eye of Lance who appears to be a scout for hooker stars of the future. She leaves behind Tony and his minibus for the higher-end clientele of overweight mustachioed psychopaths in dirty hotels. Way to move up Kim! One of these encounters leads to Kim accidentally killing her customer. This gives Lance the opportunity to promote her to contract killer. So, instead of killing off half the Malibu population with various STD's she opts for just shooting them sparing us from seeing her pale breasts again. Thanks Lance! Her last target happens to be the father of Kevin's new girlfriend. The hit is performed at the same time Kevin's entourage arrives allowing them to witness Kim exiting the house. Kim shoots Kevin's girlfriend in the stomach and flees the scene with Kevin in hot pursuit accompanied by the theme from The People's Court. She is finally gunned down by the police ending her reign of tan lined terror.

Bad acting, awful outfits, and pure late seventies cheese that many exploitation movies of this time depicted actually helps when viewing this. Anyone who watches this isn't expecting deep story lines and fully developed characters. It does have serious flaws as Jill Lansing is anything but lead material and the plot drags slower than a battleship on dry land. Still, a fun one time only movie just for the goofy soundtrack and the school dance disco scene. You may need a shower when it's done.
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This is a High?
rmax30482328 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Jill Lansing is a high school senior who has just broken up with her boyfriend, Kevin. Naturally she's distraught. To distract her from her own distress, she disses her mother, wears a provocative outfit to school, arranges to become a prostitute, and seduces one of her teachers, Mr. Donaldson.

Jill and Mr. Donaldson have an assignation at the beach. Wordless. She disrobes. He disrobes. Then they roll around in their underwear. You can tell Mr. Donaldson because he's the one with the gray hair and slate blue briefs. Jill Lansing is the one with the breasts whose nipples are the size of bull's eyes on a dartboard -- oh, and the chaste white underpants.

Those are only from the first few minutes of the movie. I wanted to see more of Jill Lansing's generous bosom, just out of curiosity, and determined to fast-forward through the intrigues and get to the nudity, but I found I simply lacked the energy to pick up the remote control.

Either this movie is in terrible shape or I am.
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Sleeping her way thru the bottom feeders of society
gutmunchers19 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This is without a doubt one of the worst movies I've ever forced myself to sit through. The story is boring and makes no sense. Why would she go from a good girl to a hooker in 5 minutes? Then why make that jump to hired killer? Oh and not only is the movie badly written, but the dialogue is just as bad. The acting is terrible and wooden. The production values and editing aren't much better.

I watch a lot of bad movies. In fact I make a habit of searching them out. Many really bad movies are so cheesy and unintentionally funny that they become enjoyable. This isn't one of those movies. I have no clue how anyone could recommend this. Do yourself a favor and skip it.
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Ambitious Story
cwhaskell20 December 2011
Wow, Irv Berwick really went for it all. Unintentionally funny dialog around every corner, crazy femme fatale who has yet to graduate high school, and one of the most hilarious soundtracks in memory all equal a very enjoyable time. This is still a Crown International Picture, and is estimated to have been made for $56K ... and it shows. Production quality aside this is a gem of the Crown International oeuvre (is it fair attach a respectable name to their catalog?) and a must, must see for anyone seeking a horribly awesome movie. The main actress only ever acted in one movie and even that fact adds an air of mystery and mystique to the production.

Malibu High is a step above Trolls 2 in terms of actual quality, but it rivals the town of Nilbog for guilty pleasure-ness-ity.
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Awful pseudo-thriller
Leofwine_draca21 November 2015
Crown International Pictures were the producers behind this sleazy slice of low budget exploitation. At first I thought it was just another high school sex comedy along the lines of MALIBU BEACH and the first half hour or so certainly feels like one: we've got a young lead actress (Jill Lansing, who starred in just this one movie) who frequently disrobes for her copious sex scenes with middle aged men.

Lansing's character seduces all the local teachers to get better grades, but that's just the start. The film reveals her downward spiral as she becomes an assassin (!) working for the mob. Thus the latter half of the production attempts some pseudo-thriller elements, but they're handled so badly that you'll be laughing instead of thrilled.

The genre this brings most to mind are all those sensation movies from the 1930s that offered supposed warnings against booze and drugs; titles like SHE SHOULDA SAID NO! and THE MARIJUANA MENACE. Director Irvin Berwick had form, having previously shot HITCH HIKE TO HELL. MALIBU HIGH is a mess of a film, with poor acting and poorer production values; Lansing's performance in particular is one of the least convincing I've seen in a movie in a while. You might get a laugh or two out of it, but that'll be all.
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Making the grade? More like trying to make it through life
GOWBTW25 February 2020
Tired of life? Kim(Jill Lansing) is having it rough in life. Her boyfriend dumped her for a rich girl, she has no money, her grades are bad, and her mother is less than helpful to her. She lost her father to suicide. Her friend says enough of her bellyaching. She meets up with a dealer named Tony. He helps her with the money. But Tony, is a jipper. He has her doing tricks with older men and cutting her pay. Kim meets another man. Pays her better, have her gone from prostitution to a hit woman. She confronted Tony, and terminates him. After killing those who have been thorns in her side, her last target was Annette's father and Annette, her ex's girlfriend. Trying to get things your way can be a plus or a minus. Kim just went a little too far there. This movie is a drive-in classic for the 1970's. More like a late night romp. I don't know yet if it's a cult classic, it could be. 2 out of 5 stars
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A Dull Low-Budget Production
Uriah4314 November 2014
"Kim Bentley" (Jill Lansing) is a high school senior with a bad attitude. She is both undisciplined and lazy and because of that she is failing all of her classes and may not receive her high school diploma. To top it off her boyfriend "Kevin" (Stuart Taylor) has just dumped her for another girl named "Annette Ingersoll" (Tammy Taylor) who also happens to be the richest kid in school. This has made her angry, jealous and bitter. Realizing her situation she decides to reverse these circumstances by seducing her teachers in order to pass her classes so that she can graduate. Not long afterward she also decides to become a prostitute working for a pimp named "Tony" (Alex Mann). It's around this time that her destructive nature begins to spiral out-of-control without any concern by her for the consequences. Now although I didn't care much for the character of "Kim Bentley" I do think that Jill Lansing managed to play the part adequately enough all things considered. I also thought Tammy Taylor was kind of cute as well. But other than that I saw nothing in this film that was remotely interesting or entertaining. In essence it was a dull low-budget production and nothing more. For that reason I rate it as below average.
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A deliciously cheesy chunk of vintage 70's Crown International drive-in exploitation sleaze
Woodyanders20 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Bitchy, surly, calculating high school senior Kim Bentley (a marvelously venomous performance by tasty hot brunette Jill Lansing) ain't having a good time of it. She's been dumped by her jerky boyfriend Kevin (stolid Stuart Taylor), lives with her shrewish, overbearing mother (shrill Phyllis Benson), is still traumatized by the suicide death of her father, and is flunking all of her classes. Kim immediately starts to improve her miserable lot in life by seducing all of her male teachers and earning extra cash by servicing numerous guys in back of a van for scuzzy no-count pimp Tony (a nicely slimy Alex Mann). Things get even better for the seriously ruthless and amoral sociopath Kim when she leaves Tony and hooks up with smooth crime kingpin Lance (the ingratiating Garth Howard). Next thing you know Kim is bumping off folks for Lance as a deadly assassin (!). Crudely directed by Irvin Berwick (who also gave us the wonderfully wretched psycho riot "Hitch Hike to Hell"), with a spectacularly lurid, sordid and torrid melodramatic script by John Buckley and Tom Singer, rough, grainy cinematography by William De Diego, plenty of scrumptious gratuitous female nudity, ragged editing, a hilariously horrendous stock film library score (the "People's Court" theme plays in its entirety during a lengthy chase sequence!), terrible acting from a game no-name cast, a tacky theme song, a sizable smattering of leering soft-core sex, crummy dialogue, a mean, hard, sleazy tone, and one dilly of a surprise bummer ending, this gloriously gaga over-the-top schlock mini-epic makes for a whole lot of entertainingly trashy fun. One especially great scene has Kim give elderly high school principal Mr. Elmhurst (doddery John Harmon) a fatal massive heart attack by exposing her breasts in front of him. A simply astonishing disco dance party set piece rates as another uproariously campy highlight. A shamefully overlooked and under-appreciated exploitation crime drama gem.
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When "bad" is actually good ...........
merklekranz9 March 2020
You pretty well know what you are going to get with a first time actress in the lead, who vanishes after one film. You pretty much know what you are going to get with a script based on sensationalism and sex. What you don't know and certainly don't expect is that on strictly an exploitation entertainment level, "Malibu High" works. The fast pacing and likable characters hide most budget induced imperfections, and the California coastal locations add immeasurably. Graduating High School is a worthwhile incentive for Jill Lansing to seduce half the male faculty, work on her back in the back of a van, and eventually graduate, not from high school, but into the lucrative world of contract killing. All of this is so outrageous that it makes this "bad" movie actually good. - MERK
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