Fallout (2024– )
Fallout is like a 1950s canned soup: All the ingredients are there, but the result is bland and boring
20 April 2024
Fallout has all the makings of a great show. It has a talented cast, a big budget, and a team of experienced writers and producers. But somehow, the show manages to be both boring and forgettable.

The problem is that Fallout is all style and no substance. The characters are all one-dimensional stereotypes, and the plot is predictable and cliched. The show also suffers from a serious case of tonal whiplash, veering wildly from comedy to drama to action without any real sense of cohesion.

As a result, Fallout is a show that is easy to watch but difficult to care about. You might find yourself watching an episode and then immediately forgetting everything that happened. It's the kind of show that you'll never binge-watch or even rewatch.

It's a shame that Fallout is such a disappointment. With all the talent and resources behind it, it should have been a lot better. But instead, it's just another forgettable entry in the ever-growing sea of TV shows.
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