A feel good female empowerment film, but based on a true story
31 March 2024
The Colour Room follows the journey of a determined, working class woman, Clarice Cliff, as she breaks the glass ceiling and revolutionises the workplace in the 20th century.

Like many I was unsure what to expect from this film, but after soaking it up in one sitting I can say I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Pheobe Dynevor is the perfect, pretty-young-bright thing to carry off the part of Clarice Cliff and she exudes energy and positivity on the screen. She appears to be a model for aspiring women and certainly that's how she comes across when you read her life story.

I am so glad that they did not pursue a raunchy love affair between Colley Shorter (played by Matthew Goode) and Clarice Cliff. Because this would have cheapened the story which is not about sex. It's about self belief, perseverance, not being told when to stop and not giving up.

Whether you are a woman or not you can still take away from this film the positive vibes and the decision making that propels some people to greatness.

I loved this film and gave this a solid 6.
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