Off to a slow start, but the movie delivers
1 February 2024
I was prepared to dislike this movie - I hate Internet pranksters, and had a really hard time relating either to someone who would make their living that way OR someone who would marry someone who made their living that way - aka the two main characters.

However, I stuck it out and I was very glad I did. After the movie's sluggish, obligatory scenes that tell us who the characters are and what their motivations are, the movie picks up steam, swerving into delightfully what-the-f territory that escalates quickly and very satisfyingly. The effects are great, and the shocks and scares deliver. You really start to care more about the characters, which makes what is happening all the more horrifying. Add in a great ending and it's a recipe for success. (And stick around for a quick mid-credits scene that gives just a little more insight into why things unfolded the way they did.)
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