One for the 420 n slasher chillers
29 December 2023
Look this one is getting a fairly high score from me as it ticks all the retro slasher geek boxes for a lazy n hazy watch. It's a niche score for a niche group of viewers.

Let's just check that list -

Definitely in the 1980's Small town America retro streets n shops Based around a holiday / event Loose revenge plot for the killer Flash of boobs The clothes still definitely making sure it's 80's Guys in short shorts Sexual harassment just seen as everyday life Novel signature killing habit The ending after the ending that's just a dream The off screened to death death No matter how you're killed you will bleed out your mouth

Yup it's all there.

On top that we have the funkiest opening song in horror, an outrageous bit of slapstick to finish off our killer and gays you're gonna loooove the girls giggling around the piano.

The editing is all over the place, but in a good way, if you love a montage and they throw in some weird shots, so a visual mess, but great if you've had a little "smoke" before hand.

Overall it's one of the better ones of the worse ones from the slasher boom. There's a few actual good bits, it's away from your usual slumber party / summer camp and the bad bits are what makes it good.
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