Outrageous and Diabolical Miscarriage of British Justice
5 January 2024
I was aghast watching this riveting but desperately sad depiction of true events that befell and still befalls over 3,500 subpostmasters in Britain from 2001 to date.

Superb performances from Toby Jones, Julie Hesmondhalgh, Will Mellor and Katherine Kelly but to name all who brought this drama series to life. Thank You.

My deepest sympathies and condolences to all who suffered and continue to suffer at the hands of an unquestionably evil British Post Office - and by extension, British government past and present - who treated and continue to treat some 3,500 people, their families and wider society with outrageous disdain, cruelty and pure evil. Shame on all those lawyers who sacrificed their souls by an egregious contempt of integrity, decency and honesty by hiding behind that of which is called law and justice, which to date, is no law or justice whatsoever.

Particular mention should be made of Paula Vannells, the former CEO of The Post Office, who acted dispicably and reprehensibly in never accepting any wrongdoing on the part of the Post Office, or her role as CEO. That the book was not thrown at her is an affront not just to that of law and justice themselves, but to the moral and ethical fabric of society itself. That she was 'out of her depth' is no shape or form a defence of her evil actions. She epitomises what is wrong with SO MANY so-called leaders in society today, be they in business, politics, sport, religious or charities. She is a poison that continues to poison and her role as a part-time priest is beyond nauseating.

I wept a number of times throughout this outstanding TV production and urge all to fight with all their breadth wherever and whenever injustice reigns. Because if you don't, you will allow people of the ilk of Paula Vannells and her cohorts, to continue to reign contempt and evil on all who never ever deserved such injustice against them...
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