This country's answer to Fox News minus the insanity
29 November 2023
While I do especially commend Good Morning Britain for having the courage to invite corrupt politicians onto their show (and particularly chiefly those who currently serve in the true dumpster fire of a Tory government we have running this once great country into the ground) and hold said corrupt politicians to account for their despicable actions as well as their woeful and disastrous policies, I am not at all a huge fan of anything else that this programme stands for these days (not even during the Piers Morgan years).

While I may not have disagreed with a huge majority of Piers Morgan's views and opinions when he was on the show (particularly when it comes to his unfounded hatred for Meghan Markle and his inexplicably abominable support for Trump), I at least loved the moments where he wasn't afraid to lay into and completely demolish the corrupt officials in charge for doing such a horrible job running the very country they're supposedly elected to serve (particularly especially during the COVID-19 pandemic) and even some of the extreme right-wing lunatics like Tommy Robinson for their disgusting, xenophobic views that very rightly have no place in a civilised society or debate.

In conclusion, the only perfect way I can truly describe Good Morning Britain is that it is essentially this country's answer to Fox News or GB News minus the insanity and especially minus the conspiracy theories.

My overall rating for Good Morning Britain: 2/10.
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