Tape (I) (2020)
A question of intelligence and priorities
11 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I've seen several F rated movies recently, and have some observations about them. Most have the same destination. Men are scum, and either fool, or force women into doing things that they would not normally do, or that they don't like to do. This movie's intent was obvious...to call attention to the way that some men abuse women. These women were taken in by a desire, or dream, or a need of being famous, or socially popular. They were all over 18, and signed waivers stating that the films that would appear in was of their own volition, and that they were not coerced, drugged, or drunk. At what age, or what point do women no longer need protection from their own actions, due to their naivete? There were several women shown at the end. I do not know their ages. Would a woman of 21 have been more savvy? 25...30? At what point do men stop being responsible for women that want fame at any price? No doubt, the filmmaker, played by Tarek Bishara, is a despicable guy. No one should do what he did. I'm not defending him. But the world is full of liars, and women seem to easily fall prey to them, at every age. The world knows that young men, and older men lie to young women for sex. This is not a new story. Women seem to lack the required judgment for keeping themselves safe. It makes me question their basic intelligence. It seems that every woman has a story of abuse to tell. The women themselves say the same thing. They name names of sex offenders, and then say..."we know the names..."but nothing ever changes." Should ALL filmmakers stop making stories involving sexual situations? Should all High schools and colleges become gender segregated? As long as men and women are together, there will be instances of either accused assaults, or actual assaults. It's going to continue until human nature changes...and I don't see that happening. It's already legislated. Will we start condemning men for enjoying the sight of a woman? Thomas Otway wrote... "O woman! Lovely woman! Nature made thee To temper man: we had been brutes without you.

Angels are painted fair, to look like you: There's in you all that we believe of heaven,- Amazing brightness, purity, and truth, Eternal joy, and everlasting love." ..... Men are always going to pursue women. When women are willing to do whatever a man wants, men will continue to want it.
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