25 March 2024
Scrolling through Prime for something to watch and came across "This Is Me... Now: A Love Story by J-Lo. I went in with an open mind; not having read any reviews, so had no preconceptions.

It started off OK, pretty visuals, but I quickly realised (within the first 10 minutes or so) that this was some cringe-worthy, self-indulgent, vanity project (thank goodness for the fast forward button!!!)

I did press 'play' at regular intervals to see if (by some miracle) things had improved, but no... my time & intellect was wasting away with each passing minute!!!! ...Dramatic? Nope; it really was THAT bad!!! In addition, I felt nothing but second-hand embarrassment for her as she danced her way through each mind-numbing scene (not to mention the God-awful soundtrack!)

I mean,who actually advised her that this project was a good thing to do? ...must have been the same people who advised Beyonce that her "Black Is King" garbage was a good idea 🙄

If I had to describe this 'film' in 3 words, it would be: Egotistical. Tedious. Cringe-worthy.
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