SO symptomatic of Hallmark's current Christmas movie offerings
11 November 2023
This badly plotted/written and lamely acted movie is SO symptomatic of Hallmark's current Christmas movie offerings, being not just utterly predictable (okay, they always have been!) but also totally lacking in fun and the sparkle of the season. Everything these days has to be so serious, with flawed leading characters grappling with problems which are then solved simplistically in the last five minutes after the most contrived of crises.

Whatever happened to a good, simple story told without resorting to in-your-face moralising and cheesy philosophy of life quips? When did humor and a light touch get completely thrown out the window? To see what I'm getting at, watch the 2008 film "The Most Wonderful Time of the Year" with Henry Winkler. That is what Hallmark did back in the early days, i.e. Great straightforward tales told with wit, nothing too heavy and a touch of Christmas magic.
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