Typical Documentary Preconceptions & Biases
3 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
While I found the subject material of this docu-series to be quite interesting, it unfortunately suffers from the typical shortcomings, preconceptions & blatant biases that have plagued & become synonymous with Hollywood, the news media, & much of the entertainment industry.

The main intent of a documentary should be to inform its viewers as much as possible on the topic of choosing, while hopefully entertaining them in the process. Yet far too many of these filmmakers fail to learn from the mistakes of their predecessors; by prioritizing shock/awe & injecting their own personal biases, at the detriment of remaining authentic & impartial.

Note: subtle spoilers below. While I'll refrain from sharing too many details, here are just some of the more glaring omissions & oversights from the docu-series that I felt effected its credibility & intent at remaining neutral like it should...

  • No real attention given to the possibility (and likelihood) that medication related to the boy's dental visit might have caused the seizure, stroke or epileptic attack his girlfriend reported.

  • No evidence or findings were presented relating to whether or not hypnosis can actually cause a delayed hypnotic response.

  • No interview with the dental office itself or coroner etc to see which medication was given & if an autopsy looked for dental related meds in his system, or if it's possible those meds wouldn't even show up at all.

  • No toxicology report presented for the first death, & no interviews with investigators regarding the suicides.

  • Complete dismissal of potential non hypnosis related causation of deaths (ex: breakup, teenage depression, failed SAT, bullying, etc), or how thousands of kids kill themselves each year.

  • No follow up or digging deep on the bullying messages or breakup (outside of just asking a friend).

  • No in depth discussion with specialists, police department officials, crime scene investigators or medical professionals regarding the circumstances of the deaths.

  • Only one certified hypnotist was used & questioned as the authority on the topic & on the possibility that hypnotism could have played a roll in the deaths.

The temptation of writers & producers to pander to a particular narrative is certainly understandable, though if you're incapable of doing so, & are too lazy to do actual research before basically depicting someone as an accomplice to murder, then you might want to reconsider your profession & get a job at CNN where being a propagandist & slanderer is a prerequisite.
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