Lucky Devils (1933) Poster


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A good stuntman makes a bad husband, and a good husband makes a bad stuntman
kevinolzak1 October 2015
1933's "Lucky Devils" is an often fascinating look at Hollywood stuntmen and the dangerous feats they perform anonymously for the benefit of cinema-goers around the world. Not long before Hopalong Cassidy, William Boyd toplines as the leader of the close knit group, Skipper Clark, with others portrayed by William Gargan, Bruce Cabot, Creighton Chaney (Lon Jr.), William Bakewell, and real life stuntman Robert Rose, who co-wrote the screen story. A breakneck pace is established right off the bat, with a daring daylight bank robbery that turns out to be a frenetic scene being filmed for a picture titled "Right Living," bullets and bodies flying all over the lot. Skipper's oft repeated phrase to his comrades involves any daredevil who loses his edge by marrying a dame: "a good stuntman makes a bad husband, and a good husband makes a bad stuntman." The picture veers toward predictability when Skipper himself falls for an attempted suicide whose life he'd saved, after which he does indeed lose his nerve on a swinging rope above a burning building, resulting in a near fatal fall for his buddy (William Gargan). All does end happily for husband and wife, a breathless rush back to LA buttressed by several clearly dangerous driving stunts just in case the audience hungers for more! The good outweighs the bad overall, and among the cast is a young Lon Chaney Jr., still using his real name in only his second RKO feature. As stuntman Frankie Wilde, he is always seen with the other group members, introduced right behind William Gargan during the opening scene. It's a decent role providing much screen time, if little dialogue, though he does get a laugh when fellow performer Roscoe Ates stammers through a toast on the upcoming marriage of one of their own with 'long life and prosperity,' Chaney interrupting his stuttering with 'progeny' in place of 'prosperity' (the New York Times reviewer noticed the novice newcomer: "Creighton Chaney figures in a minor role"). I wasn't able to spot Ward Bond among the on screen crewmen, but gorgeous Marion Byron can be seen virtually playing herself, a sexy flapper named Peanuts (her actual nickname).
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Fun but quite shocking--even by today's standards!
planktonrules17 September 2007
The first five minutes of this film will quickly convince you that this is definitely a "Pre-Code" movie--a film so named because it was made just before the Hays Production Code was fully enforced--putting a stop to excessive violence, sexuality and "adult themes". Just a year later, a film as amazingly violent as this one never would have been allowed. That's because this portion of the movie features a bank robbery scene that is at least as violent as the ones in BONNIE AND CLYDE--which was made over three decades later. Blood is flying, customers are being splattered and hundreds of bullets fly. This is not the only extremely violent moment in the film, as later you see a man fall into a burning building and it's very shocking indeed.

The film is not really about bank robberies, though, but is about the rough and dangerous world of the movie stuntman. In the 1920s, some Hollywood producers were pretty cavalier about risking the lives of their stunt men, though how unnecessarily lives are tossed away in this film seems silly--but also very entertaining.

The main character in this film is William Boyd (later known as "Hopalong Cassidy") and once he marries, his new bride is convinced he'll be killed. Judging by the movie so far, this isn't surprising! I could tell you more about the plot but don't want to ruin it. The film is very exciting to watch and the violence is shocking but also intriguing because it was so extreme. A good film but certainly not an intellectual or deep film.

PS--Look carefully at the beginning and you'll see a White guy in black face--something that's shocking when seen today.
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compelling stunt work
SnoopyStyle13 July 2023
Movie stuntmen are a tight group. They are skirt-chasers, but marriage is the death of their work. Wives would never let their men be stuntmen and a wedding tends to wreck their daredevil ways. Skipper Clark (William Boyd) and Bob Hughes (William Gargan) grab Fran Whitley (Dorothy Wilson) before she jumps off the balcony to her death. She falls for Skipper and they get married.

This is a pre-Code drama. The story is fine although I'm not really sold on the premise. At least, stunt people are not this way today A love triangle would be a more compelling story. The most compelling parts of this movie are the stunts. They are quite exciting and are great examples of early stunt work. Maybe one can fast forward to those sections.
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About Hollywood Stunt Men
Connie P.10 February 2002
A fun romp, Starring William Boyd, (best known as Hopalong Cassidy)about a group of Hollywood stunt men. The story by Bob Rose and Casey Robinson, two of the top stunt men of the era, follows the men through the up and downs of the stunt world in early films. Complete with a rousing song,sung several times in the film, about the trials and tribulations of the Hollywood stunt man, not unlike the "Fall Guy" theme. You get a glimpse of "state of the art" stunts of that time and it ends with William Boyd using all of his "stunt" skills to race from Big Bear back to Hollywood to make the birth of his child. It's fun, and gives a good look at old Hollywood as it plays as the backdrop for the story. Just a look at the size of the palm trees lets you know just how long ago this took place. Enjoy!
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One risky profession
bkoganbing14 May 2020
Lucky Devils is the story of William Boyd and William Gargan and a fraternity of men in the same profession. While watching this film these guys had the same devil may care attitude that flyers have. I could have been watching Dawn Patrol.

One thing Boyd says though, no marriages, no attachment to women of any kind because you lose your edge and nerve. Then of course he falls for Rose Wilson and when they expect a third one, Boyd has to start concerning himself with family.

If this film had been made at MGM instead of RKO this would have been perfect for Clark Gable. No criticism of Boyd who did a lot of these action films before becoming Hopalong Cassidy.

Lucky Devils hlds u well. I couldsee a remake with Matt Damon and Brad Pitt.
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Worth a look
gbill-7487719 July 2022
An early film glorifying the role of stuntmen in early Hollywood, characterizing them as brave daredevils who look at the possibility of dying with a smile and great stoicism. There are some scenes here that are indeed quite hazardous, including falls down stairs, swinging over to a burning building, boating down some seriously churning whitewater rapids, and various car crashes. They don't rise to the level of the best stuntwork from the period, but the ones towards the end are at least worth checking out, if you're getting bored during the rather dull middle part of this film.

In 'Stunt: The Story of the Great Movie Stunt Men' (1974), John Baxter lists 55 deaths in California film productions over the years 1925-30, and fans of old films have undoubtedly come across many a scene that looked truly harrowing to make. It's just interesting to me that no one questioned the ethics of filmmakers to put people at such risk, even if the stuntmen involved were willing, and it's certainly not questioned here. Instead, this comes across as a propaganda piece for Hollywood, and annoyingly, it's women who take the blame for accidents involving stuntmen more than once. Relationships should be avoided because they make stuntmen lose their edge, you see, and it's "bad luck" to have one's wife on the set. In one scene, a woman literally distracts her husband while he's trying to perform a dangerous stunt, causing him to fail and another man to die.

The other issue is the flimsy story draped around the stunts. A bottle breaking is an omen for a stuntman dying, and sure enough, it happens. A newcomer is initiated by pouring water through a funnel and down his pants, which humorously enough I had just seen in another film, 'The First Auto' (1927). A woman attempts suicide but after being saved by a couple of guys, is all smiles with them shortly thereafter. A love triangle develops but there are no hard feelings, just smiles. The film wants to make us feel there is danger all around - in the stunts, the pregnant woman not getting proper medical care, and there not being other work because of the Depression - but tonally it needed to be darker to accomplish this. It's worth a look, but guard your expectations.
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Action packed "B" Programer with stunning stunts.
mark.waltz25 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Opening on a horrifying bank robbery with clichéd dialog and much more violence than "Scarface", this second feature gets your attention right away and never lets go. The story of the risks taken every day by Hollywood stunt men and their women who worry makes for riveting drama. The superstitions of their craft leads to paranoia and a few tragedies. A fire sequence on a movie set is horrifying. In a way, the film has a serial feeling towards it. Stars Bill Boyd and Dorothy Wilson are fine, but stuttering Roscoe Ates is utterly obnoxious, first seen in blackface for no real reason. Fortunately, he is off screen for the second half of the movie. The film concludes with a fast paced car chase sequence that requires real skill from the film's real stunt men whom the script honors.
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An edge of your seat action film starring Bill Boyd...
AlsExGal17 November 2019
... before he left modern dress roles forever and became Hopalong Cassidy for the long term.

The film starts with an extremely violent bank robbing scene. Men armed with automatic weapons storm the bank from the doors and the glass ceiling in broad daylight. Anybody, customer or employee, who even looks the wrong way gets filled full of lead. An operator trying to reach the police is punched in the face and is thrown down the stairs. Then the police arrive and a director yells "CUT". You've been watching stuntmen do their stuff including the telephone operator! Have I got your attention?

The rest of the film is about Hollywood stuntmen and the fact that they are "lucky devils" to be alive at the end of each work day. There was no Osha or workman's comp, or class action lawsuits in 1932. You die in a stunt, too bad for you. But while you are alive the pay is good, and the more dangerous the stunt the better the pay.

So obviously some superstitions grow up around such men who are always in danger. If a bottle breaks, then some stuntman is going to "get it". And by "It" I don't mean an Academy award. And there is the slogan of the business that "A good stuntman makes a bad husband and a good husband makes a bad stuntman". And if a good husband becomes a bad enough stuntman that he dies on the job, the wife is left broke. So Boyd's character is never going to get the marriage bug. But then he meets her - a starving unemployed girl he saves from suicide, and his motto goes down the tubes. How will this work out? Watch and find out.

This is not your typical precode. There is no extra or premarital sex going on. The things in this film that the code would stomp out in 1934 is all of the violence and dangerous stunts and probably even the suicide attempt by the jobless desperate starving girl. And then there is a police chase scene in which the police are outsmarted. That would be gone during the production code era too.

Things to look out for? For one, note that the script writer is a woman, sitting right next to the director on the set, editing on the fly. Ask Frances Marion how that career worked out for women after about 1935 when the suits began to realize they had made it through the talkies and the worst of the depression and could jettison women in important jobs behind the camera. Also, look out for a very young Lon Chaney Jr. among the stuntmen almost a decade before he becomes The Wolfman.

Highly recommended.
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Fun Stuff
Michael_Elliott27 February 2008
Lucky Devils (1933)

** 1/2 (out of 4)

Last month I watched a short called Thrills for Spills, which focused on stunt players in movies and this film here features one intense stunt, which was featured in that short. This RKO film, based on stories by two real-life stuntmen, stars William Boyd as the leader of a group of stuntmen who always tells his men not to fall in love because this will get them killed in their stunts because their minds will be on their wife and not the job. Boys eventually falls for a woman (Dorothy Wilson) who never makes it in Hollywood and his love for her costs a stunt to go horribly wrong. Soon Boyd is without a job and when his wife needs $100 to get into a hospital he must try one of the most dangerous stunts out there for the money. This film is pretty silly but it moves incredibly well in its short 64-minute running time. Boyd is very energetic in his role and the supporting cast is just as impressive. Bruce Cabot and Lon Chaney, Jr. (still using his real name Creighton) plays two of the stuntmen and it's always nice seeing them in these types of roles. Roscoe Ates, the stutterer in Freaks, has a role here as well, which requires him to be humiliated throughout. The stunt scenes are all very well done and it's nice seeing a movie taking a look at these men who never get enough credit.
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The Hazards of the Game!!!
kidboots15 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
There is a robbery taking place at the First Street Bank - robbers have broken the skylight and are descending via the chandeliers, a telephonist is thrown down the stairs, a teller is shot for sounding the alarm - very powerful stuff, too bad it is only a scene from a movie!!! The men who make it exciting are the stunt men, although they don't get much praise from anyone except the giddy fans (sweet Rochelle Hudson plays one). The cardinal rule for being a stunt man is they should not be married, once they are, as Skipper Clark (Bill Boyd) says "they are always thinking of the little woman" and that's when accidents happen. When Slugger (William Bakewell) accidentally breaks a bottle, that is a sobering wake up call as a broken bottle always means death to one of the fraternity. Of course now Slugger is about to marry Doris (beautiful Julie Haydon) he is now a bundle of nerves and bungles his driving stunt, going through a plate glass window.

Skipper and Bob (William Gargan) are going through their own romantic woes - both are in love with the same girl, Fran (Dorothy Wilson) who they both rescued from a suicide attempt. Skipper, being the star, wins Fran but after their honeymoon (he has conveniently waived the "no marriage" rule) nerves get to him and he mistimes a stunt that sees Bob go to hospital.

This is just a terrific little movie that packs so much action into it's 62 minutes, more than most films twice its length. Also it's one of the very few films that turn the attention to the unsung heroes of the action movie, the stunt men and the hazards of their working life!!

Even though the burns are superficial Skipper feels responsible and quits but finds the real world tough and jobless and it is back with his "reel" crew that he finally finds work as a road digger. When the director offers $100 to anyone who can pull off a hazardous stunt involving a dinghy going over what looks like Niagara Falls, Skipper's nerve returns along with his good standing.

Dorothy Wilson proved once again what a talented young actress she was and that talent isn't always found on the stage or in acting schools. She was director Gregory La Cava's stenographer and was given a well publicized movie contract when the director was looking for new talent for his movie "The Age of Consent". William Boyd, at this time, just before he found fame and fortune as Hopalong Cassidy, was trying to rebuild his career after he had been wrongly identified as the actor William "Stage" Boyd who had been arrested for attending a very wild party.
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jbacks311 October 2002
This is one of the most energetic of the non-Hoppy entries in Boyd's film resume. Here he's Skipper Clark, the nominal head of a group of Hollywood stunt men called, what else, THE LUCKY DEVILS... a bunch of hard drinking, womanizing guys who are full of superstitions. The #1 rule is a married guy can't be a stunt man, which is proven by the death of one of the newly married guys. Enter a beautiful-yet- despondent Dorothy Wilson, easily the best performer in the movie, who threatens the Devil's dynamic. I don't want to give away the plot, but the real interest is the behind the scenes look at early sound movie making. There's several extensive scenes (including a great opener) involving stunt work... many outdoors (along with some obvious rear projection stuff). Lots of talk about safety but you won't see anyone practicing it. Bruce Cabot's seen here as a stunt man, but it he's wallpaper, seemingly saving his voice for his part in then-in-production KING KONG... Creighton (Lon Jr.) Chaney looks 20 years younger than he would just 8 years later in THE WOLF MAN. Enjoy it and add up the felonies Boyd commits in the last 5 minutes of the movie...
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