21 January 2024
Imagine the hubris of these film makers who invented an imaginary meeting and imaginary dialogue to do a film about Freud, whose life was so interesting imaginary nonsense is not needed. Think "Freud" with Montgomery Cliff or "A Dangerous Method."

Put aside the nonsense, how good is the film? Not very. Editing and continuity are pedestrian and music is not helpful. Direction is poor, at best. What's most disturbing is that the acting is awful. Everyone is doing a poor job! "Oh no," you think. "I heard Anthony Hopkins was wonderful." You heard wrong. Well, not wrong, but misguided. Hopkins plays a jolly old fat German man who speaks excellent English and is plastered on liquor and morphine. Freud was neither fat nor jolly. Hopkins performance is wonderful if you forget that he is playing Freud. As Freud he is awful.

If that's not enough to convince you this film is trash, think of who Freud was in 1939. His eros and libido theories had been wacked over the head by WW 1 and thanatos (death drive) was more on his mind, so that with the impending WW 2 all the dialogue in this film is woefully outdated.
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