An insightful American classic
26 March 2024
One of the most talked about American documentaries of all time, Barbara Kopple's Oscar winning Harlan County U. S. A. Is a fascinating insight into not only the titular lands of its title but a mesmerising snapshot of a time and place in American history as well as the mining industry in the period of the mid-late 1970s.

A documentary that avoids plonking down talking heads to talk us through situations or characters, Kopple lets Harlan County talk for itself as the residents of the lower class community of the county battle a nefarious mining corporation that appears hellbent on nothing but the bottom line, leading to a multi-year battle that Kopple was lucky enough to be a fly on the wall to as mayhem, murder and battle of wills take flight.

One of those stories that would appear to be conjured up from someone's imagination, Harlan County is almost unbelievable in the amount of ground it covers across its 100 minute runtime with a collection of larger than life characters, situations and imagery all combining to create a special feature that has remained relevant these many years on from initial release, even arguably becoming more relevant as time wears on as a reminder of the human toll to these men vs corporation battles.

With more thrills, surprises and heart than many Hollywoodized accounts of such topics that lay at the heart of Harlan County, Kopple's film is that rare type of ageless entity that will likely remain prominent in movie history for many years yet.

With Harlan County the place getting noticed in recent times thanks to well-liked TV series Justified, there's unarguably nothing better out there than this award winning feature that gives people an insight into the harsh realities of what is a part of the American dream. A place where the little people are trodden over and lawlessness seems to be commonplace, there's not many places like the Kentucky bound wilds of Harlan County.

Encapsulating a key time and place in American history, documenting the power of the little people and entertaining from start to finish, Harlan County U. S. A. Has to be regarded as one of the most iconic feature documentaries of all time that feels ahead of its time and perfectly of its time all at the same time.

Final Say -

The quintessential exploration of Harlan County, Barbara Kopple's renowned classic is well-worth tracking down with her memorable film still offering up a powerful and insightful experience that is entirely unique.

4 1/2 road-blocks out of 5.

Jordan and Eddie (The Movie Guys)
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