The War of the Planets (1966) Poster

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I have seen the future, and it is groovy
JohnSeal5 July 2004
It's not even close to being the best spaghetti science-fiction film ever made - far from it, in fact - but Antonio Margheriti's War of the Planets is another refugee from TNT's 100% Weird that recently popped up commercial free (and sadly pan and scan) on Turner Classic Movies. Starring American expat Tony Russel - who got his screen start as a bartender in Elvis' King Creole - as the commander of Earth's space forces, War of the Planets is a very low-budget story of alien invaders attacking our solar system from their base on Mars. The aliens, ever mindful of the filmmakers' need to keep costs down, are represented by dry ice and flashing green lights. The great Franco Nero co-stars and there's a suitably spacey Angelo Francesco Lavagnino score.
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Probably not Italy's finest cinematic export!
planktonrules28 December 2011
While this is a rather poor sci-fi film, for the time it wasn't all that bad. While compared to the artistry of "2001" which debuted just two years later it comes up severely lacking, all sci-fi from around 1966 was pretty shabby compared to the groundbreaking "2001". So, cut this cheesy Italian film a bit of slack when it comes to special effects! Now I am not saying it's all that good a film. But, at least it is watchable.

"The War of the Planets" begins in the near future. Space travel is routine and things look a bit like "The Jetsons" in this film. However, when a strange greenish cloud-like 'thing' appears in the sky, BAD things will follow! A group of astronauts are transformed into zombie-like people--who are A LOT like the "Star Trek" notion of The Borg. In other words, the infected people all think as one and are emotionless jerks. Can they be stopped or will everyone become duller than Dick Cavett on Valium?! The film has the usual 60s fare--the usual sort of spacey outfits , silly paranoid plot and sexist banter. It's all a bit silly but for fans of cheesy sci-fi (and I am one), it's all enjoyable silliness. Not all bad--and the plot idea wasn't bad at all.
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Goodness, gratuitous green lights of fire.
lost-in-limbo1 January 2010
Steadfast, but dreary and second-rate low-budget b-grade sci-fi matinée by Italian director Antonio Margheriti (better known for such films as; "Cannibal Apocalypse" and "Naked You Die"). Anyhow "The War of the Planets" (the second addition to the Gamma One series) is typical fodder, that can't escape its over melodramatic sub-plotting with stodgy dialogues and the direction is limply brought across. Its budget shows with the obviously fashionable miniature sets and models… as well as all-out plain and spotty effects (where the aliens are a glowing green mist or light of energy that possesses its victims). Some of the junky space sequences are rather laughable too (like astronauts floating in space, which is clearly by rope). The idea is workable, but the lacklustre execution is less accommodating despite some spaced-out atmospheric visuals and colourful set decors. Textbook performances (with the likes of Tony Russel and Franco Nero) come across shallowly flat, but there seems to be too many characters that at times it got hard to tell which space station / ship the action was focusing on. On the other hand the patchy score remains effectively uncanny. Not entirely awful, but still an utter drag.
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Italian SF 60's style from Il Maestro Antonio Margheriti
gortx18 November 2005
One of the four GAMMA series SF films from Italy's Antonio Margheriti. Not as "wild" as WILD WILD PLANET, but still fun in colorful low-budget vein. This time, the space crew has to battle a race of aliens who turn men into mindless slaves via a green gas. Reminiscent of stuff going back to INVADERS FROM MARS and IT CONQUERED THE WORLD, not to mention the loosely concurrent STAR TREK pilot "THE CAGE", it has a visual flair that helps it move past a very slow middle act.

But, all cult film fans will at least want to tune into the First act with what is certainly cinema's most bizarre New Year's Eve celebration with space-walking astronauts literally spinning and floating in formation! And wait 'til you see the big finale! All this to Italian 60's lounge rock courtesy of Angelo Francesco Lavagnino. The film shares with other Euro SF films of the period decidedly 'mod' music sequences (the famous STAR WARS 'Cantina' sequence has nothing on this stuff) - I.E. Germany's SPACE PATROL and even something as sober as the Czech classic VOYAGE TO THE END OF THE UNIVERSE.

Far from classic, but it was a fun period in Italian SF. Though one has to be careful when attributing dialog to the dubbed USA versions, this one has a doozy -- An astronaut has been "taken over" by the aliens, which sparks the comment: "He's gone Galactic!" Too bad the TCM print you are most likely to see isn't Letterboxed (as so much of their vault is). (the closing credits are letterboxed)
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Cheap sets, boring script
macabro3575 July 2004

Caught this one on TCM and it's typical for Italian space operas of the time, with the notable exception of Mario Bava's PLANET OF THE VAMPIRES (1966).

The main problems are that the script is so poorly thought out, that it was probably written as they filmed each scene on the spot. And the sets look so low budget that even Ed Wood did a more credible job with PLAN 9 FROM OUTER SPACE. At least Ed's film was 'entertaining', unlike this boredom.

Aliens in the form of green smoke and flashing lights take over orbiting space stations around the Earth. It brainwashes some people into committing acts of sabotage while others are just left immobile with a little green tinge to their skin. I guess they did this to keep the film budget down.

It's up to the Earth space forces led by Tony Russell to save the world from the aliens and with pretty Lisa Gastoni (as well as dumb #2, Franco Nero) by his side, we are treated to one of the cheapest looking space battles in cinema history.

I also notice that this film has the MGM logo at the beginning of it. They must have been so desperate for product in 1965 that they had to resort to importing Euro turkeys like this one. Besides which, Anthony Margheriti did much so much better in the horror genre that he should have stuck to it.

So if you're into MST3K-type effluent (which I'm not), then this is the film for you.

2 out of 10
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It's so bad that it's almost funny!
jferreira24 January 2009
C'mon! It's so bad that it's almost funny! Those costumes would be great for a fantasy party! Hairdryers for communicators, flame pistols and gas propelled spaceships... It's a miracle that they did not set fire to the stage! It's a pity that we never get to see those evil aliens, except in the form of that green spray. I'm sure it would have been fun! nd that plot... If it wasn't for the large amounts of bad acting, I would almost feel sorry for those actors! Also be ware of some outrageously sexist scenes. The special effects would be already outdated in 1955 not to mention in 1965... Oh! The spacewalks are hilarious, not to mention the planets and the spaceships! All together it might have cost around $35... Watch it for the fun!
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A Bunch of Mannikins Partying in Space.
davidcarniglia25 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
In some remote future, we need to head off some mysterious mind-controlling aliens. So, a wayward space station, and some a host of other ingenious contrivances bursts the budget for this economy mode sci-fi battleground. Of course the malicious aliens want to take over Earth, or, at the very least, stop our colonization efforts.

Although this is an Italian pruduction, the intricate modelling, mostly in miniature, but some of it full-scale and operational, is similar to Japanese sci-fi. The futuristic stuff is great: both close up, and in panoramic view. Even the interiors look about right--none of the tool chest and construction site junk usually seen in our low-rent efforts.

Gamma One is the space station. The astronauts there are having a swinging shindig. There's a pesky alert of some kind. Man, do they need to make a beer run? Well, not exactly, but a crew takes off in a delta-winged spaceship. Back at the station, someone's giving orders, while reveling astronauts floating around just outside.

Delta Two is the spacecraft, now coming back to base; everything's "routine, except for some peculiar radiation". That's why they stop short of it, and send out a team to investigate. With a toy-like communication device, one of the astronauts outside the station gives a report. The issue is the station itself--everyone inside is dead, or at least paralyzed--half of them are mannikins.

"Seems as if they died of fright". Meanwhile, a cloud-like creature attacks the rescuers. They too are killed or frozen in suspended animation. The "UD Council and the Corporations" order them to escape back to Earth. Except for a skeleton crew. We get a cool overview of the space city.

Now we see the mind-control in action: Will this unfortunate astronaut do the alien's bidding? "I will. I will." So they do, they do. To the four guys that stay behind, everything seems ok initially. Headquarters (wherever that is) gets a message from the alien-controlled captain. They are skeptical because he "Doesn't talk this kind of gibberish!" That, however, is the alien message of "symbiotic friendship".

Guys at snappy-looking control panels guys are...controlling something. Gyroscopes? Anyway, back at the station the small group battles the alien presence, with what look like flamethrowers. Is fog flammable? Anyway, back in a safer spot, one of the frozen-up guys is getting medical help.

What they're dealing with is "some form of organized magic". The General gets distracted, while one crew member sees the alien presence--almost a face--outside a porthole. A co-opted officer gives the alien message in a stereotypical monotone. More crew members fall victim to the blue fog in the porthole deal.

Back at Headquarters (which is where, on the moon? Earth?), there's another nice panorama of ships, buildings, transit vehicles. But that just means we're going to have to see the characters and the so-called action soon. Ok, a cool landing scene on the lunar-like landscape. Apparently, it's a mining colony.

Incredibly, they're fussing around about dinner. Well, here's a Star Trek-like capsule device; but the focus now is on a garbage disposal. At the bottom of this thing they see crew remains. Just looks like leftover pizza to me. They go out in the mineshaft; cave scenes never fail to have great atmosphere.

It gets better. They come upon a den of the brainwashed crew from Delta Two. The good guy bad guy argument heats up. "You will experience power of mind..." is the alien pitch; they're superior, you see. The converted ones have these nutty tin foil hoodies that make them look like disco devil worshippers.

Finally there's a fight, flamethrowers and all. That doesn't change much. One guy is bushwhacked by the fog. They finally get out of the subterranean stuff. We see some guys in their capsules. Plenty of time for some more stupid fights. Anyway, the good good guys are trying to launch themselves off the loser planet.

Now this is the best scene of all: four spaceships flying in formation to a red planet. The commander's getting instructions from the General. "There must be ten million of them!" Who? I'm not at all sure what the crisis is just now, and who is still battling who. Nonetheless, the mining planet is attacked, and everything there explodes in flames.

Which I think is good, judging by how the music gets more upbeat. Yeah, the good guys have prevailed over the foggy-brained bad guys. Finally, we get back to Earth. Dinner time again. "At least there's Gamma One". Apparently, all of the creatures have been destroyed. I think they mean that all of the possessed people are dead.

This would be nothing without the intriguing special effects. Aside from an occasional lapse (the props, notably the goofy walkie-talkies), these elaborate sets are not only well-done, they convincingly support the inter-stellar theme. Even most of the interiors tell us this is a futuristic world. A major exception are some of the props the weapons used.

The ray-gun like flame throwers are ok, but .38 caliber handguns? Maybe it's that anything the cast touches becomes unbelievable. The acting is labored, with little distinction among characters. That isn't helped by a cluche-ridden script, glacial pacing, and a fuzzy plot.

Actually, alien mind-control, and even misty, murky aliens are fault well-established sci-fi conventions. So, those ideas are superficially fine; it's the implementation of what we have to work with that's very disappointing. There's familiar faces in various scenes, but the primary activity seems to be scurrying from one station, planet, or spacecraft to another.

Since most of the locations look so similar (except for the cave), there's no real drama or tension resulting from the action. It's like the visual equivalent of a synopsis without any continuity or purpose connecting the scenes.

Kind of entertaining in a purely technical way, this fails to entertain beyond the dazzling, but flat surface of a movie poster.
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I Didn't Expect Much
Hitchcoc23 October 2020
The first rule of a plot is that it should make some sense. There are so many holes in this thing that it defies any sort of credibility. The first half hour is endless, as there is so much talk and little action. Also, the ridiculous New Year's Eve party is laughable. Those space walks make no sense since the propulsion is non existent. Then we have the aliens from Mars. It's never clear why they are so clumsy in their methods. Why didn't they just do away with the guys who are causing them problems? Oh well. I learned long ago not to expect every film to be Citizen Kane.
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A Waste of Time
mammamia70127 September 2020
I couldn't enjoy this movie at all. I couldn't even laugh at the poor acting or the toy rocket ships, as I do in other early sci-fi movies. For myself, this was a total safe of time. This is one movie I won't watch again.
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The Second of the Gamma One Quartet
Steve_Nyland19 February 2007
Antonio Margheriti's second entry in the GAMMA ONE series of Italian Spaghetti Science Fiction movies is a marvel of form over substance. I love the ultra low budget production design, at times histrionic or wooden acting, the funky 1960s color schemes, and the brooding, mind-boggling sense of pending cosmic doom that infuses nearly every minute of the production. It is almost a perfect translation of the Spaghetti Western to SciFi terms: A good looking film composed of individual moments, some of which are actually quite evocative.

The story is a different matter. I have absolutely no idea what is going on here in terms of the specifics, but as far as the broader premise I will hazard to try: Mankind is threatened by disembodied phantom beings from another galaxy who want to inhabit the bodies of "perfect specimens" of humanity in an ongoing effort to dominate the cosmos. United Democracies space soldiers Tony Russell, Franco Nero and good old Enzo Fiermonte do battle with them on an abandoned space station invaded by the Diafanoids during a New Year's eve celebration.

So far so good, but there is almost a dizzying myriad of subplots, background stories, romantic interludes, poignant discussions, awkward spacewalk scenes, intense space battles, shootouts with flaming pistols, space meals with space food served in modular containers and dined on from ergonomically designed eating stations, hard-nosed space commanders barking orders at pretty female subordinates, and lots of footage of Margheriti's trademark spaceships with their propane special effects afterburners.

It gets a bit too much to keep track of, which is also a quality shared by Spaghetti Westerns, and if Margheriti & his scriptwriters can be faulted for anything it is perhaps being more ambitious with their plotting than their production is capable of fulfilling. Contemporary viewers without a background in ultra low budget genre films will probably be annoyed by the miniature work with models in particular, which are more complicated but not much more advanced in their execution than what is seen in Margheriti's first two SciFi movies, 1960's ASSIGNMENT: OUTER SPACE and 1961's BATTLE OF THE WORLDS. The spacewalk scenes are also somewhat limited in their effectiveness by their depiction in the form of actors in wire harnesses being swung back & forth on a sound stage by off-camera technicians.

Considerations like those weren't important to Margheriti, however, who simultaneously made four films that together amount to far more than the sum of their parts. 1964 was actually a remarkable year for Margheriti, who made no less than eight movies including his undisputed masterpiece CASTLE OF BLOOD (DANSE MACABRE) and the Peplum classic GIANTS OF ROME in addition to the four Gamma One films. However he found the energy he had the verve to extend himself and take chances, creating a diverse body of work in only 12 months that put him at the forefront of the emerging Italian B movie circuit.

Mario Bava may have been more of a visionary director (and his 1965 film PLANET OF THE VAMPIRES remains the single most impressive bit of Italian science fiction from the period) but Margheriti was a craftsman who was able to churn out product that pleased audiences in abundance. Perhaps it can be stated that where Bava was the more consummate artiste, Margheriti ran a production line studio which went for a bulk-rate approach. Instead of making just one movie with careful didactic attention he made four that together have more imagination, guile and sheer celebration of the act of making movies than all of the 3 contemporary Star Wars movies films put together.

6/10, for being what it is.
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not funny bad, boring bad
bure99828 June 2012
in this Italian, American sci-fi 'thriller',our intrepid crew sets about outer space and some of them are brainwashed into believing that if they do as they're told, it will be "all for the good of all"(or some such gobbledygoop). the "aliens" in this case are pretty much made of green smoke...there are no actual solid monsters or creatures per se. the miniatures, lighting and camera work all come off incredibly toy-like and unrealistic even by 1965 standards. their rifles, which they refer to as "lasers", look like refurbished Tommy guns..which spit out fire..and their space pistols, they refer to as "38's"!!! the Italian actors (like in many dual-country offerings) are obviously speaking Italian with the English dubbed in and the American actors speaking English. the producers evidently thought this movie was so good they followed it up with "wild wild planet"..which i haven't seen and don't plan to. i actually love bad sci-fi that's somewhat original and unintentionally funny...this wreck was neither.
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classic SciFi Italian Style
ead75928 June 2012
Rated 9 for the Kitsch factor!! I do have a problem, it says that the role of Jake (what's his name) is played by Franco Nero, but I do believe it's played by Terence HIll, who lately can be seen on MHz Networks in Don Matteo. And he was also in the 'Trinity' movies in the 1970's. One thing I do love about these Italian movies is that the music (opening/closing themes) is nicely done. Franco Nero was in Wild Wild Planet. I could be wrong because they're both handsome blue-eyed Italians but I'm pretty sure about that. I think Wild WIld Planet is my favorite. It's SO pre-Stepford Wives. It's the height of corn, but it cracks me up every time I watch it. Very contemporary for the mid 60's....I love all the sleek design costumes, cars, and furniture. And of course, who wouldn't have a crush on Captain Mike!!
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Visually impressive Euro B Sci-fi movie.
Oblomov-224 August 2008
I have seen this film just once - back in 1969 when it got a second release as a morning show in one of the local cinemas in my hometown, Bangalore. All right, it is blatantly outlandish and extremely B-movie from the Italian stable, but as with many European films of its genre, has its moments. I thought that some of the special effects were very impressive - particularly the HAPPY NEW YEAR formation spacewalk by the astronauts in the beginning of the film. The 'invasion' of humans by the green Martian 'space mist' is decidedly silly from modern standards, but that and several other scenes in the film do raise unintentional laughs. Tony Russell is the obligatory American lead intended for the Western market but it is nice to see a young Franco Nero in one of his early roles. The sets are occasionally creaky but not as bad as some reviews make out. In all, a worthwhile addition to anyones camp-movie collection if it is ever released on DVD.
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Colourful but silly space opera
jamesrupert20149 October 2020
In this, the second installment in Antonio Margheriti's 'Gamma One' tetralogy, Earth is threatened by incorporeal glowing green energy-beings ("Diaphanoids") who need humans to serve as hosts. Only heroic Commander Mike Halsead (Tony Russel) and his crew stand between mankind and assimilation. Typical of Italian science fiction films of the era, the future is a gaudy, gadget-filled, extrapolation of the worst excesses of the mod 1960s. Unfortunately, as this film was shot concurrently with the first in the series ('The Wild, Wild Planet') and used most of the same props and miniatures (and cast), there is nothing much new to be seen, and most of the encounters with the Diaphanoids are anticlimactic, as characters stare in disbelief, recoil in horror, etc, from what ends up being a cloud of smoke illuminated by a green spotlight. The acting and script are uniformly awful (the intrepid Commander is called a "space-idiot" by romantic interest Lt. Gomez (Jane Fate aka Lisa Gastoni)) and the story makes little sense, but like the others in the series (and Margheriti's marginally superior 'Assignment Outer Space' (1960)), the film has a certain delirious charm that makes it watchable despite its plentiful weaknesses (if you are in the right mood). Followed by 1966's 'War Between the Planets' which again recycles the miniatures and props, but features a new cast of characters.
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When you're on someone else's planet, you're the alien.
mark.waltz25 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Taking place both on Earth and on Mars, this follow-up to "Wild Wild Planet" isn't as campy although there are some amusing elements that did give me a few chuckles. It's a more serious view of planets other than ours, giving the impression that being that are total energy rather than flesh and blood has powers that any type of human, no matter what planet they come from, can't beat them. On Mars, there are some gold looking cave like people, wearing very little and only able to communicate by looking and being heard through brain waves. As I am not a science fiction expert or huge buff, I am not the best judge of these type of movies, but as far as entertainment value, I did find this clever and original if on occasion confusing and farfetched.

Having seen the original two years before this, I lightly recalled it by my review, and recognized a few of the actors including Tony Russel and Franco Nero. The earthly astronauts have colorful space suits, and the art direction is quite creative. Slow pacing and a slow budget, plus little suspense until the special effects and the head of these so-called creatures finally appears and the purpose is revealed is another deficiency. When that creature reveals its goals, the sinister thoughts prove to be quite sinister and powerful which means an improved late in the film. It's here that the film does regain the camp of its predecessor with some very funny lines. The conclusion is definitely worth sticking around for.
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BandSAboutMovies13 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
In Italy, this movie was called I Diafanoidi Vengono da Marte (The Diaphanoids Come From Mars) and is part of the Gamma-One series. It follows Wild, Wild Planet (I Criminali della Galassia or Criminals of the Galaxy) and is followed by War Between the Planets (Il Pianeta Errante or Planet on the Prowl) and Snow Devils (La Morte Viene dal Pianeta Aytin or Death Comes From The Planet Aytin).

They still have New Year's Eve in the future. That's when space station Alpha-Two reports an issue and loses contact with headquarters. When a rescue squad arrives, they find green glowing energy monsters attacking and the entire Alpha-Two disappears.

Gamma-One Commander Halstead (Tony Russel) sends spaceships to investigate while on Earth, those same green aliens have possessed Captain Dubois. These aliens are Diaphanoids from the Andromeda Galaxy and need humans to exist.

Do you know how we deal with aliens like that? We blow them up real good and then reward Halstead with a private suite to have some zero gravity lovemaking with Lieutenant Connie Gomez (Lisa Gastoni, who was Maddalena).

Antonio Margheriti directed all of these movies and he's doing what he can with the budget he's given. Franco Nero shows up as one of the astronauts, Lieutenant Jake Jacowitz. The characters played by him, Russel, Gastoni and Carlo Guistini play the same characters from Wild, Wild Planet while Fiermonte replaces Umberto Raho as General Halstead.
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spaghetti sci-fi
SnoopyStyle25 September 2020
With the advent of space travel, many space stations are sent into the cosmos. It's New Year's Eve. Space station Alpha-Two is attacked by the Deafenoids which brainwash its crew. Captain Tice and his crew find the Alpha-Two crew frozen and they come under attack themselves.

It's an Italian spaghetti sci-fi movie. The actors are dubbed. It has 50's sci-fi designs with a dash of 60's style. It's European. It's not that imaginative but the miniature work is silly fun. The spacewalks are ridiculous. It's bad but there is some fun with the weird mix of badness. The actors are not helped by the stiff dialogue. The story is essentially The Fog in space which limits any action. People rarely run in this movie. There is an all-out brawl later in the movie but it's too late by then. This is begging to be mocked in a fun way.
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The hosting will begin!
Hey_Sweden28 December 2016
Tony Russel returns to his role of brave astronaut Commander Mike Halstead, in this follow- up to "Wild, Wild Planet", which had been the first entry in this "Gamma One" series of groovy Spaghetti Sci-Fi productions. Mike and associates such as Ken (Carlo Giustini) and Jake (the always welcome Franco Nero) must do battle with an alien race. Their natural form is of a green light / mist, and they possess other humans in order to enslave them and fulfill some unknown purpose.

"War of the Planets" is okay. This viewer clearly sees it more favorably than some people, but he still admits that it's something of a comedown. There's just not as much of the general weirdness and neat ideas as in "Wild, Wild Planet". There is also not a great deal in terms of genuinely surreal and colorful environments. The story (by Ivan Reiner and Renato Moretti) is more by the numbers, overall.

The actors, too, don't appear too enthused. One standout is Michel Lemoine, who plays the possessed Captain Dubois. He has a most amusing look on his face the entire time. Handsome Russel is still a decent hero, but Lisa Gastoni as his love interest / fellow astronaut Connie isn't given anything truly substantial to do. It's also a hoot to see Mike taking orders from a general, who is his father, to boot!

There may not be a lot to praise with this one, but if you're like me and fancy this sort of entertainment, you could do worse.

Six out of 10.
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Resistance is futile
trixie3016 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I have no idea if my title above constitutes a spoiler.

As a serious movie, I give it a 1. As a comedy-farce, it's so much better. Now, I'll admit part of the reason I found it funny was because my hubby sat here doing his own Mystery Science Theater 3000 commentary.

I swear the "for the good of the whole" riff and so forth was inspiration for the ST:NG Borg. Of course, "taking over the human race" plots are not remotely new, but the "for the good of the universe; no war, no pain, you must join with us" deal is so reminiscent of the Borg that it's even funnier to me.
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Margueriti imposes a stunning stylized visual, although with a flawed storyline and not bad as the critics say!!
elo-equipamentos29 May 2023
I've regard Antonio Margueriti as exotic creative mind from Italy, for easier comparation he is our Roger Corman likewise, he deserves respect due his oeuvre is extensive even with a lot of ups and downs he manages to us countless amazing low profile pictures, spaghetti sci-fiction, Peplum and swords, Horror flicks, Spaghetti Westerns, Exploitation pictures, and the fantastic warrior "Yor the Hunter from the Future" and others in several genres, Margueriti is one my ever favorite Italian director from all times, your movies are a delight to watch unbiased one my guilty pleasure.

I Diafanoidi Vengono da Marte has a stunning stylized visual, even in a miniaturized sets, surround by gorgeous girls, some oddities like a party of new years eve in Space station is out of the context that should be restricted on zone monitoring, area technique and mainly maintenance, the story is cloyingly weird to start, suddenly appears an aliens invaders in strange form of green lights mist to embody the astronauts of the earthlings Space Stations spreading on the our galaxy, firstly the alien green mist somehow got disappears one by one all Space Station and located all them on Mars, worst all men and woman embodied by such green mist stayed in vegetative state, not dead, not alive neither.

A man from high command Captain Jacques Dubois (Michel Lemoine) is abducted by the Aliens to make a deal with the earthlings for a new order where the highly advanced civilization allowed us an unconceivable newest conceptive futuristic that mankind never seen before, the Earth highest Commander General Halstead (Enzo Fiermonte) demands a crew's members to Mars in charge of his son Comdr. Mike Halstead (Tony Russell) with several officers including Lt. Jake Jacowitz (Franco Nero) and his gorgeous girlfriend Lt. Connie Gomez (Lisa Gastoni) that was in vegetative state needing reverse the process, arriving at on Red Planet the rendezvous will be on underground of Mars, meanwhile the aliens has another intentions as expected.

Thanks for reading.


First Watch: 1986 /How many: 2 /Source: TV-Youtube /Rating: 6.
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