Gibson And Hawn Charisma Elevates Comedy Thriller
13 May 2024
Bird On A Wire is a film i have seen many times throughout the years. Starring prime Mel Gibson and Goldie Hawn it is an action comedy which provides an easy watch. Gibson plays Rick Jarmin a character who is in witness protection due to giving testimony against drug smugglers David Carradine and Bill Duke. His cover is blown when his ex Goldie Hawn accidently stumbles across him and the rest of the film involves them on the run. The interaction and chemistry between Gibson and Hawn is fantastic and at times elevates the routine script to a higher plain. Action scenes come thick and fast but to be honest are serviceable at best. Carradine and Duke feel a little wasted and there characters truthfully could do with more screen time but they make the most of the limited time they get. The end act at the zoo goes on too long and doesn't feel as clever as i think the director thought it was. Gripes aside though, Bird On A Wire is a huge amount of fun. It moves along at a brisk pace and Goldie Hawn is on top comedic form. I always enjoy watching this film, it is enjoyable and doesn't tax the brain too much. I would go as far as saying this film is the perfect Sunday afternoon film. Of course Bird On A Wire has long been forgotten but if you do get a chance to see the film on any format i can highly recommend it.
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