Love you Fiona!
20 February 2024
My hat's off to Brando Lee and team! Fiona Dourif is one of my new heroes! I secretly hope for at least one sequel with Fiona's character (Jules), as a troubled medium who travels around Asia helping folks with paranormal problems with the aid of local Buddhist monks!

Well, it could happen!

This movie had everything I deem necessary for its genre. I daresay even a bit on the brutal side for my taste, but it comes with the territory when you're a horror movie buff.

Covering Jules' past, present, and future, Lee took this story a lot of places, with a successful degree of unpredictability. What would otherwise have been a fairly simple plot, a number of complexities arise, which was very satisfying to watch.

As a practicing Buddhist, I enjoy watching what directors do with the storyline when injecting Buddhist elements, even if they aren't necessarily true to life. This turned out to be an important dimension to the film.

Great acting skill from the three female cast members in particular.

Really fun movie!
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