13 April 2024
Directed by Ned Benson and starring Lucy Boynton, David Corenswet and Justin H. Min.


Young Harriet discovers that art imitates life when she discovers that certain songs can literally transport her back in time. But as she relives the past through the romantic memories of her old boyfriend, her time travel collides with a new romantic adventure in her present. And so, on her journey through the hypnotic connection between music and memory, Harriet wonders if, even if she could change the past, she should.

The new romantic drama that Fox Searchlight brings us has interesting things that make you stay hooked on its story and at the same time it also has other moments where everything that makes the film not completely complete does not end up meshing. A love story about destiny and being connected that is mixed with science fiction overtones that allow the film to have various angles to engage you as a viewer, although that mix does not end up being completely well achieved.

It's not that it is a bad film, on the contrary, it is quite pleasant and can be seen without major difficulties, but its defects are felt in the shallowness of its characters, which prevents us from connecting in a unique way with its protagonists. . The interpretations of Lucy Boynton, David Corenswet and Justin H. Min are correct and do their best to give life to their characters who unfortunately lack a bit of deeper personality, it is a trio of characters that superficially fulfills, but does not satisfy to give more consistency to the story, even if there is chemistry between everyone.

A direction in line with what his script proposes, which has no greater ambitions than to give us a romantic drama to satisfy the most fans of the genre and perhaps also give a small tribute to those songs that always end up marking our lives.

A story that takes us through true love, loss, overcoming and renewal, a story that builds a journey to melancholy about the price of nostalgia. Also saying that we find an abuse of sentimentalism and little reflection, but it is also its most powerful weapon because it will make two audiences automatically connect with what those who enjoy music and those who will feel identified with those painful breakups are seeing. Loving.
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