Battle for Benny
29 April 2024
Stop me if you've heard this one before:

A man gets out of prison. He wants to go straight, but he can't because of his record, so he returns to a life of crime.

That's what Benny Horowitz's story was shaping up to be. Benny (Franchot Tone) was recently released from prison after a five year stretch. He went right back to his old neighborhood where he was sure to run into his old crew. The only thing that was going to keep him from being a recidivist was his mother (played by May Robson) and perhaps a caring friend named Bertha (Karen Morley). He wanted to go straight for his sake and his mother's sake, but there were many forces trying to pull him back into street life. Among them were Monk, who was played by Jack La Rue, the perennial gangster and thug. I bet Jack La Rue played a gangster in half or more of his roles--especially in the early-thirties. Also trying to bring Benny down was his old girlfriend Shirley (Gladys George). She was a real piece of work.

I liked "Straight is the Way." It didn't go really deep into the troubles of being an ex-con, but you got the idea. It was a solid enough story with decent enough performances.

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