Michael Jai White is god but this movie does nothing for him
25 March 2024
(2015) Chain of Command/ Echo Effect ACTION THRILLER.

Co written and directed by Kevin Carraway that has James/ Jimmy Webster (Michael Jai White) celebrating his homecoming from duty with his older brother, Walter/ Walt Webster (Ken Early) and with friends. During this moment that should be a celebration, James notices his brother is having some problems while talking on his phone and tries to involve himself in his brother's affairs without success. On the following morning, he is then informed that his brother is dead. And after retrieving some of his brothers items, each one of his military friends either ends up murdered or discovered dead. And James goes on an investigation rant leaving him with the only clue of the name, Bill O'Brien (Carter Bratton). Meanwhile, a former special ops himself, Ray Peters (Steve Austin) going on a pursuit and is apparently part of a group of thugs/ syndicate involve in the shipping of narcotics from overseas. Part of a military ops group that also includes,supposedly one of Walt or Jimmy's friends, LT Bob Ross (Max Ryan) working for the main boss, Ted Bomber (Ken Strunk) all involved in the recovery of 40 million dollars that was stolen from them. Viewers also discover the man who did most of the murders that also includes James brother, Walt we find out is an agent, Hammond (Charles Page).

All this is, in terms of plot device is the less than equivalent of "Lethal Weapon" that involves special ops going rogue to start up their won criminal syndicate with the only difference is that it involves the recovery of millions of dollars. Upon watching this film sometimes appears that it was made on a whim. The investigator involve in the case of solving James murder is almost worthless or non existent.
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