A future star
25 March 2024
One of my sci-fi/horror/fantasy reviews written 50 years ago: Directed and Produced by Del Tenney; Released by 20th Century-Fox. Screenplay by Del Tenney; Dialogue by Alan Bodian; Photography and Production Design by Richard Hilliard; Edited by Jack Hirschfeld and Gary Youngman; Edited by George Burt and Bill Holcomb. Starring Roy Scheider, Helen Waren, Margot Hartman, Robert Milli, Linda Donovan, Hugh Franklin and Candace Hilligoss.

A 1960s costume horror flick concerning the systematic decimation of the beneficiaries of a millionaire's will by the presumably still-living stiff. Cheaply executed b good, wasted performances by a cast of unknowns (of whom Roy Scheider would achieve stardom a decade later), but the premise remains a dead one, overused many moons ago. Surprisingly interesting photography, and notable for the meticulous use of just over the borderline nudity.
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