Review of Mad Max

Mad Max (2015 Video Game)
This game is crazy and its perfect
6 April 2024
If you like the mad max movies or just fury road you should at least try this game! The story gets crazy and sometimes less interesting but the gameplay is the most fun ive ever had playing a game! The explosions look so deadly but they really aren't because they are so common. The car combat becomes so easy and fun once you get the hang of it and people like to compare the hand to hand combat to the arkham games, which it was definitely inspired by yet i like it more, its more realistic and brutal and max can enter fury mode where he goes from quick punches and parries to big full force punches and will finish the combo by either drop kicking, or body slamming. The graphics stun me today (2024) with the sky looking so realistic with dense clouds and a colorful sunset, the sand (most of the map) looks so good and changes color slightly based on the time or place, out in the dunes the sun can make it look shiny yet other places it can look orange. This game is also extremely brutal as you can explode people and their body parts will go flying. And the cars are so realistic, not only how they drive but how they sound and feel. Each car has a different sound and feel to it, some feel so powerful even when you slightly tap the gas and some are just fun and or look really cool. I could go on for hours about how much of a great game this game really is, there is just so much to do, there are convoys you have to take out, camps to clear out, minefields, so so so many places to loot and more. Apparently the new furiosa movie might say something about the game as something in a earlier script said the game was canon. I honestly cant find a game where the love for it outweighs the hate so so so much, ive seen only a few bad reviews on ign and YouTube yet ive seen hundreds of good ones and im not even looking for the good ones anymore. If you even think of getting this game you seriously will not regret it as its always on sale and so so so fun, again the story wasnt going to win any awards but the gameplay should've or did!
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