Night of Bloody Horror (1969) Poster

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Night of Bloody Horror was an okay regional suspense movie I watched on YouTube
tavm17 February 2009
This was another of those cheap low-budget horror movies I remember seeing in newspaper ads or television commercials on late night as a child in the '70s and wondering what they would be like. The version I watched on YouTube was a little faded and washed out but I saw clearly enough to understand what was going on and enjoy a little. I say a little since with the running time being about ninety minutes, there's not enough time to give too deep characterizations as to motive for the various murders that happen here. As the lead suspect, a young Gerald McRaney is pretty adequate in one of his earliest roles (though he must have considered himself the luckiest man with the women he kissed here). There's also a nightclub scene with a local rock band called The Bored that has a few sixties moments like having some frames printed in negative form with some painted colors added. (and can you dig the cyclone-like special effects that depicts McRaney's "migranes"?) Despite the tagline being "Keep telling yourself, It's only a picture, only a picture...", I don't think the few gore scenes were all that scary, in fact, they looked a bit fake. So on that note, Night of Bloddy Horror is no great shakes though it's not completely boring either. P.S. The theatre that was playing this movie in the late '70s (and perhaps the late '60s as well when this was first released) was the now-defunct Joy's Robert E. Lee one which had four screens during a time when most cinemas in our area had just two. The movie house I just mentioned was perhaps one of 200 owned by one Joy N. Houck, Sr. whose son, Joy Jr., was this film's director. By the way, my neighboring city New Orleans (where Joy Jr. was born) was the location used for filming.
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Silly and dull...
InjunNose13 December 2004
...but contains some great library music (from the synth-noise opening theme to the bloodcurdling string arrangement played over the dream sequence near the film's end) and is full of cheap, dingy atmosphere. Gerald McRaney of "Simon and Simon" and "Major Dad" delivers a ridiculously overwrought performance as Wesley, a grumpy, balding young fella prone to crippling headaches. His girlfriends are being bumped off one after another, the police are leaning on him, and Wesley's corpse-faced mother obviously harbors a deep resentment for her troubled son. What's going on? Is Wesley a killer? You'll have the story figured out less than halfway through the film. "Night of Bloody Horror" offers up quite a few tasty morsels for bad-movie fans, including a lengthy nightclub scene featuring The Bored (a six- or seven-man psychedelic ensemble with the worst vocalist ever) and a wonderful moment in which Wesley's mother harangues him for "having no respect". McRaney has taken all the maternal abuse he can withstand; he twists his face into a disgusted grimace and snarls, "Why? For god's sake...WHY?!" before storming out of the room. William Shatner would be proud!
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Bloody Horrible
Doctor_Cheese22 October 2003
Low-budget mess starring a young Gerald McRaney (boy, was he skinny) is mostly pointless and boring, but does have a few unintentionally funny moments.

My favorite part is when the cops haul Major Dad in as a suspect in the murders of two of his girlfriends and demand to know if he's a fag. Another good scene is the fistfight that takes place on the dance floor of a nightclub in the middle of the obligatory late-1960s psychedelic band's ultrahip set -- without anyone noticing.

The movie undoubtedly would have been better off going for more splatter instead of trying to build suspense in its obviously "Psycho"-inspired way, especially since what few gore scenes there are are amusingly fake. Remember pretending to be impaled as a kid by holding a fake sword under your armpit? That's the level of sophistication here.

Not the biggest piece of crap ever, but definitely not that good either. Oh well, at least it was filmed in "Violent Vision" (tm).
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Bloody Horror, my @$$!
Coventry31 May 2007
I could think of approximately a dozen other and more appropriate titles to name this film, but "Night of the Bloody Horror" certainly isn't one of them. Okay, I realize the creators just picked out of bunch of appealing key words that are likely to raise an interest among horror fans, but any movie title should at least be a bit relevant, don't you think? None of the main events - not even the finale – happen during the night, the film honestly isn't that bloody and it definitely isn't horrific. But still I suppose you can't be overly harsh or negative-minded when watching "Night of the Bloody Horror". This is the third film directed by Joy N. Houck Jr. that I've seen (alongside "The Brain Machine" and "Creature from the Black Lake"), and I can already make some vast establishments & generalizations regarding his entire repertoire. First of all, the good man clearly never experienced the pleasure of working with a halfway decent budget! All three films that I've watched were obviously made on a shoestring budget and therefore lacked proper editing, adequate lighting & photography and convincing make-up effects. On the other hand I also have to admit that the films don't really suffer that much from their own cheapness. They're all spirited and enthusiastically made mini horror-productions that attempt to cash in on contemporary classic genre titles. "Psycho" heavily inspires this film and it nearly goes over the top in trying to equal the same sinister atmosphere as Alfred Hitchcock's classic milestone. The script introduces Wesley Stuart; a thirty-something bachelor who clearly has a whole lot of issues to deal with. He has an uncanny & dominating mother (don't they all?), he spent 13 years in an asylum for accidentally causing his younger brother's death and regularly suffers from excruciating headaches that are illustrated through cheap 'n cheesy blue spirals. When two of his girlfriends are found brutally murdered (after the strange headaches caused a temporary blackout), the police automatically assume that Wesley resumed his old murderous habits again. "Night of Bloody Horror" is an okay time-waster, but it naturally doesn't feature any surprise elements or genuine thrills. The finale is embarrassingly predictable and the murders are substandard. The biggest problem, to me, is that Wesley Stuart is such a boring and faceless protagonist! Half an hour into the movie, I was still thinking: "Wait…who's this guy again? Oh right, he's the main character!" Gerald McRaney apparently went on to have a very successful career in television, but he totally lacks the charisma to play the lead role here. Another dreadful thing to endure here is the overload of needless and annoying padding material. In order to lengthen the film a bit, Houck Jr. adds pointless collages of Wesley's relationships and – even more irritating – endless footage of a rock band playing in a local redneck bar. The band's name is The Bored, by the way. Well, they surely inflect their name on to the viewers. "Night of Bloody Horror" isn't really worth checking out, except maybe if you're a very tolerant fan of no-budget horror.
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Warning on DVD of this movie
drquackula22 March 2008
Saw this as a kid at a drive in in Connecticut and I remember it scaring me. I bought a DVD made by Cheezy Flicks Entertainment to watch. DO NOT BUY THIS DVD! It looks like it was copied from a very poor VHS tape and the soundtrack goes off sync permanently after 20 minutes. I did contact the company to complain and never heard back. It ruined my viewing of an old memory. Oh yea, about the film... It's not as scary as I remember. The film is poorly made, edited badly and there are some laugh out loud moments. In one scene you can see the dead body's eyelids moving and she's visibly breathing! Plus no one can act their way out of a paper bag. You can guess who did it early on. On the plus side the clothes and furnishing of the houses are great! It's amazing what poor taste people had at the time. And what was Gerald McRaney thinking walking around with out a shirt on! Someone with a build like that should not only keep their shirt on but wear a male burka.
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Growing Pains...
azathothpwiggins8 June 2022
NIGHT OF BLODDY HORROR stars a young, impossibly thin Gerald McRaney as Wesley Stuart, a very troubled man who just can't get over his tragic past. It doesn't help his situation that his mother (Evelyn Hendricks) is an insufferable shrew.

When women start popping up dead, Wesley is the prime suspect.

Sort of a low rent version of PSYCHO, this movie has just enough weirdness to balance out the silliness that abounds. McRaney plays his role with extreme gusto, making us wonder if his head might just fly off at any moment!
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Night of bloody what???
grybop7 February 2002
Horror? Hahaha! This is a trashy so-called thriller that is slightly reminiscent of Hitchcock's Psycho. Only that this one is totally predictable and full of gore. Gerald McRaney gives a good performance, but it doesn't save the film from mediocrity. There is almost no suspense, in fact waiting to see if the next scene is worse than the one you are watching is far more suspenseful. Really, one would try hard to find a movie with more fake special effects than this one; the sound is often unsynchronized, while the red paint you keep in the basement would have worked better in the gore scenes! Anyway, this one's for the cult trash fans, like me.

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"Major Dad" in his most blood-curled performance of his career!
emm18 January 1999
The madness never stops! Movies such as this have been rediscovered by yours truly as a purpose, to dig out what we haven't exploited before, and have missed. Here's where I come in handy! Who on this IMDb site has ever seen NIGHT OF BLOODY HORROR, starring a famous, well-known Gerald McRaney? His offbeat role as a murderous maniac should give you a hint. It does have some neat psychedelic visuals, including a useless club hangout scene with lights flashing. It's hard to follow along right until the very end, but it makes common sense as a "schlock"-fest that shows some cheesy gore effects. If your stomach won't churn it up, then don't watch it!
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Not Good, Not Bad. Somewhat Entertaining.
Rainey-Dawn19 January 2016
It's obvious this film was inspired by Psycho. That is not necessarily a bad thing. This is not a carbon copy of Psycho but it's very similar to the Hitchcock classic it's just not nearly as good as Psycho.

I would say that Night of Bloody Horror (1969) has it's entertainment value for a small audience - including myself. The film is not good but it's not all that bad either, it's sorta in-between.

Gerald McRaney from Major Dad is in this film. It's cool to see a film he started out in.

Overall this one isn't a great horror-thriller but it is good for something slightly different if you enjoy movies similar to Psycho.

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"Bloody awful is more like it". Pretty terrible horror film, that's quite boring, with cheesy gore effects, and a routine story
callanvass20 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This is a pretty terrible Horror film, that's quite boring, with cheesy gore effects, and a routine story. All the characters are so,so, and while I did like the twist ending, it was basically the only bright spot in the film, however Gerald McRaney gives an amusing show as Wesley. With this title, You'd probably expect this to have a lot of blood, well it Doesen't, and Evelyn Hendricks is amusing as Wesley's mother, plus it's incredibly cheap looking, and very amateurish as well. It's poorly made and written, and there is an unintentionally funny moment, when Wesley is getting drunk, and his friend, asks him to leave, so he smashes the bottle, and threatens to slash his throat with it, as that cracked me up for some reason, plus not much happens, and the death scenes are really quite dull. The blood is laughable looking, as it clearly looks like red paint, and I got this in a horror DVD horror set called Back From The Grave, with a bunch of other horror films, plus it was hard to pay attention in some scenes because it wasn't all that interesting. This is a pretty terrible Horror film. that's quite boring, with cheesy gore effects, and a routine story, and I say avoid it. The Direction is pretty bad. Joy N. Houck Jr. does a pretty bad job here with so,so camera work, and keeping the film at a dull pace. The Acting isn't much better. Gerald McRaney is amusing as Wesley, and is OTT, he was fun to watch, and was quite likable, he did good. Gaye Yellen is not very good as the love interest, she wasn't convincing, and overacted at times, especially near the ending. Herbert Nelson is not very good as the Doc, he just says his lines, and stands around with a strange look on his face, as I didn't buy his performance. Evelyn Hendricks is decent as the mother, and went totally OTT at the end. Rest of the cast are terrible. Overall avoid!. * out of 5
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nogodnomasters23 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Wesley Stuart (Gerald McRaney) Iis fresh out of the asylum and bedding hot babes. Then when he grabs his head a spiral appears and then the babe is killed. That is pretty much it. He does have a mom.

This film is on some multi-packs and is billed as "gory" which it ain't. Bad transfer to DVD. Sound is horrible. Acting is pathetic. Not recommended even for camp value.

Parental Guide: Brief opening scene sex and nudity (Lisa Dameron)
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Enjoyable low-grade drive-in schlock
Woodyanders18 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Troubled young guy Wesley Stuart (hysterically overplayed with eye-rolling aplomb by a then unknown and scrawny Gerald McRaney of "Major Dad" and "Simon & Simon" fame) suffers from terrible nightmares and experiences periodic blackouts. Meanwhile, people around Wesley keep turning up dead. Could Wesley possibly be a deranged psycho? Man, does this choice chunk of fetid grindhouse cheese possess all the right cruddy ingredients to qualify as a prime piece of entertaining dime-store trash: The plodding (mis)direction by Joy N. Houck Jr. (who also co-wrote the talky script), a wonky droning synthesizer score, the hopelessly tacky stylized cinematography that boasts plenty of jaw-dropping "groovy" dated touches (dig the ghastly solarization and that funky psychedelic whirlpool optical that flashes on the screen whenever Wesley flips out), the choppy editing, the total dearth of suspense, the sub-par gore effects, an agonizingly awful appearance by the dreadful rock group The Bored, and the grindingly predictable story all give this clunker a certain endearingly wretched charm. Moreover, McRaney's hammy histrionics are an absolute gut-busting hoot to watch. Evelyn Hendricks as Wesley's overbearing shrew of a mother Agatha likewise ravenously chews up and spits out her own fair share of the scenery (and sports a set of terrifyingly unsightly jagged teeth that are without a doubt the single scariest thing in the entire picture!). Fun junk.
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Ignore the title, enjoy the movie
cjpershall5 February 2006
Night of Bloody Horror is certainly not accurately named, but if you get into the atmosphere of '60s and '70s low budget exploitation films, then you'll probably enjoy this campy Psycho copy. There's some great music, some performed in club scenes by a noisy psychedelic band called The Bored; and great kitschy visual effects, like the swirling lights Wesley sees before a murder happens. Plus it has that wonderful, sickly faded color that is a must for any great "psychotronic" movie.

The film starts slow, but reveals Wesley's haunted past little by little through creepy childhood flashbacks while simultaneously establishing the unhealthy relationship he has with his bitter, domineering mother. It doesn't keep all of its secrets well, but the sick revelation of the ending is memorable and entertaining. There's a lot of cheese value, but underneath it all is a decent little psychological horror movie.
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Major Dad in a Minor Dud
FilmFatale22 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
TV star Gerald MacRaney probably left this off his resume when he was palling around with Bush and Quayle during his "Major Dad" heyday. Mac plays Wesley Stuart, a nice boy with a pretty effed up past. He's done some time in the looney bin, but still meets some pretty groovy chicks to shag. Only problem is, they usually end up dead! Wesley lives with his mom in a nice little house, but she's got a major chip on her shoulder since Wesley accidentally killed his brother. "Trippy" shots, psychedelic flashes and even a bad band surface in this strangely acted little relic. And there's really no bloody horror to speak of. However, the ending is nice and grimy and if there had been as much care given to the rest of the movie as there is to the end, it could have been a classic guilty pleasure. As it is, it's just so-so.
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mmthos18 November 2020
This was produced,, directed etc. by a guy who owned 200 movie houses in middle america, so he was giving his audiences the schlock they wanted and cutting out the middle man. I'd venture his theaters were in isolated places without options, so since they were his captive, they had to take as little as he had to give, and it's not much.

The script is banal as can be, plot full of holes, "Psycho"-ish but a pale derivation, riding on Hitchcock's genius. First, it should be "Night's", as there are several. Lead is not good, better than most seen in such cheapies, but it's impossible to come across well when you have to compensate for so much screen time devoted to repetitive action, with what should have been key scenes left out. Psychosis is indicated by various colored whirligigs that fill the screen, a cheap and tired cliche'. Bloody nights all conclude with a blank scarlet screen. Entirely mundane cinematography. No comic relief, maybe cops shouting at each other to shut up. then just repeating shouted lines not shouting, which i didn't find funny as delivered.

Finally that said, I've seen much worse, but there's much more available that's even marginally better
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A psychadelic mess.
mark.waltz4 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Gerald McCraney might have been belled as Suzanne's boyfriend on "Designing Women", but in this messy and boring slasher film, he's the one apparently doing the de-belling. He's a Mama's boy who hates his mama (and for good reason), and becomes the main suspect in a series of brutal slayings of the various women he dates. The slayings are brutal and graphic, but the film is slow moving and pointless except for those who enjoy seeing gushing blood, rotting corpses, and apparent acid trips accompanied by some chilling music.

This anti-establishment movie doesn't even benefit from the grooviness of the structure or the apparent motive for those killings, involving McCraney's nightmares over the death of his older brother years before. I figured this out long before the ridiculous twist, and it genuinely is a rip-off of a better made slasher film that has become a classic. The pacing gets painfully slow at times, making me surprised that I actually got through it. The eerie opening music and the band's song are by far the best things that happen here.
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Rotted To The Core
saint_brett7 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Originally released in 1969?

'Night of Bloody Horror?' The murders happen over a span of a week! What "night" of murder? And where's the long-haired monkey that's on the DVD cover in the movie? That thing never appeared once!

I hope this isn't in the same vein as 64's 'Two Thousand Maniacs!' or 'Invasion of The Blood Farmers?' Listen to these sound effects as the start credits roll. It sounds like that Popcorn song popped a few tabs of LSD and forgot the lyrics to the actual song written and hallucinated to instrumental only.

Why does this movie look green?

Remember Wayne Arnold in that Christmas episode of 'The Wonder Years' about the colored TV? "If we put on sunglasses, we could watch this in black & green."

The opening scene reveals that the writers of the film didn't have a clue what they were doing and provided no lines for the actors. Some hooker and what looks like either Richard Speck, or George McFly, mumbles some lines which are incoherent. He lasts for about five seconds in the sack before the tube's deflated, leaving him angry and incompetent. Or impotent, take your pick.

An 'Exorcist 3' priest stabs the red-light district worker in the eye with a knitting needle after she confesses her sordid lust for flesh to him.

This movie wasn't released by whoever the hell distributed it, it escaped from a disease control facility marked "Never to be released!" I haven't got a clue what the basic plot is. Heaven help me. Pass me a compass.

Early in the movie when they speak, their mouths are out of sync and their lines delayed by about half a second. Even when some thugs punch George McFly the packing sounds come after the fists hit his face.

The Son of Sam, code name Alice, dwells in The Blue Oyster bar and flirts with McFly as he's flashing wads of money around in gay abandon and is then followed out the door and beaten up by Berkowitz. Liza Minnelli happens to stroll along and steals George McFly himsel -

Now what in the hell is this scene at the 21:37-minute mark? Happy snaps? Still polaroid's? Oh, Jeffrey Dahmer would be proud of you, movie.

And what's with the elevator mall music?

Some of the actors are hideous looking and resemble the offspring of either, Igor, Olga, or Frankenstein.

McFly keeps astral traveling through his third eye and unfortunately remains in the 60's dimension and goes nowhere fast. In an attempt to see other realms he gets scared and is automatically pulled back into his body and is then arrested for murder. Once back at the station, Roy Orbison and Berkowitz, grill him hard and try to beat a confession out of him but he's released without charge because in his mind he's back in Carolina watching The Panthers get beat as I don't think Baker Mayfield will make much of a difference this season.

At the 37-minute mark an Atomic bomb is dropped as a band called 'Bored' jams while the fallout blurs the colors of the screen, which puts a strain on your eyes. This band think they're Led Zeppelin. Look, is that Frank Zappa on drums?

McFly goes berserk in the bomb shelter and bashes up the club owner after he's accused of being a suspected murderer in another time zone.

Don't forget to wear your explosives vests when watching this, people, as it's edge of your seat a minute stuff that puts you in the mood to do X-games and other fast paced activities.

Agatha's teeth in this look like 'The Bridge on the River Kwai' only minus a few planks.

Is that Robert Z'Dar?

'Ole Aggie's mouth looks like she's been eating a bag of licorice laced with charcoal and if I'm not mistaken she just slept with her own son and is strangled in the process by him? This guy thinks he's Jimmy Dean at times.

I think one would be better off watching 'The Love Butcher' or 1981's 'Nightmare' over this.

Is that Amy Winehouse? Either way, the one sporting the active beehive on her bonce is captured and terrorized in Ed Gein's farmhouse and it turns out that the one with the corrupted teeth is the killer, not George McFly, who's been strung along all movie.

Didn't 'ole Licorice Teeth get killed only a few scenes back?

Either way, two mob bosses pump her full of holes, as she forgot to pay protection money, and she dies hard a second time and reveals her asphalt tarred teeth one last time with a grimaced pained look on her face. The dead corpses have better looking teeth than 'ole Aggie. I hope in the afterlife she's afforded a better set of chompers.

Joey from 'The Wanderers' screams, "Mooooother," at the end... and... cut!

Film's a wrap.

Let's go edit this masterpiece, promote it, and circulate it, and we got ourselves a little breadwinner on our hands here said the director.

But, some 53 years later and here I am sentencing this trash to 1/10.
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90 minutes of bloody boredom.
soulexpress29 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Thirteen years ago, Wesley Stuart (Gerald McRaney, pre-mustache) shot and killed his kid brother, Jonathan. He has just been released from a mental institution and is living with his domineering mother (Evelyn Hendricks). Given his violent history (and plain looks), it's remarkable how many women Wesley attracts. Even more remarkable is that these women all turn up murdered, and always after Wesley has one of the nightmares that plagues him.

NIGHT OF BLOODY HORROR (which really takes place over several nights) bears the hallmarks of a psychotronic film. The whole thing is in sickly faded color, like a 1960s Polaroid come to life. There are kitschy visual effects, like the swirls of light that Welsey sees just before a murder happens. There's a club scene with an annoying psychedelic band called The Bored (I know how they feel). We see the requisite gallons of red paint that don't resemble human blood. There's a severed hand that's clearly made of rubber (or something similar). On a few occasions, the dialogue is garbled because the boom mike was up too high.

The film is quite tedious between murder scenes. And the murders themselves don't really show a lot. Fans of blood and gore will likely be disappointed. I also figured out the ending long before it occurred. There's nothing to set NIGHT OF BLOODY HORROR apart from many other low-budget PSYCHO rip-offs. If you want a movie about a disturbed young man's dysfunctional relationship with his mother, see the Hitchcock film instead. Trust me, it's time far better spent!
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"Boy, you're touchy!"
classicsoncall14 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A "Night of Bloody Horror" is what you'll experience if you happen to catch this flick after the sun goes down. I couldn't believe, and still can't, that it was Gerald McRaney in the lead role here, looking nothing like the actor I've seen from time to time in various TV series the past couple of decades. The story sets up the viewer to consider that Wesley Stuart (McRaney) is some psycho murderer after his first two girlfriends wind up dead, so it's a hoot when he actually says to the third - "Aren't you afraid I'll chop you up"? With each of his gal pals, Wesley suffers this dazzling rainbow whirlpool of a migraine, and it's only a matter of time before they become a victim of a nasty bit of butchery. I was particularly fond of a bright bloody scene that transitioned into a steaming bowl of tomato soup; the Campbell's people never put out such a colorful commercial. About midway into this extravaganza, there's a psychedelic rock scene punctuated by the horrid music of a band with the name 'Bored', and if that didn't sum things up for this viewer, I don't know what would. "Night of Bloody Horror" has some, but mostly it's in the celluloid.
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Groovy Psycho Slasher About A Boy And His Mother.
Leeccdoo30 July 2021
I honestly may in the minority here but I honestly don't care. I just cannot understand for the life of me why this movie is so poorly rated... which is why I'm writing this review. For one thing, this is NOT a rip off of Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho" by any means per say (like some other ignorant reviewer said). Sure there appears to be some definite inspiration from the unforgettable 1960 classic in addition to a couple similarities but both movies are still incredibly different on their own terms and nowhere near being the same to even qualify as such (at least IMO). Though I guess to each their own!

NoBH also is flawed here and there but definitely not enough to the dire extent that other viewers have made it out to be, or when compared to certain other efforts from the same era (I can think of more than a few). The title is not that misleading either per say (maybe a little bit), but this isn't a splatter movie. It is a slasher with psychological horror and mystery elements. For an obscure, low-budget Independent Horror flick, Night of Bloody Horror is enjoyably trashy as it is a rather bizarre, creepy, psychedelic and interesting b-movie from start to finish. I was pretty unsettled by several scenes, especially the first brutal murder of the protagonist's fiancée and the last 20 minutes. I just wasn't expecting that at all to be honest. The pacing kind of drags midway through that wasn't much of a problem for me. There are even a few pretty ingenious and unique camera tricks that Joy N. Houck Jr. Has up his sleeve that make for a intriguing, if not occasionally visually-stunning experience despite the low-grade picture quality.

For fans of Herschell Gordon Lewis, obscure Horror or schlocky, campy movies, this one is a MUST! Here's to hoping that Night of Bloody Horror gets a Blu Ray or even a DVD release that is actually well deserved (likewise with Women And Bloody Terror), the latter is extremely hard to obtain. Not sure why but it seems as that all you can find on the internet is the film either cut or in substandard quality which is quite unfortunate to say the least. Gerald McRaney is solid in the lead role for someone who has never acted before, same with the rest of the cast.. especially Evelyn Hendricks as Wesley's depressed mom. In my opinion, there is quite a bit to be enjoyed here if given the proper audience and restoration, but hopefully one day soon!

Review by Owen Davis.
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Psycho influenced horror ...
TheRagingDutchman17 October 2005
Pretty good low budget regional horror flick from the director of the classic 'Creature From Black Lake'. It does have some problems, though; Gerald McRaney's acting job does a complete meltdown every so often, there's the psychedelic music video intermission and just why the heck do all those hot chicks fall instantly head over heels for this suspected serial killer?! On the plus side; it moves along at a good pace and director Houck keeps the camera moving. It also contains some ahead of it's time violent murders (including a twisted confessional scene). All in all it's above average and well worth a look to horror/exploitation fans. Tis a shame there wasn't more flicks lensed in good ol' Violent Vision!
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Mundane title. Not bad film.
BA_Harrison5 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Could a horror film title be any more generic than Night of Bloody Horror? It's as if writer/director Joy N. Houck Jr. gathered together a whole load of words from other horror titles, arranged them in three columns, and randomly picked one word from column A, one from Column B and one from Column C. Even the tag-line—Keep telling yourself, It's only a picture!—is about as unremarkable as it gets.

The amazing thing is, as mundane as the title is, the film itself is actually quite entertaining, an engaging '60s psycho horror with reasonable performances, quite a bit of surprisingly vicious violence, some groovy psychedelic 60s trappings (including a musical interlude featuring a band called The Bored), a few curvaceous babes (with some brief nudity in the opening scene), and an enjoyably daft denouement clearly inspired by Hitchcock's Psycho.

Star of the film is Gerald McRaney, who plays mentally fragile youth Wesley, who has spent the last thirteen years in a mental institution after accidentally shooting and killing his brother, and who now desperately wants to readjust to normal life. The problem is that Wesley suffers from sudden migraines followed by blackouts, after which someone close to him usually turns up dead, making him a prime murder suspect. First to go is Wes's girlfriend, who gets a knife in the eye while taking confession; sexy nurse Kate, who tends to Wes after he is beaten up outside a bar, gets a hatchet in her chest; Dr. Moss, Wes's psychologist, has his hand cut off and gets a chopper in the head.

It doesn't take a genius to figure out that **Spoiler alert!** Wes isn't the one doing the killing**End of spoiler alert!** and the real identity of the murderer should come as no surprise to most, but that doesn't affect the fun. Give this one a go if '60s drive-in schlock is your bag.

6.5 out of 10, rounded up to 7 for IMDb.
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Schlocky horror fun
dieseldemon8530 September 2022
Despite low ratings I gave this film a chance as I do enjoy B horror schlock. This film was included in a multi film set and gave it a go when I saw the star of Major Dad was in it, and he had hair. It was shot in 69 and has some interesting camara tricks to coincide with the psychedelic era like the spiral light to signify a murder coming or the use of wash colored negative like an acid trip in the club scene. This was Gerald Mcrainy first role and he turned in a decent performance as Wesley Stuart the troubled young man accused of murder. His mother Agatha also solid throughout. It moves along at a good pace and presents a good twist and insight into the Stuart family about an hour in. Give it a chance. If you like old horror with grainy picture hatchet murders with the paint type blood you will enjoy this film.
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