Saltburn Star Still Hot as Baddy
19 January 2024
Loved this jem and hope more find this delight! I love seeing old timers stories make it to the silverscreen. The only critism I have is the choice for the young girl's hair (outside the rock & roll dance) should of really went more authentic (no young woman/woman) wouldn't of had her hair not teased, tight curls, or a crew cut. I get it tho, budget. Still, any older woman could of shown the direction pictures of the beehives, pin curls, flips that were a must. Makeup was heavy eyeliner that would of been washed away before coming home. It would of been a good way to show how we all deceive to get what we want. I know a guy like drifter and he needs to go back to jail! But I'm also a kind soul who gives second chances, so this is good to shoe how bad things happen to good people, how Stalkholmn (sp) Syndrome happens, and the beginning was a brilliant twist! Very good!
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