The Goddess of Spring (1934) Poster

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"So know you know the reason, why there's a winter season, instead of eternal spring"
ackstasis5 December 2008
'The Goddess of Spring (1934)' is a beautiful "Silly Symphony" from Walt Disney and director Wilfred Jackson, filmed in glorious Technicolor of which full advantage is taken. The film was produced as a trial-run for the the feature-length 'Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937),' largely to experiment with the animation of humans. The progress made in the subsequent three years is startlingly apparent – the heroine in this film has a pretty and graceful face, but there's very little grace in her movements. The Goddess of Spring prances around her vibrant above-ground kingdom, limbs flailing somewhat awkwardly, her gait completely unrealistic, though perhaps it was the animators' intention to have her slightly floating above the ground, as though her loveliness affords her the weightless waltz of an angel. Suddenly, the sky grows dark and the ground erupts into fire, signalling the arrival of the wicked Hades, who kidnaps the beautiful Goddess to be queen of his underground kingdom. With the fair maiden's departure, the lands are plunged into a cold, bitter winter.

This Silly Symphony was loosely based upon the Ancient Greek mythology of Persephone and Hades, and so the tone of cartoon is chiefly that of an epic opera – a bit like 'What's Opera, Doc? (1957),' if you need an easy comparison. The warm, nostalgic singing voice at the film's beginning gives way to the deep, operatic snarl of Hades as he comes to confiscate his future queen. Interestingly, when the pair arrive in the fire-wreathed corridors of Hell, the general atmosphere is that of a jazz club, with disconcertingly upbeat music, and dancing audiences who chant "Hidey Hades." This interpretation of down-below is very different from Ub Iwerks' version five years earlier in 'Hell's Bells (1929),' which was darker and more archaic. The most touching contrast of all is that between the above-ground kingdom's spring and winter, as the bright sunlight swiftly disappears to unleash a miserable snap of cold and bitter winds; the dwarf inhabitants shiver in the snow, and even Bambi makes a brief appearance
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Disney does a Cliff's Notes version of a story from Greek mythology.
llltdesq3 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
It should come as no surprise to anyone who has followed Disney to any degree that this short took some (in this case, understandable and legitimate) liberties with the original source material. Based on the story of how Persephone came to become the wife of Hades, god of the Underworld, this is a truncated version, leaving out any reference to Demeter, Persephone's mother (and sister to Hades) and leaving out the detail of why Persephone must return to the Underworld and stay for a specific duration. It's a fascinating story, but the changes made were reasonable ones and the short itself is quite good. Because I want to discuss the short in a bit of detail, this is a spoiler warning:

As the short opens, it is made abundantly clear that the "Goddess of Spring" is well nigh universally loved and adored by all creatures, great and small. The opening sequence shows a lush, verdant paradise over which she reigns with tenderness and warmth, which is returned many times over.

Then the ruler of the Underworld appears and basically kidnaps her, taking her below to make her his wife. He seems absolutely certain that the idea of marrying him and of becoming his queen is so clearly a desirable thing that her disinterest and continued sadness first confuse and then disturb him.

She continues to plead with him to allow her to return to her world above, because she fears that, if she never goes back, both she and every creature are doomed to die. He reluctantly agrees-on the condition that she spend part of each year in the Underworld, as his queen.

There are three predominant visual contrasts-the eternal spring before her kidnapping and at the end, when she returns to the surface, the visual depiction of the Underworld and the depiction of the winter cast over the world by her departure to the Underworld. While all three are quite good, the contrast between spring and winter makes those sequences a bit more impressive. The colors used in the Underworld were a bit too bright at times and I think a bit more use of shadow and darkness would have made for a sharper juxtaposition of the two radically different realms.

This short is available on the DVD set, More Silly Symphonies, part of the Disney Treasures series and both this short and the DVD set are highly recommended.
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The fact that Disney does NOT have a "Censored Eleven" List . . .
pixrox14 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
. . . of its "Silly Symphonies" and other animated shorts from the 1900s is NOT because Warner Bros.' Looney Tunes were MORE Racist than Disney's Demeaning Put-Downs. It's because Warner Bros. sports an often too-sensitive Corporate Conscience (please excuse the oxymoron), while the Soul-less Disney MegaCorp never possessed even a modicum of Civilized Responsibility. Most Disney cartoons would need to be Banned and Deep-Sixed IF some future "House of Mouse" Reformers ever decide to follow Warner's lead. Take THE GODDESS OF SPRING, for instance. A White Chick is abducted to Hell (3:20), where a circle of gleeful Black "imps" dance and prance around her, singing their "Hi-Dey Hades" ditty (3:45). This is an obvious Cheap Trick by Old Walt's Racist Crew to besmirch Cab Calloway's "Hi-Dee Ho" song, then topping the charts among America's Black Community. Scores of Blacks were mutilated and lynched in the Jim Crow Confederate Red Southern States as these Black Imps assailed Disney's White GODDESS OF SPRING. Emmett Till's killers viewed this Racial Hatchet Job at least 27 times as their Deplorable Characters formed during their Disney-Corrupted Childhoods.
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Inspired vivid memories
T-2719 August 2006
Iprobably only saw this cartoon ONCE and I was probably under FIVE years old. Talk about making an impression, that would have been forty something years ago and I still remember a lot of it - Persephone picking flowers, Hades coming our oft ground on something like a spinning turn table, little devils dancing around singing "Hidey Hades" (maybe actually Mighty Hades?) , Persephony in tears pointing upwards, and Hades retuning her to the upper world on that turntable thing. It was a segment at the end of the Mickey Mouse Club TV show, they would open a drawer and pull out the title of that day's cartoon. I saw it once and though I wanted to see it again, I never did.

Years later I read Edith Hamilton's Mythology - one of my all time favorite books - and there was the story of Hades and Persephone!

I sure wish this would come out on DVD or something.

Disney would make a fortune with a vintage Disney Channel - run to old Mickey Mouse Series, the Silly Symphony cartoons, those fantastic serials like Spin and Marty, Boys of the Western Sea. I have to confess I have not seen the new cable but I would bet it is junk.

And Anettw Funichello can out Mousketeer Brittany Spears any day!!!!
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seasonal worker
lee_eisenberg24 November 2022
This entry in the Silly Symphonies adapts the story of Persephone (Proserpina in Latin). "The Goddess of Spring" depicts the title character in an idealistic setting until Hades (Pluto in Latin) kidnaps her. Since she can't be happy in Hell, they have to reach a settlement.

Obviously this is a loose adaptation. As in Disney's "Hercules", Hades gets depicted as a rendering of Satan; in Greek mythology, the underworld had no relation to the modern understanding of Hell.

It's an okay cartoon. I've always been more partial to Warner Bros.'s cartoons, since they had an irreverent side (in contrast to Disney's "nice" cartoons). Jessica Dragonette (the goddess) also voiced Princess Glory in Fleischer Studios' "Gulliver's Travels". Kenny Baker (the narrator) is not to be confused with the actor who played R2D2.
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The credits say that my favorite Mouse House character . . .
cricket3017 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
. . . (that would be Pluto, of course) is one of the two stars featured in THE GODDESS OF SPRING. You can probably imagine my chagrin, disappointment and feeling of being swindled, then, after watching this cartoon all the way through TWICE and catching nary a glimpse of America's favorite mutt. As far as I could see, there was only a singing lady, a few birds, bunnies and fawns, Satan and a thousand devils among the sorry cast of characters. How sad.
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Greek Opera
Vimacone21 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Disney's Silly Symphonies were the gold standard for mood pieces, development of technique, and character acting in the 1930s. Early on, they were simply characters singing and dancing with little plot to speak of.

Goddess Of Spring marked a significant change in Disney animation in many ways. This was the first time a serious story with conflict was told. Yes, there are still the hallmarks of singing and dancing, but this is done with a lot more sophistication. There are scenes with drama, contrasted with light hearted moments. Disney arguably nailed down the concept of a complex antagonist very early. Pluto, the God of Hades, isn't an outright villain and wants to make Perisphone happy and is willing to compromise with her.

This was also an early attempt to animate human characters and it did not go over so well. Other studios, such as Fleischer and Harman-Ising had done it earlier, but relied on rotoscope or kept scenes limited. There wasn't any real attempt to seriously tackle the challenge of doing it freeform until this short. The Disney crew recognized they needed more practice.

During the next three years, the studio honed all the accomplishments and attempts done in this short with marvelous outcomes. This culminated in Snow White. So much was achieved in three years.

Regardless, this still holds up very well today as a great mood piece. Director Wilfred Jackson deserves mention for his eye for atmospheric filmmaking. One of Disney's all time greatest.
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Winter is coming
Horst_In_Translation18 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
"The Goddess of Spring" is a cartoon from 1934, so this one is already over 80 years old. Wow. And there are some significant differences compared to the "usual" Disney from around that era. First of all, you will not find any of the very famous characters in here, instead this is a much more mythological tale. But most of all, it is opera. If you think of opera in these old cartoons, you will probably think of Warner Bros and Looney Toons before Disney, but actually Disney also gave the subject a try occasionally. Such as here. And finally, the film runs for 10 minutes instead of the usual 7 minutes. The animation is very good of course, but that's a bit of a given with Disney back then. The voice actors are basically voice singers and have not appeared in many other Disney cartoons, if any at all. The two male protagonists have starred in several pretty famous (still today) live action movies. As a whole, nowhere near my favorite Disney cartoons, but certainly worth checking out and be it only because it is so different compared to almost everything else Disney has done in the 1930s. Thumbs up.
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Admittedly bizarre, but gorgeously animated with brilliant music and a truly diabolical Hades(in a good way)
TheLittleSongbird25 February 2010
I can't believe I didn't see "The Goddess of Spring" before now. It is truly wonderful and unique, and I would definitely would have liked it as a kid, as I adore animation and classical music. The animation here is stunning, the upper world is so tranquil and like a paradise. Even better are the hell sequences, with dark background contrasts and a somewhat creepy atmosphere. The music is absolutely outstanding, the lyricality of the classical music of the upper world, and the sinister, perhaps even distorted Cab Calloway-inspired jazz music of hell. Then the characters, the secondary characters are sweet and endearing, not with unique personalities like the Seven Dwarfs in "Snow White" but sweet enough. Persephone is so gorgeous and pure, and Hades? In a good way he is truly diabolical, with towering presence, sinister appearance and a resonant Wagnerian-like bass voice. Overall, I loved this Silly Symphony. 10/10 Bethany Cox
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A testing ground for Snow White
MissSimonetta11 December 2012
While charming on its own merits, this short really shows how far the Disney animators came in the three years between this and Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. The movements of the leading lady of The Goddess of Spring are awkward and somewhat grotesque; her limbs seem to flail about as she skips to her throne, and she does not seem to possess any bones or weight at all. As Frank Thomas and Ollie Johnston said in their book "The Illusion of Life", there was no way she would have ever been able to carry an animated film.

But like I said, the short is cute. It's a decent retelling of Greek myth; it excludes Persephone's mother Demeter from the tale, but this is understandable as the story has to be compressed to keep a ten minute running time. Some of the music is in the operetta style, which I'm not too keen on, but there's a cool jazz number in the first underworld scene, where Hades' demons sing of "Mighty Hades". Overall, if you're an animation buff you're more likely to enjoy this than the casual viewer; while there is some entertainment value here, its mainly of historical interest only.
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This is only a test
travisimo21 January 2004
As the Snow White Platinum DVD notes, The Goddess of Spring served mostly as practice for the Disney animators on how to properly animate humans for Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs. Not only did they improve on animating humans, I thought they also greatly improved on drawing backgrounds, animals, and the dwarf-like creatures that appeared in The Goddess of Spring. While The Goddess of Spring is an animated short with a much smaller budget, the difference between the dwarfs in this cartoon and Snow White are as different as night and day. The dwarfs in Goddess of Spring were all drawn the same with no unique personalities, whereas Snow White's dwarfs are all unique in both appearance and personality.

I've also read that people were impressed with how well the hell sequences were drawn in Goddess of Spring. I have to admit that I wasn't really impressed when I saw it. I thought the sequences were too bland and a little too bright for a depiction of hell. I was actually more impressed with the hell sequences drawn in 1929's Hell's Bells, one of the first, rare Silly Symphonies drawn by Ub Iwerks.

However, I will say that I did somewhat enjoy the story of Goddess of Spring, which uses mythology to explain why we don't have everlasting spring. The opera style was kind of corny though. I just didn't get the sense that Disney animators concentrated too much on this short, but rather just as practice for Snow White. Nevertheless, I guess Goddess of Spring fulfilled its mission, because Snow White is one of the greatest, most landmark films in the history of cinema.

My IMDb Rating: 5/10
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Disney Dallies With Greek Mythology
Ron Oliver11 October 2000
A Walt Disney SILLY SYMPHONY Cartoon Short.

Persephone, THE GODDESS OF SPRING, is kidnapped by Hades, the devilish god of the Underworld, leaving the earth in perpetual winter. Will the warmth & joy of Spring ever return?

A vivid, and somewhat bizarre, little film which retells the story from Greek Mythology, while incorporating both operatic & jazz traditions. The animators seem to have confused the character of Hades with that of the Biblical Satan. Years later, Walt would draw comparison between Persephone & Snow White, to illustrate how far his animators evolved in just three short years.

The SILLY SYMPHONIES, which Walt Disney produced for a ten year period beginning in 1929, are among the most fascinating of all animated series. Unlike the Mickey Mouse cartoons in which action was paramount, with the Symphonies the action was made to fit the music. There was little plot in the early Symphonies, which featured lively inanimate objects and anthropomorphic plants & animals, all moving frantically to the soundtrack. Gradually, however, the Symphonies became the school where Walt's animators learned to work with color and began to experiment with plot, characterization & photographic special effects. The pages of Fable & Fairy Tale, Myth & Mother Goose were all mined to provide story lines and even Hollywood's musicals & celebrities were effectively spoofed. It was from this rich soil that Disney's feature-length animation was to spring. In 1939, with SNOW WHITE successfully behind him and PINOCCHIO & FANTASIA on the near horizon, Walt phased out the SILLY SYMPHONIES; they had run their course & served their purpose.
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Persephone....and Satan?!
planktonrules10 January 2014
"The Goddess of Spring" is evidence that even back in 1934, Disney REALLY was getting Greek mythology all wrong. So, folks who find problems with their film "Hercules", "The Goddess of Spring" shows that it would be a lot worse!

This short is SUPPOSED to be the Greek myth about the origins of winter. In the original story, Hades was very sad and lonely in the underworld since everyone else was dead (and dead women make lousy girlfriends). So, he came to the surface and kidnapped the fair Persephone. In order to get her back, an agreement was made--she would stay with Hades for three months and then return to the Earth's surface. HOWEVER, in this film (like "Hercules"), the Disney folks decide to make it Satan. And, unlike "Hercules", this guy actually LOOKS exactly like Satan (whereas Hades only ACTS like Satan in the other film).

If all this isn't bad enough, the film is STUFFED to brim with awful singing--the sort of dreadful Nelson Eddy-like songs that many cartoons had in the 1930s. All in all, despite great animation, this one is boring, nauseatingly cute and they get the story all wrong.
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The One Not Chosen
tedg12 November 2008
There may be no better example of emergence of cinematic genius than to watch this and then see "Snow White."

This is a study in human modelling, in the context of dwarfs and nature. Its after the style of the Betty Boop work that controlled expectations on the animated screen with a little bit more grace. But it still features thin figures with cartoon movements rather than human ones. It was done as a test for Snow White.

Almost nothing here was used in that later project and its a good thing. There is nothing attractive about it at all.

But I can still see a serious attempt at finding that vocabulary of movements that seems human but isn't, looks natural and warm but is abstract and seems to capture a version of womanhood without referencing sex. Its only hinted here and perfected in a way later. I'm not at all sure if we can know whether in Snow White Walt and company touched something we knew, or whether he created something that we grew into with our ideals and imagination. I believe it is the latter, which makes this experiment more interesting.

Suppose he would have stuck with what he had here. Would we have grown around it and adapted a wholly different vision of innocent perfection?

Ted's Evaluation -- 2 of 3: Has some interesting elements.
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Clever retelling of the Greek mythology.
OllieSuave-0079 June 2018
For some reason the animation in this cartoon doesn't make it appear to be a Disney Silly Symphony. Still, it's a pretty good cartoon that tells the story of the goddess Persephone, kidnapped by Hades, causing Spring to prematurely turn into Winter.

It's also a rather exciting cartoon short, as well, and a clever retelling of the Greek mythology. The narration and dialog were all beautifully sung and the characters were delightful to watch.

Grade B
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Very Lyrical and Visually Stunning
Hitchcoc17 February 2019
PiThis is obviously the story of Hades and Persephone. As the beauty of summer gives way to winter, she is forced to live underground in a sort of hell. There's more to the story, but suffice it to say that this was an explanation for the change of seasons. Spring is a beautiful young woman and Hades is the stereotypical devil (not really the Greek entity). His operatic voice is stunning and his pleasing must be fore eternity. She is always going tor return.
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A beautifully animated Silly Symphony
ja_kitty_7112 March 2009
This is a beautifully animated operatic Silly Symphony, and I love it. The Persephone myth provided the basis for this animated production, showcasing the emergence of the seasonal cycle. I studied world mythology as a hobby. Beside the animation, I also love the use of two different kinds of music for the two different worlds: classical for the upper world and jazz (in the influence of Cab Calloway) for Hell.

You know, I had learned that this cartoon was also the first attempt by the Disney animators to animate'realistic' human figures in preparation for Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. The animators faithfully translated Albert Hurter's proposed character poses and gestures into their realized designs. After realizing that a greater knowledge of anatomy was required in order to produce believable human animation, Disney hired Don Graham, who held anatomy classes to prepare the animators.

So anyway, I really love this Silly Symphony cartoon.
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"Instead of Eternal Spring..."
Foreverisacastironmess1237 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
When I first watched this I was a bit taken aback by very melodramatic grand opera tone and style of it, and I found that and the whole cutesyness overload of the Goddess' kingdom to be cheesy and just an itty bitty bit too much.. I mean, it is a very easy short to laugh at, I can't help but chuckle every time I hear that dashing Devil in a red leotard sing in his bizarre soprano! Ah, but all that stuff's just part of the whimsical, old world fantasy charm of it. And I personally don't think a few inconsistencies in the rendition of the legendary tale of these characters really negatively affects the short too much. Anyway, it's really grown on me since, and it's probably one of my favourite "Silly Symphonies" now, and it's certainly one of the most outlandish and visually interesting ones, as is its story and place as an important stepping stone in the evolution of the Disney animation process that would eventually culminate in the classic "Snow White." The story of this, for what it is, is sweet and engaging enough in its quaint, lulling and ~very~ melodious way! It's all about Persephone - she's the Goddess of Spring, and she's having a ball of a great time in her perfectly harmonious realm of bountiful nature, basking in the adoration of all the surrounding happy flora and fauna that merrily bounds about her! And everything's cool until the red hot demon Himself emerges from the fiery underworld to abduct her and drag her back to Hell to make her his queen!!! A good way to describe the look of Persephone as she willows around would probably be that she almost, looks kinda boneless, and her arms look almost like bird wings. The overall effect might be eerie if her strange motions weren't nevertheless very serene and soothing to watch. And her face at least was perfectly done and expressive. To me, regardless of the imperfections in her design, she still cuts a very striking figure of fragile beauty and grace... And, in stark contrast to her, was the Devil who's bodily proportions and movements were far more realistic - only it was *his* head that looked weird and out of place! The resulting blast of thunder and brimstone when he erupts from the ground on his hellevator(ha-ha) reminded me of the cool effects later used in "Sleeping Beauty" when Malificent transforms into the dragon. Also, her little minions in that movie are very similar to the Devil's imps you see in this! Really amazing animation throughout the whole Hades sequence. I just know I've seen a couple of them backgrounds before in the earlier "Hell's Bells" Symphony. The fire looked so good! I love the infernal, moody animation of the flames as the hue changes from green to deep red to blue. And the jazzy tune was more like something you'd find in one of the more 'out there' Fleisher offerings! The Devil wasn't much of one if you ask me, he wasn't even all that mean! He'd rather let the Goddess go free for half the year then see her miserable. I guess the thing I like the most about this short is the novel concept it offers regarding why the seasons exist, I really thought that was quite the awesome little idea. It's not perfect, but overall I now see this as a most wonderful animation indeed...
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