Review of Mad Max

Mad Max (2015 Video Game)
The game is far from perfect, but it is not at all a bad experience.
1 April 2024
Overall rating: 7/10 As a person who enjoyed the Mad Max movies, I have to say that this is a pretty well made game based of off the movies. The game is far from perfect, but it is not at all a bad experience.

  • The wasteland map is pretty well done - every scrotus camp, scavenging location and even region mostly feels unique so that you can easily tell a difference that you are somewhere else.

  • The story is... okay, I would say. The pacing seems a little bit off and the way that Max acts/speaks during cutscenes seems comical to me.

  • Car combat is one of the best parts of this game. There are a bunch of different ways that you can approach attacking enemies with your car. Though as the game went on, I just stuck with using the thunderpoons to blow up the cars as it was easier and faster.

  • Hand-to-hand combat is decent but it just felt a bit off sometimes. The controls felt inconsistent at times, for example, while fighting someone, you can do a certain move on them which is also indicated with a prompt above that enemy and when trying to use that move with the shown key, it either didn't want to do the attack or was very delayed so I had to spam the key until I got the attack to go through (even with the spamming, the moves did not go off some times).

  • The Top Dog boss fights were just copy-pasted as the enemies had no difference except for their look. They were interesting but not as exciting as they could have been.

  • Some tasks that you could do around the world felt a little bit pointles, for example, dragging out a car wreck from the sand as it just gave you such a small ammount of scrap. Same goes for the scavenging locations - they just feel like they dont give you enough to go to them and the rewards don't scale. For the last car upgrades, the 20-60 scrap for one location compared to a 2000 or 4000 scrap upgrade seems like nothing.

  • I also encountered a few bugs that broke my emersion while playing. One of them was that some pop-ups were not showing anymore, for example, for completing a scavenging location or lowering threat in a region. I could not figure out what was the cause for this to avoid it. A few times I also had the sound breaking where some of the sounds just did not play. For example, hitting sounds did not play but the grunting or yelling from enemies played. These bugs were fixable by going to main menu and going back in game.

All in all it's a nice game, that is flawed but good at the same time, to play through once as it has very little replayability. But I have to say that it succeeded at making you feel like you're in the Mad Max movie post-apocalyptic world.
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