Squeaking Animals
20 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
"Zeus &" Roxanne" is about a Dog and a Dolphin who fall in love, and it's bogus where a scraggly dog carries on conversations with Flipper. There is somewhat of a plot with the dog, but it dissolves into everything we expect, including a stupid villain and the two main leads falling in love. There is nothing new here, and this does nothing for Guttenburg to revive his career.

Steve Guttenberg is Terry Barnett, who lives in a beach house with his son Jordan (Miko Huges,) and Jordan is Zeus's owner. It opens with the dog running on a pier, and he and the Dolphin, Roxanne, squeak at each other. The dog seems to escape every morning. Kathleen Quailin is Mary Beth, a marine biologist studying Roxanne. She lives with her two troubled daughters across the street from Terry. How convenient!

Zeus decides to chase Mary Beth's cat, and tornados through her house. Viola! Terry and Mary Beth met. She is a stuck-up mom, buried in her work, and her two daughters skip school and fight with each other. Etc. There is a scene where they fight over a TV remote, and if it's supposed to be funny, it's not. Jordan is a quiet kid who likes to outfit Zeus, who takes being used as a prop like a champion.

Zeus gets the bright idea to follow Mary Beth and stows upon her boat. Mary Beth depsies the dog and finds him when his paws hang over the window. Early, he burps up burritos that he scarfed down earlier and gives himself away. Burp jokes to make kids laugh. She witnesses Zeus and Roxanne squeaking "inter-species communication" and believes she has found a discovery, needing grant money, she sees the opportunity with her co-worker, Becky (Dawn McMillan.)

Mary Beth's daughters realize Terry likes their mother and convert with Jordan to get them together. Of course, Terry finds inspiration for his music, and Mary Beth becomes less Crabby. She asks Terry out on a date, and they spend the night at a beach resort where the kiss is so awkward it's scary. There is no chemistry between them, and comes off as unsettling.

The villain is Claude (Arnold Vosloo,) who works in Mary Beth's research center, whatever it is. He becomes upset because he thinks Mary Beth is trying to steal the grand money, so he can't continue his research. Why anyone would work for this idiot is a question mark. He's a creep, weirdly drawn to Mary Beth and makes random house calls to try and get information as if she doesn't know that. He discovers her "inner species communication" with Zeus and Roxanne and wants to be a part of it, so he attempts to charm his way to Mary Beth, but any decent woman would have him hauled away.

I can't believe this. The writer Tom Benedek actually writes this. Jordan and Terry move into Mary Beth's house, and Terry sees something that causes him to re-think staying in the beach house, at the end of the summer, and it causes the Dolphin and the Dog distress. You can't get any more stupid than this. It's absurd.

There is no believable interaction between Zeus and Roxanne. They are just props for the real story, which is Mary Beth trying to study her research and Claude attempting to steal it. Of course, he does, and even that flatlines because we know what will happen to him. He intends to use the dog to bait the Dolphin so he can capture her, and he's even too stupid to pull that off. They have to add that slapstick of Claude getting tossed in the water by the Dolphin.

Claude tells Mary Beth that Roxanne is caught in illegal fishing nets, and she decideds to go find her. She can't see he's an idiot and lying? She creeps her out throughout the movie, but I guess not. She gets trapped in a submersible when the propellor gets caught in a fishing net. She stupidly opens the main hatch underwater, and the sub starts flooding. There is a small sense of danger here, but this will scare the hell out of kids, but we know she will make it out.

"Zeus and Roxanne is garbage. There is nothing real here, and everyone is cardboard. The story is flat and ridiculous, and kids will be bored because nothing happens between the animals, and it means nothing. They are there for kids to look at and they are not interesting enough to care about or sustain attention.

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