A Hilarious and Heartfelt Coming-of-Age Tale
11 March 2024
A coming-of-age story with a punk rock twist. Beanie Feldstein shines as Johanna, an awkward and insecure 16-year-old yearning for a life beyond her small town. The film follows her journey of self-invention as she creates the persona of Dolly Wilde, a sharp-tongued music journalist, to land a job at a cool magazine.

In this engrossing portrayal, Feldstein adeptly captures the awkwardness and emotional turbulence of puberty. Her metamorphosis into the flashy Dolly is a funny and realistic portrayal of the extent teens would go to in order to fit in. The humor in the movie is clever and cutting edge, with a good dash of British charm. The script by Caitlin Moran, which is based on her own book, tackles themes of female empowerment, self-discovery, and the intricacies of family dynamics. It offers a remarkably honest viewpoint on the teenage experience.

The movie's plot may take some fanciful turns, especially when it comes to Johanna's quick ascent to fame in the field of music journalism, but it never strays from its main point. "How to Build a Girl" is fundamentally a celebration of uniqueness and discovering your voice, even if doing so necessitates taking on an entirely new identity.
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