New Meets Old
24 March 2024
Star Trek Generations was the first film with the Next Generation crew. It attempts a handover of the baton from the original crew by integrating Kirk, Scotty and Chekov into the storyline. The film also stars Patrick Stewart, Whoopi Goldberg, Malcolm Mcdowell along with the Next Generation regulars. No one gives a bad performance, Stewart is his usual assured self but the problem here is the script. Simply put, the storyline is trying to do too much and integrate too many threads ultimately ending up hinting at good ideas but never achieving them as no one idea is given enough time to develop. The idea of two captains from different generations working together is a good one but in truth probably only gets 10 minutes of time out of the 2 hour runtime. Star Trek Generations for me is the weakest Trek movie since the Motion Picture, the biggest disappointment being that this film just feels like wasted potential.
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