Newton's Law (2017)
Unexpectedly good.
16 May 2024
How in the world did this little gem only get one season?

Newton's Law has good acting and engaging story lines. The characters are all interesting and not two dimensional; the writing allows the characters growth, which you don't see often enough in comedy/dramas. Throughout the episodes you learn of their back stories gradually, and find yourself rooting for them to succeed, or fail. The slimy crooks and lawyers aren't all bad and the good people have flaws, just like real people.

The episodeal subject matters are a mixture of ever changing inter office relationships and criminal cases that were sometimes reminiscent of stories from the papers. There was drama, zaniness and touching moments that sometimes left a little ache.

Newton's Law wove an engaging story that made me want to follow along just to watch the characters evolve and adapt.

One season was not enough, I didn't want it to end just yet.
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