Ex Machina (2014)
15 April 2024
I saw this when it was re-released in theaters not too long ago. Surprisingly, I didn't know it was pronounced "makina" instead of "machine-ahh" lol. I expected for some bonus content on Ex Machina, but it turns out the extras were for Civil War, which is still exciting. However, I was a tad bit upset because I prefer going into new movies with a blank slate, avoiding spoilers or trailers.

Knew I'd be pretty exhausted going into the screening since I'd spent all day in the hospital that day. Originally, I planned to watch it later, but the screening was limited to just one day. The theater wasn't packed, but there were a lot more people than I expected.

It has Cartoonish edits at the start, and it didn't seem tailored for IMAX. However, it did a great job of building tension, especially during moments when the power went out. I loved the Oppenheimer quote, I didn't remember it being used. The actors were good. Ex Machina is essentially a character study, delving into not just the robot Ava but also her creator and programmer. It delves into what it means to be human, a theme that resonates throughout. The film raises thought-provoking questions about consciousness and how our preconceptions about it can lead us astray. I especially enjoyed the ending for that reason; I didn't see it coming.

In some ways it's predictable, but the final resolution kept me guessing. I had a feeling Nathan wouldn't have things go his way, but what unfolded afterward wasn't as straight forward as I thought. Even though I'd seen it before, I couldn't recall all the details, which made for a refreshing viewing experience. Ex Machina also brought to mind "Morgan (2016)," although I admittedly don't remember that film very well either. While Ex Machina may not be the most groundbreaking sci-fi movie I've ever seen, upon rewatching it, I see why it didn't stick vividly in my memory, but I still found it enjoyable.
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