American ( A+ Movie) My Ratings 10/10
14 January 2024
The film is very divisive. Beyond the politics stuff that the other talked about, it's the kind of movie one loves or hates.

The movie is Hitchcockian, in the sense that it sets up multiple « bombs » throughout and keeps the viewer on edge by constantly reminding you of these bombs, while detonating some at key moments to alleviate the tension before setting up bigger ones. You are never comfortable during the entire movie. The strange ominous shots and the sometimes infuriating characters contribute to keeping the stress of the audience high and the anticipation is sometimes painful. It's a masterwork of pure tension.

Except that if you don't pick up on the setups for one reason or another, you are not worried and thus it's just a very boring 2h, because all the times the movies takes it slow to let the dread build are now just slow.

Another factor is that the end of the movie is voluntarily underwhelming. Not unfulfilling because every major question is answered and every character arc ends logically but because it is realistic, and answers in reality are often not that satisfying, the answers here aren't either.

It is one of my favorite movie of the year but if you were not in the good mindset watching it or it didn't grab you, you are going to have a bad time and hate it.
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