Not what I expected
17 May 2024
I didn't like this as much as I thought I would. My expectations were pretty high because aside from the fact it's highly praised, a friend of mine also went out of their way to recommend it to me. So I was like damn, it must be something. I think I might have enjoyed better without all the recommendations.

I didn't find many of the male characters likable or as laughable as some seemed to be portrayed. This meant that for a large part of the movie, I wasn't really rooting for any companionship. However, I loved the scene where the mother chases Elizabeth down; I thought it was funny.

In general, I wasn't very invested in any of the characters. They were pretty typical, which made the movie predictable. You could easily tell which characters were going to end up together. Even though I hadn't read the book, I found it all pretty predictable. Rosamund Pike is usually praised for playing intimidating characters like in "Gone Girl" or "I Care a Lot" or less famously in "Wheel of Time", and there's always someone talking about how we just haven't seen enough of her movies because she also plays really wholesome characters, with Pride & Prejudice often mentioned. So, I was expecting her character to be radiant and scene-stealing, like a beam of sunshine, but that wasn't the case. I thought all the characters were just alright.

The premise is similar to other period pieces of the time: lots of talk about who's going to marry whom and inherit what, whether to marry for love or out of need, and the limited prospects for women if they remained unmarried.

I liked that the title made sense, Pride and Prejudice. The movie explores the themes you'd expect from any movie or series set in that time-society governed by class structures and social laws. Like, I liked the movie, but I thought I was going to see something special and different.

I probably would've liked it better if I hadn't watched several period dramas beforehand, especially those made after Pride & Prejudice. Maybe it's similar to watching a really old sci-fi movie or drug lord movie from the 80s and not seeing what's so special about it because I've watched more modern movies that took inspiration from them, so the originals don't feel as special/unique.

I'm guessing this is going to be a really unpopular opinion. I really thought I'd like it better and that it would feel special. It was alright, but it didn't live up to the praise I'd heard. It just felt like another period romance drama.
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