Better Than Expected
13 May 2024
Interview with the Vampire was actually even better than I was expecting. It's based on Anne Rice's popular novel about a family of vampires through the years. This is made with mostly unknown actors who all do a great job in their roles. There was also a popular movie about this made in 1994 with Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt and Kirsten Dunst. Obviously most people will compare the two and even though I liked the movie a little more this more than holds up and stands in its own. I never read the books but I've read that this show is a lot closer to it than the movie was. You can tell they try to respect the source material as much as possible and even had Anne Rice help create the show and have her on as an executive producer before her death last year. After reading through the reviews I'm glad that most people seem to agree with me that this is a good show.
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