This time, Mc Laglen is closer to Sam Peckinpah than John Ford
15 May 2024
Andrew McLaglen, Victor McLaglen's son, was closer to John Ford's cinema, atmosphere, topics than any other director. His father was also a close friend to the Irish born film maker. Watch out for any of his movies, McLaglen brought his personal touch - if there is one - but was mostly under influence of the master Ford. He was not that fond of comedy - unlike a director like Burt Kennedy, another director who, in the sixties and seventies, was also a bit close to Ford's DNA - but till the early seventies, Andrew McLaglen's westerns - because he mostly directed westerns - were in the fifties fashion, plots and way of filming. But this very one: THE LAST HARD MEN, Mc Laglen is definitely closer to Sam Peckinpah's spirit, soul, gritty, bloody, brutal, tough atmosphere. And after all Chuck - MAJOR DUNDEE- HESTON - and James - PAT GARRET AND BILLY THE KID, CROSS OF IRON - presences are the most obvious tribute to Sam Peckinpah. My favourite from Andrew McLaglen, far in front of the other je gave us, only agreeable action providers, all more predictable one than the other.
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