Nostalgia and reality, America V Paris
24 December 2023
An absolutely gorgeous film that's been given a really pleasing Blu-ray transfer. The picture is lovely, full of depth, colour and clarity, Paris looks incredible. Owen Wilson did a good job in the film. It's a typical Woody Allen story about a wealthy cultured protagonist questioning his life and what he really wants. The screenplay and dialogue is all quite funny and I thought all the casting was spot on. I didn't really see what was so bad about present day Paris but I suppose that's the point, all of us have a distorted view of the past and present. It's quite a sad film in some ways but the way it's portrayed is with lots of humour. This is one of those films where everyone dresses really well and look great.

A trip to Pars for most tourists involves walking around in shorts, t-shirts, sunglasses, a hat with a ruck sack on your back and a bottle of water in your hand. Not so here though.... Owen Wilson's character seems in no hurry to do anything, he seems free to just do as he pleases. Okay for some.....
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