Enjoyable but not the masterpiece people gush about.
8 March 2024
Saw the Dune ² film today.

Really enjoyed it and it had some good visuals.

Well worth seeing and I look forward to the inevitable pt3. But...... Disappointed the new films didn't utilise the Bene Gesserit 'Weirding Way' power, so no weaponised modules. 😢 the 'voice' is still used though of course.

I'm all for diversity. And given the books mirror on the worlds religions and politics this was fitting to have all cultures involved. But was there a need to gender swop as well as race swop a character? 🤔

It's a great sci fi film but it's not quite the masterpiece it's being heralded as imo.

I'm sure it will predictably win countless awards. FX. Couple of actors performances.

The script shouldn't though imo.

The ending felt totally rushed and zero resistance felt, no tension. Far too easy and brief a victory imo. Could have done with at least another half hour to really feel them gaining ground and getting ever closer to the Emperor. But no........they were there at the doors in a heartbeat which I was surprised by. Missed opportunity to build tension, suspense and bring great performances from the cast especially Walken is wasted here. (More on that later)

Feyd actor wasn't great and looked like a cross between Matt Lucas (Little Britain) and the Engineers from Prometheus 😁and his 'Birthday' scene in the arena seemed pointless and badly executed.

Batista's lack of acting abilities showed in this to the point he just shouted all his dialogue and hoped for the best.

Christopher Walken seemed wasted and was never really allowed to embrace the role with the little screen time he had. Didn't come across as Emperor at all. No grandeur at all. This is the Emperor of the Universe !!?

Anyone elsenspot the almost Monty Python Life of Brian moment. "Only the true Messiah would deny he is the Messiah" (or words there abouts) nearly had us shouting out "He's not the Messiah he's a really naughty boy!" Ha ha. 😂😂

Again. Well worth the watch though. The religious nods to real life from the book, the jihad, the politics are there although most is skirted over as it wouldn't make quite an exciting film. It's more style over substance. Visually nice yet not hugely engaging intellectually.

The designs for the spaceships seemed a little bland also, no real style or identity for each 'House'. At least Lynch film had some well thought out difference in the look of each houses palace and ships etc.

Bland. Especially after seeing what H R Giger had designed for the Harkonen style (for a film that sadly never got made many years ago). Oh how incredible that would have been If only it had happened. 😢🖤

Nownif only we could see Lynch's first 14hr cut. Ha ha. Love to see what treasure we're inside that version.

Bring on pt3. I'll still watch. It will be popular. But they tooling themselves with all thebgushing about masterpiece.
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